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A member registered Sep 02, 2018

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That was awesome! The first game jam game this year I didn't want to stop playing.

We had a blast playing this! Especially the last request!

Looks great! Only complaint is that most of the powers aren't directly died to the jam's theme.

Great concept! The striking mechanic was very janky. Also there was no friction so the balls would just roll endlessly. Overall pretty fun!

I like the "figure out energy". Reminds me of the micro games of old school newgrounds. 

Love the concept

Crazy concept. Cool! Very janky physics, but that comes with the territory. I didn't ever really figure out how climbing the walls was supposed to work even after doing it multiple times

Cute! I liked the combination of mouse and WASD.  There were some fun interactions to be found for sure.

Super legit. A great hook. Even in just a few levels I had that "aha" moment more than once.

Aw man that really sucks. Sorry that happened to you. Is it possible to submit seperately on itch and put a link in the replies? It still wouldn't cound for the jam but them some people could still play it. 

What a great experimental idea! It took me some time to wrap my brain around it, but it was super cool once I did.

Am I just dumb? I don't see a download link on the submission or on the itch page for this game.

Great a presentation and a very neat idea. Getting other cars to rocket away and smash into others was great fun. I could absolutely see this working as a game if there were more ways to interact with the other cars.

Similar to other commenters I enjoyed it but didn't really understand what the quarantine symbol did, and the wall building tool was very difficult to use. I'm not sure whether either of those were intentional. 

But the core loop was very engaging. I had a few games there I won by within a few seconds. A few where it just spiraled and I lost quickly. And one game where I managed to wall off each outbreak as it came but could never quite stamp it out before a new outbreak happened somewhere else. Which felt ripped straight from the headlines. That alone means this game is quite a success. Well done!

This is awesome. Both funny and fun to play with a big dollop of meta to top it all off.

Interesting concept. Took some getting used to but once you got into the rhythm it was pretty fun.

Cool idea. Y'all clearly ran out of time (based on the message in the big room) so I'll hold off on criticism too much since you probably already know.

This was pretty well polished, but needed more substantive gameplay loop. just going to objectives and holding down a button wasn't enough. Even narrative games need ludic elements that feed into the narrative to be satisfying.

Fun well fleshed out little puzzle game. Quite impressive amount of sprite work for all being done during the jam! The spell casting mage and the knights death animations were great touches

If there was audio it didn't come through for me. Art wasn't much to look at and the text that starts each mission was hard to read. The gameplay loop wasn't particularly deep or new either. This was very much like a simplified single player Spaceteam. 

Thanks for submitting and you should be proud that you got a product over the finish line!

Really neat idea. First game so far that I felt compelled to play more of just for the fun of the challenge. Once you internalize the pattern of the level it's really satisfying to try to play to the rhythm and particularly try to thwart the moves that will careen you off the edge.

This is a good example of the spirit. It gets its core concept across and after playing it I had all sorts of ideas on how it could be expanded. Nice work!

Thematic concept, decent controls and visuals. A pretty good entry.  Needs another complication/consequence of not being in control of the minataur to really motivate the high score hunting though.

Played about 5 rounds. Couldn't really find a rhyme or reason to what was going on. I wasn't even sure I knew all the controls so I spent a few minutes clicking random keys to see if there was any way to interact other than moving around.

She-Who? I don't think so. Never heard of her. Nope definitely not. In no way related. Nope.

Amazing idea. So clever. Drawing the commands in a text game is such a brilliant move. It's exactly what this jam is about.

Very cool idea. The mechanics are tight and feel good. And this is a game where the artwork is central to the core idea. I liked it quite a bit.

Interesting concept. Needs a little bit more meat to the main mechanic. I figured out the throwing of the orbs but there wasn't much more I could do with it than get to the next platform.

Very cool! Lots of attack diversity and a clever concept. Also very impressive that you managed to build in a tutorial. Which was very helpful. Some of the attacks lack feedback and the monster placement is a little wonky, but jams aren't about polish they are about finding a unique idea and expressing it. And this game does so with flying colors. Well done.

Very cool idea. Unfortunatly I had a bug where every model was jiggling uncontrollably and the bullet view was swinging wildly around. It made the game basically unplayable, but I still got the concept. Very cool!

Surprisingly addictive! I like the low traction, it allows for fun strategies like turning backwards to slow down that I think give the game it's charm. Also a very interesting decision to allow you to interact with your past wrecks. Very well done.

Very nice! I love the concept. It nails some of the fun on RPG skill building in a goofy fun package. Perfect for the jam.

The idea is that it's a top down shooter but without a gun. Instead you reflect enemy's shots back at them with your lightsaber. You can also kill them by hitting them with the sword which feels like an inclusion not really in the spirit of the jam. Unfortunately there's not much else there. There's not much feedback on the reflecting of the shots so it doesn't feel very satisfying. And there's nothing else you can do in the game other than kill the same enemies in the same room. 

It's also unfortunate that the game is easily cheesed by just turtling in the corner. On the whole I didn't find this that creative or that engaging. Sorry.

This game is actually fun. Instead of shooting a gun yourself you set up turrets that shoot for you. It actually felt more like a freeform tower defense game like sanctum than a top down shooter.

 I figured this out after the first wave already started so my only option was to try to spam turrets enough so that one of them survived and could start shooting back. So that wave was just annoying, but in the set up for the next wave I set up half a dozen turrets and they chainsawed the enemy turrets no problem. This continued until I had spread turrets all across the map and there was something viscerally satisfying about seeing ally my little servants some to life and pick apart each new wave.

In the middle it was also fun to try and predict where the new turrets would be while my turrets killed the current wave. Using the mouse to click around the character felt a little clunky.

This was especially true for the final levels. The problem with the difficulty in this game is that if you have more turrets in an area than the enemy you win effortlessly . But if the enemy turrets finally kill all your turrets around them it's practically impossible to fight back. While being set up each turret dies in one hit so it is very hard to set up a turret near enough to kill a turret. So if your turrets die or you didn't cover a spot during set up your only option is to spawn turrets faster than the enemy can fire bullets. So this actually becomes a test of how fast you can click the spawn button and the spawn circle faster. Which wasn't that much fun. I eventually did it, but it felt very janky. 

But all in all this was kind of fun. Nice job.

Sadly there's just not much to this game. It says it's a top down shooter without the ability to use a gun. However instead of a gun they give you a projectile ball attack that functions exactly like a 3 shot gun with a long reload time. It's main idea just isn't different enough from the gnere norm to acually fit for this jam. Sorry!

I tried this game for half an hour. The premise, as I understood it, was to make a text game with no "look" command. Which is actually a pretty clever idea. I had never realized how crucial scenery descriptions were for this kind of game. 

The writing at least intrigued me enough to try to progress. The first four or five playthroughs I found the door and then immediately died. At first I thought I was going crazy because the door was moving, but then I realized that the room was randomly laid out each time. So my attempts to map it were foiled. This is actually also a kind of interesting idea because it forces you to actally explore on each attempt rather than just plug in the same commands each time.

The problem is when this is combined with the power mechanic. I could usually find ether the radio code or the radio before I froze to death, but never both. Once I got the hang of the game it was basically pure luck on whether I found all the pieces with enough power to combine them.

One of these mechanics needs to go, but I give the dev credit for trying to combine lots of things in the game. Better to have too much than too little. I want to give credit because I found it oddly compelling and immersive to bump around in the dark.

Honestly if this game had sound to give some atmosphere and maybe some environmental clues I think it could be a legitimately fascinating text game.

Not bad. I like the premise of rotating the world. I've seen some similar games but this was still interesting. The actual mechanic was pretty rough with the world jittering every time I rotated the world and some very odd physics interactions. I also would have liked another way to use the rotation other than just dodging the blocks and balls. Still, not a bad start.

Clever idea. I like in particular using non diagetic words as inputs. Things like the throwaway word "anyway" and "Narrator" I could see some cool stuff being done with it. The idea isn't fleshed out very fully in this demo which is why I didn't rate it very highly. That and that I wasn't actually able to progress very far in the game without reading the script and reverse engineering what I was supposed to do. Thanks for the submission.

The pitch isn't bad, but the mechanics are just not well realized. The relatively featureless waseland is a neat aesthetic but it makes it very hard to judge your speed. So much so that I wasn't actually sure if I was moving forward at first. The other problem is that the projectiles don't have obvious feedback. I couldn't tell where the lasers moved or where the blobs would fall. So whether I died or not felt mostly like luck. The last unfortunate part of this was that there's no reason for this to be in first person. It doesn't do anything unique with that premise. Instead this is just like many 3rd person dodging games, but more frustrating because I didn't know the extent of my character's hitbox.

This game needs one other good idea to it even more than it needs more polish.