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The Latin America Lidar Network (LALINET a.k.a ALINE) is a Latin American coordinated lidar network measuring aerosol backscatter coefficient and aerosol extinction profiles for climatological studies of the aerosol distribution over Latin America, as well as other atmospheric species such as ozone and water vapor. This federative lidar network aims to establish a consistent and statistically sound database for enhancement of the understanding of the aerosol distribution over the continent and its direct and indirect influence on climate.

Read more about our history

LALINET is a contributing network to the GAW Programme.


The XII WLMLA will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 7th to 12th of April 2024. This time we will have:

  • Lidar School,
  • Scientific Workshop, and
  • Bridge Meeting with ACTRIS and LifeWatch.

More details on the event webpage:


Lalinet Stations

Download Google Earth KML. Station map updated on 4/Apr/2019.