Presented by Wade Alonzo from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (independent, funded by NHTSA)
Hands-on Social Marketing — Nedra Kline Weinreich
Marketing in the Public Sector — Nancy Lee & Philip Kotler
Presented by Wade Alonzo from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (independent, funded by NHTSA)
Hands-on Social Marketing — Nedra Kline Weinreich
Marketing in the Public Sector — Nancy Lee & Philip Kotler
these are symptoms that you’re overwhelmed by external voices and can’t hear your own inner voice
These feel like they apply far beyond simply home design, to all aspects of life decision-making.
–> to get unstuck, tune out others’ opinions, tune in to your own intuition
Multicultural marketing and community engagement are evolving. Today’s most successful multicultural outreach strategies are increasingly those that apply core diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) values to reach diverse audiences effectively, respectfully, and meaningfully. In this session, we will explore how DEI and multicultural marketing and community engagement can work together to create more equitable campaigns and programs and share proven best practices for applying DEI principles within the context of marketing communications and engagement.
presented by Jennifer González
Organizational DEI = internal
Multicultural marketing = external — “sells products or services to audiences of multiple ethnicities or cultural backgrounds in authentic ways that honor cultural differences”
DEI in multicultural marketing: “applying core DEI principles to marketing & outreach strategies to ensure we reach diverse audiences effectively and respectfully”
Build a personalised practice for getting creative work done, consistently and enjoyably, in the face of distraction, procrastination, and endless competing demands on your time.
Alix Spiegel — NPR This American Life — take in a lot of content, then give it a little space to let the interesting stuff filter up
Fredkin’s paradox — being torn between paths forward — reframe: if both options are meaningful, the decision is actually less important
Build a personalised practice for getting creative work done, consistently and enjoyably, in the face of distraction, procrastination, and endless competing demands on your time.
“You have to keep a dozen of your favorite problems constantly present in your mind, although by and large they will lay in a dormant state. Every time you hear a new trick or a new result, test it against each of your twelve problems to see whether it helps.”
— Richard Feynman
Choose one to do before second half of talk tomorrow:
We invite you to take a deep dive into the history of East King County through a racial equity, transportation, and affordable housing lens.
The past and the present are connected; we will explore the ways that past practices, policies, and laws have contributed to the housing struggles and inequities communities face today in Eastside cities.
We’ll learn about ACTIONS we can take together to advocate for equitable solutions in land use, transportation, and affordable housing policy.
This webinar will introduce you to social science tools to amplify strategies to motivate conservation action using a framework to explore diverse pathways to behavior change. These tools provide new lenses and resources to frame communications and mobilize audiences, as well as ideas for adaptive management and evaluation. Participants will get a sneak peek at a soon-to-be-released workbook on pathways to motivating conservation behavior change, designed by the presenters and partners.
Presented by SMANA
Presenters: Lily Maynard, PhD and Lauren Watkins, PhD – podcast
Business basics for freelance writers – course, $70
Accounting, insurance, and legal considerations – recorded webinar
Developing your overall marketing strategy
Your marketing roadmap: stop selling and start educating
Building and growing your online brand – podcast – podcast
Land more referrals without asking for them
Personalization strategies to attract and retain customers
Leverage linkedin lead generation
Self-publishing to grow your business brand
Take advantage of speaking opportunities
Connecting with customers in a digital world
How to build authentic relationships and grow your business
Engaging email marketing strategy
King County now offers a Goods & Services Supplier Orientation. During this 2-hour session, we’ll discuss:
Registering as a King County supplier, opting-in to County rosters, and certifying as a small firm
How King County buys goods & services
What to expect when submitting a bid or proposal to King County
Best practices for maximizing your opportunities
E-Procurement Supplier Portal introduction
Three types of procurement:
2021: procured $1.2 billion of goods and services
Mission = reflect values in environment, equity, and economical (get best value)
Environmental procurement policies: Sustainable Purchasing Policy & Strategic Climate Action Plan
Vaccination required for all contractors that do business on site