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On the Shoulders of Grandmothers can easily be enjoyed by academic as well as nonacademic audience as the life stories hold the core of the book. At the same time, the book is not a simple discussion of the struggles and aspirations of... more
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      SociologyEuropean StudiesGender StudiesGlobalization
Despite China being the world's factory, its labor market is now primarily service-based with a high level of informality. When formal manufacturing and informal service sectors co-exist, how do workers make their choices? While existing... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial reproductionLabour and social reproductionCarework
Este trabajo busca identificar aprendizajes a nivel de procesos de construcción de iniciativas programáticas de cuidados, y en relación con principios orientadores y aspectos metodológicos de prestación para las políticas e intervenciones... more
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      Social PoliciesSocial InterventionCarework
The participation of fathers at the earliest stages of child carework can be somewhat undistinguished when mothers handle all of the feeding carework through breastfeeding, but a possible solution to this gender inequity could be to... more
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      Gender StudiesParentingFathersBreastfeeding
Sciortino, Giuseppe; Finotelli, Claudia, "Closed Memberships in a Mobile World? Welfare States, Welfare Regimes and International Migration" in Talani, Leila Simona, Mcmahon, Simon (eds.), Handbook of the International Political Economy... more
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      Welfare StateTransnationalismInternational MigrationInternational migration, political economy, international development
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      Intersectionality and Social InequalityCarework
Feminist scholars of refugee and immigration studies have shown gender to be the organizing principle for resettlement experiences of newcomers. This chapter, co-authored by researchers and practitioners, focuses on how gendered needs of... more
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      EducationRefugee StudiesImmigrationGender
This working paper was presented at the Conference on Global Labor Migration: Past and Present, June 20-22, 2019, The International Institute for Social History Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (DRAFT. Please Do Not Cite Without Permission.... more
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      Labor MigrationContemporary ChinaLabour and social reproductionCarework
Written during the first lockdown, published during the „ second wave“ of Covid-19: The bilingual publication "Curating, Care, and Corona" by Sascia Bailer is many things: a critical questioning, a doubting, a reflecting, sometimes also a... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtFeminism
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      GenderSocial changesSocial Exclusion and Social InequalitiesCarework
We try to situate care work and care economy on the novel premise of the social reproduction theory of labour. We make use of different documents, drafts, letters from different organizations, policy documents etc., to substantiate our... more
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      MarxismCapitalismPatriarchyCare Economy
La obesidad ha aumentado exponencialmente en los últimos años. Dicho aumento no es homogéneo socialmente y se suma a formas de discriminación social anteriores. En esta comunicación presentaremos los resultados de un estudio exploratorio... more
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      Fat StudiesFeminismSociology of the BodyWomen and Gender Studies
Carers are a group of particular significance to society, who contribute precious time and energy to other people's needs and, simply put, enable society to operate (Tronto 1993). Yet, in many settings, they are largely rendered invisible... more
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      Higher EducationArts-Based ResearchCaringCarework
The confluence of cosmopolitan ideals, a carefully calculated racial harmony brand and its nation-building project makes Singapore an apt site for problematizing and deconstructing the labor processes of global capitalism. To examine the... more
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      Oral historySubaltern StudiesMigrant Domestic WorkersThird World Feminisms
Feminist scholars explore the gendered aspects of social reproduction within neoliberal contexts where the responsibility for reproducing daily and intergenerational life is shifted onto individuals and civil society groups. Using... more
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      GenderNeoliberalismDisastersSocial reproduction
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      Welfare StateImmigrationDomestic workersMigrant Domestic Workers
This paper explores the complicated relationship between caregivers and their employers, specifically au pairs. I argue that the frequent tension present between au pairs and their host mothers stems from the former’s assumption that the... more
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      Migrant Domestic WorkersMotheringChildcareMigrant Domestic Labour
For heterosexual couples who enter into parenthood, having a first child often has a significant impact on the ways in which their lives are organised. Importantly, women typically take on the greatest share of household and care work,... more
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      ParentingDivision of LabourCarework
Der Artikel skizziert den Diskurs von Kuratieren als Fürsorge am Beispiel des kuratorischen Projektes CARE am M.1 im ländlichen Raum Norddeutschlands. Er bespricht einzelne kuratorische Formate und künstlerische Ansätze, die auf... more
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      Art HistoryParticipatory DesignContemporary ArtRural History
Driven by conceptual notions of the Andes, this intervention offers a normative vision of participatory, ecologically-sound development in South Africa. Re-envisioning production away from the emulation of industrialisation in Europe and... more
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      Feminist EconomicsPolitical EconomyEconomic DevelopmentFeminist Political Economy
Using qualitative data collected from fifty-eight African American grandmothers raising grandchildren in skipped-generation households (SGHs), I reveal how and why women in non-normative families, lacking legal protections and publicly... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesFamily studiesPovertyFamily
En su composición demográfica Argentina presenta una de las poblaciones más envejecidas de la región, agravado con un 9,5% de los adultos mayores con dependencia básica, y con una prevalencia de personas con discapacidad de 10,2%. Esto... more
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      Social Care For Older PeopleDependent and disabilityModels of Elder CareCarework
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Economic DevelopmentGender and DevelopmentGender and education
BACKGROUND France was one of the first countries implementing lockdown measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Since families spent more time at home, household and care workloads increased significantly. However, existing findings... more
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      SociologyDemographyGender StudiesGender
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      Sociology of WorkFeminismFeminist activismMarxist and Materialist Feminism
Women who migrate into domestic labour and care work are the single largest female occupational group migrating globally at present. Their participation in global migration systems has been acknowledged but remains under-theorized.... more
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      Migration and ImmigrationCarework
Russian-speaking homecare workers deploy two divergent discursive practices—professionalism and sainthood—in understanding carework. These two meaning-making systems have consequences for how this work is performed and experienced by... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesImmigrationDomestic workers
Refugee and asylum-seeking mothers perform the duties of carework during and after the complex circumstances associated with irregular journeys and settlement in host countries. Utilizing motherhood as a central frame, the article links... more
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      Refugee StudiesIrregular MigrationGenderMotherhood
Abstract Feminist scholars of refugee and immigration studies have shown gender to be the organizing principle for resettlement experiences of newcomers. This chapter, co-authored by researchers and practitioners, focuses on how gendered... more
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      EducationRefugee StudiesImmigrationGender
This paper provides a feminist critique of market socialism. I argue that two important socialist values, equality and freedom, can only be realised by a form of socialism that adequately distributes and values tasks associated with... more
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      Market SocialismCareworkSocial Reproduction Theory
Kein Mensch überlebt ohne Fürsorge. Und dennoch wird Sorgetätigkeit als Voraussetzung von Markt und Gesellschaft stets unsichtbar gemacht und abgewertet. Die Konsequenzen sind jedoch fatal, nicht nur für die Realität der... more
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Diese Arbeit untersucht die einzigartige Bedeutung der Eltern-Kind-Beziehung als unersetzbares Gut im Leben von Erwachsenen, insbesondere Vätern. Basierend auf Brighouse und Swift, wird die Rolle von Zeit mit dem Kind als zentrales... more
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This essay argues that Catholic (magisterial) social teaching's division of ethics into public and private creates a structural lacuna which makes it almost impossible to envision a truly just situation for migrant domestic careworkers... more
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      Labor MigrationFeminist EthicsCatholic Social ThoughtWorkplace Justice
Objetivos: recoger aprendizajes conceptuales para las iniciativas de discapacidad mental y determinar qué elementos metodológicos de intervención contribuyen mayormente a la inclusión del colectivo. Materiales y métodos: investigación... more
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      Social PolicySocial PoliciesDisabilityIntervención social
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyLabor EconomicsStatistics
Dans son livre Travail gratuit : la nouvelle exploitation ? paru à l’automne 2018, Maud Simonet analyse des activités aujourd’hui hors « du droit du travail et avec peu ou pas de compensation monétaire et de droits sociaux » à partir des... more
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      FranceSocial reproductionUniversityUnpaid work