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Pyra Magna

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The name or term "Pyra" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Pyro (disambiguation).
Pyra Magna is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Paragon 'til death.

A tough, serious, thoughtful commander, Pyra Magna excels at making the hard choices and transforming challenges that would break others into advantages. Though she has been shaped by the hardships of the Rust Sea, her true strength comes from deep within her Spark. Pyra Magna's soul burns with a powerful flame that fuels her absolute, relentless will to survive. Devout to the point of fanaticism and driven by her personal convictions, Pyra Magna places great faith in the Thirteen and their legacy—including the divine Matrix of Leadership. Pyra's piety, combined with her boundless ambition, have led her to wonder if, perhaps, she might be better off becoming the next bearer of that most sacred Autobot artifact.

As the leader of a group of Torchbearers, her personal team of "Rust Renegades" from Caminus are explorers who seek out Cybertronian artifacts for preservation. She is dedicated to her job and to the Mistress of Flame. Following the recovery of one ancient artifact, she gained the ability to combine with her teammates to form the goliath Victorion. Pyra Magna inspires extreme loyalty and dedication in those under her direct command, with some even adopting the same color scheme as Pyra in her honor.

Pyra's internal water system has been compromised by corrosive gasses. She utilizes this unfortunate circumstance to power her Corrosion Cannons, weapons that weaken enemy armor and jam up their gears.

I exist to light the way. There's nothing wrong with wanting to light the entire galaxy.

—Pyra Magna reflects, "Dance Among the Shadows"



2005 IDW continuity

"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee."

Pyra originally served under the previous incarnation of the Torchbearers, keeping the peace on Caminus under the command of Praesidia Magna, servants of the Mistress of Flame and disciples of the Way of Flame. Their adventures took them far and wide across their homeworld, and though other Torchbearers fell in the line of duty Pyra remained unswerving in her devotion to the lineage of the Primes. On one fateful excursion, she and the team travelled to the impoverished village of Parvus Oppidum on the request of Torchbearer fangirls Dustup and Jumpstream. The Torchbearers found themselves under assault by mechanical beasts, who killed both Praesidia and fellow Torchbearer Fastbreak. Pyra herself came under attack by their leader, a massive winged monster, who threatened to drag her into a singularity that had appeared in the middle of the town; despite locking eyes with the creature, she passed out, and by the time she came to the fight had reduced the town to nothing and the attackers had vanished.


Traumatized by her failure, Pyra suffered a series of nightmares where the monster recited an ancient poem from a Camien text as she repeatedly watched Praesidia die on the surface of a barren world. In the waking world, Pyra eventually struck up a friendship with Rust Dust, who had been named after the same poem that now haunted her dreams. Eventually, she came to strike up a friendship with Rust Dust, who had taken her name from the poem in the holy text known as the Light of the Forgefire, and sought out the Mistress of Flame for guidance. The Mistress explained that she and Praesidia had once visited the planet Antilla together, though she was unable to explain why her friend had perished with the dead world in her mind. As Pyra continued to dream, however, she came to realize that the "black angel" who haunted her nightmares was none other than Onyx Prime, one of the legendary Thirteen.

Pyra realized that, if Onyx fled while she was unconscious because he feared further confrontation, it meant that the Primes could not be the infallible figures depicted in Camien religion. Galvanized by these revelations, Pyra stepped up to take command of the Torchbearers, recruiting Jumpstream and Dust up into the team, and taking on the mantle of "Magna," ready to face the threat of the Primes, even if it meant blaspheming the will of the Mistress. Ghost Stories

Pyra Magna continued to lead the Torchbearers for many years, at one point helping out in the village where Aileron lived. Aphelion Pyra Magna was present when Cybertron re-established contact with Caminus after millennia of isolation, and watched Optimus Prime set foot on Caminus, revealing the legendary Matrix of Leadership to the assembled crowd. First Contact Ghost Stories The Mistress of Flame believed that Optimus was the incarnation of The Arisen, the legendary thirteenth Prime; Pyra and her team considered the matter to be more complex. The Medium and the Message


Soon after Caminus joined the Council of Worlds, The Torchbearers travelled to Cybertron to search for the remains of Crystal City. While combing the Rust Sea, Magna was alerted to a bunch of other Transformers entering the area. Curious, she ordered her team to investigate and fought Arcee attacking Windblade. Attacking a Cityspeaker?! Windblade told them to leave it but an angry Pyra Magna ordered her team to intervene. She also tried to hold Windblade back when Arcee threatened to destroy some object, as she couldn't allow a Cityspeaker to risk herself for it, until that object turned out to be the legendary Enigma of Combination. One accident later, and Pyra Magna was part of a new combiner!

After a new and angry Victorion was convinced to stand down and separate, Magna apologized to Windblade for their brief rampage. She also apologized to Arcee, but told her not to call their new state an "abomination"; while she sympathised with Arcee's fear that people would be forced into becoming gestalts, she said they had become one and had the right to be "what we are". An Uneventful Night

The Torchbearers opted to remain in the Rust Sea for a time, still learning to control their new powers. The inhabitants of the wasteland soon learned to avoid them. On one occasion, Pyra Magna and her team appeared to scare off a group of zombified Sweeps. Redemption

They remained in exile until Optimus Prime–seeking answers about what it truly meant to be a Prime, decided to visit the group. Aphelion Merging into Victorion, the Torchbearers tested Optimus's physical and spiritual resolve. Optimus's agnosticism about the Matrix of Leadership prompted Victorion to lay claim to the Matrix; though Pyra believed that Optimus was not the legendary Thirteenth Prime, the Torchbearers vowed to build Optimus into a worthy Prime anyway. Lagrange

It's always polite to ask permission.

Pyra Magna led the Torchbearers back to Iacon, where they combined and joined Starscream's forces in quelling a Decepticon riot at the space bridge. Perihelion After Optimus declared Earth a member of the Council of Worlds, the Torchbearers—still combined—took part in a skirmish against Galvatron's splinter force of Decepticons, but had to fall back after China deployed its anti-Transformer weaponry. As the Autobots regrouped at Thundercracker's old house, Pyra Magna argued with Alpha Trion. Once Upon a Time on Earth

As a show of good faith, the Autobots began patrolling impoverished and troubled regions around the world. Pyra Magna and the other Torchbearers defended a Middle Eastern girls' school from religious fanatics. The Torchbearers would later travel to the White House after Aileron went rogue, forming Victorion and extricating the Autobots from the White House lawn. Edge of the Earth The Torchbearers participated in Optimus and Soundwave's joint operation on the Nemesis. Victorion was torn apart by Galvatron's planetwide Enigma of Combination, and her components were knocked unconscious. It's Beginning To And Back Again As Above...So Below By the time that the Torchbearers had regained consciousness, the fight had already moved offworld. No Fair Fights Pyra Magna led her team as they helped mop up the stragglers, White Light but were forced to combine again after the Earth Defense Command launched an attack on the exhausted Autobots. White Heat

Pyra Manga.

The Earthbound Autobots continued to settle into Autobot City, until Metrotitan abruptly went dormant and stopped communicating with the Autobots. Pyra Magna and Soundwave called Windblade to Earth to see if her cityspeaking talents could help them pinpoint what had gone wrong. The trio worked for many days trying to diagnose each of the Titan's systems, but their search turned up nothing. Informed Soon, the Torchbearers were called into action to defend Arcee and Jazz from G.I. Joe in Oregon, using Victorion's gravity powers to harmlessly take down human aircraft in the wake of Soundwave's EMP attack. Concorde Hymn

Back at Autobot City, Pyra Magna's idle speculation about the state of Metrotitan allowed Windblade to correctly deduce that Metrotitan was merely ignoring them, waiting to speak to a Prime. Pyra Magna watched as Windblade merged her consciousness with the Titan's, and when Windblade's mind returned from another dimension she and Pyra Magna requested help from Optimus Prime to save the ailing universe from a destructive entropy cloud. Informed Days later, the Dire Wraiths and M.A.S.K. besieged Autobot City for the deposits of Ore-13 beneath; although Victorion swung into action to defend the base from the monstrous Baron Karza, she was forced to split into her components to deal with an army of Dire Wraiths and even the odds. Valley Forge


When the crisis had been dealt with, the Autobots and their allies—including some recently arrived colonists with religious aspirations—turned their attention back to stabilizing the increasingly volatile Earth. Following some peacekeeping in Mexico City, Pyra Magna reported that a large spaceship of alien origin was approaching Earth. She and the Torchbearers accompanied Optimus Prime when they travelled to the Matterhorn and intercept the craft. There, she explained to Optimus that the Matrix's supernatural glow was merely a reaction to fragments of Ore-13 in the mountain, not so subtly hinting that her true feelings that she shoud bear the Matrix. To Walk Among the Chosen The spacecraft, as it turned, out, was carrying a load of Junkion refugees. Pyra Magna and her team formed Victorion while Optimus made diplomatic overtures to their leaders Wreck-Gar and Rum-Maj. A Lonely Pillar on the Plain

A series of diplomatic roadblocks prevented Optimus Prime from carrying out his twin goals: helping the wandering Junkions rebuild their shattered homeworld through the use of Ore-13, and allowing Earth to join the Council of Worlds. To this end, he engineered a diplomatic crisis that would force the Council to bring Earth into their membership. When Pyra Magna overheard this—and Optimus telling Aileron that he placed no religious faith in the Matrix—Pyra punched Prime in his faceplate and accused him of manipulating the faith of others to further his own ends. Pyra recanted her earlier vow to help Optimus, reasserting that she, a true believer, should be holding the Matrix. The following morning, Pyra and the Torchbearers attended Prime's summit between humans, Cybertronians, and Junkions, which was interrupted when the Junkions sicced a school of Sharkticons on all assembled. Dance Among the Shadows

Though supremely dissatisfied by the way that Prime had managed the crisis, Pyra nevertheless led her Torchbearers into the fight by deploying Victorion and using her gravity powers to lay into the oncoming Junkions. Future Glories Lost The fighting came to a head before Optimus, realizing that he had overstepped his bounds as a Prime, successfully brokered a new peace between all sides and successfully convinced their enemies to lay down their arms. Autobots, Junkions, and Sharkticons alike relocated to the abandoned EDC base in the Bikini Atoll begin the construction of "Little Cybertron." Optimus, sensing the growing rift between them, appointed the Torchbearer to oversee construction in the hopes of giving the two some time apart. What It's Really Like As construction began, Pyra watched the city take shape with Slide, who was still unable to forgive the Junkions for killing her twin Oiler in the recent battle. Pyra encouraged the young Transformer to question Optimus's judgement, noting that "true" Primes stood for justice. Feel Safe Without Regrets


At some point, Pyra began communicating with Prowl, sending him data packets. The Dead Come Home, Part 2

Several days into the job, Pyra criticized Thundercracker for spending more time playing with his dog Buster than helping with the construction work. Her criticisms caught the attention of Marissa Faireborn; sensing a kindred spirit, Pyra Magna invited Marissa to take a ride around the city with her to discuss recent events. After the Torchbearers helped some Junkions out of a pile of rubble, Pyra confessed that she was hoping to depose Optimus Prime so that she could take command and guide Earth towards a brighter future. The Next Day, and the Next Not long after that, she approached Slide once again after the young Devisien had been left behind by her friends. Pyra reminded her that though everyone else had forgotten her pain, she hadn't. When Optimus decided to briefly withdraw from Earth in the face of mounting political opposition, he invited Pyra Magna to accompany him so they could talk out their differences. What It's Really Like

The pair travelled to Shockwave's singularity in the heart of the Rust Sea, where they discussed their recent adventure and the nature of faith. Pyra listened to Prime's tale about how Bumblebee came to join the Autobots. Pyra found the moral of Prime's tale too saccharine, and recounted her own story: the tale of Praesidia Magna's doomed expedition to Parvus Oppidum, and her own subsequent crisis of faith. Though Optimus was not a believer, he took Pyra's words at face value, and the two agreed to put their pasts behind them and face the future together. Ghost Stories When the two made their way back to Iacon, Aileron brought the news that Earth had finally chosen an ambassador to speak for them on the Council of Worlds. To pass the time until the United Nations finalized their choice, the two payed a visit to Alpha Trion where he recounted the unification of the Thirteen Primes. After the tale concluded, the President of the United States called to reveal that Marissa Faireborn had been chosen. Origin Myths


At the grand ceremony, Pyra flanked Optimus (and in Skywarp's opinion was totally winning on the red carpet) before the Iron Ring struck. First Strike #1 Pyra leapt right into battle, atomizing a contingent of Iron Grenadiers with her pick-axe. Unification Day: Dawn

Having survived the invasion, Pyra was approached by Arcee after Joe Colton had been brought to justice, looking to recruit the Torchbearer for a mission into the wilderness. Pyra declined, feeling a pressing need to return to Earth as a result of being part of a combiner. Before departing, Pyra asked Arcee about her relationship with Prowl, and his role among the Autobots, before wondering aloud whether Arcee, who had once fought alongside the Thirteen that Pyra worshipped, could fill that role and keep both her and Optimus in check. The Dead Come Home, Part 1 After exiting the Space Bridge, Pyra quickly excused herself and informed Prowl of the political rumblings on Earth and Cybertron before Prowl warned her about a group of marauding bestial Cybertronians. The Dead Come Home, Part 2


Once Optimus had returned to Earth, he oversaw the opening of an Ore-13 mine in Kentucky to help deal with Cybertron's recent energy crisis. As he took the shipment through the Space Bridge, Pyra offered to take the Colonist Soldiers down to the mine to help them truly understand what Optimus was trying to accomplish on Earth. Surfeit of Primes No sooner had they touched down did Soundwave receive a summons from Cybertron, prompting Pyra to remain on alert should the aid of the Torchbearers be needed. Another Mine No sooner had Soundwave departed to deal with the return of Onyx Prime and his beasts to Cybertron than did Metrotitan himself bridge to Cybertron, carrying the Torchbearers with him, only to be immediately felled by his fellow Titan Nemesis. The Ground

Believing that his forces had killed Metrotitan, Onyx Prime—now unmasked as the Decepticon Shockwave—ordered his co-conspirator, Liege Maximo, to lead his Maximals to the impact site and pick off the survivors. While Arcee held off the Maximals, Pyra and her fellow Torchbearers combined into Victorion to take on Devastator, his religious faith reawakened in the face of the apocalypse, The Hallowing and were eventually able to crush their opponent under a fatal gravitational onslaught.


Pyra and the other Torchbearers stormed Metrotitan's still-functioning Space Bridge, intent on confronting Onyx Prime and rescuing Jetfire... only to learn the truth: "Onyx" had never existed, and the time-travelling Shockwave had used his identity as a convenient disguise as he orchestrated millnennia of Cybertronian history. Pyra realized that Shockwave had deliberately baited her to this spot; having cast Optimus Prime into the singularity that he controlled, Shockwave freed the minds of both Optimus and Bumblebee from infraspace, allowing them to escape into the antespace that Pyra Magna was a part of, thanks to her time as Victorion. Despite their many differences, both Pyra and Optimus found a common purpose in stopping Shockwave, and Pyra was able to tackle Shockwave and rip his gun-arm off. Despite all three of them desiring to kill Shockwave, it was Pyra who realized that, in order to prove herself the right-thinking 'bot that she held herself to be, she would need to bring in the Decepticon scientist alive. Pyra thus delivered her prisoner to the care of the Council of Worlds, revealing to the assembled colonists that Shockwave had stripped all of Cybertronian history as a great lie. Unforgivable

Some time later, Wheeljack was able to safely transfer Optimus and Bumblebee's consciousnesses out of antespace and back into their own bodies—though the incoming threat of Unicron meant that there was little time for her to acclimatize before all three boarded the Ark-Zero to rescue Elonia, homeworld of Rom the Space Knight, from the planet-eater. Unstopped and Unstoppable Piloting the ship through the mayhem, Pyra and Soundwave worked together to help triangulate the location of a signal that blocked Wheeljack's Space Bridge pylons, learning that it belonged to the long-lost Titan Emissary. Despite evacuating two thirds of the planet, however, they were ultimately unable to prevent the monster planet from devouring Elonia. Our Darkest On the way back to Cybertron, Pyra revealed that she had already been in contact with Prowl, who revealed that, based on his own estimations, Unicron would—after consuming Devisiun—move on to Pyra's homeworld of Caminus. Unstopped and Unstoppable

As Optimus led what remained of the Autobot fleet to Caminus, to engage the endless Maximal hordes, Pyra, Aileron, and the Torchbearers helped coordinate evacuation efforts on the surface of the besieged planet, shrugging off the Mistress of Flame's repeated efforts to assure the fleeing Camiens to have faith—for Pyra's faith in any higher power had died with Metrotitan. Optimus and his forces were once again unable to defeat Unicron, and as Caminus fell so did the Mistress of Flame. Bequeathing her Forgehammer to Pyra, the Mistress gave her life to allow her people to flee through the Space Bridge to Cybertron. Last Stand On Cybertron itself, Pyra mulled over the meaning of the artifact, before bitterly concluding that the Mistress had bequeathed the hammer to her as a final jab against her broken faith, and defiantly stabbed the weapon into the surface of Metroplex. Stranger Eons

The respite was short-lived; as Unicron approached Cybertron, intent on continuing his mission of extinction, Pyra Magna and the other Torchbearers were called into action by Elita One as part of a final, do-or-die strike on the monster. As Victorion, the team pummeled their way through Bludgeon's mutated Decepticon Justice Division, only to be themselves overpowered by the monstrous Monstructor, Stormclash ripped from the gestalt and killed, and Pyra herself badly wounded. Our Finest The defeated Torchbearers tumbled onto the hull of Bludgeon's flagship, where they remained even after Unicron's destruction of Cybertron as the battle spilled over onto Earth. Road's End As the D.V.D. appeared over Earth, the five watched as Bludgeon deployed Monstructor once more to take on the assembled forces of Earth, Elonia, and Cybertron. Assembly Bludgeon's ship soon peeled away from the fight to drop into Earth's atmosphere, pursued by the Dinobots and the Colonist Soldiers; from Mount Rushmore, Soundwave's unleashing of the energies of the Enigma of Combination caused its energies to run amok, and Slide, a combiner herself, was inexorably drawn to the Torchbearers. Together, they were able to reform Victorion, with Slide standing in for Stormclash, and, teaming up with Superion, the two successfully brought down Monstructor.


In the aftermath, Prime was forced to make the ultimate sacrifice to destroy Unicron, the two dying together, as the combatants regrouped at the foot of Mount Rushmore. There, Pyra realized the true nature of the Mistress's token: faith was not what you told someone to believe, but could only come from within. Taking up the mantle of the new Mistress of Flame, Pyra invited Slide to join the Torchbearers, and the young Devisien tearfully acknowledged that they had both been wrong about Optimus Prime: the Autobot leader had never sought to lead them, but had merely hoped to build a better world for all. Ceremony

Some time later, Pyra Magna had yet to settle into her new role as the Mistress of Flame, helping to give advice to Cybertronians as the Transformers settled into life on their new homeworld of Earth, though her attempts to help Needlenose and Tracks with their Chic Chips business were overshadowed by the more pressing issue of Prime's funeral. On Little Cybertron, Pyra, having finally come to understand the true nature of the Way of Flame, joined Windblade in presiding over the ceremony, interring Prime's mouthplate into the soil of his adopted homeworld. Post

Beast Wars: Uprising

Pyra Magna, legendary for her escapades in the Rust Sea, was Magna Stampede's great-aunt. Derailment

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #3 (referenced); #26 (full appearance)

Pyra Magna was one of the four Great Generals who battled Exarchon's forces during the War of the Threefold Spark. All Fall Down She soon developed a reputation for her ruthless, pragmatic approach to warfare, Awakenings an attitude that carried over to her "Companions": an elite, highly trained strike force of fanatically loyal soldiers. We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness

WeAreNotMeantToBeDarkness PyraMagnaBridge.jpg

When Turmoil destroyed Neutronia and took a number of Cybertronians hostage, Pyra Magna and her Companions pursued the villain into space—at that point, however, the war had already ended, and Nominus Prime had announced his intentions to offer Turmoil and every other 'bot who had served Exarchon amnesty. Pyra deliberately flaunted the terms of this peace agreement to launch a frontal assault on Turmoil's getaway warship to rescue his prisoners, adamant that a monster like Turmoil didn't deserve amnesty; however, during the subsequent space battle, Turmoil's warship exploded and killed everyone aboard. We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness One victim of the explosion was Paragon; his lover Cyclonus swore vengeance against Pyra for going too far when she didn't have to. Hunt

After returning to Cybertron, Pyra was arrested and imprisoned inside the White Tower detention complex, roused only from her stasis chamber periodically to remind her of what she'd done and why she was a prisoner. All Fall Down In wider Cybertronian society, Pyra Magna's sentence was a controversial one: while many agreed with the decision to lock her away, others, including the celebrated engineer-philosopher Termagax, felt that she'd been justified in her actions. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Two Some even adopted her distinctive color scheme as a form of protest, including several ex-Companions like Jumpstream and Groundbreaker. Awakenings We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness After Nominus passed the Matrix of Leadership on to Sentinel Prime, Sentinel upheld his predecessor's decision and refused to release her. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Two

During her two thousand kilocycles in prison, Sentinel assigned Froid to treat her during the rare instances when she was roused from stasis. The psychiatrist failed to make any substantial headway, and when Sentinel Prime worried that he was growing too close to his patient he ordered the sessions to stop. Awakenings Froid would come to regard Pyra Magna as one of his four substantial failures. The World In Your Eyes Part Three Pyra herself believed that Sentinel was right to jail her; Awakenings war had turned her into a monster, and she began counting the days until another monster would rise up to strike her down for what she'd done. We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness

WarWorldAwakenings PyraMagnaReleased.jpg

When the Ascenticons took down the Tether, Megatron cited Pyra Magna's fate and refused to let himself share it. Elsewhere, Orion Pax tried appealing to Sentinel to have Pyra Magna released, due to her experience as the last of the Great Generals, which he felt could be used to fight the Rise quickly and decisively, but the Prime angrily refused. All Fall Down

After Megatron had taken command of the Senate and Orion Pax had become Optimus Prime, the newly minted Prime, over protests in his ranks, ordered Pyra released, hoping to counter Megatron's Great General of Strika with one of his own. Her release overseen by Chromia and Froid, Magna had the White Tower's comms blockers shut off so she could summon Jumpstream to her. After being caught up on her subordinate's new paint, she ordered Jumpstream to gather the rest of the Companions. Awakenings

When Megatron offered to talk with Optimus Prime under the flag of a temporary truce, Pyra was skeptical and warned Optimus that Megatron likely had ulterior motives behind luring him to the middle of Iacon. She offered an alternative: send her to conduct the meeting remotely while Optimus gathered his forces and abandoned Iacon. Despite her convictions that Optimus would have to give in to his darker urges to decisively win this new war, Prime refused to accept this, and his idealism impressed the old soldier. During the meeting with her erstwhile compatriot Strika, Pyra learned that the entire meeting had been arranged to organize her assassination; fortunately, Pyra had foreseen this and deployed Jumpstream and the other Companions to take out the Decepticons sent to kill her. Cyclonus finally faced off with the killer of his lover, but found himself unable to finally accomplish the deed. In the aftermath, Pyra told him that only he could decide where he went from this point, before leaving with the Companions to rejoin Optimus's forces. We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness

Pyra Magna and the other opposing Megatron became Autobots, a united front exiled to Crystal City. They tried and failed to defend other fronts in the war, with Pyra Magna leading a controlled retreat in Protihex after giving up ground there. Test Flight I Pyra Magna authorized Perceptor to perform tests to improve her Companion Jumpstream's teleporting ability. She was concerned when Jumpstream went missing only to return from unknown skies, unconscious. Test Flight II

SeaOfRustII PyraLeadsAttack.jpg

Optimus Prime wanted Pyra Magna to reach out to Termagax, who apparently held the critical Enigma of Combination. Termagax had made Pyra Magna's release a cause celebre during her incarceration, making her one of the few people Termagax might open her doors towards. When Highbrow reported Termagax sighted by the Sea of Rust, Pyra Magna deployed the Companions and Novastar's strike team aboard Sky Lynx to defend her from the Insecticon clone swarm sent by the Decepticons. Sea of Rust I After the first wave was dealt with, Pyra Magna established a trench defense and snipers atop the home of Termagax to prepare for incoming Decepticons. Termagax granted an audience with Pyra Magna, who acted as go-between before the arrival of Optimus Prime. Pyra Magna's defensive perimeter eliminated the Rainmakers when they arrived, the predictable first strike of the Decepticons, and full trench warfare began. Sea of Rust II An unexpected element entered the fray when Skywarp returned and seized the Enigma with his teleporting ability. Jumpstream recovered around the same time and teleported to report to Pyra Magna. The Great General sent out Jumpstream to counter her fellow teleporter, but in the end, the Enigma fell into the Sea of Rust where nobody could claim it. Enigmatic

When the Decepticons launched a massive attack on Crystal City, Pyra Magna updated Optimus Prime on the evacuation of noncombatants from the city as they prepared to fight back. With the enemy breaking through their defenses and surging through the streets, Pyra stood alongside Optimus and their troops as the last line of defense. Fortunately, they had bought enough time for back-up to arrive in the form of Lodestar, who landed on the outskirts of the city to confront the Decepticons. A Dust of Crystals

"Little fight in you... I like that."

After Lodestar and Computron managed to force negotiations, Pyra received a distress call from the Sonic Canyons made by the team sent there to investigate, excusing herself to handle it. The Landscape of Fear As she and her Companions traveled to the Canyons, observing the rust worms eating the planet, Pyra mused about her place in this new time and war before ordering Jumpstream to not accompany the group, hoping to avert the potential future where her subordinate died in the Canyons. When the rest of them arrived, they found Exarchon's Deathsaurus incarnation fighting a Decepticon team led by Sixshot. War's End Part Two Exarchon pounced on Pyra in his dragon mode, but Jumpstream unexpectedly teleported in to save her commander, defying the orders to stay away. Exarchon retreated for the moment as Jumpstream warned that Devastator was on his way. In the face of Exarchon's imminent threat, Pyra and Sixshot agreed to join their forces, despite the misgivings of some of their followers. Blackjack warned them that his squad might have allied with Exarchon. War's End Part Three


A solution to their problems arrived in the form of Megatron's data science team. They held a Titanspark contained with spark cage technology. The cage would serve to trap Exarchon's mitotic spark should he try to usurp the Titanspark, which Mindwipe's hypnosis would ensure. Pyra Magna's past sins weighed upon her, though, and she balked at the idea of sacrificing the spark of the last Titan as nothing more than disposable bait for Exarchon. It was Cyclonus who stepped forward and said, this time, the sacrifice of an innocent was necessary. A second strike was made, and Mindwipe implanted the impulse in Exarchon's mind to seize the Titanspark. he and Sixshot became occupied, though, and Pyra Magna found she could not bring herself to carry out the plan. Again, it was Cyclonus who grabbed the spark cage and brought it within Exarchon's range, trapping the Threefold Spark inside the Titanspark and the cage unit. Pyra Magna's uncertainty left her when she saw Sixshot reach for the Titanspark. She quickly destroyed the cage and the spark within it to prevent Megatron from getting his hands on an Exarchon-infused Titanspark. The War of the Threefold Spark was now officially over. War's End Part Four

Pyra Magna and the Companions reconnected with the Autobots, with Pyra directing Jumpstream to take an imploder that was threatening them out of play. As Optimus Prime prepared to lead his people away from Cybertron aboard the last Ark. Pyra Magna and her fellow Great General Ultra Magnus fought side-by-side at Darkmount while the ship prepped for launch, and those who opposed Megatron soon left Cybertron behind, making their way towards the adrift Winged Moon. Fate of Cybertron

Alternate future

When Jumpstream was accidentally transported to an alternate future where Exarchon conquered Cybertron, she stumbled upon Pyra Magna and several others' severed heads impaled on pikes in the ground. Test Flight I


Transformers: Earth Wars

Surprisingly one of the most convincing alt-modes in Earth Wars.... until she has to put out a fire.

A product of her environment, the forbidding Sea of Rust, Pyra Magna knows how to make hard choices, and how to turn adversity - in her case, a water system contaminated by corrosive gasses - to her advantage... Her Corrosion Cannons can weaken the molecular structure of an enemy's armour and bring their gears to a grinding halt. A great fire burns within Pyra Magna's Spark that powers her relentless will to survive. Pyra Magna bio

Pyra Magna came to Earth before most of the other Torchbearers to help out in the cause on Earth and get the Fractal Map. Lost Map Campaign Power Play Campaign

Pyra Magna and the Torchbearers were in the sector closest to Polyhex, when they went to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Dinobot Sludge. It wasn't until she found a broken cerebro shell that they knew who was behind the attack. Attempting to contact Autobot base about the missing Autobot, they were contacted by Drift, who told them the Dinobot is in fact named Slog, not Sludge. Polyhex Saga

  • Class: Warrior
  • Lowest Star Rating: 1 star
  • Weaponry: Pyra uses her cudgel (Bat'leth on a stick?) to attack defenses.
  • Ability: Fire Rush: Rushes into combat and spreads fire along the way dealing some damage over a few seconds.
    • Cost:4 ability points. +2 for reuses.

Pyra Magna at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Pyra Magna was a holy warrior dedicated to the Way of Flame and a devoted believer of the inherent sanctity of the Matrix of Leadership--anyone who questioned her righteousness would face the wrath of her corrosive water cannons. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook She was the leader of the Torchbearers, and could combine with them into the mighty Victorion. The Enigma of Combination


Combiner Wars

Yes, I am a normal firetruck that is not a robot. I do not have a large robot head where the bucket should be. That would be absurd and is not something that I have, no sir.
  • Victorion (Collection Pack, 2016)
    • Accessories: Axe
Combiner Wars Pyra Magna is a retool of Voyager Class Hot Spot from the same toy line, with a new head, forearms, chestplate, and some different ladder-boom parts. She transforms into a fire truck resembling a modified Rosenbauer Panther 6x6, with a working ladder-boom. She can also form the torso to super-robot Victorion, which officially also includes her teammates Stormclash, Skyburst, Dust Up, Jumpstream, and Rust Dust, though in this mode she can also use any combination of Combiner Wars-style limb-bots. Her axe forms the hilt of Victorion's sword.
Many (if not all) samples of Pyra Magna come with misassembled knee struts. They are reversed on both legs, preventing her knee assemblies from locking in properly for robot mode. This issue was shared with Generation 2 Onslaught. In an undocumented feature also shared with Onslaught, the backs of her feet can flip out to provide better support, something absent from Hot Spot and Inferno, though unlike them, Victorion's head doesn't open into a bucket and sprayer, making it more obvious than others.
Like the rest of her Torchbearers, Pyra Magna features Cybertronic tampographs on her vehicle mode, which reads "If Cybertron" on her right and "Be your home" on the left.
Pyra Magna was only available as part of a Victorion box set, including a poster and a collector card based on the set's packaging art. The set was one of several so-called "Collection Packs" that were "online exclusives" in the United States, available from online retailers such as Hasbro Toy Shop, Amazon, and BigBadToyStore as well as the online stores of "big box" retailers such as Toys"R"Us, Walmart, Target, and Kmart. In Hasbro's Asian markets such as Singapore and Taiwan, the set was available at general retail. In Australia, it was sold at Toys"R"Us stores, whereas in Canada, was both sold at Toys"R"Us stores and available via Amazon Canada. In the United Kingdom, it was available via the UK Toys"R"Us website (but never sold in stores), whereas in Spain, it was available via the Spanish subsidiaries of Amazon and Carrefour, as well as the department store chain El Corte Inglés, supposedly also only available online.
This version of the sculpt was also redecoed into Unite Warriors Megaempress.
Combiner Wars mold: Hot Spot

Version 1:

  • TakaraTomyUnite Warriors UW-03 Hot Spot
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Inferno

Version 2:

  • Fun PublicationsCombiner Wars Bludgeon

Version 3:


  • "Pyra magna" is (roughly translated) Latin for "great fire".

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Pyra Magna (パイラマグナ Paira Maguna)
  • Mandarin: Jù Yàn (巨焰, "Great Flame")
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