Giovanni Magliocco
I am Associate Professor in Romanian Language and Literature at the University of Bari where I teach since 2009. I taught Romanian Language and Literature (courses) and Comparative Literature (seminars) at the University of Calabria (2004-2009, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy). In 2018 I have obtained the National Scientific Qualification for Full Professor (Macro-Settore Concorsuale 10/E1 - Filologie e letterature mediolatina e romanze). I have completed my Ph. D. in Romanistica (Romance Studies) at the University of Turin (Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures) in february 2009, with a thesis in Romanian Literature about Sibiu Literary Circle. I took my MA in Foreign Languages and Literatures (French, Romanian and English) at the University of Calabria (Faculty of Letters and Philosophy). I am Member of the "The Center of Literary and Enciclopedic Research" of the University "Babeș-Bolyai", Cluj-Napoca, whose main area of research is Modern and Contemporary Romanian Literature; of LARIR ("Laboratorio di Ricerca sull’Immaginario e la Retorica") of the University of Calabria, whose main areas of research are Imaginary, Mythocriticism, Archetypal criticism and Rhetorics, of CIRM ("Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca - Forme e Scritture della Modernità") of University of Bari, University of Salento and University of Salerno and of CIRLEP (Centro Internazionale di Ricerca su Letterature e Psicanalisi) of the University of Naples "L'Orientale". I belong to the Academic Board of "Philologica Jassyensia" (ISI indexed Journal, Class A - Anvur) and to the Scientific Board of "Immaginario e Retorica" (Rubbettino Editore) and, since 2013, I direct with Prof. Gisèle Vanhese "DANUBIANA" (Collection of Romanian Language and Literature) published by Aracne Editrice (Rome). Actually my main research areas are: Myths, Archetypes and Imaginary in Modern and Contemporary Romanian Poetry and Fiction; Symbolist and Decadent literature; Romanian Surrealism, Oneirism and Neo-Oneirism; Romanian Fantastic Fiction and The Gothic; Contemporary Romanian Feminine Poetry and Prose; Trauma and Gulag poetry. I have been writing poetry since the end of the 90s, I debuted in 2024 with the volume Craco published by La Gru Edizioni (collana Entropia), https://www.edizionilagru.com/entropia/444-craco-9788899909352.html.
Address: Giovanni Magliocco
Dipartimento DIRIUM - Ricerca e Innovazione Umanistica
Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
Via Michele Garruba 6/B, 70122 Bari (Italia)
Address: Giovanni Magliocco
Dipartimento DIRIUM - Ricerca e Innovazione Umanistica
Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
Via Michele Garruba 6/B, 70122 Bari (Italia)
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InterestsView All (44)
My original poetry by Giovanni Magliocco
Papers by Giovanni Magliocco
Keywords: Kore-Persephone, classical myths, archetypes, Double Self, identity
Keywords: Kore-Persephone, classical myths, archetypes, Double Self, identity
Giovanni Magliocco, Foreword
Neo-Gothic between Theory and Imaginary
Max Duperray, « NEO-GOTHIC » : frontières incertaines d’un concept littéraire [13-24]
Florence Casulli, Macabre Short-Stories by Edgar Allan Poe and Roald Dahl [25-47]
Valentina Sirangelo, Sulla natura lunare di Shub-Niggurath: dalla mythopoeia di Howard Phillips Lovecraft a The Moon-Lens di Ramsey Campbell [48-68]
Patrycja Antoszek, Shirley Jackson’s Affective Gothicism: The Discourse of Melancholia in The Bird’s Nest [69-86]
Barbara Miceli, Pathological Narcissism in a (Neo)Gothic Setting: Joyce Carol Oates’s “Evil Eye” [87-100]
Dana Percec, Gothic Revisitations of Hamlet: Ian McEwan’s Nutshell [101-114]
Rose-Anaïs Weeber, Crimson Peak: Guillermo del Toro’s Visual Tribute to Gothic Literature [115-126]
Hybridizations & Mutations
Laura Pavel, The Gothic-Absurd Hybrid and the Limits of Representation [129-146]
Lucian-Vasile Szabo & Marius-Mircea Crișan, Technological Modifications of the Human Body in Neo-Gothic Literature: Prostheses, Hybridization and Cyborgization in Posthumanism [147-158]
Alessandra Squeo, Hybridizing Textual Bodies and Neo-Gothic Identities: Frankenstein’s Afterlife in Shelley Jackson’s Fiction [159-174]
Mihaela Ursa, Media Pride and Prejudices of Transmedial Traffic: Enacting Jane Austen with Zombies [175-189]
Doru Pop, A Replicant Walks into the Desert of the Real and Tells Unfunny Jokes in the Flickering Lights of Neon-Gothic Fantasy [190-211]
Richard Kidder, Some Examples of the Ecogothic in Contemporary English Language Fiction [212-222]
Carmen Borbély, Post-Gothic Traces in Ian McEwan’s Solar [223-233]
Peripheral Configurations of the Neo-Gothic
Gerry Turcotte, The Caribbean Gothic Down Under: Caribbean Influences in Marianne de Pierres’ Parrish Plessis Novels [237-243]
Ana-Maria Parasca, The Sense of Otherness in Kate’s Morton Novels [244-256]
Gisèle Vanhese, Néo-gothique et imaginaire amérindien dans Le Mutilateur de Julian Mahikan [257-268]
Katarzyna Ancuta, Patterns of Shadows: Japanese Crime Gothic as Neo-Gothic [269-287]
Luisa Valmarin, La poesia di Arturo Graf tra tentazioni gotiche e reminiscenze emineschiane [288-304]
Catherine de Wrangel, Racconto d’autunno de Tommaso Landolfi : du récit gothique à la réflexion philosophico-politique [305-322]
Fabio Camilletti, Melissa, o la realtà dei fantasmi [323-333]
Ruxandra Cesereanu, Leonid Dimov: Spectrality and the Neo-Gothic Atmosphere [334-346]
Corin Braga, Vintilă Ivănceanu: From Oneirism to the Neo-Gothic [347-356]
Marius Popa, Les retours du néo-gothique dans la littérature de Mircea Cărtărescu. Les artifices de l’imaginaire dans Solenoid [357-365]
Giovanni Magliocco, L’errance post-mortem d’une identité fragmentée. Pudră de Dora Pavel entre Néo-Gothique et Postmoderne [366-398]
Book Reviews [399-443]