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My 20th anniversary of blogging!

Twenty years ago today, I wrote my first blog post! (I stopped blogging from about 2009-2011, so I haven’t technically been blogging for twenty years yet — guess I get to celebrate twenty years twice 😂)

My old blogs

In the intervening years, I’ve blogged at:

  • a college blog,
  • a daily photo blog,
  • an original art blog I ran briefly with a friend,
  • a post-college blog,
  • another original art blog I ran slightly longer with my sister,
  • two blogs through office jobs,
  • my fiction pen name,
  • my ongoing Cascadia Inspired blog,
  • and this site (which I call a mind garden but is basically a blog heavily focused on links).
Getting Shit Done Mental Health Personal Growth

Letting companies supplant our goals

Replied to Where’s My Rest Badge? by Anne Helen Petersen (Culture Study)

This kind of scaled-up digital gamification quietly substitutes the goals of corporations (maximising engagement and profit) in place of our own goals. Worse, it removes human judgment entirely…

I felt pressured in a bad way by the social features of Fitbit. Not by my friends themselves, but the culture of competition and one goal for all it fostered. I stopped wearing a fitness band for a while, then when I needed to start tracking my heart rate, I created a new account without any friends so I wouldn’t have to compare myself against others’ goals and achievements. Turns out competing for fitness demotivates me, no matter what statistics Fitbit spouts at me. Now my bar is set against myself, and I get to choose which metrics matter to me. Even without the social pressure, though, the very design of the software makes it challenging to ignore measures I don’t value and see only what I do.


Escaping the insecurity of a new venture

Liked letter to a friend who is thinking of starting something new by sari azout (The Sublime Newsletter)

if you are thinking of leaving your job to start a company or passion project, this letter is for you too

  1. Will you use this opportunity to grow and evolve or will you use it to beat yourself up?  
  2. How will you avoid insecurity work?
  3. Will you default to the norms of your industry, or will you be an original?

Via Josh Withers


I’ve caught myself lately slipping into default mode for fear of scaring clients off, but after a long chat with my therapist am recommitting to distinctiveness in my consulting.

Business Entrepreneurship Featured Relationships Society

Build a reputation instead of a personal brand

Replied to The personal brand paradox (wepresent.wetransfer.com)

When we position ourselves as a brand, we are forced to project an image of what we believe most people will approve of and admire and buy into. The moment we cater our creativity to popular opinion is the precise moment we lose our freedom and autonomy.

But rather than manufacturing a personal brand, why not build a reputation? Why not develop our character? Imagine what we could learn from each other if we felt worthy as we are instead of who we project ourselves to be.

I think it’s interesting to look at personal brands through the lens of insecurity. I imagine many people think of it as “positioning” or storytelling, but underneath, those are needed if you’re afraid you won’t be enough on your own.

I think it can be helpful to consider personal branding as a form of self discovery, a tool to help determine what you want to do, but there can be a risk of self containment.


The point of reading

Replied to The Imperfectionist: How to forget what you read by Oliver Burkeman (ckarchive.com)

This is an understandable response to the information environment in which we find ourselves, I think. After all, there’s just so much useful and interesting stuff out there, and so little time, that it feels incumbent on us to take ownership, so to speak, of the little we do manage to consume – either by literally memorising it, or storing it in some well-organised external system. Otherwise, wasn’t reading it in the first place a waste of our precious time?

This utilitarian perspective is easy to internalize in productivityland. But it shares the same core as the mindset that books aren’t worth reading, that truths ought to be distillable down into a short listicle, that fiction is a waste.

I suspect part of the urge to read more, learn more, is related to self-doubt. When we lack confidence in our opinions, when we lean on quoting others instead of using our own words, it’s rooted in fear that we are not enough. We seek more information to affirm our beliefs; the quest for certainty is a classic expression of anxiety. As a recovering perfectionist, I have suffered from difficulty making decisions and lack of confidence in my choices that I hoped learning more and practicing more would resolve. (Obviously it’s a balance — learning nothing and basing opinions solely on vibes isn’t a great approach either.)

It’s easy to operate on the assumption that the main point of picking up a book – a non-fiction or work-related book, at any rate – is to add to your storehouse of data, hoarding information and insights like a squirrel hoarding nuts, ready for some future moment when you’ll finally take advantage of it all.


But that’s a recipe for living permanently in the future, never quite reaping the value of life in the present moment. Better, I’d say, to think of reading not as preparation for living later on, but as one way of engaging with the world, one way of living, right here in the present.

[T]he point of reading, much of the time, isn’t to vacuum up data, but to shape your sensibility.


Sometimes we should trust the vibes. Our individualist perspective means that each person is expected to become their own expert in every topic so they can have “informed opinions.” Instead, what if we let ourselves lean on community as well as expertise to guide us? Accept that we cannot master all subjects, and don’t need to hold a strong opinion on everything. I want my nonfiction to have opinions, not pretend at neutrality. And I think that’s linked to what Burkeman’s talking about: we’re choosing whose opinions to listen to when we read an article or a book.

Personal Growth The Internet Websites

Add your website to directories

Replied to Promote Your Website Like it was 1998: Old School Web by Brad Brad (indieseek.xyz)

The few tiny search engines and directories that still have a means for you to Add Your URL, need your support by doing just that – submit your URL to them. This helps fight the Big Tech silo duopoly of Google and Bing, Twitter and Facebook.

I haven’t done anything to promote this website or my blog or other websites…and maybe I should 🤔

One part laziness, one part ‘who wants to read my weird junk,’ one part shyness / aversion to attention 🤷‍♀️ It’s a form of (unconscious) self sabotage, doing nothing to get eyes on my work, while also a (not necessarily healthy) means of self protection from fear of criticism and failure. I have a deep-seated fear of looking like an idiot, which isn’t helpful for actually learning 😉 Making this digital garden public has been one step in pushing myself through imposter syndrome, but actually sharing it so people might see it is another 😂

As I’ve been paying more attention to alternative search engines and directory sites, participating in those sites to provide additional content is one way to support those efforts. If I’d appreciate someone else’s website like this, then my site could also be useful to others.

I have been adding my sites as examples on the IndieWeb wiki with this same mindset: I’ve learned from others’ examples, I can pay it forward by adding my small piece. I still feel self-conscious, but remind myself that each exercise of self confidence and visible pride in what I’m doing bolsters my confidence.