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Existing studies on the translation of Nadsat – the invented language in A Clockwork Orange – neglect the fact that Nadsat is a result of language contact between English and Russian, and ignore the role that translators play in... more
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      German StudiesRussian StudiesSpanish StudiesTranslation Studies
Article History This study aims to identify the role of integrating technology in enhancing the use of language. The impact of utilizing the corpus-based approach (CA) on EFL learners' academic writing is investigated; highlighting the... more
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      Corpus-Based Studiesacademic writing in EFLEFLEFL Teachers in Saudi Arabia Teachers in Saudi ArabiaSaudi EFL context
In the paper we explore the potential use of parallel German-Polish corpora in translation and grammar studies. We use the PARASOL-corpus as a tool for grammatical research of the dass-clause in German and their equivalents in Polish.
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      Translation StudiesGerman LanguageCorpus LinguisticsContrastive Analysis
This paper addresses both stylistic analysis and literary appreciation. It is a qualitative quantitative approach where content words like nouns, adjectives and verbs are harnessed to be analysed for proving the research question. This... more
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      Corpus StylisticsCorpus Stylistics, Modal Verbs, AdjectivesCorpus-Based StudiesStylistic Analysis
The focus of this paper is on such competition that arises regarding the case for which pronouns preceding a verbal gerund are marked. To be more specific, ‘gerundive nominals’ as opposed to ‘action nominals’ can be preceded by either an... more
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      Applied Corpus LinguisticsCorpus-Based Studies
NOVODVORSKI, Ariel; LISBOA, Joel Victor Reis (org.). Estudos exploratórios em Linguística de Corpus. Araraquara: Letraria, 2021.

ISBN: 978-65-86562-57-6
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      LexicologyCorpus LinguisticsAppraisal (Systemic Functional Linguistics)Corpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
"This paper aims to explore the pragmatic aspects of summer school application calls in the framework of Brown and Levinson’s (1987) politeness theory. The first part of the paper elaborates on the theoretical foundation of the phenomena... more
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      PragmaticsLinguistic PolitenessFace and Facework TheoryApplied Linguistics
The second volume of the IDP series contains papers by phraseologists from five continents: Europe, Australia, North America, South America and Asia, which were written within the framework of the project Intercontinental Dialogue on... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguagesSecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and Linguistics
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      Natural Language ProcessingPhraseologyCorpus-Based Studies
The volume contains papers by phraseologists from Europe and Asia, which were written within the framework of the project Intercontinental Dialogue on Phraseology conducted by the University of Bialystok in cooperation with Kwansei Gakuin... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguagesTranslation StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
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      Corpus LinguisticsPhraseologyIdiomsCollocations
The aim of this issue of is to bring together investigation into the lexicon in a variety of languages, in a diversity of manifestations – both at the word level and beyond the word level – and from a variety of perspectives, including... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCorpus LinguisticsLexicographyLexicon
Si shembull i përdorimit të Korpusit të shqipes në artikullin jepen rezultatet paraprake e një studimi të bazuar në tekstet e Korpusit (angl. case study). Në studimin tonë përqendruam vëmendjen mbi funksionimin e formit të perfektit... more
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      Albanian StudiesCorpus LinguisticsAlbanian morphologyAlbanian language
Scientific English is not homogenous but varies in relation to the contexts. As a contribution to the field, this study developed a list of academic words used frequently in physiotherapy research articles (RAs) and compared it with the... more
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      Corpus-Based StudiesAcademic vocabulary
The quality of a writing highly depends on cohesion and coherence as they affect the tone of writing to a great extent. Linking adverbials (LAs) are among the types of cohesive devices which help connect ideas in a more smooth way.... more
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      English for Academic PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish languageAcademic Writing
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      Corpus Linguistics & Language PedagogyVocabulary LearningCorpus-Based Studies
Corpus-based translation studies have come a long way since they were introduced in the last decade of the 20th century. This volume offers a balanced collection of theoretical and application-orientated contributions which establish... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus LinguisticsInterpreting StudiesInterpretation
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      Discourse AnalysisJurisprudenceMedia StudiesCritical Discourse Studies
This article investigates the sources of the recapitulation using statistical methods. The recapitulation has traditionally been viewed as an expansion of small ternary forms, resulting in a top-down approach, whereby the repeat of... more
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      Music Theory18th Century MusicCorpus-Based StudiesSonata form
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      Sign Language LinguisticsRegister VariationPhonetic reductionCorpus-Based Studies
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      Qualitative methodologyCorpus LinguisticsQuantitative ResearchQualitative Research
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      Corpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisCorpus AnalysisCorpus Stylistics
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      Critical Discourse StudiesCorpus LinguisticsCritical Discourse AnalysisCorpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
This study analyses the explanatory strength of conceptual metaphors
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      Discourse AnalysisConceptual Metaphor TheoryIntercultural PragmaticsCorpus-Based Studies
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      Corpus LinguisticsLexicographyPolysemySözlükbilim
Статья содержит краткий обзор количественных исследований, выполненных – полностью или частично – на материале балканских языков и диалектов с конца XX в. до настоящего времени. Рассматриваются последние достижения ареальной лингвистики в... more
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      Balkan StudiesDialectometryBalkan and Slavic LanguagesBulgarian Language
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      Academic WritingCorpus-Based StudiesCorpus for English as Second Language
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      Corpus LinguisticsPolysemyTurkish Corpus LinguisticsCorpus-Based Studies
The article presents the main results of an online survey and corpus research of Slovene paremiological units and discusses how paremiological units of modern origin are gathered. Some practical examples of the advantages of an optimum... more
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      Slavic LanguagesBalkan StudiesProverbsCorpus Linguistics
Rhythmic complexity, as represented by polyrhythm (the superposition of two or more contrasting rhythms, meters or speeds), is often identified as one of the central features of twentieth-century Western art music. This project uses... more
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      Music TheoryComputational ModellingTwentieth-century MusicMusic Cognition
There is a long history of stylometric approaches to questions of authorship of the Íslendingasögur, most particularly the question of whether Snorri Sturluson wrote Egils saga. Wieselgren (1927) used the frequencies of a series of... more
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      StylisticsLiterary StylisticsStylometricsOld Norse Literature
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish languageApplied LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics
It is generally believed that, when a linguistic item acquires a new meaning, its overall frequency of use rises with time with an S-shaped growth curve. Yet, this claim has only been supported by a limited number of case studies. In this... more
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      Complex Systems ScienceSemanticsCognitive SemanticsLanguage Evolution
This report describes the open-source Recorded Brahms Corpus (RBC) dataset, as well as the methods employed to extract and process the data. The dataset contains (micro)timing and dynamic data from 21 recordings of Brahms’s Cello Sonatas,... more
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      Performance StudiesCorpus-Based StudiesDigital Applications In MusicologyDataset
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      Albanian StudiesCorpus LinguisticsAlbanian languageCorpus-Based Studies
An Ottoman prose work Tarih-i Naima (Naima’s History) for a long time has been the subject of special interest for literary critics, historians and linguists due to its stylistic features. The general comparison of the chronicle frequency... more
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      StylisticsOttoman StudiesCorpus LinguisticsOttoman Turkish
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      Translation StudiesTerminologySpecialised TranslationCorpus-Based Studies
Paper presented at the Workshop on Nakh-Daghestanian languages, University of Bamberg, April 15-16, 2016
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      Relative ClausesRelativizationNakh-Daghestanian languagesCorpus-Based Studies
Music theorists distinguish between melodic notes that fulfill structural roles from notes that are considered elaborations or embellishments. Structural notes generally outline or form a part of the local harmony, while embellishing... more
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      Music TheoryComputational ModelingCorpus-Based Studies
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsReciprocity (Social and Cultural Anthropology)Papua New Guinea
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      PragmaticsSemanticsSyntaxDiachronic linguistics
Kivonat: Jelen tanulmány a konkrét–absztrakt (vagy metaforikus) nyelvhasználat korpuszalapú elemzésének segítségével arra keresi a választ, hogy a fogalmi metafora hipotézis milyen mértékben járulhat hozzá a metaforikus jelentések... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorMetaphorCorpus-Based Studies
Moving from the assumptions that evaluation is a significant device in news discourse to interpret the world adopting specific stances (Thompson and Hunston 2000, Bednarek 2006), and that it is regarded as an action performed in discourse... more
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      Media StudiesCorpus LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisCorpus-Assisted Discourse Analysis
This paper studies how parental social actors and co-parental relationships are interactively constructed in traveller forums, analysing a corpus obtained from the London for Kids Trip Advisor forum, and carrying out a qualitative study... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCritical Discourse AnalysisCorpus-Based Studies
Laughter is one of the important components of human interaction and usually expressed acoustically and visually (Hempelmann, 2017; Trouvain & Truong, 2017). People laugh with various emotions, such as joy, affection, amusement,... more
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      LaughterCorpus LinguisticsTurkish LinguisticsLaughter and Emotion
Languages differ in how central a role aspect plays in their grammatical systems. In some languages aspect distinctions are central to the system, for example the derivationally related imperfective-perfective aspect pairs in Slavonic... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsTypologyMorphosyntaxLinguistics
People tend to avoid exposed disagreement in conversation. This is normally attributed to politeness strategies that mitigate the potential face-threat created by direct disagreement with a conversational partner. In reported speech the... more
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      DialogueStanceDisagreementCorpus-Based Studies
In this paper, we endorse and advance an emerging bottom-up approach to game studies that utilizes techniques from natural language processing. Our contribution is threefold: we present the first complete review of the growing body of... more
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      Game studiesNatural Language ProcessingMachine LearningVideo Games
В статье излагаются результаты исследования особенностей употребления родительного падежа с партитивной семантикой в позиции прямого дополнения при глаголах морфемно характеризованных способов действия в русском языке. По данным Малого... more
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      Russian LanguageAktionsartenCorpus-Based StudiesPartitive Genitive