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    • Asturian literature
Conmemoración, con motivo del «Bienio pidalino (2018-2019)», de la recolección en Cerredo (Degaña,Asturias), en 1910, de una versión singular del romance «La Infantina y el Caballero burlado».
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      Oral TraditionsBalladsOral literatureLiteratura Medieval
El artículo trata de en situar a Jovellanosven el centro de un amplio movimiento de estudio científco y cultivo literario del asturiano. Así pues, si a fnales del XVII la lengua asturiano no tenía aún ni entidad como objeto de estudio, ni... more
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    • Asturian literature
ABSTRACT. This article offers a review of the main contributions to fieldwork, documentation and other related topics on the Asturian folktales, from the earliest attested examples to the present. RESUMEN: Este artículo ofrece una... more
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      PhilologySpanish LiteratureFolkloreLiterature
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      Asturian languageZamoraAsturian literatureAsturian language literature
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      Catalan StudiesCatalan LanguageBasque StudiesPortuguese Studies
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    • Asturian literature
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    • Asturian literature
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      Eighteenth-Century literatureAsturian literature
In this paper, we present the edition of the Greek poems translated by Aramburu Zuloaga. We analyze them and we can date them to the early eighties of the nineteenth century, so they are the first translations of Greek Literature in... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureTranslation StudiesBucolic Poetry
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      DialectologyAsturian languageLlingua AsturianaAsturian literature
Se traza la biografía de Juan González Villar (Luanco, 1746-León, 1819), en la que se incorporan datos dispersos o poco conocidos sobre la vida y la obra del autor de La Xudit, obra cumbre de la generación de poetas en lengua asturiana... more
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    • Asturian literature
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureTranslation StudiesHistory and Classical tradition studies
Los trabajos seleccionados demuestran que, en el auge del «humanismo», siguen surgiendo nuevas formas de violencia y nuevas formas de abordarlas en la literatura. No es solo el sexo de las violencias, las relaciones sexo-genéricas en... more
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      ViolenceCentral America and MexicoCentral American StudiesPolitical Violence and Terrorism
This article analyzes the unique literary recreation of the myth of Antigone in Asturian Literature: the drama Antígona, por exemplu (1991) by Nel Amaro. The author transports Sophoclean characters to the twentieth century and ponders... more
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      Comparative LiteratureClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek Tragedy
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      Asturian languageLlingua AsturianaLliteratura asturianaAsturian literature
As in other Hispanic, European and World literatures, Asturian literature was profoundly influenced by the Ancient Classical myths and this influence was already visible in the first-known author writing in Asturian. Since then, the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureClassical MythologyRomanceroGreek and Roman Mithology
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    • Asturian literature
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    • Asturian literature
Edición de la obra inédita (teatro, poesía y narrativa) conservada en manuscritos.
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      Asturian languageAsturian literatureEdición crítica de literatura en asturianoTheater
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    • Asturian literature
La tradición moderna y la edición del Romancero hispánico. Encuestas promovidas por Ramón Menéndez Pidal en Asturias (1911-1920) l. Los ROMANCES DE LA TRADICIÓN ORAL MODERNA EN LOS PROYECTOS DE EDICIÓN GLOBAL DEL ROMANCERO EN EL SIGLO XX... more
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      BalladsAsturiasRomanceroAsturian literature
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    • Asturian literature
RESUME: Esti trabayu fai por encadarmar dalgunes pautes sobre’l comportamientu de la llingua asturiana nel ámbitu de la publicidá, trabayando sobre un corpus d’anuncios previos al Surdimientu atropáu pol autor en prensa dende’l sieglu... more
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      MarketingMinority LanguagesPublicidadePublicity
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    • Asturian literature
Forthcoming November 2015
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      Colonial AmericaFlorida StudiesTranslation between English and SpanishAsturias, Spain
El trabajo tiene dos vertientes fundamentales, la primera la de la prensa regional. Aunque nacida en 1808, la prensa asturiana comienza tardíamente a prestar atención a la lengua de Asturias y a su literatura a partir de El Faro Asturiano... more
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      Iberian StudiesAsturian languageHistoria de la prensaAsturian literature
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      National IdentityRegionalismAsturian literature
Ausente de la colección de poesías asturianas de Caveda y Nava, el poeta Benito de l'Auxa (1742-1814), a pesar de tener más obras (casi todas perdidas) que el resto de poetas de esta generación, ha sido rara vez atendido hasta elabolación... more
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    • Asturian literature
In spite of its not very numerous printed production, Asturian literature enjoyed during the nineteenth century a certain projection and recognition outside of Asturias. The publication in 1839 of Caveda y Nava's anthology was decisive to... more
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      Iberian StudiesAsturian languageLlingua AsturianaAsturian literature
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    • Asturian literature
Álvaro Arias. Edición crítica, estudio preliminar y notas de La Judit (1770) de Juan González Villar. Uviéu: Academia de la Llingua Asturiana, 1996.
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      Asturian literatureLiteratura asturianaHistoria de la literatura asturianaLiteratura en asturiano
Reseña de "Cuerpos perdidos en las morgues. Una novela de detectives" (Barcelona: Ultramarinos). Publicada en "Clarín", nº 139, enero-febrero de 2019.
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      Contemporary PoetryAsturian literature
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      AsturiasAsturian literature
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    • Asturian literature
The aim of this paper is to study and edit the works written in asturian language by two poets from the first half of the eighteen century, unpublished until now. Both authors come to fill a little known temporary gap in asturian... more
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    • Asturian literature
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      Greek LiteratureTranslation StudiesGreek LanguageAsturian language
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      Asturian literatureRomancero Pan-hispánico
Reseña de Vanessa Gutiérrez (2017): El paisaxe nuestru. Oviedo: Saltadera.
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      Iberian StudiesAsturian languageAsturian literature
Álvaro Arias. «El asturiano: situación actual y caracterización fonológica y morfosintáctica». Minorized Languages in Europe. State and Survival, ed. por Josep R. Guzmán y Joan Verdegal. [Santiago de Compostela &] Brno: Compostela Group... more
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      Asturian languageAsturian literatureLengua asturianaGramática del asturiano
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    • Asturian literature
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      HistoryArtAsturian literature
The theme of Covadonga, of relatively late appearance in the history of Asturian literature, was born in the heat of the exaltation of the ideals of religion, monarchy and freedom that shaped the national idea of Spain in the first half... more
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      Asturian languageMithology and ReligionAsturian literature
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    • Asturian literature
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      Asturian literatureRomancero Pan-hispánico
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      Hispanic literature and poetryAsturian literature
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    • Asturian literature
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    • Asturian literature
This paper examines the influence of the Classical tradition in the theatre plays written by the Asturian author Nel Amaro (1946-2011), especially in his Antígona, por exemplu, the sole literary recreation of the myth of Antigone in... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureTheatre StudiesHistory and Classical tradition studies
Álvaro Arias. Edición crítica, estudio preliminar y notas de Llos Trabayos de Chinticu (1843) de Juan Junquera Huergo. Cartafueyos de Lliteratura Escaecida 9 (1996).
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      Asturian literatureLiteratura asturianaHistoria de la literatura asturianaLiteratura en asturiano