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Homogenization of nonlinear nonlocal diffusion equation with periodic and stationary structure

  • Received: 20 January 2023 Revised: 07 March 2023 Accepted: 12 March 2023 Published: 04 April 2023
  • This paper is devoted to the homogenization of a class of nonlinear nonlocal parabolic equations with time dependent coefficients in a periodic and stationary structure. In the first part, we consider the homogenization problem with a periodic structure. Inspired by the idea of Akagi and Oka for local nonlinear homogenization, by a change of unknown function, we transform the nonlinear nonlocal term in space into a linear nonlocal scaled diffusive term, while the corresponding linear time derivative term becomes a nonlinear one. By constructing some corrector functions, for different time scales $ r $ and the nonlinear parameter $ p $, we obtain that the limit equation is a local nonlinear diffusion equation with coefficients depending on $ r $ and $ p $. In addition, we also consider the homogenization of the nonlocal porous medium equation with non negative initial values and get similar homogenization results. In the second part, we consider the previous problem in a stationary environment and get some similar homogenization results. The novelty of this paper is two folds. First, for the determination equation with a periodic structure, our study complements the results in literature for $ r = 2 $ and $ p = 1 $. Second, we consider the corresponding equation with a stationary structure.

    Citation: Junlong Chen, Yanbin Tang. Homogenization of nonlinear nonlocal diffusion equation with periodic and stationary structure[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2023, 18(3): 1118-1177. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2023049

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  • This paper is devoted to the homogenization of a class of nonlinear nonlocal parabolic equations with time dependent coefficients in a periodic and stationary structure. In the first part, we consider the homogenization problem with a periodic structure. Inspired by the idea of Akagi and Oka for local nonlinear homogenization, by a change of unknown function, we transform the nonlinear nonlocal term in space into a linear nonlocal scaled diffusive term, while the corresponding linear time derivative term becomes a nonlinear one. By constructing some corrector functions, for different time scales $ r $ and the nonlinear parameter $ p $, we obtain that the limit equation is a local nonlinear diffusion equation with coefficients depending on $ r $ and $ p $. In addition, we also consider the homogenization of the nonlocal porous medium equation with non negative initial values and get similar homogenization results. In the second part, we consider the previous problem in a stationary environment and get some similar homogenization results. The novelty of this paper is two folds. First, for the determination equation with a periodic structure, our study complements the results in literature for $ r = 2 $ and $ p = 1 $. Second, we consider the corresponding equation with a stationary structure.


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