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Jumpstream is a Camien Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Almost as spiky as a Bayformer.

Jumpstream is loyal to Pyra Magna to a fault, willing to sacrifice herself for her if need be. Pyra Magna knows Jumpstream can't be deterred, so she's decided she might as well train Jumpstream well enough that self-sacrifice won't ever be necessary. Thankfully, Jumpstream has the ability to teleport herself away from danger, but is that a power she'd use if Pyra Magna were in trouble?[1]

Jumpstream can combine with her fellow Torchbearers to form Victorion.



2005 IDW continuity


Before becoming a Torchbearer, Jumpstream was a civilian living in the desolate mining town of Parvus Oppidum. After her Conjunx Endura Dustup was attacked by a group of bandits after the town's meager energon supplies, Jumpstream convinced her partner to call the Torchbearers for assistance and greeted Torchbearer leader Praesidia Magna as she and her team landed. After showing them the town, Jumpstream introduced them to Dustup, trying to keep her wife from fangirling out too hard at finally getting to see the group up close. While Dustup left to show Torchbearer second-in-command Pyra the town's energon supply, the bandits suddenly returned. After her wife saved her from getting mauled by one of the bandits, Jumpstream joined in the fight and began attempting to rally the townspeople to stand their ground. However, after a large black hole opened up underneath the town, Jumpstream's priorities switched to helping get as many to safety as she could. Though the marauders and the black hole eventually disappeared, the town was completely destroyed. Helping the Torchbearers clear away the rubble and search for survivors, Jumpstream and Dustup both watched with interest as the Mistress of Flame helped Pyra to her feet as she regained consciousness.

When Pyra returned to Parvus Oppidum, Jumpstream thanked her for her team's help in reconstructing the town but the Torchbearer was more interested in talking to Dustup. Soon after this, Jumpstream and Dustup were both made members of the Torchbearers by the group's new leader Pyra Magna. Ghost Stories


Soon after Caminus entered the Council of Worlds, her team was sent to Cybertron to search for the remains of Crystal City.

Jumpstream and Dustup were really excited when Magna decided to investigate a nearby fight, and soon found themselves involved in a battle to save the Enigma of Combination. Said Enigma turned Jumpstream and her friends into a new combiner, Victorion, and after they uncombined, a startled Jumpstream learned something about Dustup that her friend didn't want getting out. An Uneventful Night

The Torchbearers opted to stay in the Rust Sea for a time, still learning to control their new powers. The inhabitants of the wasteland soon learned to avoid them. On one occasion, the team appeared to scare off a group of zombified Sweeps. Redemption

They remained in exile until Optimus Prime- seeking answers about what it truly meant to be a Prime, decided to visit the group. Aphelion Merging into Victorion, the Torchbearers tested Optimus's physical and spiritual resolve. Optimus's agnosticism about the Matrix of Leadership prompted Victorion to lay claim to the Matrix and vow to build Optimus into a worthy Prime. Lagrange

The Torchbearers travelled back to Iacon, where they combined and joined Starscream's forces in quelling a Decepticon riot at the space bridge. Perihelion After Optimus declared Earth a member of the Council of Worlds, the Torchbearers- still combined- took part in a skirmish against Galvatron's splinter force of Decepticons, but had to separate and fall back to the Skyroller after China deployed its anti-Transformer weaponry. Once Upon a Time on Earth


As a show of good faith, the Autobots began patrolling impoverished and troubled regions around the world; Jumpstream and the other Torchbearers would defend a Middle Eastern girl's school from religious fanatics. The Torchbearers would later travel to the White House after Aileron went rogue, forming Victorion and extricating the Autobots from the White House lawn. Edge of the Earth

The Torchbearers participated in Optimus and Soundwave's joint operation on the Nemesis. Galvatron managed to take them out of the fight by using his power over the Enigma of Combination to tear them apart, reducing Victorion to her components and knocking them out. It's Beginning To And Back Again As Above...So Below By the time that the Torchbearers had regained consciousness, the fight had already moved offworld. No Fair Fights Pyra Magna led her team as they helped mop up the stragglers, White Light but were forced to combine again after the Earth Defense Command launched an attack on the exhausted Autobots. White Heat

Over the course of several months, the Autobots settled into their new role as global protectors, unaware that there were those humans who still saw them as unlawful alien invaders. Jumpstream and the other Torchbearers were deployed from Autobot City in Monument Valley to Oregon, where they defended Arcee and Jazz from an unprovoked G.I. Joe attack. As Victorion, they used her gravity powers to harmlessly take down human aircraft in the wake of Soundwave's EMP attack. Concorde Hymn Victorion maintained guard outside Autobot City as the situation intensified. The New Colossus Not long afterwards, the Dire Wraiths and M.A.S.K. besieged Autobot City for the deposits of Ore-13 beneath. As Victorion, the Torchbearers went up against Baron Karza, but when the Microspace tyrant released an army of Dire Wraiths from his innards, Victorion split into her components to better deal with the swarm. Valley Forge


When Karza had been thwarted, the Autobots and their allies returned to policing an increasingly volatile Earth. Jumpstream accompanied her leader to the Matterhorn, where they witnessed a massive alien ship make planetfall. To Walk Among the Chosen It turned out that it contained the nomadic Junkions, and, as Victorion, the Torchbearers watched as Wreck-Gar and Rum-Maj made their introductions. A Lonely Pillar on the Plain

Jumpstream and the Torchbearers stood by when Pyra Magna finally came to blows with Optimus Prime over his hypocrisy of leading via religious mandate when he himself did not believe. Nevertheless, they attended the meeting between the peoples of Earth, Cybertron, and Junk arranged by the Prime. Which, of course, immediately descended into open warfare. Dance Among the Shadows They engaged the attacking Junkions on the orders of the Prime, forming Victorion to deal with their foes. Future Glories Lost In the aftermath of the battle, the Junkions were given Bikini Atoll as a refugee city, building their own Little Cybertron on the island, with the somewhat reluctant assistance of the Torchbearers.The Next Day, and the Next

Jumpstream was at Autobot City when Metrotitan's Space Bridge ferried Earth's envoy of ambassadors to Cybertron to be accepted into the Council of Worlds. When contact with Cybertron was cut off, she and the Torchbearers locked down Autobot City in case an attack was directed back through the bridge. Primeless, Part 1 She met Pyra Magna, Skyburst, and Stormclash at the Space Bridge once they returned from Cybertron and the assault had been quelled. The Dead Come Home, Part 2 (of 2)

The Torchbearers awaited Optimus Prime at Autobot City when he returned from the Ore-13 mines with a supply of energon for Cybertron. Surfeit of Primes A situation developed when he delivered the energon to Cybertron, but Pyra Magna chose to keep her forces in reserve rather than rush to the Prime's side. Another Mine Of course, they had no say in the matter once Autobot City acted on its own accord and transported to Cybertron through its own space bridge portal. Metrotitan was then slain by Nemesis, flagship of the prodigal Prime, Onyx Prime. The Ground

In the wreckage of Metrotitan, the Torchbearers were faced the Maximals of Liege Maximo and the fanatical combiner, Devastator. They formed Victorion in order to better defend their allies. The power of Devastator seemed to be so great that he overcame Victorion's gravity-manipulation abilities. The Hallowing Victorion's fight with Devastator went poorly for some time and he held the upper hand. Endless Forever Eventually, however, it was revealed that the Liege Maximo manipulated the gravity power of Ore-4 to counteract Victorion's powers. Once Arcee dispatched him, Devastator fell easily and was pulverized by sustained gravimetric pressure. Jumpstream and the Torchbearers disconnected as Pyra Magna confronted Onyx Prime in his true form as Shockwave of the Decepticons. Unforgivable

"Maybe next continuity I'll be important..."

Jumpstream and the other Torchbearers narrowly escaped the destruction of their homeworld Caminus by the jaws of Unicron. Last Stand Jumpstream and the others were concerned for Pyra Magna as they mourned the death of the Mistress of Flame. Stranger Eons After Unicron appeared above Cybertron, the Torchbearers combined into Victorion to attack the planet-eater directly at the command of Elita One. However, Victorion was defeated by Monstructor, who killed Stormclash and forced them to de-combine. Our Finest Hitching a ride on Bludgeon's Worldsweeper to Earth, Road's End the Torchbearers arrived in time for the final battle with Unicron and its followers. Assembly With Slide taking Stormclash's place, the Torchbearers were able to form Victorion again and slay Monstructor with Superion's help. In the aftermath of Unicron's defeat, Jumpstream watched as Pyra Magna accepted Slide into the Torchbearers. Ceremony

In the days following Unicron's defeat, Jumpstream helped rebuild and attended Optimus Prime's funeral. Post

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #26

Intensely loyal to Pyra Magna, Jumpstream was one of the trusted Companions and adopted her captain's color scheme to protest Pyra's imprisonment after the War of the Threefold Spark. After Pyra Magna was released from the White Tower, she called out to Jumpstream, who immediately dropped everything she was doing and teleported to the Great General's side. Pyra ordered her to gather the rest of the Companions. Awakenings

When Pyra met with Strika to parlay on Optimus Prime's behalf, the Companions hid nearby under a shimmer field as backup. After the meeting turned into an assassination attempt on Pyra, the Companions sprung into action to protect their leader, taking on a squad of Decepticons that Strika had brought along. Jumpstream teleported directly onto Hooligan in mid-flight and shot him down. She made her way to Pyra's side to defend her against Cyclonus, but Pyra ordered Jumpstream to stand down and leave the conflicted Decepticon alone. After the battle was over, Pyra announced to her followers that they would be supporting Optimus Prime against the Decepticons for the time being. We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness

The Companions were soon deployed to aid an evacuation of the besieged Protihex, except for Jumpstream, who volunteered for an experiment proposed by Perceptor. Using Nucleon and adapted Thraal technology, Perceptor theorized he could supercharge Jumpstream's teleportation abilities and allow her to function as an instantaneous means of troop and supply transportation. Jumpstream agreed to try it and donned the enhancement rig that Perceptor had created, but it soon malfunctioned upon activation. With the safety cut-off not working, Jumpstream began rapidly teleporting at random as Perceptor tried to halt the test run. Jumpstream briefly blinked in and out of various locations on Cybertron, including within Decepticon and Insecticon territories and passing through unspace.

"Have you guys lost weight?"

The rig finally ran out of power and deposited her in an unknown, desolate landscape. After a bit of exploration, Jumpstream realized she was in an utterly-destroyed Iacon, and discovered the severed heads of Pyra Magna and others impaled upon pikes within the ruins of the city. After being taken captive by a number of Voin-enslaved Transformers, Jumpstream decided she had fallen into an alternate reality. The Voin brought her to meet the current ruler of this Cybertron—Exarchon, his threefold spark now inhabiting the bodies of Megatron, Shockwave, and Onslaught. Test Flight I

Exarchon dismissed her confusion as madness, and disposed of Jumpstream by handing her over to mercenaries. She was saved by the last surviving rebels: Bumblebee, Swift, Blackjack, and Powerglide. There was some confusion, as Swift remembered seeing Jumpstream and Cyclonus die together in the Sonic Canyons. Practically for Jumpstream, none of the rebels had energon to spare as they were surviving solely on nucleon after Exarchon monopolized the energy supplies. The forces of the Threefold Spark caught up with them, and soon only Bumblebee and Jumpstream were left standing. Bumblebee salvaged energy reserves from friends and foes alike to turn over to Jumpstream, hoping she could escape his world even if he couldn't. Jumpstream kickstarted her abilities, and transported herself back to Perceptor's lab, unconscious. Lancer's evaluation of the tachyon particles clinging to her body indicated Jumpstream had arrived from a very real future, not an alternate reality. Test Flight II

Enigmatic JumpstreamSkywarpEnigma.jpg

Jumpstream soon recovered in Ratchet and Perceptor's care and gave her report of the future: Exarchon wins. Sea of Rust I Only partially recovered, she jumped out to the Sea of Rust where Pyra Magna was engaged in a campaign for the Autobots to capture the Enigma of Combination. As she arrived, Pyra told Jumpstream that Skywarp had captured the Enigma, and she needed to retrieve it. Teleporter fought teleporter, but the more experienced Skywarp shot her down. Brawn carried her unconscious form off the battlefield after the fighting had ended. Enigmatic

Jumpstream and the Companions were present for the siege of Crystal City as the Autobots resisted Strika's army of Decepticons. A Dust of Crystals Exarchon was spotted in the Sonic Canyons, and Pyra Magna brought out her Companions to finish the last war. Though Jumpstream went with them, at first, Pyra Magna told her to remain behind before they reached the canyons. If the future Jumpstream saw was mutable, then Jumpstream could not go to the Sonic Canyons where Swift reportedly saw her die. Jumpstream reluctantly stepped off, letting her general proceed without her. However, out in the wilderness, Jumpstream saw the combiner Devastator come home, called to the Sonic Canyons by the Rise where he would join with Exarchon. Heedless of the danger, Jumpstream teleported to the canyons to warn her people. War's End Part Two

Saving the future from Onslaught? Maybe she's Bishop instead of Nightcrawler.

Exarchon was in the body of Deathsaurus, and Jumpstream kept the dragon from eating Pyra Magna. She faltered, though, when she saw Swift was on the scene with the Decepticons. Jumpstream scanned the battlefield and spotted Cyclonus, distracted by her arrival and about to be shot in the back by the Rise's Onslaught. Jumpstream intervened, saving Cyclonus's life as the forces opposing Exarchon retreated past the lip of the canyon to plan tactics. As Pyra Magna planned with Sixshot, Jumpstream spoke with Windcharger about how she felt her powers expanding. It seemed Perceptor had been more successful than he first believed, as she felt the hum of unspace all around her. War's End Part Three Circumstances improved when Megatron's Techy Trinity arrived with a solution -- a Titanspark in a modified spark-cage, designed to capture Exarchon's unique spark and prevent it from escaping again. The plan was put into motion, and the united Cybertronians succeeded in containing Exarchon's spark before destroying it altogether. The truce had reached its breaking point, though, and the Autobots and Decepticons soon returned to their respective camps. War's End Part Four

FateOfCybertron JumpstreamSkywarpImploder.jpg

The Autobots planned to leave Cybertron in Megatron's hands, escaping into space aboard the last Ark at Darkmount. The Decepticons intercepted their procession in the wilderness, however, and Skywarp had stolen an imploder from Exarchon's base before it was destroyed. He used the threat to keep the Autobots hostage, but Jumpstream had improved since her last fight with Skywarp. She snared him and the imploder before it went off, transporting them both into Unspace. With newfound precision, Jumpstream overlapped the atoms of her predecessor with the imploder. The timer was now active, leaving Skywarp physically merged with the bomb and unable to leave Unspace without the imploder going off. Confident she had proven herself superior to Skywarp, Jumpstream left him where she had found him. She soon joined the launch of the last Ark, reuniting with Perceptor as the Autobots moved onwards, towards the Winged Moon. Fate of Cybertron


Transformers: Earth Wars

Transformers: Earth Wars

  • Class: Warrior
  • Lowest Star Rating: 1 Star
  • Weapons: She fires a few rounds from her standard-issue pistol before smashing defenses with her bare fists.
  • Ability: Defensive Rush: Puts a protective shield that blocks 80% damage for several seconds, then charge the target and attracts defenses!
    • Cost: 4 ability points + 1 for reuses.

Jumpstream at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Jumpstream was a loyal ally of Pyra Magna. The Enigma of Combination


Combiner Wars

Rockin' the Alderaanian princess look.
  • Victorion (Collection Pack, 2016)
    • Accessories: Blade
Combiner Wars Jumpstream is a retool of Deluxe Class Breakdown from the same toy line, and transforms into a supercar resembling a Lamborghini Diablo. Jumpstream can also form either an arm or a leg for any standard-issue Combiner Wars or Unite Warriors gestalt or into one of Legends Godbomber's legs, though she was intended to combine with her teammates Pyra Magna, Stormclash, Skyburst, Dust Up, and Rust Dust to form Victorion, with her weapon forming the chappe of Victorion's sword.
Like the rest of her Torchbearers, Jumpstream features Cybertronic tampographs on her vehicle mode, which read "All shall be" on the right, and "Turned to dust" on the left.
Jumpstream was only available as part of a Victorion box set, including a poster and a collector card based on the set's packaging art. The set was one of several so-called "Collection Packs" that were "online exclusives" in the United States, available from online retailers such as Hasbro Toy Shop, Amazon, and BigBadToyStore as well as the online stores of "big box" retailers such as Toys"R"Us, Walmart, Target, and Kmart. In Hasbro's Asian markets such as Singapore and Taiwan, the set was available at general retail. In Australia, it was sold at Toys"R"Us stores, whereas in Canada, was both sold at Toys"R"Us stores and available via Amazon Canada. In the United Kingdom, it was available via the UK Toys"R"Us website (but never sold in stores), whereas in Spain, it was available via the Spanish subsidiaries of Amazon and Carrefour, as well as the department store chain El Corte Inglés, supposedly also only available online.
This version of the sculpt was also redecoed into Unite Warriors Trickdiamond.
Combiner Wars mold: Breakdown

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:


  • Jumpstream's pre-Torchbearer coloration is based on Gingham. Given Dust Up's vaguely Holi-like colors, the intended reference may have been to Holi's non-toy girlfriend Clipper, whom Gingham resembles.
  • Both Jumpstream and Trickdiamond appeared in the 2019-2022 IDW comics, though amusingly, line artist Anna Malkova did not realize until after the conclusion of the series that she had been drawing the same mold![2] It goes to show the power of a good deco.
  • As consistently accompanying Jumpstream in the 2019 IDW continuity, the sound-effect 'JAWNT' is a homage to the use of teleportation being referred to as 'jaunting' in a number of science-fiction works, dating back to at least 1956 in Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Jumpstream (ジャンプストリーム Janpusutorīmu)
  • Mandarin: Tiàoyuè Liú (跳跃流, "Jumpstream")


  1. Hasbro Combiner Wars Jumpstream online bio
  2. "fricking hell. i was today's years old when i realised jumpstream and trickdiamond are the same toy mould DESPITE drawing them for 2+ years"—Anna Malkova, Twitter, 2022/07/23
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