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Letter to the editor: God would never choose Trump | TribLIVE.com
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Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: God would never choose Trump


Those who believe in a higher power know that God doesn’t make mistakes. I don’t believe God would ever select Donald Trump as the chosen one because of the following:

Trump believes in retribution, and doesn’t seem to believe in legitimate elections. He appears to believe the Supreme Court owes him and should always rule in his favor. He has said he wants to dismantle the Constitution. He admits that he wants to be a dictator.

He seems to prefer lies over truths. He has supported making voting difficult for some people. His Supreme Court appointments have taken away women’s access to health care. He claims he can shoot someone and not be held accountable. He reportedly called members of the military who died in action suckers and losers, yet wants the military to protect him.

Substantial donations from the NRA seem to be more important to him than human life. He wants the wealthy to have tax breaks while the middle and lower classes pay more. He takes contributions from his supporters to pay personal obligations.

These are a few reasons why Trump should not lead our democracy. If he does, then we have none.

Sandra Krance

South Huntingdon

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