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      HistoryPhoeniciansCarthage (History)Dido and Aeneas
Novum Testamentum 60 (2018): 1–13.
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      ReligionClassicsNew TestamentEarly Christianity
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureAugustan Poetry
This discussion outlines the poetical features of style and narrative technique which contribute to Virgil's psychological characterisation and considers the role of audience response - in terms of reception, intertextuality and ideology... more
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      Literary CriticismNarratologyPoeticsLiterary Theory
Il presente volume offre uno dei possibili itinerari di riscoperta della figura di Didone - dalle riscritture tardoantiche degli autori latini di area africana (Apuleio, Draconzio, gli autori della "Anthologia Latina") ad una curiosa... more
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      Classical MythologyLate Antique Latin PoetryBaroque LiteratureDido and Aeneas
In this essay on Virgil's Aeneid, I explore the role of memory and historical consciousness as the basis for the general formation of the epic and the outcome of the interpersonal events between Aeneas and Dido, and Aeneas and Turnus.... more
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      Roman HistoryVergilAeneidEpic poetry
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      Classical Reception StudiesClassical MythologyDidoAndrea Mantegna
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      The Reception of VergilDeutsche Literatur des MittelaltersDido and Aeneas
En el libro IV de Eneida se desarrolla la trágica relación amorosa de Dido y Eneas. Ella, consumida por las llamas del amor, decide quitarse la vida con la espada de Eneas que él le había obsequiado. Esta figura femenina, construida por... more
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      Latin LiteratureAeneidAncient magicDido and Aeneas
Didone, esule regina fenicia, fonda Cartagine, accoglie Enea, profugo da Troia, se ne innamora follemente e, abbandonata, si toglie la vita per aver tradito la fedeltà alla memoria del marito Sicheo. Questa è la storia che racconta... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyMythology
Within operatic translation, three translation forms can be distinguished: libretto translation, surtitling and singing translation (intended for performance, often referred to as vocal translation) (Desblache 2004). In this paper, I will... more
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      Translation StudiesOperaDido and Aeneas
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      Italian LiteratureAeneidItalian Renaissance literatureDante Alighieri
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يتناول هذا البحث أسطورة آينياس في ملحمة "الإنيادة" بما لها من دلالات مع إيضاح الاتجاهات النقدية الحديثة في دراستها
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      MythologyClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman History
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      SenecaVirgilDido and AeneasPoetic Quotation
Il volume offre un compendio ragionato intorno alle principali questioni e agli studi critici relativi alle 'imagines' di Didone, ovvero alle diverse ‘storie’ del personaggio che, nei secoli successivi a Virgilio, sono state variamente... more
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      Latin LiteratureClassical MythologyLate Antique Latin PoetryEarly Christian Literature
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      AeneidDido and AeneasVirgil's Aeneid
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      AeneidJoseph BrodskyMedieval RomanceDido
This paper focuses on the two similes that frame Dido’s story in the Aeneid, the former comparing her to Diana who overtops all the nymphs surrounding her (1, 498-502), the latter to the Moon only dimly visible among the clouds (6, 453-... more
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      VirgilDido and AeneasVirgil's Aeneid
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      OperaMelodramaMedeaLibretto studies
Il mondo cosi come lo dovrebbe aver vissuto Enea
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      VeneticAeneidAncient RomeDido and Aeneas
The epochal changes in the rediscovery of the Ancient are also refl ected at the local level by monuments and sites. The cultural rediscovery of the territory of Albano owes much to the continuity given by the study of classical texts. In... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageHeritage StudiesCultural Tourism
Published version available here:... more
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      Latin LiteratureVergilAeneidOvid
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      French LiteratureGender StudiesPolitics17th-Century Studies
Abstract – These pages intend to contribute to the debate on the theme of the Symposium by an approach that is a part of the panel entitled ‘Representations’. This involves a thorough examination of the stories about the foundation of... more
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      Carthage (History)Phoenician and Punic StudiesDido and Aeneas
Lexington Books/Fortress Academic Press, 2020.
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      ReligionClassicsNew TestamentEarly Christianity
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureAugustan PoetryPhoenicians
In P. Mitsis and I. Ziogas, edd., Wordplay and Powerplay in Latin Poetry = Trends in Classics 36 (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter), pp. 87-105. Festschrift for Fred Ahl.
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      World LiteraturesClassicsLatin LiteratureAugustan Poetry
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      Roman Wall PaintingDido and AeneasLaomedonPompeian Second Style
This essay identifies a pervasive vein of compound, critical imitation in Dido, Queen of Carthage as the foundation for its theatrical parody. The play assumes and exploits audience familiarity with both Virgil’s and Ovid’s poetic... more
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      VergilAeneidDido and AeneasVirgil's Aeneid
The purpose of my paper is to illustrate the different female typologies which feature in the theatre of the mime of the Late Roman Republic, and especially in the plays of the famous mimographer Decimus Laberius, as these are exemplified... more
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      Gender StudiesRoman HistoryVergilGender and Sexuality Studies
Resumen: En este estudio realizamos un estado de la cuestión de las diferentes interpretaciones de la Dido virgiliana para luego relacionarlas con cómo el mito se fue reescribiendo en las distintas épocas de la literatura española, dando... more
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      MitologyLiteratura españolaMitologiaDido and Aeneas
In Verg. Aen. 4, 415 I propose to link frustra with moritura and to take moritura as an appositive participle expressing Dido’s purpose, as considered from the narrator’s point of view (‘sympathy’): she is «vainly ready to die». I discuss... more
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      Latin LiteratureIntertextualityStatius (Classics)Aeneid
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      Gender StudiesGenderIntertextualityWomen and Madness
The aim of this paper is to analyse the elegiac framework of Epigr. Bob. 45, a fascinating epigram in the collection of the Epigrammata Bobiensia, which may be briefly described as “Dido’s palinode”, and in which the Carthaginian queen... more
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      Late AntiquityVergilOvidPropertius
Here's a paper I delivered at the SSCM (Society for Seventeenth Century Music) conference in New York in April 2012 (an amazing conference with generous and positive participants and presenters). The paper argues for a new idea in the... more
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      HistoryMusicOperaHenry Purcell
From the tenth through the twelfth centuries some manuscripts containing Virgil's poems contain the musical notation known as neumes. Thereafter such notation of Virgil apparently ceases for centuries. The neumes (and singing) may have... more
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      Speech ProsodyPoetryMedieval Latin LiteratureLove
In un commento di Servio all’Eneide (IV, v. 36), la regina fenicia Didone, mitica fondatrice di Cartagine e uno dei personaggi iconici dell’immaginario collettivo occidentale per merito dell’Eneide di Virgilio, è definita come virago,... more
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      Roman numismatics and archaeologyDido and AeneasDidone
RESUMEN El mito de Dido y Eneas es conocido, entre otros aspectos, por las distintas pasiones que desata el anuncio del troyano con respecto a su partida de Cartago. Las pasiones de este episodio se han analizado, principalmente, en la... more
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      OvidHeroidesElegyOvid (Classics)
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      Russian LiteratureLatin LiteratureMythsVirgil
The myth of Aeneas lends itself to various uses in the cultural production of Greek and Roman antiquity. From the epic of the family, expanded to become a collective myth after his arrival in Lazio, to the description of human psychology... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureRoman History
La campaña de Carlos V contra Túnez tuvo una organización publicitaria y unos resultados en la proyección de la imagen imperial que han sido considerados fundamentales en la evolución de la propaganda posterior del reinado. A través de... more
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      PropagandaRomancesMitologyGarcilaso De La Vega
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At Aen. 4.65-66, heu, uatum ignarae mentes! quid uota furentem, / quid delubra iuuant? Vergil reproaches the seers for being ignorant of the power of Dido's love: religious practices are not useful to her for deciding the course of her... more
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      AeneidVirgilExegesisDido and Aeneas
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      Theatre StudiesRenaissance dramaItalian Renaissance literatureReception of Greek tragedy
Our 2020 Symposium Peregrimun was postponed due to covid, like so many other conferences. When we realized that 2021 was not feasible, we initially delayed the conference until 2022. However, because we wanted to see each other and... more
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      ClassicsRoman HistoryAlexander the GreatSeleucid Empire