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      Modern HistoryHigh Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval History
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      Medieval StudiesHistory of TextilesMedieval Church HistoryArt (Medieval Studies)
Chartres Cathedral, also known as the Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres (French: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres), is a Roman Catholic church in Chartres, France, about 80 km (50 miles) southwest of Paris and is the seat of the Bishop... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceArchitectureMedieval History
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of SexualityEarly Modern EuropeBiography
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      High Middle AgesUrban StudiesHoly Roman Empire (History)Cathedral chapters
Indagini per una storia del clero tra medioevo ed età contemporanea, XIX Convegno di Studio 13-15 gennaio 2022, Accademia Alfonsiana Largo Brancaccio, 31 (già via Merulana, 31) Roma, con il patrocinio Associazione Italiana dei Professori... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryMedieval ItalyCathedral chaptersSecular canons
The history of the Italian churches, chapels and clergy was closed in early 1986 by a decree of the President of the Republic, which, among other things, entrusted the Military Ordinariate with the spiritual assistance of the Head of... more
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      Church HistoryPugliaStoria della chiesaCathedral chapters
Die Grabdenkmäler der Erzbischöfe von Trier, Köln und Mainz bilden drei einzigartige Denkmalserien, die bereits in der Romanik einsetzen und in der Gotik, der Renaissance und dem Barock zahlreiche Meisterwerke der Bildhauerei von... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryFuneral PracticesCathedrals (Medieval Studies)
Las relaciones entre Catedral y Universidad son fecundas y heterogéneas desde el origen del Estudio salmantino, que tuvo como precursor en el tiempo a la Escuela Catedralicia asentada en los espacios claustrales. Muchos estudios se han... more
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      Cathedrals (Medieval Studies)Cathedral chaptersUniversity of Salamanca In Middle Ages
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      Church HistoryStoria della chiesaHistoire de l'ÉgliseCathedral chapters
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      Architectural HistoryMedieval ArchitectureCathedrals (Medieval Studies)Cathedral chapters
Il volume studia l’evoluzione delle relazioni che intercorsero tra il certosino Niccolò Albergati, vescovo di Bologna dal 1417 al 1443 e cardinale (dal 1426) con il titolo di S. Croce di Gerusalemme, e il Capitolo cittadino. Prendendo... more
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      Cardinals (Medieval Church History)Cathedrals (Medieval Studies)CarthusiansCathedral chapters
The series Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae traces the English cathedral clergy from the Norman Conquest of 1066 to the later nineteenth century. Cathedral positions were often used either to reward individuals of outstanding merit or to... more
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      English ReformationWelsh HistoryEarly Modern Church HistoryChurch History
Le fonds du chapitre cathédral de Clermont conserve, sous forme majoritairement d’originaux mais aussi de copies anciennes, une petite centaine de documents d’origine laïque ou ecclésiastique (chartes, notices, inventaires, contrats... more
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      Early Medieval HistoryPaleographyFeudalism and LordshipBishopric
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    • Cathedral chapters
Au XVe siècle, le cloître de Notre de Notre-Dame de Paris se signale par une étonnante variété d'activités. Les importantes quantités de vin, de tissus, de livres scolaires, de reconnaissances de dettes ou de numéraire en possession des... more
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      Cathedral chaptersSocial History of CreditNotre-Dame De ParisHistory of Medieval Education
Pomimo prowadzonych od wielu lat badań nad historią miasta Wilna, wciąż niewiele wiemy o jego mieszkańcach, szczególnie ludziach drugiego i trzeciego planu historii, żyjących w cieniu wielkich dworów i pałaców. Równie słabo zbadane... more
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      Women's HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of SexualityMedieval Church History
This paper presents the second part of the biographical study of a representative number of the members of a Spanish cathedral chapter, that of Cordoba, between the last fifteenth century and the first years of the nineteenth century. To... more
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      GenealogyHistory of the ClergyChurch HistoryEarly modern Spain
"The chapter of Santiago de Compostela was the biggest landlord in the city from the Middle Ages. Most of its properties were urban houses, used as residence by the members of the chapter or rented for collect income for the cathedral.... more
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      ArchitectureUrban HistoryBaroque Art and LiteratureUrbanism
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      Medieval Church HistoryMedieval HungaryCathedral chaptersHistory of Slovakia
Entre los siglos XVI y XVII existió un mercado en torno a la fiscalización de las gracias pontificias con centro en la Curia Romana. El territorio andaluz fue muy activo en este espacio de negocios, que hizo posible el enriquecimiento a... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHeritage StudiesHistory of the ClergyChurch History
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      Art HistoryArchitectureScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageAltar
Percorsi ecclesiastici e pratiche personali e familiari "controcorrente" hanno portato i signori di Cocconato a guidare la diocesi astigiana nel XIII secolo, permettendo loro un'ascesa sociale, economica e politica non solo ecclesiastica... more
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      Medieval AristocracyPiemonteCathedral chaptersTerritorio
Analisi della struttura e delle vicende del capitolo della cattedrale di Trento, dal momento in cui le fonti lo permettono fino alla metà del XIV secolo: rapporti con il vescovo e i poteri concorrenti, diritti e doveri, le persone dei... more
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      Cathedral chaptersTrentoStoria Del Trentino
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      Cathedral chaptersPeinture ArchitectureMontpellier
Per la prima volta viene offerto un quadro storico del complesso di beni fondiari extraurbani della Basilica Vaticana, dall'età Costantiniana ai primi anni dell'epoca postunitaria, amministrati a partire dall'XI secolo dal Capitolo di San... more
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      Cathedral chaptersRome Medieval TopographyRoman CampagnaCampagna Romana
En 1509, Íñigo López de Mendoza, II conde de Tendilla, explicaba que la inclusión del cimborrio en la Capilla Real de Granada era una cosa que da[ba] mucha vista y ahermosea[ba] en gran manera la Capilla y [hacía] el edificio real y... more
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      DesignArtArchitectureCultural Heritage
Depuis les années 1980, l’histoire religieuse du Moyen Âge s’est renouvelée autour de concepts mieux à même de caractériser la puissance des institutions ecclésiales. Après les figures de l’évêque et du moine, celle du chanoine cathédral... more
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      Social NetworksEarly Modern HistoryGenealogyHistory of the Clergy
Este breve artículo trata sobre la forma y diseño de los hábitos corales de los canónigos en las catedrales y colegiatas de España en el presente.
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      IconographyCathedrals (Medieval Studies)IconografiaCathedrals
t Inthis paper, we suggest that architectures, especially sacred ones, play a significant role to shape cognition. Therefore, cognition is the result of the relationships between the subjects and their surroundings. By sharing the same... more
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      ReligionBuddhismCognitive PsychologyPhilosophy
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryCathedrals (Medieval Studies)Cathedral chapters
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)Cathedral chaptersMedieval Lisbon
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArtCathedrals (Medieval Studies)
This paper focuses upon the Cathedral Chapter of Salerno, from the first attestations (10th-11th century), till the end of the Middle Age. Furthermore, this study deepens into peculiar aspects of the 16th and 17th century, enlightening... more
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      Ecclesiastical HistoryCathedral chaptersSalernoCapitoli Cattedrale
Esta publicación recoge la primera parte del estudio biográfico de un conjunto representativo de los miembros del cabildo de una catedral española, la de Córdoba, entre finales del siglo XV y los primeros años del XIX. Para ello, he... more
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      GenealogyBiographyEarly modern SpainGenealogia
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      AgrimensoresCathedral chaptersCartografia storicaRoman Campagna
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      Cathedral chaptersTrento
Una historia litúrigica de la posición del coro en las catedrales españolas. Desde su origen en la cabecera, hasta su traslado a la nave generalizado entre los siglos XV y XVI, para volver a la nave o ser eliminado como un estorbo en las... more
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      LiturgyCathedrals (Medieval Studies)Medieval LiturgyChoir Stalls
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      Criminal ProcedureJurisprudenceCanon LawRenaissance
León cathedral's cloister is similar to other buildings where the burial function was assimilated along with liturgical purposes, such as anniversary processions, feasts or solemn celebrations from the Ordinary Time, but also laic events... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryFriendshipTombs (Medieval Studies)Gothic architecture
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      Medieval Church HistoryLiturgical HistoryCathedrals (Medieval Studies)Cathedral chapters
Dopo un confronto introduttivo di carattere comparato tra i lavori di area tedesca e quella italiana relativi alla storia sociale del clero delle chiese cattedrali, il presente saggio mira ad analizzare l’origine familiare e l’estrazione... more
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      Cathedrals (Medieval Studies)PugliaStoria medievalestoria economica e sociale del Mezzogiorno
Il contributo ha l’obiettivo di segnalare quattro rogiti notarili inediti che forniscono nuove informazioni circa la committenza e la datazione del "Polittico di Santa Reparata" del pittore giottesco Bernardo Daddi (1290 ca.-1348), pala... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingHistory of FlorenceHistory of Art
In this article, the author exposes the relations between the church and the city in the Hispanic kingdoms in the Middle Ages.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryCathedrals (Medieval Studies)Historia medieval de España
1 - Fundamentos
2 - As Catedrais em Portugal
3 - Balanço e Novas Perspectivas de Abordagem
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Historiography
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      History of Religion18th CenturyAristocracyCathedral chapters
Il saggio affronta lo studio della ricezione nei capitoli delle cattedrali subalpine dei canones dei concili lateranensi III e IV riguardanti l’istruzione del clero. Sono state analizzate le presenze di canonici dotati di un alto livello... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Church HistoryCathedral chapters
"*Obra distinguida com o Prémio «Armando de Almeida Fernandes: História Medieval Portuguesa 2004». ** Recensões críticas Armando Luís de Carvalho Homem - “Lusitania Sacra”. 17 (2005) 540-542; Josefina Mtugé I Vives - “Anuario de... more
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      Medieval StudiesIberian StudiesPortuguese Medieval HistoryMedieval Iberian History
Este volumen continúa el trabajo que se publicó en 2007. En esta ocasión se recogen los resúmenes de los cabildos en la Catedral salmantina de 1489 a 1506. Un total de 12 libros de actas capitulares analizados y recensionados, a los que... more
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      Cathedrals (Medieval Studies)Cathedral chaptersSalamancaCatedral De Salamanca