Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
- Go to
- Zoom into a 6 hour window or smaller
What happens?:
- There are gaps in the RefreshLinksJob::getParserOutputFromCache (Prometheus) graph
- When zooming out to 12 hours or more, these gaps vanish and the data seems to be present.
- The gaps are not present in the RefreshLinksJob::getParserOutputFromCache (graphite) graph (these two graphs should show the same data, and they seem to do so, except for the data from prometheus being more "spikey")
What should have happened instead?:
- the RefreshLinksJob::getParserOutputFromCache (Prometheus) graph should show coninous data, like the equivalent query on Thanos does:
Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
24 hour window works fine:
6 hour window is broken:
15 minute window is broken:
The query works fine for a 6 hour window on Thanos: