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Programme Virtual Meeting 2021




General Overview of the 2021 Virtual Interbull Meeting - All times Central European Time (CET).


Day   Time   Meeting
Monday 26th April   14:00-17:10   Interbull Open Meeting
Tuesday 27th April   16:00-17:00  

Joint ICAR-Interbull Session:

"Supporting Circular economy: how does it affect the Breeding Goals?"

Wednesday 28th April    14:00-15:00   ICAR General Assembly
  15:00-17:00   Plenary sessions ICAR-Interbull
Thursday 29th April   14:00-16:00   Interbull Business Meeting
Friday 30th April   14:00-17:00   Interbull Open Meetings


Scientific Program - 2021 Interbull Virtual Open Sessions

Download the scientific progarm for the Interbull Virtual Open Meeting as pdf

Full videos presentations will be available on www.icar2021.nl starting from April 19th, during the virtual meeting only the 3 minutes videos pitch for each presentation will be presented.




Scientific Report Title

MONDAY April 26 14:00 - 14:45


Meta-analytical methods in animal genetic

and genomic evaluation.



Chair: M. Goddard

S. Savoia

“SNPMace” (International SNP Evaluations) - next steps towards the first pilot run.

H. Kärkkäinen

EuroGenomics full reference SNP MACE: Projecting national full reference genotypes to common EuroGenomics. 

S. Toghiani

National Index Correlations and Actual vs. Expected Use of Foreign Sires

12 minutes  Interactions with speakers and audience
S. Savoia

Interbull genomic evaluation of small Holstein populations (InterGenomics-Holstein).

K. Mafolo

Establishing genomic predictions for dairy traits in South African Holstein and Jersey cattle small and predominantly

 8 minutes Interactions with speakers and audience

Monday, April 26  14:55 - 15:55


Implementing new traits in genetic

and genomic evaluation systems: Health & Fertility.



Chair:B. VanDoormaal

 J.-T. van Kaam

 Implementation of Ketosis breeding value in Italian Holstein

  K. Schodl

 The D4Dairy-Project – How digitalisation and data integration pave the way to dairy health improvement

  J. Jamrozik

 Genomic evaluation for resistance to fertility disorders in Canadian dairy breeds

12 minutes  Interactions with speakers and audience
 R. Reis Mota

 Use of international clinical mastitis data as independent trait in the USA evaluation system

 R. Saintilan

 Harmonization of maternal traits in Eurogenomics countries

8 minutes  Interactions with speakers and audience
  A. Kudinov

 Handling of inbreeding and semen sire breed in the Nordic Holstein fertility evaluations as part of EuroGenomics.

 S. Biffani

 Improving the model for genetic evaluation of calving traits in the US Holstein and Brown Swiss

8 minutes Interactions with speakers and audience

Monday, April 26 16:05 17:10


New developments in Single Step genomic evaluations

and validation methods. 



Chair: P. Sullivan

D. Lourenco

Single-step genomic predictions for yield traits in US Holsteins with unknown parent groups and phenotype-pedigree truncation

 J. Vandenplas

Interim genomic prediction considering newly acquired genotypes and phenotypes

 A. Kudinov

Single-step genomic predictions of a minor breed concurrently with the large national genomic evaluations of main breeds

12 minutes Interactions with speakers and audience
 L.-H. Maugan

An approach to reduce computing time in multi-trait single-step evaluations

Ø. Nordbø

Including genetic groups as fixed or random effects in large scale single-step genomic predictions

 Z. Liu

A deregression method for single-step model using all genotype data

12 minutes Interactions with speakers and audience
Y. Masuda

Are ssGBLUP de-regressed proofs unbiased? 

P. VanRaden

Improved genomic validation including extra regressions

8 minutes Interactions with speakers and audience

Friday, April 30 14:00 - 15:10


  Experiences with Single Step genomic evaluations.



Chair: Z. Liu

E. Pimentel

Effects of use of external information in Single-Step evaluations for linear type traits in Brown Swiss

 T. Andersen

Using single-step genetic evaluation for type traits in the Nordic countries

H. Alkhoder

Application of a single-step SNP BLUP model to conformation traits of German Holsteins

12 minutes Interactions with speakers and audience
 J. Himmelbauer 

Implementation of single-step evaluations for fitness traits in the German and Austrian Fleckvieh and Brown Swiss populations

 A. Cesarani

Multi-breed genomic evaluation for dairy cattle in the US using single-step GBLUP

12 minutes Interactions with speakers and audience
 M. Koivula

Meta-model for genomic relationships of metafounders applied on large scale single-step random regression test-day model

 S. Biffani

Pitfalls and opportunities of genetic and genomic evaluation in the Buffalo species: experiences from Italy

8 minutes Interactions with speakers and audience


Friday, April 30 15:20 - 15:55


Genetic and Genomic evaluations in beef

and cross bred cattle.



Chair: A. Cromie


R. Bonifazi

Re-ranking in international beef cattle evaluations due to ignoring direct-maternal genetic correlations between countries

B. Gredler-Grandl

Genomic GxE approaches modelling heterogeneous SNP variances: applied to age at slaughter in Irish crossbred beef cattle

8 minutes Interactions with speakers and audience
 T. Pitkänen

Towards genomics in Finnish beef cattle - genetic multibreed evaluations fitted

 G. Wiggans

Genomic evaluation of crossbred dairy cattle in the United States

8 minutes Interactions with speakers and audience

Friday, April 30 16:05 - 17:00


Implementing new traits in genetic and genomic evaluation systems:

Feed Efficiency & Environmental Impact.



Chair: G. Pedersen Aamand

 R. Mrode

Genomic prediction for feed intake in UK dairy cattle

 R. B. Stephansen

Genomic prediction of residual feed intake in the Nordic breeds using data from research herds and 3D cameras in commercial herds

 K. Parker Gaddis

Implementation of Feed Saved evaluations in the U.S.

 G. Kistemaker

Genomic evaluation for feed efficiency in Canadian Holsteins

15 minutes Interactions with speakers and audience

Dry matter intake, methane emissions and microbiome profiles as new traits for feed efficiency

N. Gengler

First steps to implement genomic evaluations for butter softness and spreadability in dual-purpose Belgian Blue cattle

9 minutes Interactions with speakers and audience

Interbull Centre - Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, SLU - Box 7023, S-75007 Uppsala, Sweden - interbull@slu.se

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