Competition and Plant Trait Plasticity of Invasive (Wedelia trilobata) and Native Species (Wedelia chinensis, WC) under Nitrogen Enrichment and Flooding Condition
<p>Details of experimental treatments and their combination along with planting culture. Nitrogen treatments were made with an equal proportion of KNO<sub>3</sub> and NH<sub>4</sub>Cl. Note: F = combination of water flooding along with control nitrogen, CK = normal water along with control nitrogen, F.N = flooding along with additional nitrogen, N = normal water along with additional nitrogen, F.2N = flooding along with additional double nitrogen, 2N = normal water along with additional double nitrogen.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Plant height (<b>a</b>), dry weight (<b>b</b>), and leaf nitrogen (<b>c</b>) of Wedelia trilobata and Wedelia chinensis under different treatments. Mean ± SE and different letter represented significant difference under mono- and cocultivation of Wedelia trilobata and Wedelia chinensis, according to ANOVA and Tukey Test (<span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05). Note: WT mono = Wedelia trilobata under monoculture, WC mono = Wedelia chinensis under monoculture, WT mix = Wedelia trilobata under mixed culture, WC mix = Wedelia chinensis under mixed culture.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Specific leaf area (<b>a</b>) and chlorophyll content (<b>b</b>) of Wedelia trilobata and Wedelia chinensis under different treatments; Mean ± SE and different letter represented significant difference under mono and cocultivation of Wedelia trilobata and Wedelia chinensis, according to ANOVA and Tukey Test (<span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05). Note: WT mono = Wedelia trilobata under monoculture, WC mono = Wedelia chinensis under monoculture, WT mix = Wedelia trilobata under mixed culture, WC mix = Wedelia chinensis under mixed culture.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Difference in phenotypic plasticity indices of functional traits of Wedelia trilobata and Wedelia chinensis between plant species and different treatments under cocultivation. (<b>a</b>) representing functional traits between both species and (<b>b</b>) representing functional traits under different treatments. Mean ± SE and different letters indicate a significant difference (<span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05) measured by ANOVA among groups followed by Tukey Test. Note: WT = Wedelia trilobata, WC = Wedelia chinensis. * Significant at <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Relative competition intensity of dry weight, plant height, specific leaf area, leaf nitrogen, and chlorophyll content of Wedelia trilobata and Wedelia chinensis under different nitrogen and water treatments in Cocultivation; Mean ± SE and different letters indicate a significant difference; according to ANOVA among groups followed by Tukey Test (<span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05). Note: WT = Wedelia trilobata, WC = Wedelia chinensis.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Growth and Physiological Traits Measurement
2.2. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Functional Traits
3.2. Phenotypic Plasticity Index
3.3. Relative Competition Intensity (RCI)
3.4. Correlations of Competition with the Plasticity of Plant Traits
4. Discussion
4.1. Functional Traits under Treatments
4.2. Role of Relative Competitive Intensity and Plasticity Index
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Traits (Abbreviation) | Equation | Units | Note |
Relative growth rate of total dry weight (RGRB) | g/day | BM and Sl represent total dry weight and stem length respectively. t means total time for experiment, and f and i represented final and initial values respectively. | |
Relative growth rate of stem length (RGRSl) | cm/day | ||
Stem weight ratio (SWR) | g/g | ||
Root weight ratio (RWR) | g/g | ||
Specific leaf area (SLA) | mm2/mg |
Factors | Dry Weight | SLA | Plant Height | Leaf Nitrogen | Chlorophyll Content |
W | 324.9 ** | 29.90 ** | 38.804 ** | 170.63 ** | 28.239 ** |
N | 3,486.66 ** | 44.36 * | 118.291 ** | 6.53 * | 110.400 ** |
C | 2,114.12 ** | 14.09 ** | 2.02 NS | 4.07 NS | 135.467 ** |
W ×N | 297.23 ** | 79.53 ** | 21.33 * | 2.56 NS | 2.475 NS |
W × C | 4.147NS | 3.652NS | 5.82 ** | 43.46 ** | 3.51 NS |
N × C | 665.32 ** | 8.28 ** | 7.07 ** | 45.07 * | 4.961 * |
W × N × C | 324.98 ** | 3.65 ** | 8.51 ** | 34.12 * | 11.97 ** |
Factors | SLA | Plant Height | Dry Weight | Chlorophyll Content | Leaf Nitrogen |
W | 67.19 ** | 147.58 ** | 42.49 ** | 239.56 ** | 228.25 ** |
N | 273.83 ** | 201.69 ** | 16.98 ** | 174.04 ** | 147.42 ** |
C | 95.25 ** | 53.88 ** | 44.51 ** | 1,130.26 ** | 110.61 NS |
W ×N | 43.84 ** | 192.82 ** | 64.32 ** | 322.92 ** | 100.19 ** |
W × C | 2.47 NS | 16.76 * | 5.43 * | 29.16 ** | 244.38 * |
N× C | 36.784 ** | 33.71 ** | 16.42 ** | 73.07 ** | 3.02 NS |
W× N × C | 118.712 ** | 21.94 * | 10.43 ** | 69.04 ** | 123.18 ** |
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Azeem, A.; Wenxuan, M.; Changyan, T.; Javed, Q.; Abbas, A. Competition and Plant Trait Plasticity of Invasive (Wedelia trilobata) and Native Species (Wedelia chinensis, WC) under Nitrogen Enrichment and Flooding Condition. Water 2021, 13, 3472.
Azeem A, Wenxuan M, Changyan T, Javed Q, Abbas A. Competition and Plant Trait Plasticity of Invasive (Wedelia trilobata) and Native Species (Wedelia chinensis, WC) under Nitrogen Enrichment and Flooding Condition. Water. 2021; 13(23):3472.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAzeem, Ahmad, Mai Wenxuan, Tian Changyan, Qaiser Javed, and Adeel Abbas. 2021. "Competition and Plant Trait Plasticity of Invasive (Wedelia trilobata) and Native Species (Wedelia chinensis, WC) under Nitrogen Enrichment and Flooding Condition" Water 13, no. 23: 3472.
APA StyleAzeem, A., Wenxuan, M., Changyan, T., Javed, Q., & Abbas, A. (2021). Competition and Plant Trait Plasticity of Invasive (Wedelia trilobata) and Native Species (Wedelia chinensis, WC) under Nitrogen Enrichment and Flooding Condition. Water, 13(23), 3472.