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Postul Mare este perioada care precedă sărbătoarea Paştilor şi care durează patruzeci de zile; timpul pocăinţei prin excelenţă şi al întoarcerii la Dumnezeu, care ne reaminteşte în primul rând de cele patruzeci de zile petrecute de... more
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""Inhaltsverzeichnis Miscellanea Orientalia Christiana Von den Herausgebern SYRIACA Yulia Furman Der erste Schöpfungstag und die „ersten Naturen“ in der „Geschichte der zeitlichen Welt“ von Johannes bar Penkaye Evgeny... more
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      Arabic LiteratureAristotleSyrian StudiesPrayer
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      DanteDante AlighieriJewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle AgesAdam
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      AdamGenesis 1-2
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      Art HistoryMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryWomen's History
American Cinema significantly makes use of universal narratives which originate from myths and religious stories. These narratives which are accepted universally address universe of common meaning values of humanity and people’s common... more
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      American CinemaAdamNoahDarren Aronofsky
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Surprisingly, perhaps, it turns out that the face is not only a finite object of art but also an infinite art object, yielding three inimitable standards of facial beauty, but what these really entail remains essentially unexplored.... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyPhilosophy of MindAesthetics
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      TalmudAramaicAdamRabbinical literature (The Mishnah, Babylonian and Palestinian Talmudim, aggadic midrashim)
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      ChristianityEarly ChristianityHistory of ReligionsSyriac Christianity
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The common error of thought about Adam is his commission of disobedience, that incurred him ousting from paradise. In this book, not only his; even the infallibility of all prophets has been vindicated. It could not be accomplished... more
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This paper analises some of the diverse ficticious situations conceived by Hume throughout his works to represent the absence of experience characterizing either an initial state, where experience doesn't exist yet, or a state where it... more
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      David HumeAdamFicçãoImaginação
The first House of Prayer at Bibakkata mentioned in the Quran could be located at Pushkarin Rajasthan. The Quran says: “Behold, the first House (of Prayer) established for mankindis the one at Bibakkata” (96-97). Near Bakkata: The name... more
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      QuranAdamHouse of Prayer at Bibakkata Pushkar
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      GeneticsGenomicsCancerCancer Biology
Afzalodin Badil Khaghani Shervani and Nezami Ganjavi are two major stylist poets who had profound influences on later poets. Most of the Khaghani’s poems are lucid and uncomplicated; but many ordinary people, and sometimes some of... more
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Kephalaia, counts to the important sources of Manichaean. It is written in Coptic by the Christians of North Africa, which have converted to this faith. Mani is called in this book “The Apostle” and sometimes “the enlightener”. Each... more
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      AdamNousدیواننخستین مرد
Armenian Apocrypha Relating to Abraham Michael E. Stone This volume introduces a cycle of stories about Abraham as preserved in fifteen unpublished, late medieval manuscripts in Armenian, published here in English for the first time... more
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Expression of similarities and dissimilarities between historical and mythical characters can show the continuous bilateral impressions and effects of History and Myth and their results. Gayumarth, being absolutely different in appearance... more
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A very brief note on the doctrine of ‘original sin’ and of our unity in Adam.
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      New TestamentBiblical TheologyRomansAdam
A major bottleneck in our understanding of the molecular underpinnings of life is the assignment of function to proteins. While molecular experiments provide the most reliable annotation of proteins, their relatively low throughput and... more
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      BioinformaticsAlgorithmsOntologyComputational Biology
While human beings are without any doubt orders of magnitude removed from animals in the degree of development, no difference in degree alone can constitute a difference in kind. The formalization of this phenomenological inability to... more
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      OntologyPhenomenologyAdamHuman Dignity
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... At various times Professor Sai attended the Universities of London. ... was one of those who founded the Ghana Family Planning Association and helped develop Ghana's population policy. ... those on adolescent reproductive health... more
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The Moon as the Motherland of mankind. // Луна как Отчизна человечества.
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      LanguagesChristianityAncient HistoryPhilosophy