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The Korean alphabet (apart from being a relatively simple and logical alphabet, and a picturesque one) exercises a fascination because it is clear that, whatever the approved or official history of the alphabet, this alphabet was... more
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      Devanagari scriptKorean languageHangulAlphabets
Sten Konow and some other scholars have talked about the presence of some Goths in India in the 2nd Century AD, in this article we see that they were actually Gutians/Goths who lived in the Caucasus, not north of Europe.
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      Germanic linguisticsIndian studiesIndo-European StudiesGothic Studies
Divehi Akuru (Ancient Maldivian Script). Volume One. The second volume was never published.
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      South Asian StudiesIndian Ocean HistoryIndo-European LinguisticsMaldives
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsWriting Systems & DeciphermentWriting systems
Deciphering ancient Indus valley and Linear elamite writings using Brahmi and Kharosthi scripts - Using reverse Engineering technique and understanding evolution of other ancient writings.
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Page 1. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens / Vienna Journal of South Asian Studies, Bd. XLVIII/2004, 81-109 © 2005 by Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien Jost Gippert A Glimpse into the Buddhist Past of the Maldives... more
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      Buddhist StudiesPrakrit Language and LiteratureBuddhist SanskritMultidisciplinary
The Burmese Tamarind script is used to write Pali texts for liturgical purposes. This is a study of the script, its characters and most common ligatures along with a Brahmic primer, a word-by-word textual analysis and a comparison with... more
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      Pali literature & languageBurmese StudiesBrahmic ScriptsPali Language
A 6th century Mongolian inscriptions written in Brahmi script is newly discovered in Mongolia. The phonological features are: *p- initial consonant and *-p- middle consonant, which reaffirms the historical phonological law of Mongolian... more
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      Mongolian LanguagesHistorical PhonologyAvarsPaul Pelliot
The purpose of this paper is to provide a first introduction to our research project The Characters that Shaped the Silk Road—A Database and Digital Paleography of Tarim Brahmi. The project aims to provide a comprehensive paleographic... more
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      PhilologyDigital HumanitiesLanguages and LinguisticsAncient Indo-European Languages
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      BuddhismBuddhist StudiesBuddhist SanskritCentral Asian Buddhism
Касьян А.С., Минлос Ф.Р. (ред.). 2001. Studia Linguarum 2. Москва: РГГУ [Kassian, Alexei S. & Philip R. Minlos (eds.). 2001. Studia Linguarum 2. Moscow: RSUH] Contents: Ф. Р. Минлос. Рефлексы акцентных парадигм у прилагательных с... more
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      HittiteTocharianYeniseian LanguagesBalto-Slavic accentology
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      Development of Early Writing SystemsAncient ScriptsBrahmic ScriptsHarappan Civilization
It presents indirect evidence that the sign for zero in India reached its fully developed form 3 or 4 centuries before Aryabhata.
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      History of MathematicsHistory of ScienceIndiaBrahmic Scripts
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      Mongolian StudiesOld TurkicMongolian LanguagesMongolian linguistics
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      Writing systemsBrahmic Scripts
Коряков Ю.Б. Письменности новых индоарийских языков // Языки мира: Новые индоарийские языки / РАН. Институт языкознания. Ред. колл.: Т.И. Оранская, Ю.В. Мазурова, А.А. Кибрик, Л.И. Куликов, А.Ю. Русаков. ― М.: Academia, 2011. – С.... more
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      Indo-Aryan LinguisticsBrahmic ScriptsNew Indo-Aryan LanguagesIndic Scripts
The article deals with the newly discovered the Indus script of seals, Variant Indus script, Brahmi script, Kharosthi script and Pali script inscriptions inscribed in rock art of Sindh, Pakistan
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      Indus Valley (Pakistan) Prehistory and ProtohistoryIndus ValleyKharosthiBrahmic Scripts
This article emphasis on evaluating the idea of Emperor Aśoka especially from Pillar Edict Seven. The comparison is made on the basis of the context, ideas and emotions that are depicted on the pillar. An emphasis is also made on... more
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      BuddhismAncient HistoryIndian Buddhism, Indology, Asoka EdictsAśokan Prakrit
The three Bhaikshuki inscriptions was brought to the notice of the Epigraphy Branch, ASI, Mysore by Excavation Branch III, Patna. Two are from Uren in Lakhisari district, Bihar and one is from the adjoining village of Manjhiyavan. They... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEpigraphyIndian Epigraphy
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      Historical LinguisticsWriting Systems & DeciphermentLinguisticsWriting systems
Although the debates on the origins and use of Sanskrit language, which is considered to be the ancestor of the Indian European language family, continue today, it is quite clear that it has a unique place in terms of its religious... more
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      Sanskrit language and literaturePrakrit Language and LiteratureBrahmic ScriptsAk Hunlar
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese Language And CultureWriting Systems & DeciphermentArchaeological Decipherment
Yazım bakımından bazı eksiklikleri olan alfabelerle kaleme alınmış metinlerden oluşan Eski Türkçede, ilk hecedeki yuvarlak ünlülerin darlık ve genişlik bakımından tespiti ciddi bir sorun olarak karşımızda durmaktadır. Bu problemi çözerken... more
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      PhoneticsOld Turkish LiteratureOld TurkicOld Turkic, Old Uyghur
This paper brings together all available evidence for literacy in Post-Harappan India, still popularly known as Iron age Vedic India, most of which have been endorsed by mainstream researchers in some way or the other in the recent past... more
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      WritingIndian ancient historyPhoenicianEpigraphy
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      GeographyBuddhist StudiesPrakrit Language and LiteratureBuddhist Sanskrit
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      BuddhismPalaeogeographyLiteracyDigital Humanities
Středoasijský Turkestán je lingvisticky rozmanitým regionem – jazyková rozmanitost není jen současným fenoménem, složitou jazykovou situaci známe již z předislámského období, zejména pak z oblasti Turfánské oasy a Tarimské pánve v Čínském... more
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      Silk RoadSilk Road StudiesCentral Asians/Sogdians in ChinaAlphabets