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This short paper referring to a charter dated 1504 draws attention to the fact, that the son of King Matthias, John Corvinus had also a son called Matthias. This is the only source that mentions his existence. Prince Matthias was born to... more
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      Medieval HungaryCorvinus FamilyHunyadi family
The present study examines the internal political situation of the Kingdom of Hungary between 1493 and 1496 through the example of a conflict opposing the two most powerful magnates of the realm, palatine István Szapolyai, count of... more
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      Medieval HungaryJagielloniansCorvinus FamilyWladislaus II
The study presents the county authorities of Hunedoara (Hungarian: Hunyad) county from the beginning of the 14th century until 1526. In each of the seven counties of the medieval Transylvania county authorities were composed of the comes... more
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      TransylvaniaMedieval CountiesHunedoara (Hunyad) CountyComes
The Birthplace of King Matthias, in Matthias and his Legacy. Cultural and Political Encounters between East and West, eds. A. Bárány, A. Györkös, Debrecen, 2009, p. 445-452.
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      Medieval HistoryMatthias CorvinusTransylvania as a Tourist DestinationHistory of Transylvania