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Read Cloudspotting for Beginners

Read Cloudspotting for Beginners

A beautifully illustrated guide to clouds and the sky for inspiring and educating curious minds with meteorological wonder.

Renowned journalist, public speaker, and founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society Gavin Pretor-Pinney details the key facts and characteristics about each major cloud type. To accompany these scientific tidbits, William Grill’s gorgeous illustrations of vast colorful skies and mesmerizing cloud patterns create a calming, thought-provoking learning experience.

From low-lying stratus to high-flying cirrus, Cloudspotting for Beginners covers how clouds are formed, the altitudes they prefer, the curious shapes they take, how they affect other meterological events, and more. The book breaks down the life and structure of a cloud on a molecular level, and then even expands on their interesting cross-planetary variations–for example, Jupiter’s clouds are composed of ammonia ice crystals and Saturn’s clouds congregate in an inexplicable hexagon around the planet’s north pole.

Clouds follow us around all day, but most of us don’t even know all of their names. They require a fascinating amount of chemical precision in order to exist, yet they disappear at the end of each day and are born anew the next. Cloudspotting for Beginners is a whimsical lesson on the oft-overlooked extraordinary lives of clouds that will serve as a gentle reminder to be present and observant in the face of impermanence. Just as informative as it is poetic and peaceful, this is the perfect guide for cloud appreciators and sky lovers.

Short and simple, like a picture book for adults. The text is brief, leaving the illustrations to take center stage. Really, I just want to learn the different types of clouds, so this was just about the right amount of content. I might have liked a little more on interpreting the clouds, but that feels ok to omit from a field guide. Instead it explained what clouds are made of. I thought some of the clouds were a bit tricky to recognize on the pages that rounded up ten at a go, but the full page spreads following were clearer. Charmingly, this includes a section on clouds on other planets 😂

two page spread of colored pencil drawing of clouds radiating from the bottom right corner and a few lines of overlaid text at an angle to match the clouds
Most of the text is simply set, but some pages take advantage of the illustration to fun effect
Art and Design Resources and Reference

Read Universal Principles of Color

Read Universal Principles of Color: 100 Key Concepts for Understanding, Analyzing, and Working with Color

A comprehensive, cross-disciplinary overview of color, Universal Principles of Color presents 100 core concepts and guidelines that are critical to a successful use of color. Richly illustrated and easy to navigate, it pairs clear explanations of every topic with visual examples of it applied in theory and in practice.

The book is organized alphabetically so that principles can be easily and quickly referenced. For those interested in addressing a specific color challenge or application problem, the principles are also indexed by pathways based on nine topics of color study ranging from science, art and design, and industry. ”

Each principle is presented in a two-page The left-hand page contains a succinct definition, a full description of the principle, and examples of and guidelines for its use. Side notes, which appear to the right of the text, provide elaborations and references. The right-hand page contains visual examples and related graphics to support a deeper understanding of the principle.

Whether in a branding campaign or a healthcare facility, a product’s packaging or a software user interface, the color we see is the culmination of many concepts and practices brought together from a variety of disciplines to increase appeal, influence perception, and enhance usability. By considering these concepts and examples, you can learn to make more informed and ultimately better color decisions. This landmark reference is the standard for designers, engineers, architects, and students who seek to broaden and improve their understanding of and expertise in color.

There were some interesting things I gleaned from this, and good examples they showcased, but structuring it as 100 random concepts without any other organization was very confusing. I think it would have been more useful as a learning aid to group like concepts and build up a foundation first.

Garden Learning Resources and Reference

Lushootseed names for native plants

sƛ̕ax̌ʷdup – Plants (Tulip Lushootseed)

Plant Names in Lushootseed (Snoqualmie Tribe)


Following up on Chris La Tray’s suggestion to learn native words… plants may not be what he intended but I talk about plants a lot 😂

Lifestyle Personal Growth

Your personal warning signs

Liked Warning Lights: How a Personal Framework Can Help You Restore Your Equanimity by Written By Anna Havron (annahavron.com)

Recently I added something to my own personal framework: a note to myself about what to look for, when I am losing my mind.

I’ve thought about warning signs in terms of noticing my own symptoms of depression so I can deal with it instead of letting myself get worse, but not holistically for other emotional and life phases. I try to notice when my mood is off on a day to day basis, or when I’m being reactive to something, but less so over a longer period of time.

A Personal Framework Leads You Back Home to Your Self

It seems especially useful for periods of transition — a personal framework would have been handy to have last year when I left my job.

Art and Design Resources and Reference Travel

Portland Street Art Resources

Bookmarked Portland Street Art Resources (pdxstreetart.org)


Art and Design The Internet Websites

Universal Design for online education

Bookmarked Neurodiversity Design System (Neurodiversity Design System)

The NDS is a coherent set of standards and principles that combine neurodiversity and user experience design for Learning Management Systems.

See also:

Everyone prefers plain language

Resources for learning about accessibility

Outreach Resources and Reference Writing

Inclusive language reference guides

Conscious Style Guide

CSU Diversity/ Inclusivity Style Guide

Radical Copyeditor

Inclusive language around socioeconomic status and age

Avoid deficit-based language… Use language that looks at root causes and describes the barriers that impede those seeking opportunity.


See also: Disability language best practices

Art and Design

Guidelines for Brutalist Web Design

Bookmarked Brutalist Web Design (brutalist-web.design)
Business Marketing

“Non-coercive” marketing

Bookmarked Non-Coercive Marketing: A Primer by Rob HardyRob Hardy (Ungated)

A new philosophy of marketing, rooted in letting go of control, and trusting people to be their own authority.

Saw this recommended multiple places, need to get around to reading it I guess 😂

Art and Design Learning Resources and Reference

Making good presentations

Bookmarked Doing Presentations (doingpresentations.com)

Advice on how to write presentations and present them well, by people who know what they’re talking about.