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Vaxt’ang I Gorgasali († 502), re di Kartli (Georgia orientale e meridionale) – la Iberìa delle fonti greco-latine – nella seconda metà del V secolo, ha informato di sé la storia della Georgia e del Caucaso meridionale in generale. È stata... more
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      History of ChristianityChurch of the EastHistory of Georgian Orthodox ChurchHistory of the Byzantine Empire
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      Medieval StudiesInquisitionManuscript StudiesHeresy and Inquisition
Die vorliegende Edition der – mehrheitlich geistlichen – Lieder Jakob Funcklins bietet eine einstweilige Ergänzung zum im Erscheinen begriffenen ersten Teil der Gesamtausgabe seiner literarischen Werke: Die Bühne als Kanzel. Jakob... more
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      German LiteratureMedieval LiteratureLiteratureReformation Studies
it's a thesis deals with the Church History, mainly the sixteenth century reformation
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      Martin LutherProtestant ReformationMartin luther and the ReformationCatholic Reformation
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      Mount AthosChruch HistoryKosmas Aitolos
For some people, astral projection might just be a fun topic, but for others, it might be a serious aspect to think about. Astral projection is all about being in a state in which you can leave your body and the soul can have the out of... more
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      IlluminismChruch History
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      Musical TheatreTeologiaChruch History
Artykuł przybliża przebieg współpracy agenturalnej ks. Tadeusza Dajczera z aparatem bezpieczeństwa PRL. Stanowi on uzupełnienie biografii warszawskiego duchownego i omawia nieznane wcześniej fakty z jego życiorysu. W tekście... more
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      Catholic Social TeachingRoman CatholicismHistoriahistory of Poland
La tesi nelle sue tre parti si propone l'obiettivo di presentare la vita di Bernardino Ochino, parallelamente alle sue peregrinazioni attraverso l'Europa, e l'evoluzione della sua coscienza religiosa, e della sua dottrina, dai primi anni... more
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      Early Modern HistoryTudor EnglandChruch HistoryBernardino Ochino
Edition of annales and book of miracles of Hafnerberg pilgrimage church in Lower Austria.
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      PilgrimageBaroque art and architectureCounterreformationChruch History
This is the theological story of K. C. Moser among Churches of Churches in its historical context.
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyChruch History
Chap. 5. In the Northern Netherlands, the biblical portrait historié for sacral and devotional purposes was contextually separated from the secular variant for domestic use, notwithstanding its religious subject matter. However, also... more
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      Art HistoryTheologyTridentine Catholicism17th Century Dutch Republic
Discover our new & forthcoming publications in the field of Medieval & Renaissance Studies with this new catalogue. It features the latest information on our books on Medieval Society, Urban History, Crusades, Church History, Religion,... more
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      ChristianityHistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
The archbishop of Riga and bishop of Tartu Johann Blankenfeld asked 1525 Russia for help against his Livonian opponents. Blankenfeld (†1527) originated from Berlin and acquired his positions in Livonia due to his close relations to the... more
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      Reformation HistoryRussian HistoryTeutonic KnightsMedieval Livonia
A  Network of Monasteries in Northern Masovia during Early Modern Times
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      Historical GeographyEarly Modern HistoryReligious congregations and monastic ordersMazovia
- GEORGE Philippe, Qui est Charles d’Argenteau ?, p. 1 - PIRENNE-HULIN Françoise, Le vestiaire liturgique de Mgr Charles d’Argenteau, p. 2-3 - LHOIST-COLMAN Berthe & COLMAN Pierre, La chapelle de Mgr Charles d’Argenteau, p. 4 -... more
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      Contemporary HistoryChurch HistoryHistory of Liège - Middle Ages and RenaissanceLiège
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      Intellectual HistoryEducationMedieval LiteratureArabic Literature
Resumen: El objetivo de esta comunicación es el estudio de la fundación conventual clariana que se dio en el País Vasco durante la Edad Moderna. Para ello, se realizará una exposición de los fundadores y de los conventos fundados, lo que... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryWomen's Studies
The following primary source contains the opinion of Col. Stanisław Morawski, the head of the anti-Church Fourth Department of the communist Interior Ministry, about the functioning of the Polish Episcopate during the late 1960s. The... more
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      HistoryHistory of Roman CatholicismHistoriaCatholic Church
In the spring of 1848, already after the ides of March, on 6 April, before the passing of the April Laws that established the constitutional monarchy, the enthusiastic newspaper reader could raise an eyebrow when picking up the newest... more
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      Catholic ChurchModern Hungarian HistoryNational CharacterThe European Revolutions of 1848
When referring to the different terms used to designate burials, Isidore of Seville explains the etymology of monumentum by its commemoriative function: ´monuments, therefore, are what serve to awanken memories (of the deceased) in the... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryIberian StudiesTombs (Medieval Studies)
Adequaat lezen en vergelijken van protestantse bronnen over Israël en de Palestijnse bevolkingswisseling van 1948: een uitdaging voor de kerkgeschiedenis in een gepolariseerde context
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      IsraelIsrael and ZionismPalestinian-Israeli conflictChruch History
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      Venetian HistorySocial HistoryChruch History
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      Monastic StudiesGregory of toursMerovingian GaulChruch History
Depois de ter visto o filme “O Nome da Rosa”, o qual tive grande interesse pelo contexto histórico e pela grande qualidade do filme, tive ainda mais interesse em saber mais sobre estas questões, sabendo, é claro, que esta história em... more
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      PoliticsMedieval Church HistoryChurchFilosofía Política
Sin lugar a dudas, los archivos son una de las instituciones básicas para conocer la historia. El Archivo Apostólico Vaticano y el Archivo de la Corona de Aragón surgieron durante la época medieval como resultado de la necesidad de... more
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      HistoryResearch MethodologyArchivesHistorical Auxiliary Sciences
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      PhilosophyTheologyHistorical TheologyChruch History
The main focus of the study was made on the understanding of the role of the orthodox clergy in the educational projects of the Catherine's epoch in Russia (1760-1780). These projects were proposed by the representatives of the different... more
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      Russian StudiesIntellectual History of EnlightenmentSecularizationRussian History
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophyEducationMedieval Literature
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureCult of Saints
Il ne s'agit pas de concevoir le groupe scout comme une communauté ecclésiale autonome: la vie ecclésiale ne se réalise que dans la rencontre et l'interaction des groupes et des personnes qui la composent. Une trop grande autonomie... more
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      ÉGlise CatholiqueChruch HistoryScoutisme
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      Catholic ReformCatholic TheologyCultural DiplomacyEvangelism
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      Cultural HistoryHistorical TheologyGender and SexualityReformation History
This book – which collects the acts of the congress held in Urbino (Italy) in September 2013 –sheds new light on the conflicts born about religion in modern Italy. Conflicts, these, born from the attempt to impose repressive norms (the... more
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      History of ReligionItalian StudiesHeresy and InquisitionPapacy (Early Modern and Modern Church History)
The Cistercian monastery in Obra was suppressed by the Prussian government in 1835-1836, forty years after the last partition of Poland. This meant the end of the presence of the Cistercian religious order in Obra after six centuries of... more
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      Cistercian StudiesCatholic Church HistoryWielkopolskaHistoria Kościoła
مجلة الكرازة 11 أكتوبر 2013 - بابه 1 ش 1730
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      Coptic StudiesCoptic HistoryChruch History
This paper suggests that it is largely a want of notional distinctions which fosters the "explanatory gap" that has beset the study of consciousness since T. Nagel's revival of the topic. Modifying Ned Block's controversial claim that we... more
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      SemioticsNeurosciencePsychologyCognitive Psychology
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      Canon LawArmenian StudiesEarly ChurchEarly Christianity
In occasione dell'appuntamento settimanale dell’VIII rassegna concertistica "Domenica in Concerto”, 43° stagione di cultura musica e spettacolo (2017) proposta dall'Ente Concerti "Alba Pani Passino" di Oristano, ospitata presso la sala... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureLocal History18th & 19th Centuries
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
مجلة الكرازة 02 أغسطس 2013 - 26 أبيب 1729 ش
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      Coptic StudiesCoptic HistoryCoptic liturgyChruch History
La formation sacerdotale dans l'Église catholique en France au XIXe siècle s'appuie sur un environnement matériel, une structuration du temps et de l'espace, une vie collectivisée dans les séminaires. Elle fait incorporer des habitudes... more
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      19th century FranceHistory of Roman CatholicismChruch HistoryFrench Catholicism
Text basat en la conferència pronunciada a l’Arxiu Municipal de Reus el 4 de maig de 2016
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Romanian History, Istoria RomanieiChruch HistoryConstantin BrancoveanuIstoria Bisericii Ortodoxe din Transilvania
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      Chruch HistoryIstoria Bisericii Ortodoxe din Transilvania