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Il presente contributo si pone come oggetto una ricerca su alcune caratteristiche del discorso parlato legate alla complessità sintattica e lessicale determinata dall’uso della nominalizzazione. Partendo dalla considerazione, più volte... more
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      Corpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisNominalizationGrammatical MetaphorOral Language
This paper presents a contrastive analysis of nominalization in Italian and Slovene within the framework of systemic functional grammar as described by M.A.K. Halliday and his colleagues. Nominalization is viewed as a type of grammatical... more
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      SloveneCorpus LinguisticsSystemic Functional LinguisticsItalian (Languages And Linguistics)
The paper focuses on a textual shift that was observed in a comparison between the Italian nominalized infinitive and its Slovene translations. The nominalized infinitive essentially allows a process to be worded as a nominal structure,... more
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      Translation StudiesSloveneCorpus LinguisticsItalian (Languages And Linguistics)
The article focuses on nominalization as grammatical metaphor and on its translation from Italian to Slovene. It would seem that grammatical metaphor is more frequent in certain languages than in others. With the use of Italian and... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus LinguisticsExplicitationNominalization
The paper focuses on a study of the use of the Slovene participle in various text types. Several authors have pointed out that the participle is rarely used, but actual research based on concrete data is extremely rare in this field.... more
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      SloveneCorpus Linguistics
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      Contrastive AnalysisTense and Aspect SystemsItalian Grammar
Translation quality assessment (TQA) is frequently at the centre of studies in translator training, although often little attention is given to the way feedback on TQA is given to students, or to how students feel about TQA in the... more
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The paper addresses the use of corpora, both monolingual and parallel, in the translation classroom. The languages used as examples are Italian and Slovene and the specific feature dealt with is the translation of nominalization, which is... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus LinguisticsContrastive Analysis
Članek obravnava pomen visoke kompetence v maternem jeziku za kakršnokoli obliko večjezičnega komuniciranja na osnovi analize, ki kaže, da zgolj znanje tujega jezika ni dovolj za uspešen prenos tujejezičnega besedila v materni jezik in da... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslationMother Tongue Based Multilingual EducationLinguistic Competence
Non-finite verbal structures seem to be relatively rare in Slovene compared to other languages such as Italian. This may pose a problem to the Slovene learners of foreign languages both when creating texts in the foreign language and when... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus LinguisticsContrastive AnalysisItalian (Languages And Linguistics)
The article discusses the frequency and use of co-ordinate connectors expressing cause/reason and clarification/explanation, which are particularly interesting for contrastive studies, as their role in different languages bears a... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus LinguisticsContrastive AnalysisContrastive Rhetoric
There is a large presence of translators without formal education in the Slovene market, partly because until the 1990s there were no independent translation programs, but also because of the popular notion that anybody who speaks a... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation CompetenceTeaching of Foreign LanguagesTranslation pedagogy
The article examines the importance of high competences in the mother tongue for any kind of multilingual communication. The analysis shows that the knowledge of a foreign language is not enough for a successful transfer of a foreign... more
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The article addresses the frequency and usage of English adversative connectors and their translation equivalents in Slovene. These connectors present a challenge for contrastive studies, as their varied use may differ considerably in... more
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The article is an attempt to provide an overview of the occurrence of nominalization in the Slovene language. A corpus-based methodology is used to compare original Slovene texts of different genres and translations from selected foreign... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsSystemic Functional GrammarNominalizationGrammatical Metaphor
The paper focuses on a particular type of Slovene non-finite verbal forms, i.e. the adverbial participle called deležje and its frequency in original and in translated Slovene literary works. although it has been often stated that the... more
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      Contrastive AnalysisCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesParticiplesItaliano
The monograph is primarily dedicated to nominalization and its occurrence in Slovene texts, the main focus being both on translated texts (mainly from Italian) and original ones. The theoretical framework for the research is modelled on... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTranslation StudiesItalian StudiesContrastive Analysis
Non-finite verbal structures seem to be relatively rare in Slovene compared to other languages such as Italian. This may pose a problem to the Slovene learners of foreign languages both when creating texts in the foreign language and... more
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      Translation StudiesItalian StudiesCorpus LinguisticsContrastive Analysis
Centre and Periphery: Power Relations in the World of Translation deals with relations between languages taking part in the translation process. Those relations are not equal, as different languages occupy different positions in the... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationTranslation StudiesApplied LinguisticsTranslation
The study focuses on nominalization and its occurrence in Italian and Slovene literary texts. The corpus used in the study comprises Italian source texts and their Slovene translations, as well as Slovene original literary texts. The data... more
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      Italian StudiesCorpus LinguisticsContrastive AnalysisContrastive Linguistics