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Liturgy held a prominent place in the life of a Christian in 3rd to 9th century Egypt. Liturgical celebrations structured time, marked religious identity, and informed popular understanding of Christianity. Compared to its significance,... more
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      Early Christian LiturgyCoptic liturgyEarly Christian Papyri and Inscriptions
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      Liturgical TheologyCoptic liturgyOrthodox LiturgyOriental Christianity
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      TheologyLiturgyEcumenical dialoguesEcumenism
Our Coptic Orthodox Church uses three liturgies in its Eucharistic prayer: St. Basil of Caesarea, St. Gregory Theologian and St. Cyril (or St. Mark, as it is known as the liturgy written by St. Mark completed by St. Cyril of Alexandria).... more
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    • Coptic liturgy
Scrinium 10 (2014) 207- 215
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      Coptic StudiesCoptic MonasteriesCoptic liturgy
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      Liturgical HistoryCoptologyCoptic liturgy
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      LiturgyCoptologyCoptic liturgy
Edition with philological, theological and liturgical commentary of a Coptic prayer preserved on a papyrus from the seventh or eighth century in the collection of the University of Oslo Library (inv. 1665). The prayer, which accompanied... more
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      PapyrologyCoptic liturgyHistorical Studies
In Christ’s final prayer to the Father in Gethsemane, He prays for His disciples – and by extension His Church – that, “they be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You.” (Jn 17:20) This unity with the Triune God occurs mystically in... more
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      Liturgical StudiesOrthodox TheologyLiturgical HistoryLiturgical Theology
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      Coptic liturgyCoptic Liturgical Manuscript from the Library of the White Monastery
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    • Coptic liturgy
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      Coptic StudiesDance HistoryRitual and Performance (Egyptology)Coptic liturgy
( The Coptic eucharistic liturgy begins with a public ritual known as the prothesis rite, in which oblations of bread and wine are chosen and placed on the altar. While... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyEarly ChristianityMedieval Church History
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      LiturgyCoptic StudiesCoptic HistoryCoptic liturgy
The rite of the consecration of Chalice performed by the laymen and monks according to the various Christian traditions. Its early Christian roots.
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      Liturgical StudiesByzantine LiturgyHistory of MonasticismLate Antique Liturgy
حوار صحفي مع جريدة أخبار الأدب عن رحلة العائلة المقدسة في مصر
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      Coptic (Languages And Linguistics)Coptic IconsCoptic liturgy The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries witnessed a rising interest in Arabic texts describing and explaining the rituals of the Coptic Church of Egypt.... more
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      EgyptCoptic liturgyCoptic Orthodox ChristianityLiturgy and Liturgical Commentaries
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgical HistoryCoptic liturgyLiturgical Vestments
First edition of a tenth-eleventh century parchment sheet found during excavations in the Monastery of Naqlun (Dayr al-Malâk, Fayoum). The sheet contains informal copies of two hymns in Fayoumi-Sahidic. The longest of these is an acrostic... more
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      Coptic StudiesCoptic (Archaeology)Coptic MonasteriesCoptic liturgy
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      Coptic StudiesMedieval LiturgyCoptic liturgyAlexandria
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLiturgical StudiesLiturgyOrthodox Theology
بنعمة الله نشرت هذا الكتيب عام 1987 قبل رسامتي كاهنا، وقدم له نيافة الأنبا موسى. والهدف منه هو تقديم الحياة الكنسية باسلوب بسيط كما عاشها وتكلم عنها القديس القمص بيشوي كامل
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      Christian SpiritualityCopticCoptic liturgy
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    • Coptic liturgy
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      ReligionArt HistoryTheologyLiturgical Studies
Maged S.A. Mikhail, “The Deacon as Concelebrant and Liturgical Witness in the Coptic Rite,” Greek Orthodox Theological Review 61.3-4 (2016), 101-123. . . See the revised version, also on this site.
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      Liturgical StudiesArab Christian StudiesCoptic StudiesEastern Orthodox Liturgical Theology
The Society of Oriental Liturgy (SOL) is an international academic society dedicated to the scholarly study of the various Eastern Christian liturgical traditions and related fields in all its aspects and phases, including allied... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly ChristianityEastern ChristianityByzantine Studies
Although witnesses of the presanctified liturgy exist in almost all Eastern traditions, so far, a complete liturgical text of an Alexandrian liturgy of the presanctified gifts has not been published or made known. This study will publish... more
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      Byzantine LiturgyLiturgical HistorySinaiCoptic liturgy
Liturgical papyri are prime witnesses to the history of liturgy and the religious and theological currents in late antique Egypt.These items from the third to ninth century preserve hundreds of Greek and Coptic hymns, prayers, and... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyCoptic StudiesGreek Paleography
Fr. Athanasuis El Maqari is a monk from the monastery of St. Macaruis in Wadi Natrun, the ancient Scetis2. He wrote over 40 books in Arabic explaining the development of Coptic Ritual in comparison with other churches’ rituals. In my... more
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    • Coptic liturgy
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      Coptic StudiesCoptic liturgy
In 1936, Le Muséon published an article by the famous Coptic scholar Oswald Hugh Ewald Burmester on the Coptic liturgy in the presence of the Patriarch or a bishop. In this brief six-page article, Burmester briefly described the rubrics... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyByzantine LiturgyLiturgical History
" To date the research on the church architecture in Nubia has consistently failed to differentiate, territorially and historically, between two different Nubian kingdoms " (Godlewski 2006b) and one could add the third, Alodian, kingdom... more
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      Coptic StudiesNubian-Egyptian RelationsNubiaCoptic History
The Ethiopian Anaphora of the Lord is the result of the edition for actual liturgy of the Anaphora contained in the 5th-century Testamentum Domini. How and when did this take place?
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      Orthodox ChristianityCoptic liturgyEthiopian HistoryOriental Christianity
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesArchaeology
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    • Coptic liturgy
In response to my article in Questions Liturgiques questioning whether Egypt had ever known an "interrogatory" baptismal rite Maxwell Johnson has responded. This is a draft response to his response.
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      BaptismCreeds and ConfessionsCoptic liturgyChurch Orders
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyCoptic StudiesByzantine Liturgy
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      Canon LawCoptic StudiesSahidic CopticBasil of Caesarea
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgical HistoryLate Antique LiturgyAncient Nubia
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      Canon LawCoptic StudiesSahidic CopticBasil of Caesarea
هذا البحث يمثّل تأصيلاً لصلاة الشكر الصغرى كما تعرفها الليتورجيا القبطية. في هذا البحث سأقوم بتقديم الجذور اليهودية و الإنجيلية لهذه الصلاة كما سأقدم مقارنة لنص الصلاة كما يعرفها التقليد القبطي السكندري مع نص الصلاة كما يحتفظ بها التقليد... more
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      GnosticismJewish MysticismHistorical JesusCoptic liturgy
This paper presents an annotated English translation of the rite of Vespers contained in the Melkite Alexandrian Arabic Book of Hours (Horologion) found in the 13th century Christian Arabic manuscript Sinai Arabic 232. Most of the texts... more
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      Arabic-Speaking Orthodox ChristianitySinaiCoptic liturgyEastern Orthodoxy
At the climax of the Coptic Great Friday service, the Coptic tradition observes certain ritual practices of a clear physical nature, inviting the bodily participation of those present. These practices are namely a series of one hundred... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyEmbodimentByzantine Liturgy
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      Sahidic CopticCoptic liturgySahidic and Bohairic Coptic DialectsCoptic, Sahidic, Grammar
Cet article vise à introduire le lecteur au contexte général de l'architecture développée par l'Église éthiopienne en fonction de sa liturgie. Les plus impor-tants repères observables dans les églises seront décrits. Grâce à eux il est... more
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      Coptic (Archaeology)Orthodox ChristianityOriental StudiesCoptic liturgy
The horologion contained in Sin. Ar. 232 is not easy to situate geographically. Many of the elements, canticles and prayers, are found in today’s rite, although not always at the same place. Others have not yet been identified in the... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine LiturgyOrthodox ChristianityArabic Manuscripts
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      Coptic StudiesCoptic (Languages And Linguistics)Coptic textilesCoptic History
Liturgy in the monasteries of the congregation of St Shenoute (up to the year 1000)
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    • Coptic liturgy
Partindo de uma leitura da "História do Patriarcado Copta de Alexandria", crônica oficial desta instituição, este trabalho tem por objetivo reconstituir, de forma sinóptica, o funcionamento econômico da Igreja Copta nos estágios iniciais... more
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      Coptic StudiesMuslim-Christian RelationCoptic HistoryMuslim-Christian Relations