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A brief primer for countering the most dominant myths about budget deficits and economic policy that circulate within the corporate media and halls of government
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyEconomic GrowthPublic Budgeting and Finance
Quelle est la nature du travail ? Oui ou non est‐il le propre du phénomène humain ? Offre‐t‐il vraiment un sens à notre existence terrestre, voire à ce qui pourrait lui faire suite ? Seule une approche anthropologique articulant les... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyHuman EvolutionMythology
Bu metin, "Kriz ve Çıkışlar" temalı 2019 Karaburun Bilim Kongresi'nde, "Ekoloji, Kent, Kriz ve Sınıf Mücadelesi" başlıklı B6 oturumunda sunulmuştur. Aşağıdaki versiyon, bu sunumun ses kaydının transkripsiyonundan hareketle ve bir takım... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodMarxismEcologyAnti-Capitalism
Théorie et pratique du collectivisme oligarchique. Le complot de la Grande Réinitialisation n’aura pas lieu, Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions Chromatika, 2021. (978-2-930517-80-3) ss presse La crise covidienne se poursuit depuis plus d’un an,... more
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      Crisis communication and managementLiberalismTotalitarianismConspiracy Theories
When one thinks of the archetypical hero versus villain in the world of comics, Batman and The Joker often come to mind. They connect to the concept of the eternal battle between oppositions. Choosing a side, however, is relative. Heroes... more
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      PhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheMichel FoucaultRelativism
The northwestern Roman provinces of Africa were a religious workshop and spiritual battlefield in the aftermath of the ‘great’ persecution. Cramped between desert and sea African Christianity was divided not on terms of doctrine, but of... more
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      AugustineLate AntiquityLate Roman EmpireRoman Empire
A set of notes on the poetry of a dear friend and comrade written briefly after his death.
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      CommunismContemporary British LiteratureSymbolism (Art History)Contemporary British Poetry
When the Paris-centered 18th-century intellectual revolution (Enlightenment) coincided with the London-centered First Industrial Revolution, the European intelligentsia demanded a political and constitutional system that closes the... more
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      SociologySocial ChangeSocial SciencesRevolutions
Dkt. 38
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyConstitutional LawPublic Finance
A critical view at the state and applications of the posctolonial theory in Poland.
To view the article follow the link to below.
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      MarxismPostcolonial StudiesPolish HistoryClass
Panel 30: Great Refusals: Refusing One Dimensionality Today The Dialectics of Liberation in an Age of Neoliberal Capitalism International Herbert Marcuse Society Seventh Biennial Conference 26-28 October 2017 York... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
Technically, concentration camps were born with barbed wire. Since they are back after some whitewashing by hollywood and other equally important cultural institutions, it is important to revisit their history.
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      Genocide StudiesAldous HuxleyPolitical Violence and TerrorismFascism
This review demonstrates the way that Khatibi’s poem configures the political in relation to his singular poetics. In particular, it shows how the author’s idiosyncratic understanding of class, the “class warrior,” and the “class enemy”... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesMarxismPostcolonial Studies
This paper is about Marxist political economy and Critical Discourse Studies (CDS) as a field of inquiry. It begins with a discussion of the traditional role of Marxist political economy in CDS, arguing that for the most part it has been... more
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      Political EconomyMarxismClass StruggleIneqaulities
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
Here are some notes for an intensive, seminar-style discussion of various strands of political theory (and political theology) drawn from sixteenth-century Europe. Desiderius Erasmus, Thomas More, and Martin Luther certainly do not... more
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      ReligionChristianitySocial TheoryPolitical Economy
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisPolitical CorruptionSpanish politicsClass Warfare
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      ConvergenceLinear AlgebraStochastic processesFeedback
HOW SEPARATE are the public and private actions of politicians and their high-profile staffers? Is it “class war” when the Left exposes the hypocrisy of the conservatives, but not when the Right wants to attack workers and welfare... more
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      Political ScienceClassSocial ClassClass Warfare
Arbeiderpartiets fall er del av større internasjonal trend. De faller fordi de ikke vil innse at etterkrigstidens klassekompromiss er over. Før og etter andre verdenskrig skaptes og sementertes et klassekompromiss i mange europeiske land,... more
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      Political SociologyEconomicsPolitical EconomyPolitical Philosophy
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      Critical Discourse StudiesSocial InequalityClass Warfarehome evictions
Open University, 03 06 15
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPsychologyEvolutionary Psychology