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REVISED AND UPDATED 2023. At the end of the 17th century Nicolas Hugon des Demaines of Granville achieved success as a corsair captain with the support and financial backing of his five brothers. With the wealth arising out of his... more
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      18th-Century FranceCorsairsPrivateers18th Century French Louisiana
"Her Imperial Majesty's Squadron Commander in the Mediterranean" - materials for an account of Maltese corsair Captain Guglielmo Lorenzi's life. Captain Guglielmo Lorenzi cuts one of the most prominent figures Mediterranean corsairs of... more
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      CorsairsCatherine the Greatистория России XVIII в.Russian Navy
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      Maritime HistoryNaval HistoryCorsairsPrivateering
This article examines the impact of the Continental Blockade upon a local fishing and agricultural economy in the Mediterranean by focusing on the illicit trades that flourished on Stromboli. The island became a strategic location for... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMaritime HistoryLabour historySicily (History)
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      Maritime HistoryHistory of the MediterraneanCorsairsHospitallers
Résumé: “Les gens se ressemblent.” Melchor Megeçi ou Hamete Çamar; une vie entre les deux rives (1544-1591) L’étude d’un complexe procès inquisitorial pose le problème de l’identification des personnes à l’Époque Moderne. Un corsaire de... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMoriscosCorsairsThe Spanish Inquisition
This thesis was prepared in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Britons began regularly voyaging to Morocco, or West Barbary as it was commonly known, from the early 1550s, and within a few decades... more
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      Cultural StudiesBritish HistoryMediterranean StudiesBritish Empire
Barbaros Hayreddin, Mağrip kıyılarındaki korsanlık günlerinden itibaren Akdeniz’de gösterdiği başarılarla dikkatleri üzerine çekti. Farklı milletlerden birçok denizci Cezayir’e gelerek ona katıldı ve böylece Barbaros’un emri altında... more
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      Korsanlar ve Magrib OcaklariCorsairsMediterranean and North AfricaAkdeniz Dünyası
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      Maritime HistoryNaval HistoryDutch West India CompanyCorsairs
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      ReligionOttoman EmpireCorsairsSea Battles
En mayo de 1550 el corsario turco Dragut, al frente de una escuadra de veinticinco naves, asaltó la villa de Cullera, en la costa del reino de Valencia, sorprendiendo las defensas terrestres y navales del imperio de Carlos V. Para ello,... more
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      Military HistoryMaritime HistoryOttoman EmpireCorsairs
El llibre descriu les característiques i els principals episodis del cors magribí que assolà les costes catalanes durant els segles XVI-XVIII, i els esforços per a la construcció i el manteniment de les defenses. També fa un ampli... more
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      History of the MediterraneanCorsairsPiratesMonarquía Hispánica
Barbaresques, boucaniers, flibustiers, guerres de course, abordages, razzias, butins, partages de prises, chasses au trésor, canonnades… Corsaires et pirates jalonnent de leurs exploits la vie maritime et peuplent notre imaginaire. Voici... more
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      Maritime HistoryNaval WarfareNaval HistoryHistory of Piracy
Istorijski tokovi na području Boke i Primorja
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      Military HistoryCultural HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
This thesis was prepared in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Britons began regularly voyaging to Morocco, or West Barbary as it was commonly known, from the early 1550s, and within a few decades... more
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      Cultural StudiesBritish HistoryMediterranean StudiesBritish Empire
Uno sradicamento tipico - di massa; a volte in simultanea, più spesso per stillicidio - sulle coste siciliane e dell'ltalia meridionale è rappresentato dalla cattura di abitanti da parte dei corsari turchi e barbareschi. Nella storia di... more
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      Mediterranean StudiesMigration StudiesCorsairsStoria Isole Lipari
La mayor parte de este volumen lo constituye el proceso judicial promovido por Manuel de la Trinidad Rodríguez Felipe, el presunto hijo cubano de Amaro Rodríguez Felipe, de acuerdo con el amplio expediente que se custodia en el Archivo... more
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      CorsairsHistory of the Canary IslandsCORSARIOSCorsairing
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      CorsairsPiratesChristopher ColumbusVicente Yañez Pinzón
Sixteenth-century North Africa, the "Forgotten Frontier" between two rival empires, the Habsburgs and the Ottomans, came into the latter's orbit with the incorporation of the North African corsairs into the Ottoman empire. The employment... more
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      European HistoryOttoman HistoryMediterranean StudiesOttoman Studies
Con este volumen se inicia la publicación de una serie de libros sobre la vida del corsario tinerfeño Amaro Rodríguez Felipe (1678-1747), más conocido como Amaro Pargo. A través de una copiosa documentación proveniente de los archivos de... more
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      Naval HistoryXVIII centuryHistory of PiracyCorsairs
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      Diplomatic HistoryFrench HistoryMaritime HistoryNaval History
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      Portuguese HistoryMoroccan StudiesNaval HistoryEarly Modern Portuguese History
Abstract of this book in which I participated most of dutch privateer, french privateer in the 17th century
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      Maritime HistoryNaval HistoryHistory of PiracyCorsairs
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      Ottoman HistoryIntelligence and EspionageReligious Conversion and Converts in the Early Modern Mediterranean contextOttoman-Habsburg relations
Elinizde tuttuğunuz bu kitap 27-28 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde Bodrum, Turgutreis’te “I. Turgut Reis – Türk Denizcilik Tarihi” adı altında gerçekleştirilen sempozyumda yapılan konuşmaları ve verilen tebliğleri içermektedir. Turgut Reis ( Paşa )... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryMediterranean StudiesCorsairs
The article covers the history of the order of the Knights of Malta from the time when they lost the Island of Rhodes until they reached their new destination in the Maltese archipelago with a particular interest in slavery and the... more
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      CorsairsHospitallersthe Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of MaltaOrder of Malta
Osmanlı Devleti’nin XVI. yüzyılda dönemin süper gücü haline gelmesinde, Akdeniz’de Osmanlı hâkimiyetinin sağlanmış olmasının önemli yeri vardır. Bu hakimiyetin Eski Dünya’da genişlemesi ve korunmasında Barbaros kardeşlerin ve elbette... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryMaritime LawMediterranean Studies
Osmanlı Devleti’nin XVI. yüzyılda dönemin süper gücü haline gelmesinde, Akdeniz’de Osmanlı hâkimiyetinin sağlanmış olmasının önemli yeri vardır. Bu hakimiyetin Eski Dünya’da genişlemesi ve korunmasında Barbaros kardeşlerin ve elbette... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryMediterranean StudiesHistory of Piracy
A la suite de la parution du Dictionnaire sur les corsaires et les pirates ainsi que de l'Histoire des corsaires et des Pirates sous la direction de Philippe Hrodej et Gilbert Buti, en 2013 et en 2016, j'ai décidé de poursuivre le travail... more
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      Maritime HistoryBibliographyNaval WarfareNaval History
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      Ottoman HistoryMaritime HistoryNaval HistoryMediterranean Studies
En este segundo volumen de "Amaro Pargo. Documentos de una vida" ocupa un destacado protagonismo Amaro J. González de Mesa (1713-1778), un personaje fascinante, digno heredero de su tío Amaro Rodríguez Felipe. Se comentan aspectos... more
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      History of PiracyCorsairsPiracyHistory of the Canary Islands
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      Naval HistoryOttoman EmpireCorsairsMediterranean and North Africa
Este volumen contribuye a desvelar los primeros capítulos de una gran historia nueva: la de los corsarios canarios que destacaron en aguas de la Macaronesia y de América. El caso de Amaro Rodríguez Felipe no es único, ya que a su figura... more
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      History of PiracyCorsairsMaritime PiracyHistory of the Canary Islands
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryModern Italian HistoryMaritime History
La guerre de course française en Méditerranée est un sujet qui reste à découvrir. Cet article propose un début de synthèse sur ce point au temps de Louis XIV.
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      Maritime HistoryNaval WarfareNaval HistoryMediterranean Studies (Area Studies)
BARBAROS HAYREDDIN PAŞA’NIN TÜRBESİ ZEUS TAPINAĞI MI İDİ? Barbaros Hayrettin Paşa: mezar limanında tekrar dirilme gününe kadar demir atıp (lenger bırakup) yatar. sâhil-i bahr iken kapudan-ı ber olup liman-ı gûrda ilâ-yevmi’n-nüşûr... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesHistory of Ottoman Art and ArchitectureCorsairs
Con este volumen se inicia la publicación de una serie de libros sobre la vida del corsario tinerfeño Amaro Rodríguez Felipe (1678-1747), más conocido como Amaro Pargo. A través de una copiosa documentación proveniente de los archivos de... more
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      XVIII centuryHistory of PiracyCorsairsTenerife
Bu makalede Osmanlı korsanlığının, özellikle Türkçe literatürün küffara karşı yapılan basit bir din savaşına indirgediği bir gaza kavramı yerine, Akdeniz tarihinin genel ritimleri içerisinde ele almanın önemine dikkat çekmeye calıştım.... more
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      History of SlaveryHistory of PiracyEarly modern Ottoman HistoryHistory of the Mediterranean
1st issue of International Journal of Turkology Contents Turkology 012020.ID.0001 Mehmet Tütüncü: Cezayir Bekçisi Veli Dede (tr) 3-17 Barbaros Kardeşlerin Cezayir’e Çıkışlarının 500. Yılı Hatırasına Turkology.012020.ID0002... more
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of the MediterraneanCorsairsCharles V
This paper focuses on the first fifty years of a Neapolitan brotherhood, “Confraternita di Santa Maria del Gesù della Redenzione dei Cattivi”, while the Ottoman Empire reaches its apogee in the Mediterranean area. Especially, the... more
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      HistoryOttoman HistoryNorth Africa StudiesHistory of Slavery
Nel Cinquecento, lo spionaggio acquisisce formule e metodi diversi rispetto al passato e, grazie allo sviluppo della diplomazia e delle poste, che agevolano la trasmissione delle informazioni dimezzandone i tempi, i sovrani europei... more
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      Military IntelligenceOttoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHabsburg Studies
THE IMAGE OF THE OTTOMANS IN SPANISH GOLDEN AGE SOURCES (1580-1641) The Spanish and the Ottoman Empires relentlessly fought for the hegemony in the Mediterranean for almost a century. During this long-lasting conflict, the Ottomans... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMediterranean StudiesReligious ConversionMoriscos
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      Ottoman HistoryNorth Africa StudiesOttoman-Habsburg relationsHistory of the Mediterranean
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MALTESE ISLANDS AND the sea has been an ever-present constant throughout the centuries. Indeed this liquid boundary was, and to some extent still is, the major factor that shaped the islands' and the... more
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      Maritime HistoryRitualHistory of the MediterraneanCorsairs
Cervantes pasó un año en Italia, pero cinco en la ciudad de Argel. Aquellos años constituyen lo que Zamora Vicente describió como "un hecho primordial en la vida de Cervantes," que la divide "en dos mitades" (239). Se examinan los motivos... more
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      Early Modern CaptivityCorsairsMiguel de CervantesEarly Modern Captivity Narratives
XVI. yüzyılın önde gelen korsan kökenli Osmanlı denizcilerinden Turgut Reis'in derya gibi dalgalı ve maceralı hayat hikayesi, pek çok tarihi ve edebi çalışmaya konu olmuştur. Onun, "tarih yazılan" Osmanlı payitahtında değil, daha çok... more
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      Maritime HistoryMediterranean StudiesHistory of PiracyMediterranean
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      Middle East & North AfricaEarly Modern CaptivityCorsairsMediterranean and North Africa
COPYRIGHT: CC BY-NC-ND. This extended essay investigates the Ottoman corsairs (also known as Barbary corsairs or North African corsairs) and their impact on South-East England. Of particular interest are the English renegade privateers... more
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      British HistoryEnglish HistoryHistory of PiracyIslamic Studies
Akdeniz’de önemli bir korsan üssü olan Cezayir, Osmanlı Devleti’ne bağlı olmakla birlikte kendine özgü şartlar içinde Avrupalı devletlerle anlaşma yapma ya da savaş açma hakkına sahipti. Akdeniz ticaretinin 16. yüzyıl ortalarından... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMediterranean StudiesCorsairsAlgeria
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      CorsairsHistoria SocialDerecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional PrivadoHistoria del Derecho