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Elaborating on a newly compiled dataset of all Security Council resolutions passed under Chapter VII in the thirty years from 1990 to 2019, this Article is the first attempt to survey aggregated Council practice with a view to analyzing... more
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      International LawEmpirical Legal ResearchViolent Non-State ActorsNon-state actors
"The Charter … will be expanded and improved as time goes on. No one claims that it is now a final or a perfect instrument. It has not been poured into a fixed mold. Changing world conditions will require readjustments-but they will be... more
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      COLLECTIVE SECURITY PROVISIONS IN UN CHARTERGeopolitikCharter of the United Nations
Les opérations militaires menées par la France contre Daech bousculent les normes du jus contra bellum. Le consentement donné par l’Irak assure certes la légalité des bombardements des positions djihadistes sur le territoire de cet Etat.... more
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      TerrorismInternational LawSecurity CouncilUse of force in international law and international relations
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      International RelationsInternational ArbitrationDiplomacyOcean governance
The Korean Peninsula has always been an area of interest for the neighboring countries throughout history and - especially from the 19th century onwards - has witnessed the power struggle among the great powers over establishing their... more
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      South KoreaConflict ResolutionCollective SecurityKorean War
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisInternational ArbitrationOcean governanceASEAN
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      Security CouncilInternational Court of JusticeCOLLECTIVE SECURITY PROVISIONS IN UN CHARTERState Crimes
This chapter identifies and addresses the ‘water security paradox’ in the context of the current water security discourse and demonstrates the important role of international law in de-securitising this debate. The work considers state... more
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      International LawSustainable Water Resources ManagementWater SecurityWater Law
Após atentados em Paris e a derrubada do avião russo no Egito, França e Rússia se aliaram. Apoiada pelos BRICS, essa aliança muda a dinâmica política na Síria e esvazia promessas de reformar o Conselho de Segurança em breve.
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      International RelationsTerrorismInternational TerrorismInternational Studies
What are the dividing lines and similarities between the various types of operations conducted under the UN collective security system? What are the main characteristics and functions of each type? How have Peace Operations developed in... more
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      United NationsUN CharterUse of force in international law and international relationsUnited Nations Peacekeeping Operations
In the 2004 Socialist Register, which appeared less than a year after the Second Gulf War commenced, Amy Bartholomew and Jennifer Breakspear published an essay on the prevalence of human rights rhetoric in what they and many others were... more
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      MarxismHuman Rights LawInternational LawHuman Rights
On 4 April 2017, the Syrian regime used the chemical weapon against the civilian population in Syria. In response, the USA conducted a strike against the Syrian military base. The USA did not provide any legal justification of that action... more
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      Chemical WeaponsHumanitarian InterventionResponsibility to ProtectUse of Force
The PDF of the Keynote Presentation that accompanied my talk given to the World Affairs Council of Western Michigan, February 22, 2016. I offer a brief history of mass atrocity response and prevention from the Cold War to the present... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesGenocide StudiesHolocaust and Genocide StudiesOntological Security
This paper initially examines philosophical approaches to the international use of force in an historical context before examining the development of the doctrine of collective security as the unifying value of international relations at... more
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      International LawLegal HistoryLegal TheoryJust War Theory
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      International LawSecurity StudiesUnited NationsResponsibility to Protect
Ao contrário de 2001, a ONU foi conduzida por ações unilaterais de seus membros a aceitar o uso da força na Síria e no Iraque. Ao invés de propor normas que viabilizem uma arquitetura global de combate ao terrorismo, a ONU aquiesce diante... more
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      International RelationsTerrorismInternational TerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism