Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Yayınları: 52 I. Uluslararası Selçuklu Tarihi Coğrafyası Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı Suriye, Irak , Filistin, 2020
Tombstones and Inscriptions contain historical and archaeological
authentic and very imp... more Abstract
Tombstones and Inscriptions contain historical and archaeological
authentic and very important data. The information they hold for the
past is sometimes very ımportant. In addition, they shed light on the
personalities and events unknown to archives and written sources.
There were no material assets other than a few historical records
regarding the tangible existence of the Turkmens who were settled
in the Palestinian territory during the Seljuks and Mamluks. But there
are some tombstones and a few inscriptions. These inscriptions in
Gaza and Jerusalem give us information about the Turkmen tribes
coming from the Euphrates basin and their leading leaders and
In this paper, the texts and pictures of these tombstones and
inscriptions will be presented in the symposium and the analysis and
comments about the Turkmens settled in Palestine will be included.
Keywords: Palestine, Turkmesn, Seljuq tomstones, Inscriptions
Papers by Mehmet Tutuncu
Bu bildiride, bu zaviyenin tanıtımı ve önemli belgeleri olan kitabelerinin tam yayını ve Türkistanlı göçmenlere ve hacılara yönelik faaliyetler üzerinde durmak istiyoruz. Tekkede bulunan kitap ve elyazmaları hakkında bilgi vermek istiyoruz. Böylece Cedid Hareketinin bu uzak temas noktası unutmaktan kurtarılacak ve önemli bilgiler verecektir
Reisdagboek van Gerard Vissering in 1928,
president van de Nederlandsche Bank
ISBN 978-90-6921-058-2
Samenstelling en redaktie : Mehmet Tütüncü e
Transcriptie en readactionele adviezen : Paul Brood
Voorwoord : Titus F.P. Kramer
met een bijdrage van : Emine Gürsoy-Naskali
Serie Turks Nederlandse Ontmoetingen : nr. 9
Dizi Türk Hollanda Buluşmaları : nr. 9
Available after 15 november 2024
for ordering :
Gerard Vissering and His Journey
On June 4, 1928, an unassuming older Dutchman, balding with round glasses and a gray mustache, arrived in Istanbul by boat from Venice, accompanied by his young wife and his assistant. Despite the early hour (around 4 a.m.), he was greeted by four distinguished gentlemen, all directors of the Turkish Business Bank (Türkiye İş Bankası). He wrote in his diary: “The reception was extremely friendly. They helped us get through passport control and customs. We drove to the Pera Palace Hotel, where we were given very good corner apartments on the second floor: living room, bedroom, bathroom. Everything old but still very good.”
In 1923, Turkey had risen as a republic from the ruins of the Ottoman Empire, and the newly founded republic needed funds for the reconstruction of the country and to repay the debts of the old regime. Turkey wanted to establish its own national central bank, but how could it do so without foreign reserves?
The director of the newly founded Türkiye İş Bankası (Business Bank), later President Celal (Bayar) Bey, wanted to convert his bank into a Central Bank. He knew Vissering as someone highly respected in the financial world.
Vissering traveled through Turkey for four weeks, from Istanbul to Ankara. He met with the leaders of the new Turkey, as well as diplomats, journalists, and bankers. He recorded his observations in a diary that remained hidden for 100 years. The diary provides insight into the young republic and how a group of idealistic young men founded a state intended to put an end to the centuries-long lag of the Turks compared to the West.
Vissering's diary is published here in its entirety, with the Dutch text, Turkish translation, and other documents from the Nederlandsche Bank.
Izmael and its vicinity came under the rule of Ottoman’s in the reign of Bayezid II. Izmael came into the scene of history as a small village and given as a gift (mulk) to the Agha of Darussade Mehmed in the year of 1589. Mehmed Agha shortly before his death transformed Izmael into a pious foundation. With this status special privileges granted, and a new city was born. The city lived serious economic growth and became one of the important Ottoman settlements in the Eastern Europe where Muslims, Christians and Jews resided. In the 18th century 3000 jizya tax-paying
non-muslim were ling in the Izmael. Mulim populatin composed of Lazes, Chytaks, Turkomans and Tatars. In the countryside of Izmael density of Tatar population attracted attention from the beginning. In paralel with the migration of Tatars from the beginning of 16th century agricultural production substantially increased both in Izmael and Budjak. As natural consequence of this Izmael played important role in the subsistence of İstanbul as a port and production site. Apart from agriculture, animal husbandry, candle manufacturing, fishing and slave trade played important role in the economic life of the city. Because of its vakf status Izmael has differentiated from the other Ottoman districts. While the city is governed by a trustee’s assigned by the Darüssade Aghas with the kadi the Tatar population that lived in the countryside were governed by the representatives of the Crimean Khan called yalı agası or the serasker of Budjak. Main problems encountered in the social of Izmael were credit and debt problems, inheritance, wardship, murder, robbery and the oppressions of corrupted administers. The article is important addition to our book published in Odessa 2020 about Ottoman and other documnents, Tütüncü Mehmed and Andrew Krasnozhon,
Місто Ізмаїл та його фортифікація
/ The Ismail City and Its Fortification (in the sources of 16th–19th centuries) (Odesa,2020)
Memory and the preservation of cultural heritage in the context of the unity of Turkish states.
Date Tarih 24 November 2023
Place Yer Haarlem Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen
Hours Saat 19.00-22.00
Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyası Fəlsəfə və Sosiologiya İnstitutu ve
Research Centre for Turkistan and Azerbaijan (Turkistan ve Azerbaycan Arastırma Merkezi)
ortak işbirliğinde;
This study aims to open up some problematic issues about the representation and visibility of art in the media
through an auction. Through the phenomenon that is the subject of the study, the way in which the auction and
sales process of a rare depiction is handled in the media, how the media is used as a marketing tool for the artwork,
and a critical interpretation of the overlooked and missed elements in the whole process will be tried to be put
forward. The year 2021 was officially declared the "Year of Haji Bektash Veli" by UNESCO. A miniature work, recorded
in 2021 as the first painting depicting Hacı Bektaş, was recently sold at an auction in the Netherlands (June 8,
2021). The miniature, made by Üsküdarlı Ahmet in 1651, depicts Haji Bektash and his student Sarı Saltuk riding
on a dragon. The story, which is the subject of the description, requires a series of analyzes whose meaning can be
found in mythology and folk legends.
Since the research covers a current issue with artistic foundations, the referenced sources vary, boundaries can be
unclear. For this reason, document analysis, one of the data collection techniques, which is a qualitative research
method, was used to collect data in the research. In addition, since the work that is the subject of the study is a
miniature work, the visual work has been tried to be analyzed in terms of semiotics.
The process of transforming works of art into commercial commodities through auctions is not a new development.
As a natural consequence of the phenomenon of globalization, art has been turned into a valuable financial
instrument today. What is new here is the current role the media plays in the marketing of art in all its forms. The
artwork and the auction process, which are the subject of our review, give clues to all these new relationships. In
the research, besides analyzing the visual spaces of the first painting depicting Haji Bektash; how the work is
presented to the art market will be examined in the context of the culture industry (critical theory). The relationship
of a work produced within the tradition of a belief institution (Bektashism) with the art market and consumption
culture, the promotion and sales strategies carried out during the auction process will be discussed and examined.
Keywords: Art, Media, Auction, Miniature, Haji Bektash.
The article examines Ottoman inscriptions,
which are kept in the Regional History Museum - Vidin,
Bulgaria. The inscriptions are from buildings that
have not survived to this day. The inscriptions belong to
mosques, fountains and a sultan's tugrah.
Tombstones and Inscriptions contain historical and archaeological
authentic and very important data. The information they hold for the
past is sometimes very ımportant. In addition, they shed light on the
personalities and events unknown to archives and written sources.
There were no material assets other than a few historical records
regarding the tangible existence of the Turkmens who were settled
in the Palestinian territory during the Seljuks and Mamluks. But there
are some tombstones and a few inscriptions. These inscriptions in
Gaza and Jerusalem give us information about the Turkmen tribes
coming from the Euphrates basin and their leading leaders and
In this paper, the texts and pictures of these tombstones and
inscriptions will be presented in the symposium and the analysis and
comments about the Turkmens settled in Palestine will be included.
Keywords: Palestine, Turkmesn, Seljuq tomstones, Inscriptions
Bir Osmanlı Vatandaşının 1793 yılında Avrupa’ya Seyahat Günlüğü
Travel Diary of an Ottoman Citizen to Europe in 1793
1793'de İstanbul'da Hollanda büyükelçisi tercümanı Osmanlı VatandAşlı Gaspard Testa Hollandaya bir seyahate çıkar. Seyahatte 9 kişi vardır.
Hollanda büyükelçisi Frederık Van Dedem , eşi, oğlu, tercümanı, kocası Anabaptist bir dul olan Marıa Wıjnands, Hiyeroglifleri ilk kez çözen bilim adamı,
bir Tüccar, bir profesör ve başka bir bilinmeyen kişi bir posta arabasıyla 3 ay boyunca İstanbul2dan Hollanda'ya birlikte seyahat ederler.
Frederik Van Dedem dokuz kişilik bu grupla birlikte kozmopolit bir şehir olan Konstantinopolis'ten Hollanda'ya doğru yola çıkar. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun başkentinde sekiz yıllık Hollanda büyükelçisiydi. 3 ay süren kara yolculuğu oldukça zahmetlidir. At arabaları komforlu değil, atlar zayıf, pek çok tehlike pusuda bekliyor: şiddetli yağmur, kötü yollar, zorlu dağ geçitleri, soyguncular, haşarat, kazalar ve hatta veba onların yıolunde engel tekil ediyor. Hollandadaki küçük bir köy olan Wijhe'de çıktıkları yolda Balkanlar, Avusturya ve Almanya'yı geçerler.
O zamanlar sadece 23 yaşında olan Gaspard Testa, Şstanbul’daki büyükelçiliğin tercümanı ve sekreteridşr. Van Dedemin isteği üzerine bir günlük tutar. Güzel harflerle Fransızca yazılan günlükte ve yol boyunca rotayı, mesafeleri, manzaraları, nüfusu, yiyecekleri ve olayları anlatıyor. Osmanlı balkanları ve kırsalı izlenimlerini. Avusturya ve Almanya'daki Fransız Devriminın hırpalanmış bölgelerden geçer. Belgrad, Budapeşte, Viyana, Regensburg, Frankfurt ve Köln'ü ziyaret eder. Genç Gaspard Osmanlı gözlüğüyle Avrupa’yı temaşa eder. Grubumuz, Avusturya'nın (Kutsal Roma İmparatorluğu) Başkenti Viyana'da 17 gün kalır.
Viyana gezi rehberi
Gaspard ve büyükelçinin liderliğindeki grup, Viyana'da on yedi gün geçirir. Gaspard, akrabalarını ziyaret etme ve aynı zamanda Viyana'daki tüm turistik yerleri görme fırsatını kullanır. Belvedere, Schönbrun ve Lihtenştayn gibi tüm büyük sarayları, ayrıca Mıllı Kütüphaneyi, tiyatroları ve anıtları (Veba sütunu, Maria sütunu gibi), parklar ve kiliselerı ziyaret eder. Açıklamaları çok doğru, özel ve ayrıntılıdır. Modern bir gezgin için daha az dikkat çeken, Viyana'daki Askeri Hastane ve Doğu Akademisi gibi kurumları inceler. Ayrıca Viyana'daki bir porselen fabrikası gibi fabrikaları gezer. Viyana gezi rehberi niteliğindedir ve ilk gezi rehberlerinden biri olarak kabul edilebilir.
Orijinal seyahat günlükleri Lahey'deki Ulusal Arşivlerındedir ve sayısız ayrıntı nedeniyle, on sekizinci yüzyılın sonunda bir Osmanlı vatandaşınıun gözüyle Avrupaya ve Türkiyeyeyi karşılaştırma imkanı sunmaktadır.
Osmanlı Seyyahları ve Batı Dünyası
Ottoman Travelers and the Western World
14:00-15:20 Oturum Başkanı / Chair - M. Sait Türkhan
the Inscription Dated 29 Hijri/AD 650 and Two Modern Byzantine Inscriptions
Still in the Hala Sultan Tekke]. In Toplu Makaleler 2 / Collected Studies 2, 22–35.
Haarlem: Sota Publications, 2017.
Avrupadaki Türk Topluluğunun Stratejik değerlendirılmesi
Turkciye Cumhruieyteinin Kurucu belgelerinden olan Lozan natlasmasinin imzalanmis Fransizca tam metni (Haritalarla birlikte)
Topkapı Sarayı’ndan çalınarak parçalanan sayfaları Avrupa mezatlarında satılan Türk İslam
sanatının paha biçilemez eseri Şehname’nin hazin hikayesini KARAR’a anlatan tarihçi Dr.
Mehmet Tütüncü: “Satıldığına dair bir belge bulunmayan eserin bir sayfası 100 milyonlara
satılıyor, toplam değeri 50 milyar lira. İslam sanatlarında bir benzeri yok. 5-10 bin liralık
eserleri geri getirmek başarı değil, Türkiye Şehname’nin peşine neden düşmüyor?”
In July-September 2022, during an abnormal drop in the water level of the Danube, near
Izmail fortress at the bottom of the river, on a plot of 150-170×10-15 m at a depth of 1 to 1.5 m,
local historians accidentally discovered three clusters of artifacts: fragments of marble
tombstones, fragments of Ottoman ceramics, forged iron elements of rigging, as well as the
remains of the hull of a small wooden sailboat and other finds (intact and fragmented cast iron
cannonballs, bombs, and a flintlock pistol), which were more or less evenly scattered over the
entire designated area.
The purpose of the research paper is to publish and analyze the most interesting and unique
complex of artifacts found at the bottom of the river, namely intact and fragmented marble
tombstones, both with and without epitaphs.
Scientific novelty. In the course of the research, conducted by the expedition of the Institute of
Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, it has become possible to expand
significantly historical and archaeological knowledge about the history of the Izmail fortress
during the late Ottoman period of its existence, mainly in the 18th – early 19th century.
Conclusions. Thanks to a rare natural phenomenon and the attentiveness of local historians,
the collection of Ottoman tombstones from Izmail is augmented with 10 marble objects all at the
same time, on which there are four epitaphs. Although only one of them is dated 1749, which,
unfortunately, does not extend the chronology of the known epitaphs of 1719-1756, however, the
objects contain other, previously unknown historical information. On two slabs, former military
men of the Ottoman Porte are mentioned – the shahid and officer Ismail Aga and the nameless
janissary of the 12th Orta. From the inscription on the first of them, we learned about Ismail Aga’s
father – Emrullah Çelebi, who could have been a resident of Izmail and a teacher at a local
educational institution. We should also mention the slab with the names of God, which could have
been the amulet of the only preserved mosque in Izmail.
Keywords: Izmail, marble tombstones, Ottoman epitaphs, epigraphy, new artifacts
İn these year the Netherlands was stuck by a great disaster of waterflood. Great Parts of the country was flooded after a storm. Some tens of people were drowned but Netherlands was in Great need.
When in Istanbul these news arrived theTurkish government decided to help the People of Netherlands. They give via the ambassador in The Hague to Nusret Sadullah bey to donate Money for he needs of Dutch People. The Document of this act of benevolence is in the National Archives. Its a small amount but it the gesture of Solidarity with the Dutch.
So in the most difficult days of the Ottoman empire the Turks did not forget The Netherlands who was overcome a relatively light disaster.
Now Turkey.ın Great problems and disasters with the earythquacke Dutch people should remember this aid.
Mehmet Tütüncü
Büyük Tuna Zenciri Muamması 4-11
The Great Danube Chain Mystery
Büyük Tuna Zenciri Muamması
Mehmet Tütüncü
The idea of closing the waterways with chaimn was a method used since the Middle Ages as a defensive measure in the military defense. It is known that for the first time in Turkish history, this came to the fore with the Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror, who changed the game of Byzantium, who closed the Golden Horn to ships with a chain and transported the ships by Land. Some parts of this chain are still kept in various museums in Turkey.
In addition to this, another big iron chain, which is surrounded by many mysteries on the Danube river and is exhibited in the military museum in Vienna today.
Since it did not fit in one piece in the two buildings the military museum in Vienna, where it is exhibited, and it was extended in 4 arms and laid on the ground, and it is a work of magnificent ironwork. This chain, which does not attract much attention, sheds light on an unknown aspect of Turkish history.
In the short examination we made in the museum, it was determined that the chains were made of wrought iron. In this respect, under suitable conditions, it does not undergo corrosion for many years. The patina layer formed as a result of the oxidation of iron forms a black protective layer between the iron and the atmosphere. In this article the reamsrkable history of the Grat Danube chain and its mysteries will be revealed.
Bu bildiride, bu zaviyenin tanıtımı ve önemli belgeleri olan kitabelerinin tam yayını ve Türkistanlı göçmenlere ve hacılara yönelik faaliyetler üzerinde durmak istiyoruz. Tekkede bulunan kitap ve elyazmaları hakkında bilgi vermek istiyoruz. Böylece Cedid Hareketinin bu uzak temas noktası unutmaktan kurtarılacak ve önemli bilgiler verecektir
Reisdagboek van Gerard Vissering in 1928,
president van de Nederlandsche Bank
ISBN 978-90-6921-058-2
Samenstelling en redaktie : Mehmet Tütüncü e
Transcriptie en readactionele adviezen : Paul Brood
Voorwoord : Titus F.P. Kramer
met een bijdrage van : Emine Gürsoy-Naskali
Serie Turks Nederlandse Ontmoetingen : nr. 9
Dizi Türk Hollanda Buluşmaları : nr. 9
Available after 15 november 2024
for ordering :
Gerard Vissering and His Journey
On June 4, 1928, an unassuming older Dutchman, balding with round glasses and a gray mustache, arrived in Istanbul by boat from Venice, accompanied by his young wife and his assistant. Despite the early hour (around 4 a.m.), he was greeted by four distinguished gentlemen, all directors of the Turkish Business Bank (Türkiye İş Bankası). He wrote in his diary: “The reception was extremely friendly. They helped us get through passport control and customs. We drove to the Pera Palace Hotel, where we were given very good corner apartments on the second floor: living room, bedroom, bathroom. Everything old but still very good.”
In 1923, Turkey had risen as a republic from the ruins of the Ottoman Empire, and the newly founded republic needed funds for the reconstruction of the country and to repay the debts of the old regime. Turkey wanted to establish its own national central bank, but how could it do so without foreign reserves?
The director of the newly founded Türkiye İş Bankası (Business Bank), later President Celal (Bayar) Bey, wanted to convert his bank into a Central Bank. He knew Vissering as someone highly respected in the financial world.
Vissering traveled through Turkey for four weeks, from Istanbul to Ankara. He met with the leaders of the new Turkey, as well as diplomats, journalists, and bankers. He recorded his observations in a diary that remained hidden for 100 years. The diary provides insight into the young republic and how a group of idealistic young men founded a state intended to put an end to the centuries-long lag of the Turks compared to the West.
Vissering's diary is published here in its entirety, with the Dutch text, Turkish translation, and other documents from the Nederlandsche Bank.
Izmael and its vicinity came under the rule of Ottoman’s in the reign of Bayezid II. Izmael came into the scene of history as a small village and given as a gift (mulk) to the Agha of Darussade Mehmed in the year of 1589. Mehmed Agha shortly before his death transformed Izmael into a pious foundation. With this status special privileges granted, and a new city was born. The city lived serious economic growth and became one of the important Ottoman settlements in the Eastern Europe where Muslims, Christians and Jews resided. In the 18th century 3000 jizya tax-paying
non-muslim were ling in the Izmael. Mulim populatin composed of Lazes, Chytaks, Turkomans and Tatars. In the countryside of Izmael density of Tatar population attracted attention from the beginning. In paralel with the migration of Tatars from the beginning of 16th century agricultural production substantially increased both in Izmael and Budjak. As natural consequence of this Izmael played important role in the subsistence of İstanbul as a port and production site. Apart from agriculture, animal husbandry, candle manufacturing, fishing and slave trade played important role in the economic life of the city. Because of its vakf status Izmael has differentiated from the other Ottoman districts. While the city is governed by a trustee’s assigned by the Darüssade Aghas with the kadi the Tatar population that lived in the countryside were governed by the representatives of the Crimean Khan called yalı agası or the serasker of Budjak. Main problems encountered in the social of Izmael were credit and debt problems, inheritance, wardship, murder, robbery and the oppressions of corrupted administers. The article is important addition to our book published in Odessa 2020 about Ottoman and other documnents, Tütüncü Mehmed and Andrew Krasnozhon,
Місто Ізмаїл та його фортифікація
/ The Ismail City and Its Fortification (in the sources of 16th–19th centuries) (Odesa,2020)
Memory and the preservation of cultural heritage in the context of the unity of Turkish states.
Date Tarih 24 November 2023
Place Yer Haarlem Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen
Hours Saat 19.00-22.00
Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyası Fəlsəfə və Sosiologiya İnstitutu ve
Research Centre for Turkistan and Azerbaijan (Turkistan ve Azerbaycan Arastırma Merkezi)
ortak işbirliğinde;
This study aims to open up some problematic issues about the representation and visibility of art in the media
through an auction. Through the phenomenon that is the subject of the study, the way in which the auction and
sales process of a rare depiction is handled in the media, how the media is used as a marketing tool for the artwork,
and a critical interpretation of the overlooked and missed elements in the whole process will be tried to be put
forward. The year 2021 was officially declared the "Year of Haji Bektash Veli" by UNESCO. A miniature work, recorded
in 2021 as the first painting depicting Hacı Bektaş, was recently sold at an auction in the Netherlands (June 8,
2021). The miniature, made by Üsküdarlı Ahmet in 1651, depicts Haji Bektash and his student Sarı Saltuk riding
on a dragon. The story, which is the subject of the description, requires a series of analyzes whose meaning can be
found in mythology and folk legends.
Since the research covers a current issue with artistic foundations, the referenced sources vary, boundaries can be
unclear. For this reason, document analysis, one of the data collection techniques, which is a qualitative research
method, was used to collect data in the research. In addition, since the work that is the subject of the study is a
miniature work, the visual work has been tried to be analyzed in terms of semiotics.
The process of transforming works of art into commercial commodities through auctions is not a new development.
As a natural consequence of the phenomenon of globalization, art has been turned into a valuable financial
instrument today. What is new here is the current role the media plays in the marketing of art in all its forms. The
artwork and the auction process, which are the subject of our review, give clues to all these new relationships. In
the research, besides analyzing the visual spaces of the first painting depicting Haji Bektash; how the work is
presented to the art market will be examined in the context of the culture industry (critical theory). The relationship
of a work produced within the tradition of a belief institution (Bektashism) with the art market and consumption
culture, the promotion and sales strategies carried out during the auction process will be discussed and examined.
Keywords: Art, Media, Auction, Miniature, Haji Bektash.
The article examines Ottoman inscriptions,
which are kept in the Regional History Museum - Vidin,
Bulgaria. The inscriptions are from buildings that
have not survived to this day. The inscriptions belong to
mosques, fountains and a sultan's tugrah.
Tombstones and Inscriptions contain historical and archaeological
authentic and very important data. The information they hold for the
past is sometimes very ımportant. In addition, they shed light on the
personalities and events unknown to archives and written sources.
There were no material assets other than a few historical records
regarding the tangible existence of the Turkmens who were settled
in the Palestinian territory during the Seljuks and Mamluks. But there
are some tombstones and a few inscriptions. These inscriptions in
Gaza and Jerusalem give us information about the Turkmen tribes
coming from the Euphrates basin and their leading leaders and
In this paper, the texts and pictures of these tombstones and
inscriptions will be presented in the symposium and the analysis and
comments about the Turkmens settled in Palestine will be included.
Keywords: Palestine, Turkmesn, Seljuq tomstones, Inscriptions
Bir Osmanlı Vatandaşının 1793 yılında Avrupa’ya Seyahat Günlüğü
Travel Diary of an Ottoman Citizen to Europe in 1793
1793'de İstanbul'da Hollanda büyükelçisi tercümanı Osmanlı VatandAşlı Gaspard Testa Hollandaya bir seyahate çıkar. Seyahatte 9 kişi vardır.
Hollanda büyükelçisi Frederık Van Dedem , eşi, oğlu, tercümanı, kocası Anabaptist bir dul olan Marıa Wıjnands, Hiyeroglifleri ilk kez çözen bilim adamı,
bir Tüccar, bir profesör ve başka bir bilinmeyen kişi bir posta arabasıyla 3 ay boyunca İstanbul2dan Hollanda'ya birlikte seyahat ederler.
Frederik Van Dedem dokuz kişilik bu grupla birlikte kozmopolit bir şehir olan Konstantinopolis'ten Hollanda'ya doğru yola çıkar. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun başkentinde sekiz yıllık Hollanda büyükelçisiydi. 3 ay süren kara yolculuğu oldukça zahmetlidir. At arabaları komforlu değil, atlar zayıf, pek çok tehlike pusuda bekliyor: şiddetli yağmur, kötü yollar, zorlu dağ geçitleri, soyguncular, haşarat, kazalar ve hatta veba onların yıolunde engel tekil ediyor. Hollandadaki küçük bir köy olan Wijhe'de çıktıkları yolda Balkanlar, Avusturya ve Almanya'yı geçerler.
O zamanlar sadece 23 yaşında olan Gaspard Testa, Şstanbul’daki büyükelçiliğin tercümanı ve sekreteridşr. Van Dedemin isteği üzerine bir günlük tutar. Güzel harflerle Fransızca yazılan günlükte ve yol boyunca rotayı, mesafeleri, manzaraları, nüfusu, yiyecekleri ve olayları anlatıyor. Osmanlı balkanları ve kırsalı izlenimlerini. Avusturya ve Almanya'daki Fransız Devriminın hırpalanmış bölgelerden geçer. Belgrad, Budapeşte, Viyana, Regensburg, Frankfurt ve Köln'ü ziyaret eder. Genç Gaspard Osmanlı gözlüğüyle Avrupa’yı temaşa eder. Grubumuz, Avusturya'nın (Kutsal Roma İmparatorluğu) Başkenti Viyana'da 17 gün kalır.
Viyana gezi rehberi
Gaspard ve büyükelçinin liderliğindeki grup, Viyana'da on yedi gün geçirir. Gaspard, akrabalarını ziyaret etme ve aynı zamanda Viyana'daki tüm turistik yerleri görme fırsatını kullanır. Belvedere, Schönbrun ve Lihtenştayn gibi tüm büyük sarayları, ayrıca Mıllı Kütüphaneyi, tiyatroları ve anıtları (Veba sütunu, Maria sütunu gibi), parklar ve kiliselerı ziyaret eder. Açıklamaları çok doğru, özel ve ayrıntılıdır. Modern bir gezgin için daha az dikkat çeken, Viyana'daki Askeri Hastane ve Doğu Akademisi gibi kurumları inceler. Ayrıca Viyana'daki bir porselen fabrikası gibi fabrikaları gezer. Viyana gezi rehberi niteliğindedir ve ilk gezi rehberlerinden biri olarak kabul edilebilir.
Orijinal seyahat günlükleri Lahey'deki Ulusal Arşivlerındedir ve sayısız ayrıntı nedeniyle, on sekizinci yüzyılın sonunda bir Osmanlı vatandaşınıun gözüyle Avrupaya ve Türkiyeyeyi karşılaştırma imkanı sunmaktadır.
Osmanlı Seyyahları ve Batı Dünyası
Ottoman Travelers and the Western World
14:00-15:20 Oturum Başkanı / Chair - M. Sait Türkhan
the Inscription Dated 29 Hijri/AD 650 and Two Modern Byzantine Inscriptions
Still in the Hala Sultan Tekke]. In Toplu Makaleler 2 / Collected Studies 2, 22–35.
Haarlem: Sota Publications, 2017.
Avrupadaki Türk Topluluğunun Stratejik değerlendirılmesi
Turkciye Cumhruieyteinin Kurucu belgelerinden olan Lozan natlasmasinin imzalanmis Fransizca tam metni (Haritalarla birlikte)
Topkapı Sarayı’ndan çalınarak parçalanan sayfaları Avrupa mezatlarında satılan Türk İslam
sanatının paha biçilemez eseri Şehname’nin hazin hikayesini KARAR’a anlatan tarihçi Dr.
Mehmet Tütüncü: “Satıldığına dair bir belge bulunmayan eserin bir sayfası 100 milyonlara
satılıyor, toplam değeri 50 milyar lira. İslam sanatlarında bir benzeri yok. 5-10 bin liralık
eserleri geri getirmek başarı değil, Türkiye Şehname’nin peşine neden düşmüyor?”
In July-September 2022, during an abnormal drop in the water level of the Danube, near
Izmail fortress at the bottom of the river, on a plot of 150-170×10-15 m at a depth of 1 to 1.5 m,
local historians accidentally discovered three clusters of artifacts: fragments of marble
tombstones, fragments of Ottoman ceramics, forged iron elements of rigging, as well as the
remains of the hull of a small wooden sailboat and other finds (intact and fragmented cast iron
cannonballs, bombs, and a flintlock pistol), which were more or less evenly scattered over the
entire designated area.
The purpose of the research paper is to publish and analyze the most interesting and unique
complex of artifacts found at the bottom of the river, namely intact and fragmented marble
tombstones, both with and without epitaphs.
Scientific novelty. In the course of the research, conducted by the expedition of the Institute of
Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, it has become possible to expand
significantly historical and archaeological knowledge about the history of the Izmail fortress
during the late Ottoman period of its existence, mainly in the 18th – early 19th century.
Conclusions. Thanks to a rare natural phenomenon and the attentiveness of local historians,
the collection of Ottoman tombstones from Izmail is augmented with 10 marble objects all at the
same time, on which there are four epitaphs. Although only one of them is dated 1749, which,
unfortunately, does not extend the chronology of the known epitaphs of 1719-1756, however, the
objects contain other, previously unknown historical information. On two slabs, former military
men of the Ottoman Porte are mentioned – the shahid and officer Ismail Aga and the nameless
janissary of the 12th Orta. From the inscription on the first of them, we learned about Ismail Aga’s
father – Emrullah Çelebi, who could have been a resident of Izmail and a teacher at a local
educational institution. We should also mention the slab with the names of God, which could have
been the amulet of the only preserved mosque in Izmail.
Keywords: Izmail, marble tombstones, Ottoman epitaphs, epigraphy, new artifacts
İn these year the Netherlands was stuck by a great disaster of waterflood. Great Parts of the country was flooded after a storm. Some tens of people were drowned but Netherlands was in Great need.
When in Istanbul these news arrived theTurkish government decided to help the People of Netherlands. They give via the ambassador in The Hague to Nusret Sadullah bey to donate Money for he needs of Dutch People. The Document of this act of benevolence is in the National Archives. Its a small amount but it the gesture of Solidarity with the Dutch.
So in the most difficult days of the Ottoman empire the Turks did not forget The Netherlands who was overcome a relatively light disaster.
Now Turkey.ın Great problems and disasters with the earythquacke Dutch people should remember this aid.
Mehmet Tütüncü
Büyük Tuna Zenciri Muamması 4-11
The Great Danube Chain Mystery
Büyük Tuna Zenciri Muamması
Mehmet Tütüncü
The idea of closing the waterways with chaimn was a method used since the Middle Ages as a defensive measure in the military defense. It is known that for the first time in Turkish history, this came to the fore with the Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror, who changed the game of Byzantium, who closed the Golden Horn to ships with a chain and transported the ships by Land. Some parts of this chain are still kept in various museums in Turkey.
In addition to this, another big iron chain, which is surrounded by many mysteries on the Danube river and is exhibited in the military museum in Vienna today.
Since it did not fit in one piece in the two buildings the military museum in Vienna, where it is exhibited, and it was extended in 4 arms and laid on the ground, and it is a work of magnificent ironwork. This chain, which does not attract much attention, sheds light on an unknown aspect of Turkish history.
In the short examination we made in the museum, it was determined that the chains were made of wrought iron. In this respect, under suitable conditions, it does not undergo corrosion for many years. The patina layer formed as a result of the oxidation of iron forms a black protective layer between the iron and the atmosphere. In this article the reamsrkable history of the Grat Danube chain and its mysteries will be revealed.
In the manchester University John Ryelands Library which is masterfully catalogued and
published by Jan schmidt from leiden University. There are 2 illustrated albums with
costume albums or a catalogue of Ottoman dignitaroes, officers and commen people.
One is a scroll of 9 meters with a aprade of Ottoman army adn Sultans private officers
The other one is a folk catalogue. Both albums are made by ottoman painters and artists
The idea of an illustrated album with images of exotic figures and genre scenes was quite
common during the late sixteenth century, when European ambassadors, merchants, and other travelers made it customary to leave an illustrated record of their encounters Ottoman Empire. Along with written testimonies, the illustrations served as visual records of life in the Empire through the centuries. The Ottoman world aroused a great deal of artistic interest, and there was an increasing demand for pictorial records of the life of the Ottomans, hence commissions from the members of the elite societies in Europe. Important dignitaries and noblemen often commissioned such mementos, either as curiosities to be kept in their libraries or cabinets or as souvenirs, which documented their journeys to foreign or exotic places. Particular interest in such risky journeys was predetermined y the lack of knowledge about other peoples’ cultures and traditions. The obstacle of
cultural misunderstanding inherent in depicting other people was overcome by the variety of their representation, expressing the individual travellers’ personal visions, documenting their experiences of extraordinary meetings.
The scroll, which measures 9000 by 295 mm and pictures a procession, consists of a series of paintings mounted consecutively on linen. Slight damage occurs at the beginning and end. The characters and officials figuring in the procession are numbered, and their ranks and offices described in Turkish in Arabic characters at the bottom of the roll, with a transcription and French translation immediately above the figures. A bookplate of Nathaniel Bland is attached to the roll.
This album consiting of 170 small paintings is is created by an Ottoman local artist. The
17th century Ottoman miniature album that is drawn by market artists and is currently
kept with the catalogue number Turkish MSS 2 at the John Rylands Library, Manchester
University is one of the most resourceful costume albums of its genre. The miniatures in
the album depict in their special attires and outlooks the Ottoman sultans, a queen mother
and high bureaucrats on the one hand, and the members of various occupations and
trades of the 17th century and popular ictional characters of popular tales and stories on
the other. The miniatures are drawn by two different artists. In this paper, First, describe the general physical features of the binding, paper and paints of the album, and then analyse each individual sultan and queen mother miniature located in the irst part of the album
The Ottoman inscriptions in Bulgaria are quite scattered, and collecting them is not easy. During long wars, the buildings where these inscriptions were located were destroyed or damaged, and some inscriptions were moved to Russia and Romania.
While working on the Ottoman inscriptions in Bulgaria, we utilized the following sources:
Inscriptions that remain in their original locations. Whenever possible, we conducted on-site research and took photographs.
Inscriptions preserved in museums.
Inscriptions newly discovered during archaeological excavations.
Cemeteries – gravestones.
Paintings and postcards.
Inscriptions recorded in Evliya Çelebi’s Seyahatname (Book of Travels).
Ottoman Divans (poetry collections) such as those of Ayni and Izzet.
Inscriptions found outside Bulgaria, in St. Petersburg and Bucharest (fortress inscriptions).
Inscriptions found in Istanbul, such as fortress keys preserved in Topkapı Palace and the Military Museum.
In general, the Ottoman-era heritage in Bulgaria has not been well preserved. When it comes to inscriptions, I would like to express my gratitude to Bulgarian and foreign researchers, especially Katerina Venedikova, who tirelessly continued to publish inscriptions.
Today’s Bulgaria, an important part of Rumelia, the heartland of the Ottoman Empire, is rich in inscriptions. The 291 inscriptions we compiled in this book represent only a small portion of this vast heritage. We aimed to include historical inscriptions and gravestones in our book. However, it is likely that there are many more inscriptions in museum collections. Further field research will likely uncover more gravestones in particular.
The material in our book is divided into two sections. The first section consists of inscriptions arranged chronologically from the Hijri year 698 to 1200. The second section, covering inscriptions from after Hijri 1200, is categorized by their locations in six major centers: Plovdiv (Filibe), Shumen (Şumnu), Vidin, Ruse-Silistra (Rusçuk-Silistre), Varna, and Balchik-Dobrich (Balçık-Dobriç) and their surrounding areas.
The first section contains 108 inscriptions, while the second section contains 183 inscriptions. For identification, two numbering systems were used. The first number is the catalog number, ranging from 1 to 291. The second number identifies inscriptions within their respective cities, using abbreviations: Filibe (Fi), Şumnu (Şu), Vidin (Vi), Varna (Va), and Balçık (Ba), followed by a number. Inscriptions found outside these cities were assigned a general Bulgaria number.
Additionally, an effort was made to establish a connection between the inscriptions in the chronological first section and the city-based second section. Inscriptions not located in major centers were assigned a (B)ulgaria number. The inscriptions found in Turnu Fortress, located in Romania, were given an (R)omania number.
For the list of works related to inscriptions outside Turkey, you can refer to the SOTA Publications section at the end of this book. This list includes publications under the Turkish-Islamic Inscriptions series (numbers 1, 2, 5, 7, 19, and 20).
The history of Christian holy relics, such as fragments of the Holy Cross and the Crown of Thorns, is a fascinating story of faith, power, and cultural interaction. Holy relics are sacred objects associated with Jesus Christ, saints, or martyrs and are venerated in Christianity for their spiritual significance. Over the centuries, these relics embarked on an extraordinary journey from the Holy Land to Eu- rope, with Constantinople serving as a significant waypoint along the way.
This book is about a thorn from the Crown of Thorns and a fragment of the Holy Cross that ended up in Amsterdam via Constantinople. The Testa family has owned two relics since 1660: a fragment of the Holy Cross and a thorn from the Crown of Thorns worn by Jesus Christ. The Testa family, originally from the Republic of Genoa, had lived in Constantinople for centuries.
Through inheritance, these precious family treasures had come into the posses- sion and care of Karl Victor Testa, who lived in Amsterdam. In April 1935, the Dutch naval ship Hr. Ms. ‘Hertog Hendrik’ arrived in The Netherlands from Istanbul, Turkey. On board was the naval chaplain, Father Albada Jelgersma. At the request of Karl Victor Testa, he had taken these relics on board, encased in a precious gilded-silver reliquary, under his care.
In 1939, the authenticity was re-established by the bishop of Haarlem, Mgr. J.P. Huibers, and provided with his seal. And then loaned to the St. Agnes Church, the parish church of the Testa family.
In March of the Holy Year 2025, also on the occasion of the 750th anniversary of the city of Amsterdam, the relics were moved by the family, in good consultation with the St. Agnes Church, in the presence of Mgr. Jan Hendriks, bishop of the diocese of Haarlem-Amsterdam and the dean of Amsterdam, Eric Fennis, to the Basilica of St. Nicholas in Amsterdam. On the occasion of this event, this book was compiled at the request of the family by their family historian drs. Mehmet Tütüncü. Book is in Dutch.
Maps represent one of the oldest forms of human communi- cation. For centuries, scientists have been convinced of the ex- pressive power of the map, which can speak beyond the barrier of the ordinary language. The significance of the map, especi- ally in the past, stems from the fact that people were making them to tell other people about the places and places they ex- perienced. The maps presented in this book are very impor- tant for studying the general and cultural history of the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the early modern period as well as the surrounding regions. The significance of their ana- lysis and publishing is even greater because the cartographic representations of the early Bosnian-Ottoman production area of Ottoman production are extremely rare and less familiar to the academic and professional public. Based on certain charac- teristics it can be assumed that maps represented in this book were created during the 18th century. Some of them are work of professionally engaged and educated Ottoman officials, while for others we assume that they are works of amateurs, most likely domestic people. The professional maps that emer- ged during the negotiations on the Ottoman-Russian demarca- tion processses in the Northern Steppes forming the nowadays Ukraine are a testament to the intense work, collaboration and commitment of the Ottoman and Russian members of the de- marcation commission. This is confirmed not only by the notes on the mentioned maps, but also by numerous other Ottoman documents from same period. At the same time, on the basis of a more detailed analysis, it can be concluded that the members of the demarcation commissions were educated and compe- tent to carry out the mentioned process, and that they spent a long time on the field, establishing a borderline on the spot. As for the amateur maps presented in this book, we also consider that they represent a significant historical source and valuable contribution of local inhabitants to the cartography of Ukraine during the Ottoman period. The Ottoman maps of Southeast Europe, where the territory of Ottoman Provinces is shown, on the other hand, are examples of the maps created by the compi- lation, based on the insights into the early modern maps of Eu- rope without a direct insight into the situation on the ground. Apart from the lines of demarcation and other textual parts on the maps, which place these maps among the primary histori- cal sources for studying the proces .
Codex Vindobonensis 8626
Bilder aus dem türkischen Volksleben (1589-1590)
by Hendrowski, Heinrich [Propably Painter]
Rudolf, Heiliges Römisches Reich, Kaiser, 1552-1612
ISBN: 978-90-6921-049-0
16. Yüzyýl Osmanlý Ýmparatorluðundan Manzaralar 3
Edited by / Yayina hazýrlayan: Mehmet Tütüncü & Ömer Erdem
There are two albums in the Austrian National Library which have probably the same
background. (Cod. Vindobonensis 8615 and 8626). An ambassadorial report in pictures
of the Ottoman Empire and its inhabitants. The 8615 will be published as volume 4 and
this the third volume contains nr. 8626.
The idea of an illustrated album with images of exotic figures and genre scenes was quite common during the late sixteenth century, when European ambassadors, merchants, and other travelers made it customary to leave an illustrated record of their encounters Ottoman
Empire. Along with written testimonies, the illustrations served as visual records of life in the Empire through the centuries. The Ottoman world aroused a great deal of artistic interest, and there was an increasing demand for pictorial records of the life of the Ottomans, hence commissions from the members of the elite societies in Europe. Important dignitaries and noblemen often commissioned such mementos, either as curiosities to be kept in their libraries or cabinets or as souvenirs, which documented their journeys to foreign or exotic places. Particular interest in such risky journeys was predetermined by the lack of knowledge about other peoples’ cultures and traditions. The obstacle of
cultural misunderstanding inherent in depicting other people was overcome by the variety of their representation, expressing the individual travellers’ personal visions, documenting their experiences of extraordinary meetings.
Furthermore, one of the most popular destinations was, of course, the world of the Ottomans. Though travel albums were very popular in Europe during the sixteenth century, most of the illustrations were copied after famous sources - travel records, diaries, so on and so forth. Known as one of the earliest records of an eyewitness account of travels in
the Ottoman Empire, Vienna Albums are especially significant given its commissioner’s high status. Like many popular travel albums, Vienna album illustrates the customs and the traditions of those inhabitants of the cities that the ambassador encountered and visited
during his travels in the Ottoman Empire in 1588-89, capturing and portraying the Ottoman society and culture, safeguarding and assuring the remembrance of that world.
Bilder aus dem türkischen Volksleben
1589-1590, Österreich, Bulgarien, Griechenland, Türkei
Ansichten von Konstantinopel
Hendrowski, Heinrich
Rudolf, Heiliges Römisches Reich, Kaiser, 1552-1612
by Hendrowski, Heinrich [Mutmaßlicher Buchmaler]
Jahr/Datierung 1575-1600
Umfang/Illustr./Format Handschrift; 2 Bll.; 150 x 1045 mm und kleiner
Zugehörig ist Cod. 8626*. - Titel fingiert. - Volldigitalisat. · Heinrich Hendrowski (Maler
des kaiserlichen Gesandten Bartholomäus Pezzen in Istanbul, 2. Hälfte 16. Jhdt.): vermutlich
Maler [AK Österreich u. d. Osmanen, 1983]. · Handschrift; I+165+I* Bll. · Zahlreiche
ganzeitige, kolorierte Bilder, einige auf Faltblättern
16. Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğundan Manzaralar 2
Edited by / Yayına hazırlayan: Mehmet Tütüncü & Ömer Erdem
SCENES from 1526-1533
COECKE VAN DER AELST Moeurs et Fachons des Moeurs Turcz Manners and Customs of the
Turks and Mercenaries and Turks and other 16th Century Turkish prints...
ISBN 978-90-6921-054-4
Series editor: Mehmet Tütüncü
Contributions from / Katkısı bulunanlar: Peter van der Coelen, Johann Haselberg ud
Christoph Zell, Peter H. Meurer und Günter Schilder, Nadine Orenstein, Talitha Maria G.
Schepers, Alain Servantie
Designer: Omer Erdem
This second volume of our series “Scenes from the 16th Century Ottoman Empire” collects
some of the very early illustrations of Ottoman Empire and its people by Northern Artists.
(Netherlandish, Flemish, German, Austrian and Swiss) It consists of 4 main parts with in
every part an art object or an artist. We have given this volume the name of Coecke van der
Aelst because his Customs of fashions of Turks is the main object of this book.
The four objects are accompanied by earlier published articles by different authors.
1. Mercenaries and Turks 1530 (Museum Booijmans van Beuningen)
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen has since 2010 exceptional set of prints from 1530 called
“Landsknechten en Turken” or in english Mercenaries (lansquenets) and Turks, In terms of
subject, the lansquenet set (20 woodcut prints) and the Turks is a set of 18 prints. (16 Turks
and 2 Muscovites)
2. Pieter Coecke van Aelst Customs and Fashions of Turcs and (1553)
The set of Turks from Museum Booijmans van Beuningen, meanwhile, has a splendid counterpart in Pieter Coecke van Aelst’s 1553 frieze, more than four metres wide, depicting the customs and practices of the Turks.
4. The Wall map of the Turkish Campaign of 1529
The last work of art we present in this volume is a Map of an Ottoman Campaign.
Haji Bektash Veli in Seven Climates and Four Directions
Editörler/Editors: Ahmet Taşğın-Erdal Aksoy-Abdurrahman Kültür-Hakkı Taşğın
ISBN 978-90-6921-033-9
First Published in 2022, Leiden, Netherlands
PRICE € 70,-
Sayfa ve Kapak Tasarımı
Abdurrahman Kültür
Türk Tasavvufunun Kaynakları nr. 1
Sources of Turkish Sufism 1
Kapak (Cover) : Ahmed Üsküdari (1641) Sarı Saltuk ve Hacı
Bektaş Veli Former Collection of Mehmet Tütüncü
© Copyright 2022, SOTA
Research Centre for Turkestan, Azerbaijan, Crimea,
Caucasus and Siberia
Stichting SOTA
Türk ve Arap Dünyası Araştırma Merkezi
Turkish and Arabic Research Centre
Türkische Manierenbuch From Kassel University Library 40 Ms. Hist. 31
ISBN: 978-90-6921-30-8
16. YüzyIl Osmanlı İmparatorluğundan Manzaralar I
Edited by / Yayına hazırlayan: Mehmet Tütüncü & Ömer Erdem
with contributions from Magnus Reesel (Frankfurt) & Zeynep Öztürk (Istanbul) and Paul Brood (Groningen)
Graphic Designer: Omer Erdem:
Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel Library 40 Ms. Hist. 31
© Copyright 2021, SOTA All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying and recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher and copyrightholder.
SOTA / Research Centre for Tukish and Arabic World
Brabantlaan 26
2101 SG Heemstede
Tel: + 31 23 5292883
4 ° Ms. hist. 31
Last quarter of the 16th century • 327 B1 • 19 x 15 • 6 leporellos (paper on linen): 19 x 30-74 • 159 ills. (opaque color painting, partly gold and silver emulsion) • pierced ribbon • modern blue whole -Leather binding (from 1930 and 1945) with decorative gilding (dotted frame border). punched gilt edging, colored paper endpaper (stone marble) • most likely 1599 by Kfst. Friedrich IV. d. Palatinate bought from a Frenchman at the fair in Heidelberg (cf. Wile.), Moved to Kassel in 1686 from the younger Bibliotheca Palatina on Heidelberg (cf. BEGER, 287 ‘) •
Turkish Manner Book
159 Colored figures with oriental and European costumes, scenic representations of manners and uses from the Ottoman period and architecture. German captions, no further text. The manuscript was created during a trip (Imperial embassy?) To Constantinople, possibly further travel to Jerusalem, Egypt, Crete, Ragusa - the sequence of images does not convey a clear route. The codex contains both traditional motifs, which appear in other costume books of the time, as well as independent, especially cultural ones.
The captions are reproduced in the original and modern spelling, the Ottoman names, some of which are disfigured in the MS, in new Turkish. For terms that are common in the German language, such as B. “Pascha” or “Dervish”, the spelling of the Duden is used.
Tütüncü, Mehmet. Karadeniz kuzeyinde osmanli kitabeleri : Ukrayna, Moldova, Rusya, Gürcistan, Litvanya. - Heemstede : SOTA, <2020>. 300 pages ; 24 cm (Corpus of Turkish Islamic inscriptions ; Nr. 19). (paperback)
ISBN: 978-90-6921-023-0
19th volume of Corpus of Turkish Islamic Inscriptions series is devoted tot eh Inscriptions along the Nothern part of Black Sea Regions. The insclude Ukrainian territories (excluding Crimea, because abundance of Crimean Inscriptions needs a separate volume) Russia, Georgia, Moldavia and as an anomaly Lithuania.
There are from the lands 86 86 Inscriptions.
Ukraine is the richest with 64 Inscriptions tehn follows Moldova 12 kitabe inscriptions and herafter comes Russia with 5, Georgia with 4 and Lithuania with2 Inscriptions.
As distribution tot he cities Hotin (7), Kamanetsk(1), Ismail (10), Kiliya (4), Özi (Ocahakov) (4), Ak-kerman (5), Odessa (19), Herson (11), Gazikermen (2) ve Strizavka (1) cities in Ukraine.
From Russia Temruk (2), Anapa (2), Soğucak (1) and Georgia Sohumkale (2) ve Faş (2); Moldova is the main Ottoman city Of Bender with 12 isncriptions.
All inscriptions are deciphered, and commented in their historical and cultural framework and aspects.
The book is produced as a collective of many authors Iw ould like to mention them here:
Andrey Krasnozhon, Anton Kostenko, Dariusz Kolodzjejczyk, Ev¬liya Çelebi, Fatma Kutlar Oğuz, Feridun Emecen, George Vilkov, Halil Edhem, Igor Sapozhnikov, İbrahim Maraş, İzzet Ali Paşa, Ma¬riana Slapac, Mihai Maxim, Mustafa L. Bilge, N.A. Marx, Temel Öztürk, Ivan Spafarsis, Sururi, Vladimir Levchuk, Alexander Raki¬tin, Sadık Müfit Bilge
165x240 cm, softcover
Will published at 1st of March 2021.
Price € 60 excl. Shipping costs
Turkish with Russian Long abstract at the end.
Please send your orders to next email:
Some sample pages are viewed here:
The last ottoman mosque of Thessaloniki / Theory & proposal for restoration - reuse
Author: Nikos Chatzitryfon
Distribution license: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND (Author reference - Non-commercial use - Non-derivative works)
ISBN 978-618-00-2540-8
Pages: 105
Year of publication: 2020
«Το τζαμί της Φεριντέ χανούμ στη Θεσσαλονίκη» – Σύγγραμμα του Νίκου Χατζητρύφων
Το τελευταίο οθωμανικό τέμενος της Θεσσαλονίκης / Θεωρία & πρόταση αποκατάστασης – επανάχρησης
Συγγραφέας: Νίκος Χατζητρύφων
Άδεια διανομής: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND (Αναφορά δημιουργού – Μη εμπορική χρήση – Μη παράγωγα έργα)
ISBN 978-618-00-2540-8
Σελίδες: 105
Έτος έκδοσης: 2020
Het boek is samengesteld door Hans Krol en Mehmet Tütüncü. Het gaat over de geschiedenis van een verloren schilderij. Adriaan Pauw (1585-1653) was raadspensionaris en is belangrijk geweest voor Heemstede. In 1620 kocht hij de heerlijkheid Heemstede en mocht zich daarna Heer van Heemstede noemen
Upon his arrival in Istanbul in 1612 Cornelis Haga, the first appointed
ambassador of the Netherlands to the Ottoman Empire, received a
warm welcome. The treaty which was signed in the same year set out
the trade and diplomatic relations between the Ottoman Empire and
the Republic of Seven Provinces of the Netherlands.
In those years, while the Netherlands were striving for independence
from the Spanish Empire of the Habsburgs known as the 80 Years’ War,
they gained the support of the Ottoman Empire and thus the foundation
of strong relations was laid, which lasted for centuries.
Cornelis Haga, who settled in Istanbul, corresponded with the Netherlands
and constantly informed his country about the Ottoman Empire.
Dutch government officials who were curious about the appearance of
the city requested a great panorama painting of Istanbul. Haga sent a
huge painting to the Netherlands which was painted by a well-known
artist. A letter which was written by Haga was sent on 1st of October
1616. with the painting. He wrote “ With the ship called White Arend
which goes to Amsterdam, I am sending you the completely accurate
paint of Istanbul which is painted under my patronage. When the painting
arrived, it was to be delivered by my brother Johan Haga.”
We do not have information about the painting and its dimensions. The
only thing that we know is that the painting was hanging on the wall of
the Constantinople room of the Castle Hemstede. It was built in 1620
by Adrian Pauw, the general secretary of the Dutch National Council
(Raadpensionaris) in the village of Heemstede, which is located 50 km
from the capital city of the Hague, the administrative centre of the Netherlands.
Some of the writings on the rooms of this castle, which was destroyed
due to neglect in 1810, were kept in the archives. It is stated that the painting
was sent by Cornelis Haga. A copy of this very curious painting,
which has not survived, can be found in the Swedish National Library
today. In this book you will find the story of the making, disappearance
of this painting and a comparative analysis of Istanbul paintings.
Türkistan’da Yenilik Hareketleri ve İhtilaller: 1900-1924
Osman Hoca Anısına İncelemeler
Reform Movements and Revolutions in Turkistan: 1900-1924
Studies in Honour of Osman Khoja
Edited by Timur Kocaoğlu
This volume dedicated tot he memory of the late president of teh Republic of Bukhara Osman Khoja (1878-1968) , brings together the most significant and interesting works of many Central Asian scholars who attempt to shed light on many dark pages regarding the historical events and personalities in Turkistan between 1900 and 1924.
Politics: Czarist Russian and the Soviet colonial rules, reformist (jadididst) movements and struggle for independence among Central Asian peoples.
The Andican uprising of 1898, the mass revolt of Central Asian people
in 1916, the formation of various authonomous governments (Alash-
Orda, Turkistan) and republics (Bukhara abnd Kharazm) between 1917
and 1923/, and the guerilla (Basmachi) armed struggle (1918-1934), the
congress of the Muslims in Russia (1905-1907)
Personalities: Osman Khoja, Mustafa Chokay, Zeki Velidi Togan, Enver
Pasha, Fayzulla Khoja, Behbudi, Munavvar Qari, Abdurrauf Fitrat,
Cholpan, Ahmad Naim Nusratullah, Ahmet Baytursunov, Mir Yaqub
Daulet-uli, Abdurrashid Ibrahim, Ismail Gaspirinski
Locations, Bukhara, Tashkent, Almati, Dushanba, Sari Arka, Kazan,
Moscow, Bakhchesaray, Baku, Istanbul, Ankara, Kabul.
S.S. Agzamkhodjaev (Uzbekistan), Edward A. Allworth (USA),
Hamidulla Andicânlı Baltabaev (Uzbekistan), Kambar Atabayev (Kazakstan),
Ahmet Salih Bıçakçı (Israel), Nadir Devlet (Turkey), Stéphane A. Dudoignon
(France), Baymirza Hayit (Germany), Necip Hablemıtoğlu (Turkey), Darhan
Hıdıraliyev (Kazakstan), Khayrulla İsmatulla (USA), Adeeb Khalid (USA),
Tımur Kocaoğlu (Turkey), Hisao Komatsu (Japan), Mämbet Qoygeldiyev
(Kazakstan), H. B. Paksoy (USA), Mehmet Saray (Turkey), Uli Schamiloglu
(USA), M. Nazif Shahrani (USA), Tomohiko Uyama (Japan), Mehmet
Tütüncü (Holland)
This work comprises names and biographies of more than 650 illustrious persons and their genealogical connections with each other from the time of Adam to 1700 CE. What makes it important is that 205 of them are illustrated with portraits. The illustrations are presented chronologically and are, to a certain extent, interrelated. It thus presents an ideal source to learn about the affinities and the genealogy of the reigning dynasties and prophets. Because of all the
afore-mentioned qualities, we named this work, which does not bear any title, the Genealogy of Warsaw (Silsile-nâme-î Varşova).
In the portrait section of the work, the names of the people portrayed
are sometimes written below the Arabic inscription in pencil
in French and in English. These are additions to notices written in
different hands of the respective owners of the manuscript (Newton,
Barnard, Jaubert etc.). In the Genealogy, some lineages can be
followed carefully along lines. These are the Israelites, the Turks, the
Prophet Mohammed followed by the Caliphs
Hereke halımızın Sultan Abdülhamid
tarafından hediye edildiği bilgisinin
yanlış olduğunu söyleyen Dr. Mehmet
Tütüncü:“Haberlerde, konuşmalarda
halının Abdülhamid tarafından hediye
edildiği bilgisinin verilmesi yanlış.
Halıyı Sultan Reşat hediye etmiş-
tir. 2016’da belgeselime konuşan
merhum tarih profesörü Haluk
Dursun da bunu söylemiştir. Halı-
mızın Adalet Divanı’nda yer alması ile
gurur duyuyoruz ama tarihini düzgün
bilmiyoruz. Bu cehalet bize yakışmıyor.”
Corpus of Ottoman inscriptions from Albania and Montenegro. -
Haarlem : SOTA
ISBN: 978-90-6921-010-0
Tütüncü, Mehmet.
Türk ve Arap Dünyas Aratrma Merkezi, 2017.
312 pages. (paperback) - (Corpus of Turkish Islamic inscriptions = Türk Islam
kitabeleri dizisi / Research Center for Turkish and Arabic world = Türk ve Arap
Dünyasi Arastirma Merkezi ; 7).
22 Mayıs 2017 Pazartesi günü açılıştan sonra 2. Oturumda Hasan Eren salonunda....
II. OTURUM: 11.00-12.15
11.40-12.00 Dr. Mehmet TÜTÜNCÜ “Türkiye’de En Eski Türkçe Kitabe Eskişehir Seyitgazi İlçesinde Bulundu (Seyitgazi Kurd Abdal Vakfiyesi - 1369 Yılı)”
The movement of Shabbetai Sevi had great impact on the Jews in Europe. Many European Jews considered him as the savior who was waited long. His becoming of Turk was also very disappointing. The Dutch press in 17th Century was following the Shabbetai Sevi very narrowly. The book by Thomas Coonan who was Minister of Dutch Consulate in Izmir in 1669 with the title of Yodeled Verwachtinge der Joden is famous for its report from the Shabetai Sevi and its impact on the Jews in Turkey. However, this not only Shabetai’s journeys and actions were followed and reported in the Dutch press on a very frequent and actual frequency. Fortunately, one of the earliest Dutch newspaper Opregte Haarlemsche Courants copies has been preserved. The newspaper was established in 1656 and was published 2 times a week. The columns of the Newspaper from the years 1665 and 1666 contains frequently material and reports about Shabbatei Sevi and his movement. Correspondents wrote these reports from Symrna, Livorno, Amsterdam, London, Aleppo, Italy, France. When we study this material, one can obtain a real and contemporary view of the Shabbetai Sevi and its movement and its impact on the Jewry of Europe. This material of Haarlemsche Courant is a great and contemporary source, which has not been studied and published. In this contribution, I would like present this source to the conference, and make some preliminary remarks about the publication of this important source.
07-09 NİSAN / APRIL 2016
Evidence is emerging that this stone, found among the Turkish inscriptions in the museum on Rhodes Island, was placed as a talısmanıc stone that protected Turkish sailors from disasters and storms and carried codes for their safe arrival.2016 In August of that year, I made a working visit to Rhodes Island with my friend Architect Mehmet Emin Yılmaz. During our visit to the museum, this stone attracted my attention.
The article examines Ottoman inscriptions, which are kept in the Regional History Museum - Vidin, Bulgaria. The inscriptions are from buildings that have not survived to this day. The inscriptions belong to mosques, fountains and a sultan's tugrah.
1. Mehmet Tütüncü Önsöz / Introduction 6
2. Mehmet Tütüncü Vakfiyenin Özeti/ Summary of the Endowment 10-13
3. Tıpkıbasım Facsimile 14-24
4. Ahmed Ameen Arapça Metin /Arabic text (Turkology.202023.ID0093) 15-25
5. Ibrahim Yılmaz Türkçe Tercüme (Turkology.202023.ID0094) 26-31
6. Murat Demir English Translation (Turkology.202023.ID0095) 26-31
7. Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğünde bulunan Vakfiye ve Türkçe tercümesi (Turkology.202023.ID0096)
Translation of Waqfiye text preserved ın Directorate General of Waqfs of Turkey 32-34
8. Mehmet Tütüncü Vakfiyede geçen Yer isimler Haritası (Turkology.202023.ID0097)
Map of Place names in the Waqfiye 36-37
9. Mehmet Tütüncü Vakfın Osmanlı zamanındaki gelirleri (Turkology.202023.ID0098)
Incomes of the Waqf during Ottoman times 38-45
10. Mehmet Tütüncü Vakfın Kuruldğuu Zamanda Anadolu’da Türkler (Turkology.202023.ID0099)
Turks In Anatolia at the time of the Endowment of the Foundation 46-49
11. Mehmet Tütüncü II. Alameddin Kayser (Turkology.202023.ID0100)
Second Alameddin Kayser 50-52
12. Nevzat Topal H. 509 M. 115 tarihli Şeyh Torasan Vakfı (Turkology.202023.ID0101)
Şheikh Torasan endowment from 509 Hijri / 1115 CE 53-59
13. Nathan Hofer First Sufi endowments (Turkology.202023.ID0102)
Ilk Sufi Vakıfları 60-65
14. Mustafa Akkuş, ve İzzetullah Zeki (Turkology.202023.ID0103) 66-71
Ebu Said Hayr el Rumi
15. Sadi Bayram Türkiyedeki en eski Vakfiyeler (Turkology.202023.ID0104)
Oldest Waqfs in Turkish Regsitry of Waqfs 72-83
16. Bibliography (Turkology.202023.ID0105) 84-86
Mustafa Cansız Kaş ve Meis Su Yazitlari (Turkology.202023.ID0106) 88-96
Mustafa Cansız Evliya Çelebi Seyhatname’sinde yer alan (Turkology.202023.ID0107)
Antalya’daki bazı Selçuklu ve Osmanlı yazıtlarının Okunuşları üzerine Düzeltme önerileri 97-110
Review / Willian Keynan-Wilson Ottoman Manners Turkology.202023.ID0108)
Kassel Album 111-116
Rumen İvanov Turkology.202023.ID0109) Bulgari̇stan‘dan Malkoçoğlu Ai̇lesi̇yle İlgi̇li̇ Kitabeler 118-127
Ali Cheib ben Sassi / علي الشايب بن ساسي (Turkology.202023.ID0110)
أوبئة العصر الحديث في طرابلس الغرب (1606-1786) من خلال الكتابات التاريخية والاكتشافات النقائشية الجديدة
Épidémies de l›âge moderne à l›ouest de Tripoli (1606-1786) à travers les écrits historiques
et les nouvelles découvertes d›inscriptions 145-128
nr. 19
Aralık / December 2022
Mehmet Tütüncü
Büyük Tuna Zinciri / The Grat Danube Chain 4-11
Hilary Waardenburg-Kirkpatrick
Mustafa Cansiz
ABDAL MUSA TEKKESİ YAZITLARI / Inscriptions of Abdal Musa Tekke in Antalya 30-45
Turkology 192022.ID0091
Lotfi Abdeljouad
Retour sur une stèle funéraire Kairouanaise attribuée à Almería (Espagne) 46-73
Return of a Kairouan Epigraphic stone attributed to Almeria in Berlin
Amasyalı Koca Müftü, Diye Anılan ‘İdizâde, Âkifzâde Mustafa Efendi ve Eserleri
Özet: Merzifon menşeli, sülâlesi Amasya Sultan Bayezıd Medresesi müderrisleri olan, XVII. yüzyıl mutasavvıf ve şairlerinden, Arapça,Farsça ve Osmanlıcayı iyi blen, torunları da dahil hep tâlik yazı yazani bir müddet Kahirede’de yaşamış,, dedesi, babası, oğlu ve torunları da müderirs olan, Koca Müftü Âkifzâde Mustafa Efendi, soyu, hayatı, Sultan III. Ahmed’e sunulan divânının fasimile metni ve diğer şiirleri üzerinde duracağız.
Abstract: Merzifon origin, whose dynasty was the professors of Amasya Sultan Bayezid Madrasa, XVII. Husband Mufti Akifzâde Mustafa Efendi, one of the mystics and poets of the 17th century, who could speak Arabic, Persian and Ottoman well, always wrote talik script, including his grandchildren, lived in Cairo for a while, and his grandfather, father, son and grandchildren were professors. III. We will focus on the fasimile text of his divan presented to Ahmed and his other poems.
Anahtar/Key:Seyyid Ahmed Ruf’aî, Tâcüddün Muhammed, Amasya, ‘İdizâde, Âkifzâde Mustafa, Sultan Bayezıd., Bedia, Hariri, Divan.
Museum in Austria
Mehmet Tütüncü
The Weltmusuem (World museum) in Vienna is an ethnographic museum a dependance of Kunsthistorische
Museum. The ethnographic art works of nations of the world are exhibited. A small section
here is devoted to the Islamic world. When I visited this museum on August 5in 2002, a stone inscription
in the showcase caught my attention. I tried to read the inscription by comparing it with the
information on the panel. Although some of the information on the panel was wrong, it was important
tbecaus it giveth information about the provennce of the inscription.
The Text of this information (in both German and English in the footnote below1).
It is stated that the inscription was written in Bosnian Arabic script. However, the language of the inscription
is not Bosnian, there is no such typeface of writing thts called as Bosnian Arabic script / Is it
that difficult to say that the inscription was written in Ottoman Turkish and Arabic letters? In addition,
it is stated that the Zvornik castle was destroyed by the Austrians during the occupation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina in 1878 and the inscription was brought to Vienna
Famous and enigmatic at the same time, this is how the “Masters of Tabriz” could be defined. They are well-known because they are associated with the splendid Ottoman tiles of the 15th and 16th centuries but the identity of these ceramists remains mysterious in many respects. Their denomination is itself a problem, it comes from the signature Ustādān-i Tabrīz inscribed in the Yeşil Cami of Bursa (1424). Therefore, generally, it refers only to the craftsmen who produced this masterpiece. However, this same name covers in fact four groups of ceramists who worked mainly in Bursa, Edirne, Istanbul and Jerusalem for almost a century and a half. We could of course think they are from Tabriz, but this designation is misleading because they are not all from this Iranian city. It is not only their geographical origin that is controversial, but also several aspects of their history. Indeed, certain architectural tiles which they have not signed give rise to problems of attribution and consequently lead to further questions concerning their artistic route through the Ottoman lands and neighbouring regions. Even the few monumental signatures are subject to discussion because they do not necessarily designate ceramists, thus making the reconstitution of these different groups more difficult. The “Masters of Tabriz” did not leave a biography and this is the reason why a large number of hypotheses have been formulated since the beginning of the 20th century. This study proposes a critical approach to all methods of identification in order to distinguish between reliable and uncertain theories. The aim is to put an end to misconceptions as their puzzling history gives rise to imaginary stories.
This study was presented at the 16th International Congress of Turkish Arts held in Ankara in 2019, but was not published because the congress editorial board required an original topic. Indeed, I already had the opportunity to write about the “Masters of Tabriz” in Eurasian Studies in 2017, however the approach is different. The previous article mainly focused on rereading ancient texts and monumental inscriptions as some of them were subject to extrapolations and hasty deductions which necessarily falsified the identification of these ceramists. As for this present paper, it exposes and shows the limits of all identification methods (monumental signatures, names of artists in the archives, nisba, comparative study of ceramics, ancient texts, monumental inscriptions) which can indeed be interpreted in different ways and generates false notions.
remained from the First Turkic Khaganate has created a “vacuum” in the field about
what the official (written) language of the Khaganate was. Although one and only one
inscription was based upon as a very weak and insufficient basis, this vacuum was
first wanted to be filled with Sogdian, regarding the Sogdian part of the (bilingual)
Bugut inscription, one of the inscriptions Bugut and Khüis Tolgoi which are supposed
to be the only inscriptions remained from the First Turkic Khaganate. However,
together with that the part in Brāhmī script of the Bugut inscription, and the Khüis
Tolgoi inscription again in Brāhmī script, which were not able to be read afore, have
recently been read being interpreted as a kind of early Mongolic or para-Mongolic,
a second official language has been claimed for the First Turkic Khaganate besides
Sogdian: “written imperial Mongolic”, the state language of the Ruan-Ruan Empire.
But the “new reality” we have exposed in this article is that First Turkic Khaganate left
inscriptions in Turkic, that is to say, “the stage is not empty at all”. So, there is not any
vacuum about what the official language of the First Turkic Khaganate was. Turkic
runic script was in use even in the establishment of the First Turkic Khaganate (552)
and on the basis of the existing documents in Turkic in runic script remained from that
period, the official/written language of the First Turkic Khaganate was indisputably
(“written imperial”) Turkic.
Key Words: Tsetsüüh Roof Tile Inscription (552 AD), Kara Katu Inscription (593
AD), the official language of the First Turkic Khaganate.
In the ancient city Sura located 22 km west of Raqqa, Syria ISIS terrorists made illegal excavations for the purpose of pillage after capturing the region in 2013.
Ali Othman, an archeologist and heritage curator in University of Paris who carried
out archeological studies in Sura until 2011 when he had to leave the region, and was
following afar in sorrow that pillage and destruction from the photographs to whom his local contacts submitted via mobile phone, noticed in the photographs in 2015 a new inscription on a piece of column uncovered by chance in one of the excavation pits.
As a result of an intensive epigraphical research conducted after that date it has been understood that this inscription, a sample of which has not been encountered previously in the region, is connected to the historical runic writing system of the Turkic-speaking
peoples of Southern Siberia. However, the inscription had not yet been read until our work. In this article we present our reading proposal for Sura runic inscription and report our views and evaluations on the context and dating of the inscription. The conclusion we reached is that the inscription had been left by Huns after a Hun commander who had died probably in the battles, during their occupation lasting approximately two years,
including all of Syria, Mesopotamia and Eastern Anatolia along with a part of Central Anatolia, in the raids which the eastern wing of European Huns organized through
the Caucasus between the years 395-396. Therefore, we think the inscription is dated between the years 395-396. By this aspect of it this one-line inscription has also the
feature of being the first real Western Hun Turkic and in addition, Proto-Turkic (?) (1st
- 6th centuries AD) text.
Key words: Sura runic inscription, Southern Siberia - Yenisei region Turkic runic script,
European Huns, Hun commander Kursik (? < Kurčik), Western Hun Turkic.
The present article discusses imprints of one such lost ecclesiastical bilingual seal, its owner, the documents stamped with it, and the documents’ significance for the mid-18th century.
pp. 4-11 Hacibektaşi Veli’nin en eski Resmi
(Oldest Picture of Haji Bektashi Veli)
pp. 12-15 En eski Bektaşi Mezartaşı Odessa Arkeoloji Müzesinde mi?
Oldest Bektashi Tombstone found in Odessa Arch. Museum
Hamit Zübeyir Koşay / dr. Nilgün Çevrimli
pp. 16-34 Haci Bektaş Tekkesi Çeviriyazım
Hamit Zübeyir Koşay
p. 35-61 Hacıbektaş Tekkesi Türkiyat Mecmuası’ (1928)
Mehmet Tütüncü
p. 62-79 Hacıbektaş Külliyesinin Kitabeleri
pp. 4-13 Barbaros Hayreddin Paşa’nın Türbesi Zeus
Tapınağı mı İdi?
Sergiu Iosipescu & Raluca Iosipescu
pp. 14-25 The Ottoman Fountain Of The Village
Gelengiq/ Mireasa In The Romanian Dobroudj
Rumen İvanov- Mehmet Tütüncü
pp. 26-35 Bulgari̇stan, Plovdiv Şehri̇nden Xvi. Yüzyilin Başindan Osmanli
Epi̇grafi̇k An
Уникален османски епиграфски паметник от Пловдив
Gamze Gül Köse.
pp. 36-56 Kâzımkarabekir (Gaferyat) Ulu Camii
Kâzimkarabekkir (Gaferyat) Great Mosque
Mehmet Tütüncü.
Heraklion Defterdar Ahmet Pasha mosque inscription
Doç. Dr. Cem Erdem KİTABİYAT (Book review)
pp. 63-66 . Silsile- Nâme-i Varşova
Süheyl Ünver
pp. 68 Konya not defterinden Gaferyat Ulu Camis’inde bulunan çini
Ahmed Ameen pp. 4-38 Bilingual and trilingual inscriptions of the Ottoman buildings in Greece
Dr. Başak Burcu Eke pp. 39-48 Review. Kitap Tanıtımı
The Seljuqs and Their Successors: Art, Culture And History, (eds) Sheila R.Canby, Deniz Beyazit and Martina Rugiadi, Edinburgh Studies in Islamic
Art (Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, 2020), xvi + 309 pp., ISBN:
Kitabeler Arasında . Between Inscriptions
Kübra Kara (Anadolu Ajansı) pp. 49-51 Midilli Adası’ndaki Osmanlı eserlerine UNESCO koruması talebi (Anadolu
Ajansı 29.09.2020)
Turkology.012021.ID0034 Nikoloas Haztytrifion & Mehmet Tütüncü
pp. 52-54 An Interesting Ottoman Inscription from 1806 for Sale in an Auction House / Bir mezatta satIşa sunuland 1806 tarihli bir Osmanli Kitabesi
pp. 55-58
Mehmet Tütüncü TRABLUSGARP’TAN TÜRKÇE KİTABELER I / Turkish Inscriptions from
Tripoli in Libya I Mecidiye Camisi ve Topçu Kışlası Kitabeleri
pp. 59-69
İstanbul 1. Mahmud Çeşmesinin Başına gelenler . / What happened to the Inscription of the fountain of Sultan I. Mahmud
New Book about the Mosque of Feride Hanym in Thessaloniki by Nikos Chatzitryfon
pp. 70-71
The first traces of Moslems in Anatolia have been found at Knidos
antique city in Datça, Muğla province. Mehmet Tütüncü, the
head of the Turk-Arab World Research Center, found eight Arabic
inscriptions under rubble and plants at Knidos and determined
that they date from the year 715 A.D. The inscriptions reveal
that an advance force of a Moslem military expedition that would
undertake the second effort to seize Istanbul from the Byzantines in
717, had taken Knidos.
Tütüncü explained that “I think that Knidos was seized in order
to provide a resting/staging point for the Moslem forces coming
from the Middle East and North Africa to take Istanbul. The
Byzantines then living in Knidos were overcome and their church
was turned into a mosque. Moslems killed in Turkish battle for
Knidos were buried in a cemetery there. After the failure of the
Istanbul siege, the Moslems abandoned Knidos in 717. We think
the returning Byzantines destroyed the mosque and the cemetery.
There are probably more documents and gravestones belonging to
Moslems yet to be found at Knidos.”
Additionally, Tütüncü stated that “I encountered Arabic texts on
the stone pavement of the Byzantine church called ‘Doric Stoa’ at
Knidos. The first Moslem naval commander was Muaviye, the
Omayyad ruler at the time of the first attempted Moslem siege of
Istanbul in 668 A.D., which ended with the death of Eyyup el
Ensari. Today, at Knidos in Datça there is a sundial, a Temple
of Apollo, the Corinth Temple and a theater dating from ancient
times. When an excavation headed by İris Love dug here in 1969
the Islamic material was not dealt with, so Turkish archeologists
will have to do the job.
Mehmet Tütüncü Ottoman Inscriptions in Turkish Language from
(Israel) p. 5-57 Palestina
Book Review: The Ka’aba Orientations by Simon O’ Meara.
p. 61
Okay Sütçüoğlu “Ahi Evren” Adı Ve Menkıbesine Farklı Bir Bakış
4-15 Açısı
A Different Point Of View To Name Of The “Ahi̇
16-20 Two Ottoman Seals From Izmail And Its Vicinity
Torbjorn Odegaard First Printing House In Ottoman Tripoli
22-25 (Libya)
Mehmet Tütüncü
26-45 Anadolu’da İlk İslam Fethinin (Hicri 97 / Miladi 715 yılı)
Türkiye’de İlk Müslümanlar ve Knidos Kitabeleri
43-46 KNIDOS Denizlerin Buluştuğu Kent Kitabı
48-49 JANSEN VAN SALEE (Anadolu Ajansı 8 aralık 2019, )
Paul Brood Land purchase of the First Muslim Anthony van Salee Settl
50-55 ler in New Amsterdam
F.J. Syper News from New Amsterdam The Schagen Lettter (Purchase
56-62 document ofManhattan from Dutch National Archives)
Sayfa / Page: 6-10
Andrey Krasnozhon Historical Map of Izmail (reconstruction based on historical
Sayfa / Page: 12-17
Mehmet Emin Yılmaz İsmail Geçidi’nde Habeşî Mehmed Ağa Câmii Restütüsyon
Sayfa / Page: 18-37
Okay Sütçüoğlu Rusya Devlet Arşivinden 1795 Tarihli İsmail Şehri
Haritasına Göre; Tuna Nehri’nde Bazı Osmanlı Dönemi
Gemilerinin Analizi
Sayfa / Page: 38-66
Berat Açıl Habeşî Mehmed Ağa’nın (ö. 1590) Vakfettiği Kitaplar ve Akıbetleri
Sayfa 67-88-
Hülya Yarar Çakıroğlu Ismail Kalesi Kuşatması (Osmanlıca metnin transkripsiyonu)
Sayfa 84-89
The 6th edition of the International Journal of Turkology
is dedicated to an unknown and forgotten city on the Ottoman
borderland. The city of Ismail – or in Ukrainian
Izmail – on the northern Kilia branch of Danube River,
some 70 kilometers away from the Black sea, is now a
sleeping city with no crossing, no bridge and not customs
authority, even though its located a few hundred
meters away from the border to Romania, which is on
the other side of the Danube.
Ismail was once a thrilling city, with a multi-ethnic
community. The city was established in 1589 by an Ottoman
Black Eunuch, Chief of Sultans harem, Abyssinian
Mehmed Agha, who dedicated the incomes form the
city to the Holy cities of Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem.
Ismail was important because it was located on a famous
crossing point of Danube. Before the Ottomans, it
was yearly visited and looted by brigands. The Ottoman
Sultan Murad III decided to establish a fortress and a
city, and the order was given to Habeshi Mehmed Agha,
who with great efforts mobilized a whole set of Ottoman
government bodies to found the city within a few years.
In that year, all the infrastructure for a prosperous city
was implemented. A fortress, a Khan, a Mosque, a customs
authority, a shipyard, etc. were established. Ismail
became a prosperous city for the coming 200 years.
Located at a crossing point, the city was attacked
by Russian troops in the 17th and 18th century Ottoman-
Russian wars. In 1790, under the famous attack
by general Suvorov, the city was burned and the civil
population was excarnated by Russian Troops. The city
never recovered from this attack, and in 1856 – with
the treaty of Paris – the fortress was demolished, and
the Ottoman local Muslim population left. The Russians
established a new city near the old city. This new local
population never showed any interest in the old city, and
so the city fell into amnesia.
In 2019, the editors of this volume Mehmet Tütüncü
and Andrey Krasnozhon has published a book (see
back cover of this journal for further information) that
clarifies and discloses the documentation on the city’s
200 years existence from 1590 until 1790. The book,
published in the Ukraine and Turkish language, was received
very well. The articles in this Journal is a follow
up on our monography on Ismail. In this volume, we
have included some new research about Ismail.
The first article is from Andrey Krasnozhon, who
gives an introduction into Ismail’s short but interesting
city life, from its establishment to its destruction.
The second article by Mehmet Emin Yılmaz is about
the only remnant of Ottoman Ismail. It is the Habeshi
Mehmed Agha Mosque which is very beautiful and picturesque
and the oldest of the region. This mosque, with
its cupola, is a gem of Ottoman architecture. For a long
time it was used as a church, and nowadays it is used
as a DIORAMA panorama museum of attack of Ismail.
Mehmet Emin Yilmaz an architect from Ankara with
years-long experience, has done an attempt to research
the original mosque and its features.
The third article is about the Danube and its ships.
During our research, we found a map in Russian archives
which also enclosed a map of the city, which is
published in our monography last year. But this map has
also very interesting drawings of boats, ships, and carriers
in the Danube river. Dr. Okay Sütcüoğlu from Antalya
University has made a meticulous study of these
boats and their origins.
The fourth article is by dr. Berat Açıl from Istanbul’s
Şehir University. He has studied a part of the waqfıyye
of Habeshi Mehmet Agha, which also was published in
our book. This waqfiye enumerates books possessed by
Habeshi Mehmed Agha. This article gives insight into
the life and the library and intellectual interests of an
Ottoman statesman.
The last article is by Hulya Yarar Cakiroglu who has
discovered and translated Ottoman documents which
gives information about the attack on Ismail of 1790.
There is much literature about this attack from the Russian
side, but information from Ottoman the side is very
We hope to have prepared an interesting periodical.
We have enough material fora second Ismail issue which
is planned in October this year.
IJOT is open for all participants who are welcome
to submit articles for our next issues. It could be on all
fields of Turkology and adjacent (Turkish Islamic material
culture in the broadest sense). The articles could
be in Turkish, English, French, Russian,or Arabic. Our
IJOT is until now completely free, but all readers and
supporters are most welcome to donate any amount. You
can donate any amount by Pay-Pal to:
Mehmet Tütüncü - Andrey Krasnozhon .
Gaspard Testa, only 23 years old at the time, interpreter and secretary of the embassy in Constantinople, travels with him and records the events daily in a diary. He writes in French with beautiful calligraphy and tells about the route, the distances, the landscapes, the people, the food and the events along the way. We get an impression of the Ottoman countryside. We pass through areas battered by the French Revolution in Austria and Germany. We visit Belgrade, Budapest, Vienna, Regensburg, Frankfurt and Cologne. The young Gaspard widens his eyes. And we watch with him. The texts, which are more than two hundred years old, force themselves on us like an exciting film.
The original travel diaries are in the National Archives in The Hague and are being published here for the first time in Dutch. The legible text is provided with beautiful old illustrations, maps and explanations and recent photos that were made especially for this publication.
Ottoman Documents to produce a carpet from Hereke to the Peace Palace in the Hague. with transcription and facsimile of 10 documents from Ottoman State Archives.
Ottoman Documents to produce a carpet from Hereke to the Peace Palace in the Hague.
Documentary: director Mehmet Tutuncu
The Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands, is the worldwide symbol of peace through jus- tice. It opened its doors in 1913 and has served the ideal of “Peace through Law” ever since. Today, it houses the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the United Nations International Court of Justice, The Hague Academy of International Law and the Peace Palace Library.
The Peace Palace in The Hague houses what is probably the largest Hereke carpet outside Türkiye. For more than 112 years the carpet has been part of the inventory of the Palace.
in 1899 and 1907 there were 2 great multinational Peace Conferences in Tha Hague. In 1907
it was decided to build a peace palace where the International Court of Justice should be housed. In 1907, when the first stone of the Peace Palace was laid, countries were asked to contribute to the construction of the Palace. Over 40 countries responded to this call, donating works of art such as paintings and vases, or building materials such as wood and marble. In this way the Peace Palace is not only a place for the world, but also from the world.
The Ottoman Empire donated a large Hereke carpet (160m2) with a floral decor on red ground. Hereke carpets of such superior quality were specially commissioned for palaces
in the Ottoman Empire by the Ottoman Sultan, Abdülhamid II. Characteristic of the Hereke carpet is its great durability and quality, partly due to the use of the Gordes knotting techni- que, the double knot. In addition, Hereke carpets are recognizable by the beautiful traditional Anatolian patterns and floral motifs that are passed on from generation to generation.
Mehmet Tütüncü
In the november 2020 (nr. 10) of this Journal I have (hereafter MT) published an article (10 pages) with long appendices (60 pages).
It was about a obvious attempt of plagiarism of an earlier article that was published by current author in 2015.
My original article of me from 2015 can be consulted from here:
The article that plagiarized my work was published in 2020 in the respectable journal Muqarnas with chief editor Prof. Guru Necipoglu (hereafter GN).
The article by Deniz Beyazit (herafter DB) who plagiarised my article can be consulted from here: (behind a paywall and I have not found a free access)
I have written short after thıs last article discontent. This last article which was I tried to show the similarities between both first works and accusing (DB) about plagiarism can be consulted and read from next link.
It’s now nearly 4 years later and after the publication of this last article I have corresponded with the chief editor (GN) and editorial board of Muqarnas. I think for the further debate how such a behaviour is awarded and regarded, its important that this correspondence should be made public. I am therefore here disclosing my correspondence. also with the argument to contribute to this difficult academic discussion.
Unpublished Ottoman Inscriptions from Dobruja pp. 5-23
One of the less explored fields of the Ottoman Balkan Studies is the Ottoman Inscriptions. There is no corpus of these important witnesses of history, which can tell some hidden stories of building activities in the Balkans. I am some years involved with producing a corpus of Ottoman Inscriptions in the Balkans. Such a corpus can contribute to the history of Ottoman and Turkish language in the Balkans. In collecting this corpus, I am friendly AND voluntarily assisted (helped) by many Romanian colleagues , who send me new discovered inscriptions, or Inscriptions that are in the collections of museums and which are not published. In this article I would like publish some inscriptions from Tulcea Museum which have been photographed and send me by Aurel Daniel-Stanica. These are mostly funerary inscriptions.
Next inscriptions with their content make subject of this contribution. they are read as far as its possible, translated into English and additional remarks and comments to enlighten the content are added.
Kahire’de Kavalalı Mehmet Ali Paşa Türbesinin Türkçe kitabeleri
The Tomb of Muhammad Ali Pasha,
also known as the Mosque of Muhammad Ali, is a significant historical and architectural landmark located within the Citadel of Cairo, Egypt. This mosque was commissioned by Muhammad Ali Pasha, the Ottoman governor and de facto ruler of Egypt in the early 19th century, as a tribute to his power and legacy. It is also his final resting place.
The inscriptions are written in Ottoman Turkish and Arabic, using elegant Thuluth or Naskh calligra phy, which were prominent styles during the Ottoman era. Texts highlight Muhammad Ali’s legacy as a ruler who reformed Egypt’s military, economy, and education.
Although the inscriptions on the tomb and the walls of Turbe are not widely documented, the above elements are typical of tombs from this era and region. The long inscription with 17 distiches was written ın 1272/1856. written by a poet Izzet.
Hollanda kraliyetinin kuruluş Yıllarında Gaspard Testa’nın maslahatgüzar (1815) ve ortaelçi (1843) olarak atanması konusunda Arşiv belgeleri
The Azerbaijani literary heritage of the 17th-century poet Məczub Təbrizi was brought to the attention
of the scholarly and literary community in 2005 and was published in Baku, Azerbaijan, in 2013.
Məczub’s divan (a collection of poems) holds significant value for studying and analyzing the developmental
stages of the Azerbaijani literary language.
As for the general content of the work, Məczub Təbrizi appears to be a committed Shiite poet, known
for his staunch opposition to free-thinkers (those of the Vesii persuasion). This demonstrates his engagement with the intellectual debates and struggles of his time. Despite this ideological rigidity, he is recognized as one of the master poets of his era in terms of artistic craftsmanship. aRTICLE IS IN AZERBAYCANI tURKISH IN ARABIC ALPHABET