Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of a fjord catchment NW Scotland, UK since the Last Glacial Maximum: A multi-geochemical approach
Journal Article
Taylor, J., Selby, D., Lloyd, J. M., Smeaton, C., Bendle, J., Allison, M., Ling, Y., Podrecca, L., Sageman, B. B., & Szidat, S. (in press). Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of a fjord catchment NW Scotland, UK since the Last Glacial Maximum: A multi-geochemical approach. Quaternary Science Reviews,
In this study, using a multi-geochemical approach not reliant on microfossil preservation, the deglacial history of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) is reconstructed using a sediment core recovered from a fjord on the NW Scottish coast (UK). Specif...
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