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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringClimate ChangeSustainable Development
Edited volume with contributions from H. E. Mogens Jensen, Gary C. Hufbauer, Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz, Richard Samans, Jisun Kim, Joachim Monkelbaan, Arunabha Ghosh, Himani Gangania, Alan Herve, David Luff, Sunny Rai, Tetyana Payasova,... more
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      Climate ChangeWind EnergyInternational TradeSustainable Development
Nel tentativo di rappresentare la realtà, nel "Macro" la Relatività ha generato lo "Spazio - Tempo", e nel "Micro" la "Quantistica" ha creato il "Vuoto Quanto - meccanico", due concetti che possono fare a meno dell'Etere, e ai quali a... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
The Renewables 2021 Global Status Report (GSR) provides up-to-date data and analysis on the status of the global clean energy transition, including country-by-country information on renewable energy policies and markets. For data packs,... more
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      Renewable Energy PoliciesClimate change and clean energyRenewable Energy and Climate Change
Quest'articolo tocca diversi argomenti, che vanno da semplici osservazioni della natura, sino a sfiorare argomenti, come il senso che hanno i termini ancora oggi utilizzati dalla nostra scienza quali: energia oscura, flusso oscuro, e... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
This study challenges the view that cash-based microcredit is the most efficient form of microcredit for poverty alleviation. After displaying the ingenious ways in which microcredit organisations attempt to mitigate market imperfections... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment StudiesSustainable DevelopmentMicrofinance
To proceed towards evolution, it is necessary to be available for change, which has always been hindered by our intrinsic laziness and our selfishness, that lead us to always defend our private garden at all costs. Examples of men who... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
Osservando la natura intima dell'Universo, l’uomo si trova di fronte due enormi abissi: da una parte l’infinitamente grande, e dall'altra l’infinitamente piccolo, che non è il nulla. Cos'e l'uomo nella natura? Un lampo di luce, dove, in... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
This article highlights connections that exist in nature, between the transverse pilot wave investigated by the US researcher Mark L Moody, the central oscillator investigated by Professor Erik Lindberg, the Symmetrized Maxwell... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
The common sense of things is that instinct that immediately makes us distinguish what is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, resonant or dissonant, sincere or false, etc. What Kant called "healthy common sense", which today is in crisis... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
In an attempt to represent reality, in the "Macro" Relativity has generated the "Space-Time", and in the "Micro" the "Quantum" has created the "Quantum Void-mechanical", two concepts that can do without Ether, and to which no Physicist in... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
L’uomo da sempre sente l’esigenza di esaminare i fenomeni che lo circondano, ciò che Galileo definiva la "sensata esperienza". Tale esigenza si concretizza in un metodo di interpretare la realtà, alla ricerca di una corrispondenza tra un... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
Man has always felt the need to examine the phenomena that surround him, what Galileo called the "sensible experience". This need is realized in a method of interpreting reality, in search of a correspondence between a terrestrial and a... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
This data article provides an overview of fossil fuel trends in Central Asia from 2010 to 2019. Data on the production, consumption, export and import of coal, natural gas and oil are summarised for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,... more
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      Mining EngineeringRussian StudiesClimate ChangeCritical Geopolitics
The great scientist Louis Victor de Broglie (1892–1987), was one of the precursors to lead us towards a new way to face reality, asking the ‘right questions’ in a condition where the purpose of scientific research is no longer to... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
Mathematics and Geometry are the disciplines that in our school, from the first grade onwards, are used in order to lead us towards the understanding of reality. The advent of quantum physics, for a period of time, has given us hope that... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
Observing the intimate nature of the Universe, man finds himself facing two huge abysses: on the one hand the infinitely large, and on the other the infinitely small, which is not nothing. What is man in nature? A flash of light, where,... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
Global warming is an existential threat to humanity and the rapid energy transition, which is required, will be the defining social, political and technical challenge of the 21st century. Practical experience and research results of... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationClimate change policyEnergy Policy
Per noi esseri umani, il difficile non è conoscere la verità, ma sostituirla all'errore, e inoltre la maggior parte della gente preferisce notevolmente la permanenza di un problema che non può spiegare, a una spiegazione che non può... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
The generation of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is expected to rise tremendously in the coming decade due to the rapid urbanization and growth in population. On average, 75%–85% of the weight of MSW is converted into RDF (Refuse Derived... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergyMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste recycling
2022 is the 820th anniversary of the publication of the “Liber Abaci” by Leonardo Pisano known as Fibonacci, which is rightly considered the restart point of mathematics in the West with the introduction of the so-called “Arabic” numbers,... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
For us human beings, the difficulty is not knowing the truth, but replacing it for error, and moreover, most people greatly prefer the permanence of a problem they cannot explain to an explanation they cannot understand. These behaviors... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
Liberalization of the European internal market for energy by means of unbundling and third party access alone is not enough to make renewable energy on a par with fossil fuels. To increase the production of renewable energy in its Member... more
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      European LawEnvironmental LawClimate ChangeRenewable Energy
Classical science, still today, is trying to identify the intimate nature of the universe, dividing everything into categories, in particular in the microcosm it divides the so-called "particles" into: A) Massless particles, also called... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
More than ever, the fate of anthropogenic CO2 emissions is in our hands. Since the advent of industrialization, there has been an increase in the use of fossil fuels to fulfil rising energy demands. The usage of such fuels results in the... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate change and clean energySustainabilityRenewable Energy and Climate Change
What is life? A question that many of us ask ourselves, about that one of the fathers of quantum mechanics, Erwin Schrödinger, gave him this explanation: "What we observe as bodies and material forces are nothing but forms and variations... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
In this article we try to give an explanation, why we find it so hard to evolve. The reasons are partly due to our intrinsic laziness towards change, which derives from our morphological structure. The future is knocking on our doors, in... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
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      Intellectual Property RightsPublic Private PartnershipsEnergy and Climate ChangeClimate change and clean energy
Il percorso che la natura compie per presentarci la sua geometria, sarebbe abbastanza semplice se considerassimo gli atomi come vortici sferici con un asse centrale, ma esistono realtà geometriche che richiedono un’analisi più profonda e... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
The ongoing climate changes require new solutions in the energy field, which current technology, outside of nuclear fission does not offer. Today's science has been at a standstill for quite some time, since it invests many resources in... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
The "Physics of resonances" teaches us that there is no separation from the micro to the macro-cosmos; and to enter the depths of reality it is necessary to investigate the "why" of the various phenomena present in nature; where the steps... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
From our interpretation of events, "Chaos" emerges everywhere, mostly because we do not know how to give an explanation to the natural evolutionary order, which we perceive as intrinsic in the global system, drawing a scientific... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
Quest'articolo mostra le connessioni che esistono in natura tra l'Onda pilota trasversale indagata dal ricercatore USA Mark L Moody, con l'oscillatore centrale indagato dal Professor Erik Lindberg, le Equazioni di Maxwell simmetrizzate... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
Humanity is going through a very difficult time referring to its stay on this Earth, and this is due to many factors, not least its growth systems, where it uses knowledge based more on the physical model referred to the "Force" than on... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
The path that nature takes to present us its geometry would be quite simple if we considered atoms as spherical vortices with a central axis, but there are geometric realities that require a deeper and more detailed analysis, on which... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
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      Electrical EngineeringEnvironmental LawClimate ChangeEnvironmental policy
Thailand is among ASEAN’s renewable energy leaders. It attracted more than USD 10.7 billion of investment in renewable energy from 2006 to 2018. The country’s total installed capacity of renewable energy represented over 60% of the total... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesThai StudiesWind EnergySustainable Development
Keywords: The early wind farm design stage Cleaner energy Environmental impact reduction Return on investment a b s t r a c t This paper reports the development of a quantitative analysis system for selecting a greener and economically... more
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      Wind FarmsClimate change and clean energy
This volume of Energy Transition Governance Research Materials (ERM) is part of legal research on energy transition. It displays a series of legal and policy instruments susceptible to sustain research on the subject matter. First, the... more
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      Energy LawEnvironment and natural resources conservationEnvironmental SustainabilityClean Energy
La "Fisica delle risonanze", ci insegna che dal micro al macro-cosmo non vi è separazione alcuna; e per entrare nel profondo della realtà necessita indagare sui "perché" dei vari fenomeni presenti in natura; dove i passaggi insiti nelle... more
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    • Climate change and clean energy
What the U.S. Government should do if someone builds a cheap perpetual motion machine / free energy / over-unity device.
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsInformation TechnologyMaterials ScienceDevelopment Economics
Through applied theatre, Navajo women can participate in authoring a new story for how energy is mined, produced, developed, disseminated, and used in the Navajo Nation. This article is an analysis of a creative process that was utilised... more
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      Indigenous StudiesApplied Drama/TheatreGender EqualityIndigenous Knowledge
This article analyzes the effectiveness of transnational multi-stakeholder partnerships for sustainable development—also known as " Type II outcomes " of the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development—in the sustainable energy sector.... more
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      Energy EconomicsPublic AdministrationEnvironmental LawCorporate Social Responsibility
La transición energética y climática a largo plazo de la Unión Europea sintetizada en unas pocas y muy significativas cifras. La descarbonización de la mayor economía del mundo considerada de forma agregada ya está teniendo lugar, apoyada... more
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      Climate change policyClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesClimate change and clean energy
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      Environmental LawClimate ChangeEnvironmental policyClimate Change Adaptation