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Art and Design Places

Read Soviet Bus Stops

Read Soviet Bus Stops

Photographer Christopher Herwig first noticed the unusual architecture of Soviet-era bus stops during a 2002 long-distance bike ride from London to St. Petersburg. Challenging himself to take one good photograph every hour, Herwig began to notice surprisingly designed bus stops on otherwise deserted stretches of road. Twelve years later, Herwig had covered more than 18,000 miles in 14 countries of the former Soviet Union, traveling by car, bike, bus and taxi to hunt down and document these bus stops.

The local bus stop proved to be fertile ground for local artistic experimentation in the Soviet period, and was built seemingly without design restrictions or budgetary concerns. The result is an astonishing variety of styles and types across the region, from the strictest Brutalism to exuberant whimsy.

Soviet Bus Stops is the most comprehensive and diverse collection of Soviet bus stop design ever assembled, including examples from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Abkhazia, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and Estonia.

A wide range of shapes and materials, bold colors, and patterned mosaics. The shapes are playful, often asymmetrical, an interesting mix of Brutalist and organic forms, some almost Googie-esque. Some are impractical, others unrecognizable as bus stops to my eye. Very brief text introduction then gets right to the photography, which is my preference.

spread of two photos of two white concrete bus stops, one an angular animalistic squared from, the other a set of arches
the one on the left almost looks creature-like — Kazakhstan
spread of two photos of the same bus stop, a round raised ring of spikes like a carnival carousel decorative top designed by a goth, almost skeletal like vertebrae
cool architectural detailing, probably not much help against the weather though — Pitsunda, Abkhazia
spider like bus stop in an open field with six angular arches in a spiral around a metal round cage shape
spider stop — Niitsiku, Estonia


Further reading:

Read CCCP Underground

Read Soviet Seasons

Paying attention to the design of our spaces

Dystopian architecture as memorial

By Tracy Durnell

Writer and designer in the Seattle area. Reach me at tracy@tracydurnell.com or @tracy@notes.tracydurnell.com. She/her.

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