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《老子河上公章句》是老学史上最重要的文本之一,其中的思想不仅是解老的经典,也是东汉道家思想的代表。透彻理解《河上注》这一东汉道家思想的代表作,对道家道教史研究有重要意义,对整个中国哲学史也富有参考价值。本文章说明河上公思想对“自然”概念的重要观点。“自然”是道家思想的最重要概念之一,但当代学者对“自然”的理解过于狭隘,强调“自然”是理性的、入世的和非迷信的,认为“自然”是“自发”的和无确定标准的。这恰恰与《河上注》的“自然”观相反,河上公的“自然”有超越性,是一种永恒不变的原... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyDaoismTranscendenceDaodejing, Zhuangzi
Daoism has always been known for its rites and traditions but what symbolized it in ancient China? Laozi was a priest or a philosopher? In this paper we'll try to discover it.
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      Chinese PhilosophyDaoist PhilosophyLieziChinese Studies
In the study of Chinese thought, the products of the Han dynasty have historically been identified as those most antithetical to Western rationalism. In many of these narratives, the commentarial tradition and systems of complementary yin... more
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      Daoist PhilosophyDaoismSinologyHan Dynasty
Wherein I explore the narrative of wildness and civilization from a monistic perspective, assisted by the Taoist sage Chuang-Tzu.
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      Daoist PhilosophyZhuangziDaoismDao De Jing
學術界一向把老子之自然哲學視作形上學和形容道為「形上實存」。「形上實存」指存在於時間空間以外,英文稱作transcendent。現代科學表明,實在不局限於經驗界,但科學之超經驗層級存在於時空以內。現代科學哲學中之科學實在論稱「感察不到但實存於時空以內」作unobservable。老子之道正符合unobservable之理解,而不屬於違反現代科學精神之transcendent。廣義上,把老子之自然哲學視作形上學並無不可,但有欠精準,因為道指涉unobservable,而unob... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyDaoist PhilosophyZhuangziChinese Studies
西方學者的道家與道教研究起於十九世紀後半,當時大部分的功勞是翻譯[道德經]與[莊子]兩書。二十世紀初[正統道藏]問世後,學者不斷地鑽研不同的經典,保括[南華真經]的不同版本。二十世紀初到現在出現各種各樣的翻譯版本。西方學者的研究傾向於解說與分析[莊子]故事的寓意及其道德觀。明朝的注疏者程以寧,以內丹學解說[莊子]的短文,且證明[周易]所奠定的理論有著密切關聯。作者提出,翻譯[莊子]此類的書,得加上註解才能仔細地解釋文字隱涵之意,否則讀者難以深入理解。 In the... more
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      ZhuangziDaoismTranslation from ChineseDaodejing, Zhuangzi
The Laozi is the most translated work in history excluding the Bible; however, until recently no one comprehensively recorded or analyzed the totality of this global translation phenomenon. The Chinese scholar Ding Wei once worked on a... more
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      Daoist PhilosophyTranslation StudiesDaoismSinology
This essay, or rather collection of essays, draws together three distinct streams of thought, time and space into a single river of understanding concerning labor, leisure, human-nature relations, city and town planning and human... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Philology
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesDaoismPoetry
A bibliography of Laozi Daodejing translations that includes 1575 entries in 72 languages《老子道德经》,也称《老子》《道德经》《道德真经》《五千言》,是《圣经》以外译本最多的经典。它是中国文化走向世界的经典现象,但完整的译本目录尚未出现。本总目正是以此而发,它共计72种语言1575种译本,是国际汉学、思想史、诠释学、文化间哲学、翻译学、语言学等学术领域的宝贵资料。
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      Intellectual HistoryChinese PhilosophyTranslation StudiesDaoism
PhD Thesis The subject of this dissertation is the connection of the literary work of Ursula K. Le Guin with the Daoist worldview and ancient Chinese philosophy in general. Through a thorough analysis of the contents and structure of... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyDaoist PhilosophyZhuangziDaoism
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      DaoismDaodejing, Zhuangzi
This paper explores the compatibility between the Daoist art of emptying one's heart-mind (which is the key element of the identity of a Daoist sage) and the art of creating close relationships. The fact that a Daoist sage is... more
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      PhilosophyDaoist PhilosophyZhuangziDaoism
One of the unique attributes of the Chinese philosophical tradition is its lack of focus on what we would call in the West “theological” concerns, i.e. issues related to how the universe was created (cosmology) and what divine forces if... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyDaoismConfucian PhilosophyI Ching
本文第一章旨在介紹唐玄宗《道德真經》注疏之背景,主要分為「宗教政策背景」及「思想背景」兩大部分。於「宗教政策背景」方面,本文除述及初唐至玄宗時期的宗教政策之外,亦就玄宗前後期之崇道變化作一闡述。於「思想背景」方面,則介紹了作為唐初老學主流之「重玄學」、唐初通行的《老子》版本――河上公注本,以及此二者與唐玄宗《道德真經》注疏有關之特點。... more
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      DaoismLaoziDaodejing, ZhuangziTang xuanzong
this article endeavours to detect and decipher the multiple ritual allusions in the Daodejing. It has discovered many of those, based in particular on the archaic virtues and titles of the archaic Zhou kings.
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      Philosophy Of ReligionRitualSacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Ritual Theory
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      DaoismPolitical EcologyAnarchismAnarchist Studies
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophyPaul RicoeurTwentieth-Century and Contemporary Poetry
Essai sur le propos bref dans la pensée chinoise (Confucius et Lao-tseu)
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricLiterary StylisticsFragments and Aphorisms
slightly different version of study on "mother" in the Laozi manuscripts, published in Chinese
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      Early ChinaLaoziDaodejing, Zhuangzi
A La Terre Institute weekend program in the woods. Time is divided between discussion of the text of the Daodejing, and periods of walking, reflection, and meditation.
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEnvironmental PhilosophyHumanities
Testo dell'intervento tenuto nell'ambito del convegno "Dimensioni filosofiche e storiche dell'interculturalità", svoltosi presso l'Accademia Pontaniana di Napoli nei giorni 13 e 14 novembre 2013. Il testo è pubblicato in Dimensioni... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsMartin HeideggerInterCultural Studies
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      ReligionSocial TheoryPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
This article analyzes some evolutions of the Laozi, taking in account Mawangdui, Guodian and the Han version published by Pekin University. The themes of the study are: the transformation of ritual data within the philosophical discourse... more
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      Daodejing, ZhuangziExcavated Textstransformation of ritual data in philosophical texts geographic characteristics of ancient texts
Dualitatea si Nondualitatea Yin 陰[阴] si Yang 陽[阳]
Duality and Non-Duality of Yin 陰[阴] & Yang 陽[阳]
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      ZhuangziLieziWave Structure InteractionVedanta and Nondualism
"This paper inquires the concepts of “emptying” and “filling” in the Daodejing. After a general theoretical introduction to some essential features of ancient Chinese thinking, the author discusses this theme, interpreting some of the... more
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      ReligionChinese PhilosophyDaoismChinese Religions
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      LaoziDaodejing, Zhuangzi
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      BuddhismComparative PhilosophyZhuangziEvolution of Consciousness
This is a close reading of the Daode jing that tries to understand the artful intersubjectivity at work in the form and content of the text, with special attention given to the tropes of simplicity, innocence, and nature.
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      Daoist PhilosophyDaoismDaodejing, Zhuangzi