Synergetic Aerosol Layer Observation After the 2015 Calbuco Volcanic Eruption Event
"> Figure 1
<p>Calbuco eruption detected by TERRA/MODIS and CALIPSO satellite on 23 April 2015 and the air masses trajectories from HYSPLIT model pointing to the aerosol plumes travel forward to São Paulo region.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>CALIPSO overpasses and the Total attenuated backscatter profile at 532 nm retrieved using Level 1B V3 data for consecutive days of Calbuco eruption: (right) the attenuated backscatter profiles at 532 nm retrieved by CALIPSO and SPU station, respectively. They are in total agreement in intensity and physical properties such as top and bottom volcanic layer altitude.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Aerosol plume from Calbuco Volcano retrieved by CALIPSO’s total attenuated backscatter profile at 532 nm and the SPU Lidar station range corrected signal at 532 nm.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>AOD evolution at 532 nm from AERONET and CALIPSO and 530 nm from AQUA/MODIS. On 27 April, there was a significant change in AOD values according to the volcanic plume presence, highlighted by the red circle.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>AERONET size distribution on 26–28 April 2015.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Aerosol extinction profiles of the five OMPS LP measurements coincident in time and space (500 km radius around the SPU lidar station) are shown in red. The extinction coefficient profile retrieved from measurements of 27 April 2015 using the Klett–Fernald–Sasano inversion formalism, in black, is also shown.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Cross sections of the OMPS LP aerosol extinction along the satellite trajectories. Profiles from the three slits were used individually, belonging to 26–28 April 2015. The tropopause altitude at 12 Z is denoted by a dashed red line. Tropopause altitude is also reported in the left corner of the slit L image each day.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The 532 nm backscattering ratio showing the bottom and top altitude of the aerosol plume (<b>left</b>); and SPU Lidar Range Corrected Signal at 532 nm together with the molecular Rayleigh adjustment retrieved on 27 April 2015 (<b>right</b>). The transmission method was applied to calculate optical transmission of the volcanic plume, and therefore, estimate AOD and Lidar Ratio value.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Atmospheric temperature profile retrieved by Radiosounding from SBMT Marte Civ Observations on 27 of April 2015 at 12:00 UTC shows the beginning of the lower stratosphere (<b>A</b>); and the backscatter coefficient profile at 532 nm retrieved on 27 April 2015 using the Klett–Fernald–Sasano inversion formalism (<b>B</b>).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Methods and Instruments
2.1. LALINET SPU-Station
2.2. AERONET Sunphotometer
2.3. MODIS
2.5. The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Limb Profiler (LP)
3. Results
4. The OMPS Limb Profiler Analysis
5. SPU Lidar Analysis and Transmission Method
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Date Period | AOD at 355 nm | AOD at 532 nm | AOD at 530 nm (MODIS) |
25 April | |||
26 April | - | ||
27 April | |||
28 April | |||
29 April |
Time (UTC) | Latitude | Longitude | Distance | SAOD |
16:26:40 | 24.9S | 42.5W | 458 km | 0.031 |
16:26:59 | 23.8S | 42.7W | 408 km | 0.041 |
16:27:27 | 22.7S | 43.0W | 393 km | 0.066 |
16:27:36 | 21.6S | 43.3W | 417 km | 0.053 |
16:27:55 | 20.5S | 43.5W | 473 km | 0.040 |
Location | Layer Height (km) | AOD at 532 nm | LR (532nm) | LR (355nm) | Ångström 355/532 | Type | Reference |
Leipzig | 2.6–4.3 | Ash | [63] | ||||
Munich | 2.6–3.5 | - | 50–60 | Pure dry ash | [63,64,65] | ||
Potenza | 2.0–3.0 | - | Sulfates with some ash | [66] | |||
Evora | 2.7–3.7 | 0.07 | Fresh volcanic particles | [67] | |||
Granada | 2.6–2.9 | - | [67,68] | ||||
Cabauw | 2.7–6.0 | 0.53 | Sulfate-ash mixture | [64] | |||
Athens | 3.0–4.8 | 0.05 | Aged ash/sulfates | [69] | |||
Athens | 2.5–3.0 | 0.04 | Sulfates | [53] | |||
Brazil | 18–19.3 | 0.16 | Sulfates with some ash | this study |
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J. S. Lopes, F.; Silva, J.J.; Antuña Marrero, J.C.; Taha, G.; Landulfo, E. Synergetic Aerosol Layer Observation After the 2015 Calbuco Volcanic Eruption Event. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 195.
J. S. Lopes F, Silva JJ, Antuña Marrero JC, Taha G, Landulfo E. Synergetic Aerosol Layer Observation After the 2015 Calbuco Volcanic Eruption Event. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(2):195.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJ. S. Lopes, Fábio, Jonatan João Silva, Juan Carlos Antuña Marrero, Ghassan Taha, and Eduardo Landulfo. 2019. "Synergetic Aerosol Layer Observation After the 2015 Calbuco Volcanic Eruption Event" Remote Sensing 11, no. 2: 195.
APA StyleJ. S. Lopes, F., Silva, J. J., Antuña Marrero, J. C., Taha, G., & Landulfo, E. (2019). Synergetic Aerosol Layer Observation After the 2015 Calbuco Volcanic Eruption Event. Remote Sensing, 11(2), 195.