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this paper gives editing of 4 Coptic ostraca from Kharga museum . it is two letters and a list of proper names and a fragment. it including a paleography for coptic letters written here.
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      PapyrologyCoptic StudiesCoptic (Languages And Linguistics)Coptic (Archaeology)
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      Coptic (Archaeology)Coptic MonasteriesThebes (Egypt)Coptic Ostraca
this paper presents publishing two coptic agreements of debt. one is debt of mats and the other text mentions repayment without interest.
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      EgyptologyPapyrologyCoptic StudiesCoptic (Languages And Linguistics)
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    • Coptic Ostraca
This paper deals with editing 12 unpublished Coptic ostraca from National Museum in Cairo. All ostraca represent school exercises of writing letters . some of them found from Thebes and the date is suggested to be from 7th -8th Centuries... more
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      Coptic (Languages And Linguistics)Sahidic CopticCoptic MonasteriesCoptology
In the spring and fall of 1900, the Hearst-Reisner expedition of the University of California excavated the site of Deir el-Ballas, across the Nile from Coptos. Best known of the finds are the remains of two mud-brick palaces dating to... more
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      Coptic StudiesCoptic OstracaDeir el-Ballas
Popular article in Swedish on ostraca in Gustavianum, Uppsala University museum
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    • Coptic Ostraca
Compte rendu de Anne Boud’hors, James Clackson, Catherine Louis & Petra M. Sijpesteijn (éd.), Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt : Ostraca, Papyri, and Studies in Honour of Sarah Clackson, American Society of... more
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      PapyrologyCoptic Ostraca
in P. Buzi (ed.), Coptic Literature in Context (4th-14th cent.): Cultural Landscape, Literary Production and Manuscript Archaeology. Proceedings of the third conference of the ERC project “Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An... more
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      Coptic StudiesEarly Christian ArchaeologyLate Antique and Christian archaeologyQubbet el-Hawa, Aswan
BULLETIN DE L'INSTITUT FRANÇAIS D'ARCHÉOLOGIE ORIENTALE en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne © Institut français d'archéologie orientale-Le Caire
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      Coptic (Languages And Linguistics)Sahidic CopticCoptic OstracaCoptic Documents
BIFAO 104 (2004), p. 39-102
en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne © Institut français d'archéologie orientale-Le Caire
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      Thebes (Egypt)Coptic Ostraca
Depuis le début du xxe siècle, plusieurs savants ont remarqué que la céramique des reçus de taxe thébains du VIIIe siècle est très différente de celle des ostraca coptes contemporains. L’article propose de reconnaître dans ces tessons des... more
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      Thebes (Egypt)Coptic OstracaDjeme
This paper presents three Coptic potsherds kept in the Cairo Egyptian Museum-as part of a collection of Coptic ostraca bearing the special registration number 18953. The first ostracon represents a private letter, the sender's name is... more
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      PapyrologyCoptic StudiesCoptic languagePapyrology (Demotic, Coptic, Greek)
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      Thebes (Egypt)Coptic OstracaDeir el-Bakhit/Monastery of Paulos