Artículos by RELATEC Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa

El sedentarismo asociado a las nuevas tecnologías es uno de los principales factores relacionados... more El sedentarismo asociado a las nuevas tecnologías es uno de los principales factores relacionados con la obesidad infantil. Este estudio propone aliarnos con las mismas para realizar actividad física y combatir dicho problema. La investigación contó 623 participantes en edad escolar, lo que permitió el registro y valoración de la relación existente entre hábitos sedentarios relacionados con las videoconsolas y el grado de sobrepeso de esta muestra. Para recoger los datos de las variables se utilizaron diversos instrumentos (cuestionario de elaboración propia, cintra métrica y báscula). Los resultados indicaron que un sexto de la población estudiada tenía exceso de peso y que la mayoría tenía videoconsola. Igualmente, se demostró que 6 de cada 10 encuestados preferían los videojuegos con movimiento frente a los tradicionales. Además, aparecieron diferencias estadísticas entre los tipos de juegos y la frecuencia de juego; manifestando que los escolares que jugaban de forma cotidiana preferían los «exergames».
A sedentary lifestyle associated with new technologies is one of the main factors related to current childhood obesity; therefore, this study proposes to use these technologies to do physical activity and combat this problem. The research was carried out using 623 school children, which allowed for the recording and assessment of the relationship between various sedentary habits related to consoles and the level of obesity that a group of school children have. We used several measuring instruments to collect the data of the variables (such as test, measuring tape and scales). The results indicated that one-sixth of the study's population was overweight and most of children had a console. Also, the investigation showed that 6 out of 10 respondents preferred videogames with motion versus traditional videogames. In addition, the study evinced statistical differences in the kind of games and frequency of play; manifesting that frequent players preferred the «exergames».

¿Qué características tienen los Cursos en Línea Masivos y Abiertos? ¿Cuáles son sus beneficios en... more ¿Qué características tienen los Cursos en Línea Masivos y Abiertos? ¿Cuáles son sus beneficios en comparación con otras modalidades formativas en línea? ¿Y sus principales limitaciones? ¿Qué tipo de competencias se requieren para realizar un MOOC y que tipo de competencias promueve? La aparición de los MOOC ha venido acompañada de fuertes críticas relacionadas con su valor pedagógico, los mecanismos de acreditación, el rol de los tutores, las dificultades para su evaluación o incluso el modelo mercantil de negocio que suponen. Sin embargo, al ser un fenómeno relativamente reciente, se dispone de pocas evidencias científicas acerca de su funcionamiento. Un modo de aproximación al estado de la cuestión es la consulta de las voces más acreditadas de nuestro país. Por ello el presente trabajo analiza en profundidad la opinión de 20 expertos en tecnología educativa de diversas universidades españolas a través del uso de una encuesta administrada a principios del 2014 con el objetivo de conocer su parecer respeto las características de los MOOC, sus beneficios y sus limitaciones. Los expertos coinciden en algunos beneficios a este tipo de formación como la accesibilidad y la posibilidad de aprender a lo largo de la vida con autonomía y constatan a la vez limitaciones respecto al grado de interactividad y la masividad, así como, especialmente, respecto a los procesos de evaluación que acompañan esta modalidad formativa.
What characteristics do Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) have? What are its benefits compared with other online training methods? And its main limitations? What kinds of competencies are required to make a MOOC and what competencies are fostered? The MOOC’ spread has come together with strong criticisms related to its educational value, the certification systems, the role of tutors, to the difficulties for its assessment or even the involved commercial business model. However, there are few scientific evidences about its operation, since the MOOC are a relatively recent phenomenon. A way to approach the state-of-the-art is asking the most reliable voices of our country. In this study we analysed in depth the point of view of 20 experts in educational technology from several Spanish universities by means of a questionnaire at the beginning of 2012 aiming at knowing their opinion about MOOC’ characteristics, its benefits and limitations. Experts from different subjects and degrees of Spanish Universities agree some MOOC’s benefits, such as accessibility and possibility of autonomous lifelong learning and at the same time, they perceive evident limitations relative to MOOC own features, interactivity and massivity and specially regarding assessment processes that characterise this training modality.

El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las características formales de los MOOC en España a las... more El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las características formales de los MOOC en España a las que se enfrenta un usuario potencial de dichos cursos en el «Zero Moment Of Truth», es decir, en los momentos previos a tomar la decisión de matricularse. La mayor parte de las investigaciones sobre MOOC se han centrado en el aprendizaje generado, en el índice de abandonos y en su relación con la educación formal. Nuestro estudio no hace referencia explícita al contenido de los MOOC, ni al porcentaje de los que lo finalizan, sino a los que lo comienzan y por qué llegan a hacerlo. Como hipótesis partimos de la escasa importancia que en España se da al diseño web y a los contenidos audiovisuales en la presentación de los cursos, a pesar de su gran influencia en el momento en que los usuarios deciden si matricularse o no. Como método para contrastar esta hipótesis, nos servimos del análisis de contenido. Se seleccionaron un total de 109 MOOC y se analizaron desde tres categorías de variables retóricas: la categoría informativa, la estética y la credibilidad. Entre otros resultados, se comprueba que los MOOC españoles ofrecen una información bastante completa al potencial alumno pero que pueden mejorar su estética y los elementos que contribuyen a su credibilidad. Las conclusiones a las que llegamos señalan que, tanto si se pretendiese obtener beneficio económico de los MOOC, como si se utilizasen estos cursos gratuitos simplemente para publicitar las instituciones organizadoras y mejorar su imagen, no es suficiente con ofrecer contenidos de calidad.
The objective of this article is to analyze the formal characteristics of MOOC in Spain which potential users of such courses have to face at the «Zero Moment Of Truth», i.e., in the moments they make the decision to enroll. Most of the research on MOOC have focused on the learning generated, the rate of drop-outs and MOOC’ relations with formal education. Our study makes no explicit reference to the content of the MOOC, or the percentage of those who complete them, but to those who start them and why they come to do so. We part from the hypothesis that too little attention is paid to web design and audiovisual content in the presentation of the courses in Spain, despite their great influence on the time when users decide whether to register or not. In this study we have used content analysis qualitative research technique to test this hypothesis. We selected a total of 109 MOOC and analyzed them with three categories of rhetoric variables: the informative category, aesthetics and credibility. Among other findings, we discovered that Spanish MOOC offer a fairly comprehensive information to potential students, but that they can improve their aesthetics and the elements that contribute to its credibility. The conclusions we reach point out that, whether it is intended to obtain economic benefit from the MOOC, as if these free courses were used simply to advertise the organizing institutions and improve their image, it is not enough to offer quality contents.

En este artículo explicitamos, en primer lugar, nuestro posicionamiento en torno a la Tecnología ... more En este artículo explicitamos, en primer lugar, nuestro posicionamiento en torno a la Tecnología Educativa (TE) como ámbito de estudio y aplicación, desde una noción que nos puede ayudar tanto a entender la dificultad de introducir cambios sustantivos en la educación, como a situar el origen de algunos mitos sobre la formación del profesorado. A continuación explicitamos nuestras concepciones sobre el sentido de esta formación. En segundo lugar se sitúan los objetivos del artículo y la metodología utilizada para su desarrollo basada en evidencias recogidas en proyectos de investigación y en nuestros procesos de análisis, reflexión y práctica docente. En tercer lugar realizamos una aproximación a la formación inicial del profesorado de educación infantil, primaria, secundaria y universitaria centrada en la noción de TE que reciben. Como conclusión argumentamos que en la formación inicial que recibe el profesorado en relación a la TE se da una superposición generalizada del concepto, con el de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, que no ofrece una visión de conjunto amplia e integrada de la acción educativa como un todo. Del mismo modo que permite vislumbrar la evolución de algunos mitos sobre la formación y la tecnología.
In this paper we firstly explain our positioning regarding Educational Technology (ET) as a field of study and application, from a notion that can help us both understand the difficulty of introducing substantive changes in education, and place the origin of some myths about teachers’ professional development and technology. We then explain our views on the meaning of teacher training. Secondly, we locate the objectives of the paper and the methodology used for its development based on evidence gathered in research and in our processes of analysis, reflection and teaching practice. Thirdly, we make an approach to the initial professional development of nursery, primary, secondary and university teachers centred on the notion of the Educational Technology they receive. Finally, we argue that in the initial teacher training programmes there is widespread overlapping between the concept of ET and the Information and Communication Technology that does not offer a comprehensive and integrated vision of the educational action as a whole, just as it offers a glimpse of the evolution of some myths about teacher training and technology.

En este artículo se presenta un estudio desarrollado en la Universidad de Jaén en el que se anali... more En este artículo se presenta un estudio desarrollado en la Universidad de Jaén en el que se analiza el consumo televisivo de los estudiantes de los Grados de Educación (N= 236), así como la valoración o preferencias televisivas de las distintas cadenas españolas. Se realiza un análisis de varianza con la intención de determinar la existencia de diferencias significativas a nivel estadístico entre el consumo televisivo y el sexo de los encuestados así como entre las valoraciones de los grupos mediáticos y la Titulación en curso. En coherencia con el problema de investigación y los objetivos planteados, la metodología seguida es de tipo descriptivo. De los datos analizados, se deriva el perfil que se ha obtenido es el de un joven estudiante en Educación que visiona diariamente entre una y tres horas la televisión, con el objetivo de entretenerse (series nacionales), eligiendo para ello alguna cadena del Grupo Atresmedia.
This paper describes and analises the data of a study conducted at the University of Jaén about TV watching habits of students in Grades Education (N=236), and the assessment of television preferences of different Spanish chains. An analysis of variance with the intention of determining the existence of statistically significant differences between television consumption and sex of respondents and between rating of media groups and degree course. Consistent with the research problem and the objectives, the methodology used is descriptive. From the data analyzed, the profile has been obtained is that of a young student in Education watching TV daily between one and three hour, with the aim of entertaining (national series), choosing Atresmedia series as the main election.

Esta investigación recoge las expectativas y opiniones de docentes de Enseñanza Secundaria Obliga... more Esta investigación recoge las expectativas y opiniones de docentes de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria (N=36) que han visto modificada su labor docente con la introducción de libros digitales en su práctica diaria. Se aplicó el cuestionario LIDIA (LIbros DIgitales y Aprendizaje). Así, mientras algunos consideran que les facilita su tarea docente, otros subrayan el trabajo adicional que implica: horas de formación, preparación de materiales, actividades y fórmulas evaluativas coherentes con la nueva metodología. Piensan que la repercusión del uso de los libros digitales en el rendimiento académico del alumnado se relaciona con sus conocimientos previos y habilidades para desenvolverse en estos nuevos materiales formativos. Además, matizan que sus preferencias cognitivas y estilos de aprendizaje pueden favorecerlo junto al contexto donde se produzca el aprendizaje. Sin embargo, se hace preciso identificar las diferentes piezas que conforman este entramado de variables de carácter sistémico en donde convergen, por un lado, los libros digitales, por otro, el profesorado y la metodología adoptada (contenidos, actividades, evaluación), los propios alumnos y las familias, en aras de propiciar un escenario idóneo que propicie la mejora cualitativa en el rendimiento escolar.
The investigation includes the expectations and opinions of teachers of secondary education (N = 36) who have seen their teaching modified with the introduction of digital books in their daily practice. The LIDIA (Libros Digitales y Aprendizaje) questionnaire was administered. Thus, while some believe that facilitates their teaching, others emphasize the additional work involved: hours of training, preparation of materials, activities and evaluative formulas consistent with the new methodology. They think that the impact of the use of digital books in the academic performance of students is related to their prior knowledge and skills to function in these new training materials. Also qualify their cognitive preferences and learning styles can encourage it and the context in which learning occurs. However, it is necessary to identify the different parts that make up this network of systemic variables which converge in one hand, digital books, on the other, the faculty and the methodology adopted (content, activities, evaluation), own students and families, in order to foster an ideal setting conducive to qualitative improvement in school performance

Se presenta la perspectiva del alumnado sobre la investigación evaluativa de un proyecto de forta... more Se presenta la perspectiva del alumnado sobre la investigación evaluativa de un proyecto de fortalecimiento institucional, financiado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), llevado a cabo en la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (FFyH) de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC) Argentina, y coordinado por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC), España. Se realizaron cuestionarios y un photovoice con el objetivo de recoger sus percepciones acerca del proyecto y la influencia que ha tenido en sus prácticas como estudiantes. Los resultados evidencian cambios en los tiempos y espacios en donde se producen los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. La dotación de tecnologías invertida en la biblioteca y los materiales elaborados para la plataforma de gestión de contenidos son los aspectos más valorados. Se observa escaso trabajo colaborativo con acceso a la web 2.0 complementando las posibilidades de las plataformas virtuales y las clases presenciales.
It presents the students' perspective on evaluation research of institutional strengthening project, funded by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID), carried out at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (FFyH) of the National University Córdoba (UNC), Argentina, and coordinated by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain. Questionnaires and photovoice were conducted in order to gather their perceptions about the project and the influence it has had on their practices as students. The results show changes in the times and places where the teaching and learning processes occur. The endowment of technologies invested in the library and materials developed for content management platform are the most valued. Collaborative work is observed with little access to web 2.0 complementing the possibilities of virtual platforms and classes

Las Escuelas de Arte y Superiores de Diseño, son Escuelas de Enseñanza Superior que como tal, deb... more Las Escuelas de Arte y Superiores de Diseño, son Escuelas de Enseñanza Superior que como tal, deben adaptarse al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Dentro del proceso de cambio, las TIC parecen una herramienta esencial para lograr la adaptación a las nuevas necesidades de la Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento. La inclusión de las TIC en las Instituciones de Educación Superior han modificado las formas tradicionales en que los profesores y los alumnos interaccionaban hasta ahora. El presente estudio pretende describir y comprender el uso que hacen los profesores y los alumnos de las TIC para interaccionar en la Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Castellón (España), mediante un estudio de caso, y utilizando una triangulación de métodos (método mixto), una triangulación de instrumentos simultánea (cuestionarios y grupos de discusión virtuales) y una triangulación de datos (de los alumnos y de los profesores). Los resultados entre otros son, que tanto profesores como alumnos utilizan las TIC en la interacción aunque no lo hacen con mucha frecuencia, que el correo electrónico es una herramienta habitual en la interacción pero las redes sociales son muy poco utilizadas, y que los profesores mayoritariamente utilizan las TIC en la interacción para transmitir contenidos y enviar información, mientras los alumnos las utilizan para entregar trabajos, justificar faltas y consultar dudas puntuales.
Higher School of Art and Design are schools who must adapt to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). In this process of change, ICTs seem an essential tool to achieve adaptation to the new the Information Society and Knowledge´s needs. ICT´s inclusion in higher education institutions have changed the traditional ways in which teachers and students interact so far. This study aims to describe and understand the use in which teachers and students interact with ICT in Higher School of Art and Design of Castellón (Spain), through a case study, where triangulation of methods (mixed method), a triangulation of instruments simultaneously (questionnaires and virtual discussion groups) and triangulation of data (students and teachers) have been used. Main results come to say that both teachers and students use ICT interaction not very often, that email is a common tool in this interaction but social networks are very rarely used. Also that teachers mostly use ICT interaction to transmit and send information contents, while students use them in order to submit class-work, ask specific questions and justified faults.

El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las prestaciones pedagógicas requeridas para el diseño y... more El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las prestaciones pedagógicas requeridas para el diseño y apoyo de tareas colaborativas con soporte tecnológico. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio de casos en la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) que ha permitido analizar el diseño realizado por expertos en la conducción de prácticas colaborativas. Se han llevado a cabo dos estudios conducidos por dos profesores expertos en el uso de metodologías colaborativas en espacios virtuales. Se ha utilizado una perspectiva cualitativa combinando distintos instrumentos para la obtención de datos (entrevistas, análisis entorno virtual, productos elaborados) que ha permitido contrastar el diseño realizado por el profesorado, la percepción de los estudiantes y las interacciones y productos generados en el curso. Como resultado de esta investigación, se ha caracterizado el tipo de tareas que promueven la construcción colaborativa del conocimiento identificando los distintos estadios en el control y diseño. Los resultados obtenidos confirman investigaciones previas que apuntan que para lograr un aprendizaje colaborativo hay que enfrentar a los estudiantes a tareas complejas. Éstos deben percibir que el esfuerzo que supone el trabajo en colaboración tiene beneficios para la elaboración de las actividades de aprendizaje. Por su parte, el docente debe planificar la distribución del control, la responsabilidad de los participantes y promover la elaboración de productos conjuntos. Finalmente, aportamos una serie de indicadores que orientan sobre el diseño de tareas de construcción colaborativa del conocimiento en el aprendizaje en línea.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the pedagogical affordances required in designing and supporting collaborative tasks in virtual environments. We conducted a case study at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) in order to study the design made by experts in collaborative practices. We analyzed two experiments carried out by two expert teachers in the use of online collaborative methodologies. The methodology has combined different approaches of analysis from a qualitative perspective. It has been contrasted the teachers' and students’ perception, the interactions and products generated in the course. As a result of this research, we have characterized the types of tasks that promote collaborative knowledge building. The results confirm previous research that suggests that for a collaborative learning must confront students with complex tasks. Students must perceive that the effort involved in collaborative work has benefits for the development of learning activities. For its part, the teacher must plan the distribution of control and responsibility of the participants and promote the development of joint products. In the article, is contrasted the design elaborated by teachers and perception of students. Finally, we provide a number of indicators to support the design task and collaborative knowledge construction in online learning.

En este artículo realizamos un análisis de la diferencia entre el desarrollo educativo y tecnológ... more En este artículo realizamos un análisis de la diferencia entre el desarrollo educativo y tecnológico. Analizaremos la escasa complejidad que implican los sistemas tradicionales de formación en las Universidades, especialmente en las españolas y los avances que se han desarrollado en el ámbito de la tecnología educativa. La concepción del trabajo sobre CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) del grupo de investigación GSIC-EMIC de la Universidad de Valladolid (UVA) ha supuesto la definición de un marco general para el diseño, implementación, seguimiento y orientación, así como evaluación del ciclo de vida de un proceso educativo colaborativo apoyado en tecnología. Dicha dinámica establece una serie de requerimientos muy distintos a los que las apuestas clásicas han propuesto tradicionalmente en las instituciones universitarias. Abogamos en este artículo por un cambio hacia la colaboración apoyada en la implementación de nuevos modelos pedagógicos y recursos que ayuden, no que entorpezcan dicho proceso. Así mostraremos un marco general que ayuda a la orquestación de estos procesos creado por nuestro grupo de investigación.
In this paper, we present an analysis of the differences between status of the educational and technological development, as well as the advances in the field of educational technology in higher education with special emphasis on Spanish universities. The global viewpoint and the recent work on CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning), of the research group GSIC/EMIC at the University of Valladolid (UVA), has motivated the definition of a framework on the design, implementation, analysis and regulation, as well as the evaluation of the lifecycle of collaborative educational process based on technology. Such a proposal establishes a series of requirements, which are considerably separated from the classical approaches adopted by the university institutions. In this document, we suggest a change towards collaboration, supported by the implementation of new pedagogical models and resources.

Este artículo analiza el impacto que el uso de Scratch tiene sobre un grupo de reclusos perteneci... more Este artículo analiza el impacto que el uso de Scratch tiene sobre un grupo de reclusos pertenecientes al módulo de respeto del Centro Penitenciario de Nanclares de la Oca (Álava). Para ello se ha estudiado la evolución del pensamiento creativo de los internos participantes y se han analizado las consideraciones aportadas por los diferentes agentes que han participado, esto es, los reclusos participantes en un taller de Scratch, los profesionales penitenciarios y el propio investigador-formador. La singularidad del entorno ha sido determinante en la elección de las herramientas de recogida de información. Estas fueron principalmente las notas de campo y el diario del investigador, el Test CREA y un cuestionario de satisfacción con el taller. Se ha observado que la dinámica de las prisiones, las características de los internos y el entorno socioecológico del recinto ofrecen escasas posibilidades para el desarrollo del pensamiento creativo. A pesar de tratarse de una población pequeña, en el estudio se concluye que en este contexto u otros similares, Scratch podría favorecer cambios en los participantes que trabajasen con él con continuidad.
This paper analyzes the impact that the use of Scratch has in a group of prisoners of Nanclares (Alava). We analyzed the evolution of the creative thinking of the prisoners and the contributions of the various participants that is, prisioners participants in a Scratch workshop, prison´s professionals and the researcher-former itself. The singularity of the environment has been decisive in the choice of measuring instruments. These were mainly the field-notes and the researcher´s journal, the CREA Test and a questionnaire of satisfaction with the workshop. It has been observed that the dynamics of prisons, prisoner’s features and socio-ecological environment offer few possibilities for the development of creative thinking. Despite being a small population, the study concludes that in this context or similar, Scratch could encourage changes in participants who would work with it continuously.
En este artículo se ofrece una conceptualización del webinar como una estrategia de formación ent... more En este artículo se ofrece una conceptualización del webinar como una estrategia de formación entre expertos utilizando las herramientas o recursos tecnológicos disponibles en la red. Asimismo, se describe y analiza una experiencia de organización de un webinar realizada durante el periodo abril-junio de 2013 por el grupo de investigación EDULLAB (Laboratorio de Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías) de la Universidad de La Laguna como parte de las acciones formativas de la Red Universitaria de Investigación e Innovación Educativa REUNI+D. Se ofrecen resultados de la valoración de los participantes obtenidos a través de una encuesta online. Se concluye que el webinar es una estrategia con alto potencial para la formación entre iguales y el desarrollo de comunidades de práctica profesional utilizando las TIC.

Este artículo comparte los resultados de una investigación que exploró el uso de la consola de ju... more Este artículo comparte los resultados de una investigación que exploró el uso de la consola de juego Xbox360-Kinect y del videojuego Body and Brain Connection en un entorno educativo en México para fomentar el desarrollo de las habilidades de suma y resta en alumnos de 2º grado. La investigación siguió un enfoque cuantitativo con un diseño cuasi experimental, en el que los participantes en el grupo experimental recibieron un tratamiento que consistió en cuatro distintas modalidades de juego del videojuego Body and Brain Connection para la consola de juego Xbox360-Kinect; en contraste, el grupo de control no fue expuesto al videojuego. El impacto del tratamiento experimental sobre las habilidades básicas de los alumnos se valoró mediante la aplicación de las sub-pruebas de suma y resta de la prueba Comprehensive Mathematical Abilities Test (CMAT). Los datos recolectados mostraron un impacto positivo, en diferente magnitud y grado, a la luz del género de los participantes como variable de análisis. Además, los alumnos con los menores puntajes en los pre-tests de suma y resta resultaron ser los más beneficiados por el tratamiento experimental. Se concluye que el uso de esta tecnología educativa promueve el desarrollo de las habilidades de suma y resta, constituyéndose como una herramienta formativa, activa, innovadora y significativa para la mejora de las habilidades matemáticas básicas de los alumnos.

Apresenta-se um estudo teórico sobre o uso do Google EarthTMe do Google MapsTM no ensino de ciênc... more Apresenta-se um estudo teórico sobre o uso do Google EarthTMe do Google MapsTM no ensino de ciências visando identificar, em artigos de periódicos e eventos, como estão sendo utilizados esses recursos em propostas de ensino, as contribuições e suas potencialidades de uso. Foram selecionados artigos, desde o ano de 2005, quando os aplicativos foram criados, até o ano de 2014, que fizeram uso dessas geotecnologias em diversas disciplinas. O estudo indica que os recursos do Google EarthTMe do Google MapsTM, desde sua criação, têm possibilitado o desenvolvimento de um número crescente de pesquisas, sendo mais recorrentes as de natureza exploratória, sobre propostas de atividades de ensino, com foco no Ensino Fundamental e Médio, relativas à diversas disciplinas da área de ciências, tais como Matemática, Física, Geografia e Geomorfologia. Os autores indicam que os recursos propiciam a aprendizagem, pelo caráter inovador das atividades e por estimularem os estudantes à compreensão da realidade em que vivem. Muitos indicam a exploração do meio ambiente como um recurso que potencializa a aprendizagem, em atividades mediadas pelo professor, podendo gerar discussões sobre questões sociais, políticas e econômicas, favorecendo a formação científica e a formação crítica do estudante. A análise dos artigos indica que o uso dos recursos do Google EartTMsão mais frequentes que o uso do Google MapsTM, sendo que as atividades se concentram mais no ensino de Geografia, voltadas para o Ensino Fundamental.

El dominio y manejo de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en el ámbito educat... more El dominio y manejo de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en el ámbito educativo es considerado una de las principales destrezas que debe desarrollar, hoy día, el profesorado durante su proceso de formación, en sintonía con el desarrollo de la metacognición, entre otras. Con el objetivo de dar respuesta al desarrollo de tales aspectos hemos llevado a cabo un proyecto de innovación docente donde los estudiantes de magisterio aprenden a realizar mapas mentales individuales y grupales, con ayuda del programa Microsoft Powerpoint. Este software resulta una herramienta potente para integrar de forma práctica las TIC en el proceso educativo, ya que permite desarrollar una metodología activa, en la que se fomenta el aprendizaje reflexivo y la capacidad metacognitiva. Una vez analizados los datos de la investigación hemos observado que los futuros docentes valoran positivamente la dinámica de aprendizaje y los recursos empleados en esta experiencia, apreciando especialmente la utilidad de los Mapas Mentales como estrategia de aprendizaje y su fácil elaboración a través del citado software

Este artigo apresenta um estudo sobre o emprego de um sistema que utiliza técnicas de mineração d... more Este artigo apresenta um estudo sobre o emprego de um sistema que utiliza técnicas de mineração de dados para identificar perfis de evasão e mau desempenho de alunos em um contexto de educação a distância, com o objetivo de alertar professores sobre a situação destes estudantes. Os alertas dão suporte à atuação do professor no acompanhamento dos processos de aprendizagem, com o monitoramento de perfis de alunos e de eventos no ambiente, notificando o professor sobre grupos de alunos que compartilham necessidades específicas. Os resultados de experimentos envolvendo 1780 alunos permitiram concluir que o sistema de alerta proposto pode contribuir com o aumento dos índices de aprovação e redução dos índices de evasão de disciplinas na modalidade à distância. Durante a pesquisa, também foi possível observar que o sistema de alertas contribuiu de maneira significativa na gestão do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. Muitas das práticas docentes para engajamento dos alunos em seus estudos, bem como de resgate dos estudantes em processo de evasão, foram realizadas a partir do encaminhamento de mensagens aos alunos. A pesquisa mostrou ainda um alto nível de satisfação dos estudantes com relação a estrutura do curso e diálogo/comunicação com o professor. Também foram positivos os resultados quanto à percepção dos estudantes com relação a sua autonomia na realização das atividades do curso.

El trabajo que presentamos surge de un proyecto de innovación docente desarrollado en la Universi... more El trabajo que presentamos surge de un proyecto de innovación docente desarrollado en la Universidad de Extremadura. Tiene como propósito explorar nuevos itinerarios formativos en relación con la competencia digital, la autonomía y el trabajo colaborativo, en estudiantes de Grado de Maestro/a en Educación Primaria, Educación Infantil y Psicopedagogía a través del desarrollo de sus Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje. Estos nuevos entornos hacen posible el fomento de comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje, que combinan ámbitos formales e informales de aprendizaje. Para dicho estudio hemos analizado su tecnografía, valoraciones, opiniones y experiencias acerca de cómo aprende el alumnado. El estudio de las aportaciones del alumnado corrobora que este nuevo enfoque de aprendizaje favorece la adquisición de competencias personales tales como difundir información y comunicarse y ampliar otras competencias profesionales necesarias en el ámbito laboral.

Una de las condiciones esenciales para el desarrollo de la competencia digital docente de los fut... more Una de las condiciones esenciales para el desarrollo de la competencia digital docente de los futuros docentes es proporcionarles situaciones de aprendizaje que permitan ejercitar tales habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes en contextos similares a su futura realidad profesional. Los entornos virtuales 3D, altamente inmersivos e interactivos, son una tecnología prometedora para simular escenarios reales y ofrecer dichas oportunidades de aprendizaje. El objetivo de esta investigación es presentar el diseño de un entorno 3D para el desarrollo de la competencia digital docente, centrado en el análisis de: (1) la usabilidad tecnológica y gráfica; (2) la adecuación del contenido de las actividades; y (3) la practicidad y utilidad pedagógica del entorno. Para ello, siguiendo la metodología de investigación para el diseño, se llevó a cabo un proceso de validación con distintos grupos de informantes clave: expertos en tecnología, docentes relacionados con la tecnología educativa y estudiantes de los grados de educación, a los que, además, se les administró un cuestionario de percepción de la utilidad pedagógica (Code et al. 2013). Los resultados muestran que a nivel tecnológico el entorno funcionó de manera fluida, aunque los gráficos resultaron limitados. A nivel didáctico, las actividades propuestas fueron adecuadas, realistas y actuales, y, a pesar de la complejidad inicial en el control de los avatares, destaca la alta motivación de los estudiantes debido a la similitud del entorno con su futura práctica profesional. La principal conclusión es que los entornos 3D son escenarios viables para el desarrollo actividades didácticas que favorezcan la adquisición de la competencia digital docente.

En este artículo se analiza la situación actual de las políticas educativas destinadas a la incor... more En este artículo se analiza la situación actual de las políticas educativas destinadas a la incorporación de las TIC a las escuelas en una muestra de ocho comunidades autónomas de España (Andalucía, Canarias, Cataluña, Extremadura, Madrid, País Valenciano, País Vasco y Principado de Asturias) después del proceso impulsado por el Programa Escuela 2.0. Este programa estuvo vigente durante el periodo 2009-2012 y respondió al modelo 1:1, de un ordenador por estudiante. Este análisis se guió por las siguientes cuestiones: ¿Qué efectos permanecen de las experiencias de políticas educativas del modelo 1:1?; ¿Qué nuevos proyectos o programas están vigentes en los sistemas educativos de las comunidades autónomas? ¿Qué nuevas tendencias con relación a las TIC están emergiendo en la agenda educativa de las políticas autonómicas? Se concluye que las nuevas políticas TIC, entre otras acciones, apuntan a centrar su atención en la incorporación de las PDI a todas las aulas, a la dotación de tabletas a los estudiantes en vez de miniportátiles, a políticas de sustitución de los libros de texto de papel por plataformas de contenidos digitales y a la creación de portales de recursos en la nube. Se constata también la ausencia de un programa o política educativa TIC coordinada a nivel de todo el estado como fue la experiencia del Programa Escuela 2.0.

El artículo lleva a cabo un análisis de las actitudes y percepciones que muestran hacia la compet... more El artículo lleva a cabo un análisis de las actitudes y percepciones que muestran hacia la competencia digital los alumnos de 4º curso de los Grados de Maestro en Educación Infantil y de Maestro en Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Educación de Albacete. El trabajo tiene una vocación aplicada, en la medida en que, desde la plena consciencia del rol crecientemente influyente que las nuevas tecnologías desempeñan en el ámbito educativo, trata de percibir el punto de vista de las personas llamadas a ejercer la profesión docente respecto al uso, valoración y conocimiento de aquellos medios tecnológicos que, de alguna manera, son susceptibles de ser utilizados en el aula. De esta forma, los objetivos se orientan a aportar evidencias que nos permitan conocer de una manera precisa las perspectivas, opiniones y actitudes que muestran hacia las TIC los alumnos que se encuentran muy cerca de concluir sus estudios de Grado de Maestro. Específicamente, se abordan los aspectos referentes a su percepción acerca de su formación inicial en la competencia digital. Como consecuencia, se deduce una valoración de la praxis docente orientada a la formación de los futuros docentes en este campo, en la que se perciben carencias que deben ser solventadas para cubrir adecuadamente la preparación necesaria para un maestro en la sociedad de la información.
Artículos by RELATEC Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa
A sedentary lifestyle associated with new technologies is one of the main factors related to current childhood obesity; therefore, this study proposes to use these technologies to do physical activity and combat this problem. The research was carried out using 623 school children, which allowed for the recording and assessment of the relationship between various sedentary habits related to consoles and the level of obesity that a group of school children have. We used several measuring instruments to collect the data of the variables (such as test, measuring tape and scales). The results indicated that one-sixth of the study's population was overweight and most of children had a console. Also, the investigation showed that 6 out of 10 respondents preferred videogames with motion versus traditional videogames. In addition, the study evinced statistical differences in the kind of games and frequency of play; manifesting that frequent players preferred the «exergames».
What characteristics do Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) have? What are its benefits compared with other online training methods? And its main limitations? What kinds of competencies are required to make a MOOC and what competencies are fostered? The MOOC’ spread has come together with strong criticisms related to its educational value, the certification systems, the role of tutors, to the difficulties for its assessment or even the involved commercial business model. However, there are few scientific evidences about its operation, since the MOOC are a relatively recent phenomenon. A way to approach the state-of-the-art is asking the most reliable voices of our country. In this study we analysed in depth the point of view of 20 experts in educational technology from several Spanish universities by means of a questionnaire at the beginning of 2012 aiming at knowing their opinion about MOOC’ characteristics, its benefits and limitations. Experts from different subjects and degrees of Spanish Universities agree some MOOC’s benefits, such as accessibility and possibility of autonomous lifelong learning and at the same time, they perceive evident limitations relative to MOOC own features, interactivity and massivity and specially regarding assessment processes that characterise this training modality.
The objective of this article is to analyze the formal characteristics of MOOC in Spain which potential users of such courses have to face at the «Zero Moment Of Truth», i.e., in the moments they make the decision to enroll. Most of the research on MOOC have focused on the learning generated, the rate of drop-outs and MOOC’ relations with formal education. Our study makes no explicit reference to the content of the MOOC, or the percentage of those who complete them, but to those who start them and why they come to do so. We part from the hypothesis that too little attention is paid to web design and audiovisual content in the presentation of the courses in Spain, despite their great influence on the time when users decide whether to register or not. In this study we have used content analysis qualitative research technique to test this hypothesis. We selected a total of 109 MOOC and analyzed them with three categories of rhetoric variables: the informative category, aesthetics and credibility. Among other findings, we discovered that Spanish MOOC offer a fairly comprehensive information to potential students, but that they can improve their aesthetics and the elements that contribute to its credibility. The conclusions we reach point out that, whether it is intended to obtain economic benefit from the MOOC, as if these free courses were used simply to advertise the organizing institutions and improve their image, it is not enough to offer quality contents.
In this paper we firstly explain our positioning regarding Educational Technology (ET) as a field of study and application, from a notion that can help us both understand the difficulty of introducing substantive changes in education, and place the origin of some myths about teachers’ professional development and technology. We then explain our views on the meaning of teacher training. Secondly, we locate the objectives of the paper and the methodology used for its development based on evidence gathered in research and in our processes of analysis, reflection and teaching practice. Thirdly, we make an approach to the initial professional development of nursery, primary, secondary and university teachers centred on the notion of the Educational Technology they receive. Finally, we argue that in the initial teacher training programmes there is widespread overlapping between the concept of ET and the Information and Communication Technology that does not offer a comprehensive and integrated vision of the educational action as a whole, just as it offers a glimpse of the evolution of some myths about teacher training and technology.
This paper describes and analises the data of a study conducted at the University of Jaén about TV watching habits of students in Grades Education (N=236), and the assessment of television preferences of different Spanish chains. An analysis of variance with the intention of determining the existence of statistically significant differences between television consumption and sex of respondents and between rating of media groups and degree course. Consistent with the research problem and the objectives, the methodology used is descriptive. From the data analyzed, the profile has been obtained is that of a young student in Education watching TV daily between one and three hour, with the aim of entertaining (national series), choosing Atresmedia series as the main election.
The investigation includes the expectations and opinions of teachers of secondary education (N = 36) who have seen their teaching modified with the introduction of digital books in their daily practice. The LIDIA (Libros Digitales y Aprendizaje) questionnaire was administered. Thus, while some believe that facilitates their teaching, others emphasize the additional work involved: hours of training, preparation of materials, activities and evaluative formulas consistent with the new methodology. They think that the impact of the use of digital books in the academic performance of students is related to their prior knowledge and skills to function in these new training materials. Also qualify their cognitive preferences and learning styles can encourage it and the context in which learning occurs. However, it is necessary to identify the different parts that make up this network of systemic variables which converge in one hand, digital books, on the other, the faculty and the methodology adopted (content, activities, evaluation), own students and families, in order to foster an ideal setting conducive to qualitative improvement in school performance
It presents the students' perspective on evaluation research of institutional strengthening project, funded by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID), carried out at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (FFyH) of the National University Córdoba (UNC), Argentina, and coordinated by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain. Questionnaires and photovoice were conducted in order to gather their perceptions about the project and the influence it has had on their practices as students. The results show changes in the times and places where the teaching and learning processes occur. The endowment of technologies invested in the library and materials developed for content management platform are the most valued. Collaborative work is observed with little access to web 2.0 complementing the possibilities of virtual platforms and classes
Higher School of Art and Design are schools who must adapt to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). In this process of change, ICTs seem an essential tool to achieve adaptation to the new the Information Society and Knowledge´s needs. ICT´s inclusion in higher education institutions have changed the traditional ways in which teachers and students interact so far. This study aims to describe and understand the use in which teachers and students interact with ICT in Higher School of Art and Design of Castellón (Spain), through a case study, where triangulation of methods (mixed method), a triangulation of instruments simultaneously (questionnaires and virtual discussion groups) and triangulation of data (students and teachers) have been used. Main results come to say that both teachers and students use ICT interaction not very often, that email is a common tool in this interaction but social networks are very rarely used. Also that teachers mostly use ICT interaction to transmit and send information contents, while students use them in order to submit class-work, ask specific questions and justified faults.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the pedagogical affordances required in designing and supporting collaborative tasks in virtual environments. We conducted a case study at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) in order to study the design made by experts in collaborative practices. We analyzed two experiments carried out by two expert teachers in the use of online collaborative methodologies. The methodology has combined different approaches of analysis from a qualitative perspective. It has been contrasted the teachers' and students’ perception, the interactions and products generated in the course. As a result of this research, we have characterized the types of tasks that promote collaborative knowledge building. The results confirm previous research that suggests that for a collaborative learning must confront students with complex tasks. Students must perceive that the effort involved in collaborative work has benefits for the development of learning activities. For its part, the teacher must plan the distribution of control and responsibility of the participants and promote the development of joint products. In the article, is contrasted the design elaborated by teachers and perception of students. Finally, we provide a number of indicators to support the design task and collaborative knowledge construction in online learning.
In this paper, we present an analysis of the differences between status of the educational and technological development, as well as the advances in the field of educational technology in higher education with special emphasis on Spanish universities. The global viewpoint and the recent work on CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning), of the research group GSIC/EMIC at the University of Valladolid (UVA), has motivated the definition of a framework on the design, implementation, analysis and regulation, as well as the evaluation of the lifecycle of collaborative educational process based on technology. Such a proposal establishes a series of requirements, which are considerably separated from the classical approaches adopted by the university institutions. In this document, we suggest a change towards collaboration, supported by the implementation of new pedagogical models and resources.
This paper analyzes the impact that the use of Scratch has in a group of prisoners of Nanclares (Alava). We analyzed the evolution of the creative thinking of the prisoners and the contributions of the various participants that is, prisioners participants in a Scratch workshop, prison´s professionals and the researcher-former itself. The singularity of the environment has been decisive in the choice of measuring instruments. These were mainly the field-notes and the researcher´s journal, the CREA Test and a questionnaire of satisfaction with the workshop. It has been observed that the dynamics of prisons, prisoner’s features and socio-ecological environment offer few possibilities for the development of creative thinking. Despite being a small population, the study concludes that in this context or similar, Scratch could encourage changes in participants who would work with it continuously.
A sedentary lifestyle associated with new technologies is one of the main factors related to current childhood obesity; therefore, this study proposes to use these technologies to do physical activity and combat this problem. The research was carried out using 623 school children, which allowed for the recording and assessment of the relationship between various sedentary habits related to consoles and the level of obesity that a group of school children have. We used several measuring instruments to collect the data of the variables (such as test, measuring tape and scales). The results indicated that one-sixth of the study's population was overweight and most of children had a console. Also, the investigation showed that 6 out of 10 respondents preferred videogames with motion versus traditional videogames. In addition, the study evinced statistical differences in the kind of games and frequency of play; manifesting that frequent players preferred the «exergames».
What characteristics do Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) have? What are its benefits compared with other online training methods? And its main limitations? What kinds of competencies are required to make a MOOC and what competencies are fostered? The MOOC’ spread has come together with strong criticisms related to its educational value, the certification systems, the role of tutors, to the difficulties for its assessment or even the involved commercial business model. However, there are few scientific evidences about its operation, since the MOOC are a relatively recent phenomenon. A way to approach the state-of-the-art is asking the most reliable voices of our country. In this study we analysed in depth the point of view of 20 experts in educational technology from several Spanish universities by means of a questionnaire at the beginning of 2012 aiming at knowing their opinion about MOOC’ characteristics, its benefits and limitations. Experts from different subjects and degrees of Spanish Universities agree some MOOC’s benefits, such as accessibility and possibility of autonomous lifelong learning and at the same time, they perceive evident limitations relative to MOOC own features, interactivity and massivity and specially regarding assessment processes that characterise this training modality.
The objective of this article is to analyze the formal characteristics of MOOC in Spain which potential users of such courses have to face at the «Zero Moment Of Truth», i.e., in the moments they make the decision to enroll. Most of the research on MOOC have focused on the learning generated, the rate of drop-outs and MOOC’ relations with formal education. Our study makes no explicit reference to the content of the MOOC, or the percentage of those who complete them, but to those who start them and why they come to do so. We part from the hypothesis that too little attention is paid to web design and audiovisual content in the presentation of the courses in Spain, despite their great influence on the time when users decide whether to register or not. In this study we have used content analysis qualitative research technique to test this hypothesis. We selected a total of 109 MOOC and analyzed them with three categories of rhetoric variables: the informative category, aesthetics and credibility. Among other findings, we discovered that Spanish MOOC offer a fairly comprehensive information to potential students, but that they can improve their aesthetics and the elements that contribute to its credibility. The conclusions we reach point out that, whether it is intended to obtain economic benefit from the MOOC, as if these free courses were used simply to advertise the organizing institutions and improve their image, it is not enough to offer quality contents.
In this paper we firstly explain our positioning regarding Educational Technology (ET) as a field of study and application, from a notion that can help us both understand the difficulty of introducing substantive changes in education, and place the origin of some myths about teachers’ professional development and technology. We then explain our views on the meaning of teacher training. Secondly, we locate the objectives of the paper and the methodology used for its development based on evidence gathered in research and in our processes of analysis, reflection and teaching practice. Thirdly, we make an approach to the initial professional development of nursery, primary, secondary and university teachers centred on the notion of the Educational Technology they receive. Finally, we argue that in the initial teacher training programmes there is widespread overlapping between the concept of ET and the Information and Communication Technology that does not offer a comprehensive and integrated vision of the educational action as a whole, just as it offers a glimpse of the evolution of some myths about teacher training and technology.
This paper describes and analises the data of a study conducted at the University of Jaén about TV watching habits of students in Grades Education (N=236), and the assessment of television preferences of different Spanish chains. An analysis of variance with the intention of determining the existence of statistically significant differences between television consumption and sex of respondents and between rating of media groups and degree course. Consistent with the research problem and the objectives, the methodology used is descriptive. From the data analyzed, the profile has been obtained is that of a young student in Education watching TV daily between one and three hour, with the aim of entertaining (national series), choosing Atresmedia series as the main election.
The investigation includes the expectations and opinions of teachers of secondary education (N = 36) who have seen their teaching modified with the introduction of digital books in their daily practice. The LIDIA (Libros Digitales y Aprendizaje) questionnaire was administered. Thus, while some believe that facilitates their teaching, others emphasize the additional work involved: hours of training, preparation of materials, activities and evaluative formulas consistent with the new methodology. They think that the impact of the use of digital books in the academic performance of students is related to their prior knowledge and skills to function in these new training materials. Also qualify their cognitive preferences and learning styles can encourage it and the context in which learning occurs. However, it is necessary to identify the different parts that make up this network of systemic variables which converge in one hand, digital books, on the other, the faculty and the methodology adopted (content, activities, evaluation), own students and families, in order to foster an ideal setting conducive to qualitative improvement in school performance
It presents the students' perspective on evaluation research of institutional strengthening project, funded by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID), carried out at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (FFyH) of the National University Córdoba (UNC), Argentina, and coordinated by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain. Questionnaires and photovoice were conducted in order to gather their perceptions about the project and the influence it has had on their practices as students. The results show changes in the times and places where the teaching and learning processes occur. The endowment of technologies invested in the library and materials developed for content management platform are the most valued. Collaborative work is observed with little access to web 2.0 complementing the possibilities of virtual platforms and classes
Higher School of Art and Design are schools who must adapt to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). In this process of change, ICTs seem an essential tool to achieve adaptation to the new the Information Society and Knowledge´s needs. ICT´s inclusion in higher education institutions have changed the traditional ways in which teachers and students interact so far. This study aims to describe and understand the use in which teachers and students interact with ICT in Higher School of Art and Design of Castellón (Spain), through a case study, where triangulation of methods (mixed method), a triangulation of instruments simultaneously (questionnaires and virtual discussion groups) and triangulation of data (students and teachers) have been used. Main results come to say that both teachers and students use ICT interaction not very often, that email is a common tool in this interaction but social networks are very rarely used. Also that teachers mostly use ICT interaction to transmit and send information contents, while students use them in order to submit class-work, ask specific questions and justified faults.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the pedagogical affordances required in designing and supporting collaborative tasks in virtual environments. We conducted a case study at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) in order to study the design made by experts in collaborative practices. We analyzed two experiments carried out by two expert teachers in the use of online collaborative methodologies. The methodology has combined different approaches of analysis from a qualitative perspective. It has been contrasted the teachers' and students’ perception, the interactions and products generated in the course. As a result of this research, we have characterized the types of tasks that promote collaborative knowledge building. The results confirm previous research that suggests that for a collaborative learning must confront students with complex tasks. Students must perceive that the effort involved in collaborative work has benefits for the development of learning activities. For its part, the teacher must plan the distribution of control and responsibility of the participants and promote the development of joint products. In the article, is contrasted the design elaborated by teachers and perception of students. Finally, we provide a number of indicators to support the design task and collaborative knowledge construction in online learning.
In this paper, we present an analysis of the differences between status of the educational and technological development, as well as the advances in the field of educational technology in higher education with special emphasis on Spanish universities. The global viewpoint and the recent work on CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning), of the research group GSIC/EMIC at the University of Valladolid (UVA), has motivated the definition of a framework on the design, implementation, analysis and regulation, as well as the evaluation of the lifecycle of collaborative educational process based on technology. Such a proposal establishes a series of requirements, which are considerably separated from the classical approaches adopted by the university institutions. In this document, we suggest a change towards collaboration, supported by the implementation of new pedagogical models and resources.
This paper analyzes the impact that the use of Scratch has in a group of prisoners of Nanclares (Alava). We analyzed the evolution of the creative thinking of the prisoners and the contributions of the various participants that is, prisioners participants in a Scratch workshop, prison´s professionals and the researcher-former itself. The singularity of the environment has been decisive in the choice of measuring instruments. These were mainly the field-notes and the researcher´s journal, the CREA Test and a questionnaire of satisfaction with the workshop. It has been observed that the dynamics of prisons, prisoner’s features and socio-ecological environment offer few possibilities for the development of creative thinking. Despite being a small population, the study concludes that in this context or similar, Scratch could encourage changes in participants who would work with it continuously.
The intangibles of educational technology in the teacher training
José Peirats Chacón, José Luis Muñoz Moreno y Ángel San Martín Alonso
Creencias sobre Tecnología Educativa: una mirada desde la biografía escolar y universitaria de una maestra en formación inicial
Beliefs about Educational Technology: a view from a pre-service teacher biography in school and university
Fernando Fraga Varela y Adriana Gewerc Barujel
Exploración de la capacidad de liderazgo para la incorporación de TICC en educación: validación de un instrumento
Validating an instrument to explore leadership capabilities for ICT implementation in education.
Yessica Espinosa Díaz y Luis Llórens Báez
Influência da tecnologia interativa síncrona e da adaptação metodológica sobre a intenção de continuidade de uso da educação a distância
The influence of synchronous interactive technology and the methotological adaptation on the e-learning continuance intention
Fábio Nazareno Machado-da-Silva y Fernando de Souza Meirelles
La introducción de Facebook en el aula universitaria en España: la percepción del estudiante
The Introduction of Facebook in the University Classroom in Spain: Student Perception
Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Pedro Mir Bernal, Javier L. Crespo, Eva Santana López, Josep Rom Rodríguez y Elena Puiggròs Román
Enseñar con Motion Graphics
Teaching with Motion Graphics
Concepción Alonso Valdivieso
Análisis descriptivo del uso problemático y hábitos de consumo de los videojuegos en relación al género en estudiantes universitarios
Descriptive analysis of the problematic use and habits of consumption of the video games in relation to the genre in university students
Tamara Espejo Garcés, Ramón Chacón Cuberos, Manuel Castro Sánchez, Asunción Martínez Martínez, Felix Zurita Ortega y Cristina Pinel Martínez
MOOC offer in Spain. Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)
Alfonso Gutiérrez Martín, Alba Torrego González y Jon Dornaleteche Ruiz
Cursos en Línea Masivos y Abiertos: 20 expertos delinean el estado de la cuestión
Massive Open Online Courses: 20 experts for a state of the art
María Elena Cano García, Maite Fernández Ferrer y Lucrezia Crescenzi Lanna
«Exergames» para la mejora de la salud en niños y niñas en edad escolar: estudio a partir de hábitos sedentarios e índices de obesidad
«Exergames» to improve the health of school children: study of sedentary lifestyle and obesity rates
Ramón Chacón Cuberos, Tamara Espejo Garcés, Ángel Cabrera Fernández, Manuel Castro Sánchez, José Francisco López Fernández y Félix Zurita Ortega
La competencia digital en la enseñanza del diseño. El caso de BAU Centro Universitario de Diseño de Barcelona (UVic)
Digital competence in design education. Case Study of BAU Design College of Barcelona (UVic)
Gloria Deumal y Montserrat Guitert Catasús