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RBG 08

Installation Instructions

BHS-Sonthofen GmbH
An der Eisenschmelze 47
D-87527 Sonthofen

www.bhs-sonthofen.de Picture similar
Kopfmaterial 902035096
Beschreibung COVER SHEET IH

Mark Item Code Classification Description Quantity QU

Pos. Artikelnummer Klassifikation Beschreibung Menge ME
0001 902034195 INSTALLATION DRAWING 1.000 ST
0003 902028739 FLOW SHEET DETAILED 1.000 ST
0004 902024620 TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS 1.000 ST
0005 900359300 USER INFORMATION 1.000 ST
0008 210008283 MATERIAL INPUT 1.000 ST
0009 902024567 MATERIAL OUTLET 1.000 ST

@CIDEON BOM Publishing Control Center 1/1

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

D-D ( 1 : 15 ) Technical data

2 Technische Daten
1 Wichtiger Hinweis! Important Notice! 9 Auslaufflansch
B ( 1 : 10 ) G-G ( 1 : 5 ) bei Stromnetz mit 50 und 60 Hz with Power Supply of 50 and 60 Hz
15 30 300 30 40 Motordrehzahl
H-H ( 1 : 10 )
595 525 710 motor speed
1/min 1029 - 1770


M10 100 1/min 817 - 1475

125 15
390 55 70 rotor speed


K 5 K

Rotormitte Hinweis:

3 F r eine schwingungstechnisch sichere Auslegung ist es unerl lich, die

middle of the rotor


Eigenfrequenzen des Stahlbaus so auszulegen, da sie ausreichend au erhalb der

Erregerfrequenzen der Maschine liegen!
E-E ( 1 : 5 )

50 50

For vibration technical secure it is imperative to design the natural frequency of

Gummipuffer 19

25 55 40
G G steel construction so that it will be sufficiently outside the natural frequency of the

15 125
14 M16 rubber buffers




125 125 330 125 330 380 80 18

15 15
Maschinenanschlussma e 13

machines connecting dimensions

Einlaufrohr = 516x8

6 inlet tube = 516x8
45 300 45
Platz f r Wartung y=150mm vorsehen
I provide space for servicing y=150mm 24 I

Flansch des Auslaufschats

flange of the outlet 29 25 Einlaufkasten optional
inlet box optional 26 Wartungst r
510 service opening


Ersch tterungsschalter
Lieferumfang Biogrinder H he des BHS-Einlaufkastens vibration switch
21 delivery Biogrinder heigt of BHS-inlet box


H y H
240 Fettschmierpumpe
grease lubrication pump


Schlagbahnebene (Angaben ber Unwuchten, siehe Belastungsangaben)

crushing track level (details on unbalance, see load data)


Platz f r Keilriemenspannweg
x=200mm vorsehen

provide space for belt
tension x=200mm

10 H H

225 1060 225
Stahlbau optional
F-F ( 1 : 15 ) 9
Auslaufflansch (siehe B)
outletflange (details B)
Dw=315 dw=250
steel construction optional 20 1510
1150 200 1460 200
Wartungsb hne optional (auf beiden Seiten montierbar)
1010 Einlaufflansch
inletflange 28
Auslaufschacht optional
outlet optional Maintenance platform optional (can be mounted on both sides) 27
Platz f r Wartung Keilriemen Z > 300mm vorsehen

provide space for servicing v-belt Z > 300mm



15 Belastungsangaben / load data:
18x20 =
360 4
Eigengewicht des Biogrinders komplett mit Geh use, Verschleissteilen, Motor,
Keilriementrieb und Schutzverdecken: G1 = 30 000 N

D Deadweight of Biogrinder compl. with housing, wear parts, motor, V-belt drive D
and protective hoods:

Eigengewicht des Stahlbaurahmens mit Bedienungsstand

(wirkend in Symmetriemitte): G3 = 2 500 N
Sicherheitseinrichtung / Schl ssel-Transfersystem Deadweight of structural steel frame with control position
safety device / key-transfersystem 11 (acting in the center of symmetrie):

Zentrifugalkraft im Schlagbereich, bei normalem Betrieb: Fu dyn. = 3 200 N

Centrifugal force in area of crushing at normal service:

C Zentrifugalkraft im Schlagbereich, im Kathastrophenfall: Fu dyn.max. = 58 000 N C

240 Centrifugal force in area of crushing in case of a cathastrophe:

Diese Zentrifugalkr fte wirken in der bema ten H he, von der rotierenden Welle
ausgehend, nach allen Richtungen und sind vom Fundament, Rahmen, und Schrauben aufzunehmen!
These centrifugal forces act in the quoted height, starting from the rotating
18 shaft in all directions and must be absorbed by the foundation, frame and screws!
415 180 1315

120 1540 120

B ca. 2403 B
Erregerfrequenzen / Exciter frequencies: 22 A
15.04.2019 Herbie Test
gezeichnet/drawn Bemerkung/notice
F r diese Zeichnung behalten wir uns alle Rechte vor.
Schutzvermerk nach ISO 16016 beachten.
Oberfl chen/surface F r Ma e ohne Toleranzangabe we keep all rights for this drawing

Erreger/exciter Frequenz 50 Hz DIN-ISO 1302

Kanten/edge ISO 13715
for dimensions without a tolerance
DIN ISO 2768
consider protective note ISO 16016 .
frequency 50 Hz Innenkanten/inside edge +0,8 Au enkanten/outside edge -0.5
Ma stab/scale Werkstoff/material Gewicht/weight
Erstauftrag Nr.:

1/min 1:15 0.00 kg hnlich Zeichg. Nr.:


Elektromotor/electric motor 1475 Mat.-Text 2 BIOGRINDER

A Rotor/rotor 817 - 1475 mat.-desc 2
RBG 08 Material-Nr.:
902034195 AA0
Stand Format

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
600556115-001 - A


Ausgabe 03/19
Seite 1-2

Pos. Text

1 Wichtiger Hinweis!

1. Die Darstellung der Fundamente sind in 6. Werden Maschinen (z.B. Filter, Brecher,
baulicher und behördlicher Hinsicht nur Siebe usw.) in oberen Etagen auf
Vorschläge. Die betreffenden Stahlbühnen aufgestellt, so ist vom
bestehenden Bestimmungen sind jeweils Betreiber bzw. der ausführenden
anzuwenden. Stahlbaufirma dafür zu sorgen, dass
diese Maschinen erschütterungsfrei
2. Die Stärkenabmessungen, die arbeiten können! Dazu ist im Normalfall
Betonqualität der Fundamente und des notwendig, dass Stahlbühnen nicht nur
Mörtels zum Vergießen der verschraubt, sondern zusätzlich
Fundamentschraubendurchbrüche und verschweißt oder evtl. mit Betondecken
ähnl. sowie die erforderlichen versehen werden.
Bewehrungen sind von der
ausführenden Baufirma entsprechend 7. Podeste, Treppen und Steigeisen sowie
den angegebenen Belastungen und Schutzgeländer für Maschinen, Gruben
behördlichen Bestimmungen und Durchbrüche gehören im Bereich
fachgerecht und unter völliger der Betonbauteile nicht zu unserem
Eigenverantwortung zu erstellen. Lieferumfang und sind von der
bauausführenden Firma entsprechend
3. Die Fundamente sind immer in frostfreier den bestehneden
Tiefe bis auf gewachsenen Grund, Unfallverhütungsvorschrifen zu erstellen.
mindestens jedoch 1 m unter der
Erdboden zu führen. Die Grundfläche 8. Schutzvorrichtungen zu den
des Fundamentes ist den zulässigen Maschinenantrieben gehören im
Belastungen des Baugrundes Normalfall, d.h. bei Komplettlieferung, zu
anzupassen. Grundplatten und unserem Lieferumfang und werden
Fundamentsockel sind in einem Stück entsprechend den gültigen
zu gießen. Unfallverhütungsvorschriften ausgeführt.
Werden jedoch Schutzvorrichtungen
4. Maschinenfundamente, die starke vom Betreiber selbst beigestellt, dann
Erschütterungen aufzunehmen haben, übernimmt er die Verantwortung für
müssen von angrenzenden anderen sach- und unfallverhütungsgerechte
Fundamenten, Gebäuden und Bauteilen Ausführung.
getrennt und/oder isoliert sein, so dass
sie Erschütterungen und Schwingungen 9. Vom Betreiber ist sicherzustellen, dass
nicht übertragen können. Schutzvorrichtungen montiert bleiben
bzw. nach notwendigen Demontagen
5. Die eingetragenen Konstruktionsmaße immer wieder angebaut werden. Das
sind einzuhalten. Für die durch Betreiben von Maschinen ohne
Abweichungen entstandenen Kosten Schutzvorrichtungen an den Antrieben
können wir nicht haftbar gemacht ist verboten.

Technische Daten Motordrehzahl 1/min Rotordrehzahl 1/min
Bei Stromnetz mit 50 und 60 Hz
RBG 08 1029 - 1770 817 - 1475

600556115-001 - A


Ausgabe 03/19
Seite 2-2

3 Hinweis:
Für eine schwingungstechnisch sichere Auslegung ist es unerläßlich, die Eigenfrequenzen
des Stahlbaus so auszulegen, dass sie ausreichend außerhalb der Erregerfequenzen der
Maschine liegen!

4 Belastungsangaben:

Eigengewicht des Biogrinders komplett mit

Gehäuse, Verschleissteilen, Motor, G1 = siehe Zeichnung
Keilriementrieb und Schutzverdecken
Eigengewicht des Stahlbaurahmens mit
Bedienungsstand G3 = siehe Zeichnung
(wirkend in Symmetriemitte):
Zentrifugalkraft im Schlagbereich, Fu dyn. = siehe Zeichnung
bei normalem Brechbetrieb
Zentrifugalkraft im Schlagbereich, Fu dyn.max = siehe Zeichnung
im Katastrophenfall

Diese Zentrifugalkräfte wirken in der bemaßten Höhe, von der rotierenden Welle
ausgehend, nach allen Richtungen und sind vom Fundament, Rahmen und Schrauben

5 Schlagbahnebene (Angaben über Unwuchten, siehe Belastungsangaben)

6 Einlaufrohr Ø = 516x8
7 Einlaufflansch
8 Höhe des BHS-Einlaufkastens
9 Auslaufflansch (siehe B)
10 Keilriemenschutzverdeck
11 Sicherheitseinrichtung / Schlüssel-Transfersystem
12 Erschütterungsschalter
13 Maschinenanschlussmaße
14 Rotormitte
15 Fettschmierpumpe
18 Platz für Wartung Keilriemen Z > 300mm vorsehen
19 Gummipuffer
20 Stahlbau optional
21 Lieferumfang Biogrinder
22 Erregerfrequenzen
23 Platz für Keilriemenspannweg x=200mm vorsehen
24 Platz für Wartung y=150mm vorsehen
25 Einlaufkasten optional
26 Wartungstür
27 Wartungsbühne optional (auf beiden Seiten montierbar)
28 Auslaufschacht optional
29 Flansch des Auslaufschachts

Kopfmaterial 902029594

Mark Item Code Classification Description Quantity QU

Pos. Artikelnummer Klassifikation Beschreibung Menge ME
0001 902003511 VIBRATION SWITCH CVS 100 1.000 ST
0002 902003549 GREASE PUMP 203, 24 V DC 1.000 ST
0003 902026880 LUBRICANT 1.000 ST
0004 902016177 STANDSTILL MONITOR 1.000 ST
0005 902009066 SOLENOID RELEASE UNIT 1.000 ST
0006 902009069 LOCKING UNIT 1.000 ST

@CIDEON BOM Publishing Control Center 1/1

600498779-001 - A

Technical documentation 902029594

Installation instructions Version 05/17

Biogrinder RBG 08
Page 1-8

1. General electrical data ..................................................................................... 2

2. Electrical installation of the Biogrinder .......................................................... 2
2.1 Machine drive motor ................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Trembler switch .......................................................................................................... 3
3. Central grease lubrication ............................................................................... 3
3.1 General information .................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Lubrication system unit .............................................................................................. 3
3.3 Lubricant ..................................................................................................................... 3
4. Safety key transfer system based on a ‘trapped key’ locking mechanism . 4
4.1 General information .................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Standstill detection component ................................................................................. 4
4.3 Electromagnetic unlocking unit ................................................................................. 4
4.4 Key distribution centre ............................................................................................... 5
4.5 Mechanical forced locking of the safety system at the machine’s cover ............... 5
5. Safety and additional equipment .................................................................... 6
5.1 General information .................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Emergency stop switch .............................................................................................. 6
5.3 Main switch on the machine’s control cabinet ......................................................... 6
5.4 V-belt breakage monitoring ........................................................................................ 6
5.5 Fault messages at the control cabinet ...................................................................... 6
5.6 Operating hours meter ............................................................................................... 6
5.7 Locking unit (automatic mode) .................................................................................. 6
5.8 Selection switch: manual–automatic ......................................................................... 6
6. Functional description ..................................................................................... 7
6.1 Operating sequence when switching the unit on ..................................................... 7
6.2 During operation ......................................................................................................... 7
6.3 Operating sequence when switching the unit off ..................................................... 7
7. Operator information and general safety instructions .................................. 8
8. Appendices ....................................................................................................... 8

600498779-001 - A

Technical documentation 902029594

Installation instructions Version 05/17

Biogrinder RBG 08
Page 2-8

1. General electrical data

Motor voltage 400 V

Motor frequency (inverter operation) 50 Hz
Control voltage -

The machine drive motor is operated by a frequency inverter integrated into the electric controller.

2. Electrical installation of the Biogrinder

2.1 Machine drive motor
It must be noted that this involves heavy starting duty and that the machine operates in reversing mode.
The start-up time is at least 45 s. The motors are operated in the nominal output range. They may be
temporarily subjected to overloads due to operational processes.

The terminal box, when looking in the direction of the shaft end, must be set up at the top
(not on the right, and not on the left).

The design of the electrical installation for the drive motors must be adjusted to the specified loads.
Contactors, fuses and cable cross-sections must be designed according to VDE 0100, Part 430 or the
regulations applicable at the operation site.

The motor is fully protected using PTC thermistors. The three PTC thermistors are connected in series. They
must be integrated in the controller to monitor the motor.

Quantity 1
Designation Three-phase squirrel-cage motor
Manufacturer ABB
Type M3BP 280 SMC 4
Rated power P = 90 kW
Frequency 50 Hz
Rated speed n = 1487 rpm
Operating voltage 400 V delta
Rated current 159 A
Protection rating IP 55
Insulation class F
Design V5
Motor protection 3 x PTC 155°C

600498779-001 - A

Technical documentation 902029594

Installation instructions Version 05/17

Biogrinder RBG 08
Page 3-8

See operating instructions for information on the circuit technology for locking the machine
Section: Installation/Electrical Connection

2.2 Trembler switch

Monitoring of the machine housing for imbalances

Quantity 1
Manufacturer Vibro-Meter GmbH
CVS 100 LC (H) S007 + power
supply unit
Power supply
Operating voltage
230 V AC or 24 V DC
Frequency 50…60 Hz
BHS doc. no.: 902003511

3. Central grease lubrication

3.1 General information

Central lubrication supplies grease to the two rotor shaft bearings. The central lubrication system must
be started up together with the Biogrinder.
3.2 Lubrication system unit

Quantity 1
Manufacturer Lincoln
Type P203-4XLBO-2K6-24-2A1.01-V13
Operating voltage 24 V DC
Rated current max. 3 A
Pause time: 60 min
Switch position on control board (switch position F - LEFT)
(pump setting): Working time: 16 s
(switch position 2 - RIGHT)
BHS doc. no.: 902003549 and 902002898

3.3 Lubricant

BHS doc. no.: 902026880

600498779-001 - A

Technical documentation 902029594

Installation instructions Version 05/17

Biogrinder RBG 08
Page 4-8

4. Safety key transfer system

based on a ‘trapped key’ locking mechanism
4.1 General information
Provided that a key cannot be in two different locations at the same time, the key locking system can be
configured such that it

- is used to either unlock the electrical drive of the machine; relevant

safety installations at the cover and/or doors are closed and locked

- or the machine’s safety installations have been unlocked and released for maintenance work;
at the same time the electrical drive of the machine is locked.

This is realised in this case by way of four main components:

 Standstill detection component (standstill monitor)

 Electromagnetic unlocking device (for the main key)

 Key holder board for several secondary keys

 Mechanical access lockout at the cover and at the maintenance hatches

4.2 Standstill detection component

A standstill detection component must be integrated into the control unit!

When the motor is shut down, it generates a residual voltage that declines as the motor speed slows down;
this voltage is monitored and evaluated. The standstill monitor provides the ‘motor at standstill’ signal.

This signal triggers the release of the electromagnetic unlocking device for the main key of the safety key
transfer system.

Various companies offer this standstill detection component. For the purpose of providing exemplary details
on this component, the appendix includes the Siemens manufacturer’s documentation. This device forms
part of the delivery scope of the control unit manufacturer or can be ordered from BHS as an option.

4.3 Electromagnetic unlocking unit

Quantity 1
Manufacturer Rockwell – Automation; Allen - Bradley
Type 440T – MSRUE 33..
Voltage of the electromagnet 24 V DC
Current 20 A
2 make contact elements and 2 break
contact elements
BHS doc. no. 902009066

600498779-001 - A

Technical documentation 902029594

Installation instructions Version 05/17

Biogrinder RBG 08
Page 5-8

The electromagnetic unlocking device is used to render the machine potential free during maintenance work.
The oil-filled assembly must remain energised, so that the cover (if hydraulic covering opening is included)
can be opened.

The ‘trapped key’ can only be removed if the internal electromagnetic locking magnet is supplied with voltage
via the standstill monitor.
Once released, the key provides access to a key distribution centre holding the secondary keys required to
release the machine doors.
The machine can only be started up again after all keys have been returned to and ‘trapped’ in the key
distribution centre and the electromagnetic locking device.

4.4 Key distribution centre

Has a receptacle for the main key.

After inserting and turning the key, it is ‘trapped’ in the key distribution centre.
This process releases multiple secondary keys. There is no key distribution centre if the machine has only
one closed hatch. The hatch is opened directly using the main key.

The main key remains trapped until all secondary keys have been returned to and ‘trapped’ in the key
distribution centre.

4.5 Mechanical forced locking of the safety system at the machine’s cover

These locking devices can only be unlocked with the released keys. During maintenance, the keys are
‘trapped’ in the access locking system.

600498779-001 - A

Technical documentation 902029594

Installation instructions Version 05/17

Biogrinder RBG 08
Page 6-8

5. Safety and additional equipment

5.1 General information
We recommend the following items. They are not, however, a substitute for
thoroughly reading and understanding the operating manual or ensuring compliance
with accident prevention regulations and the EU regulations for machine and plant
bd00023 safety.

5.2 Emergency stop switch

On the control cabinet
On the machine
Lockable emergency stop switches near the machine

5.3 Main switch on the machine’s control cabinet

Disconnect all poles

5.4 V-belt breakage monitoring

Performed by the frequency inverter:
If the power consumption suddenly drops to the no-load current consumption of the motor,
the underlying cause is very likely a broken V-belt.
5.5 Fault messages at the control cabinet
Visualisation of fault messages via the PLC operator panel. Following error remediation, the fault messages
must be reset using the reset button.

- Fault: Empty signal of grease pump

- Fault: Imbalance
- Fault: Inverter
- Fault: Main motor
5.6 Operating hours meter
2 operating hours meters for clockwise and counterclockwise operation of the Rotor Impact Mills
coupled with the material feeding device for monitoring the service life of wear parts

5.7 Locking unit (automatic mode)

If one drive fails, all the drives upstream of the machine are switched off according to the procedure.
All drives downstream of the machine continue operating.

5.8 Selection switch: manual–automatic

to allow for the separate activation of individual drives.

600498779-001 - A

Technical documentation 902029594

Installation instructions Version 05/17

Biogrinder RBG 08
Page 7-8

6. Functional description

The machine functions and their monitoring must be implemented and monitored in a controller,
ideally a PLC controller.

The machine can be started up only if the central grease lubrication is energised.

6.1 Operating sequence when switching the unit on

 Switch on the device discharging the material

 Press the ‘Machine on’ button to start the machine.

 During machine operation, the central grease lubrication unit is live.

 The machine is operational.

 Switch on the device guiding the material.

 Adjust input quantity to around 90% of motor load (indicated on the ammeter).

6.2 During operation

 When actuating an emergency stop switch, the entire system is immediately stopped.

 If the trembler switch responds in the case of an imbalance, the V-belt breakage monitoring
and/or another fault of the frequency converter responds, or if the trigger unit of the thermistors
and/or the motor protection switches are triggered, the machine is stopped immediately.

 When the machine is in operation, the central lubrication unit supplies the rotor shaft bearings
and their seals with grease.

 Like in the case of ‘switching off’, the system shuts down with an appropriate fault message
upon receiving an empty signal from the grease lubrication pump.

6.3 Operating sequence when switching the unit off

 Switch off the device guiding the material.

 After the machine has processed all the material and is empty, press ‘Machine off’ button.

 The machine runs to a standstill.

600498779-001 - A

Technical documentation 902029594

Installation instructions Version 05/17

Biogrinder RBG 08
Page 8-8

7. Operator information and general safety instructions

Operation of a machine/plant requires observation of and adherence to important instructions
and rules with regard to safety requirements, safety precautions and safety devices. See the
operator information and general safety instructions in our operating manual.

8. Appendices

BHS Doc. No. Name

902003511 Trembler switch
902003549 Grease lubrication pump with control board 902002898
902026880 Lubricant grease
902016177 Standstill monitor
902009066 Electromagnetic unlocking unit
902009069 Access locking system

Kopfmaterial 902003511

Mark Item Code Classification Description Quantity QU

Pos. Artikelnummer Klassifikation Beschreibung Menge ME
0001 902003129 VIBRATION SWITCH 1.000 ST
0002 902003512 VIBRATION SWITCH 1.000 ST

@CIDEON BOM Publishing Control Center 1/1

Technical documents 902003511-001 I
Version 07/17
Vibration switch
(agitation switch) Page 1-4

1. General
Vibration switch Power pack with reset button
Machine casing

Reset button

The cables (pos. 1,2, and 3) have to be available on site.

Pos. Item Voltage Cable cross aection

1 power line 230 V AC 3 x 1.50 mm²
24 V DC
2 connecting line 24 V DC 7 x 0.75 mm²
3 control line - 4 x 1.00 mm²

The vibration switch (agitation switch) is an electro-mechanical protection switch which switches the
machine off in case of strong vibrations depending on the set sensitivity.

The complete unit consists of two parts:

- Vibration switch – consisting of

vibration speed sensor and
signal and adjustment electronics
installed on the vibrating machine casing of the processing machine.

- Power pack with reset button, installed in the vicinity of the machine

Technical documents 902003511-001 I
Version 07/17
Vibration switch
(agitation switch) Page 2-4

After a vibration test has been carried out and the cause of the malfunction
has been removed, pushing the reset button restores the
operational readiness of the machine.

2. Electrical connection

Power pack – power supply: 230 V AC

Connection and cabling diagram

Power pack and vibration switch see attachment BHS Doc. No. 902003512

3. Function of the vibration switch unit

The vibration switch is activated at a certain vibration frequency, which can be set by a rotary level
selector switch.

Brief needle-shaped vibration peaks occur repeatedly during the comminution process. They are filtered
out – an error message is not signaled until the maximum permissible vibration frequency takes place for
more than 1 second.

The monitoring unit does not react unless the dynamically rotating machine elements become
unbalanced for a longer time due to certain events such as wear parts breaking or the machine being
damaged or malfunctioning.

The vibration switch message is evaluated in the power pack and held as an error message until the reset
button has been pressed. The error message is indicated by illumination of the reset button on the power
pack and made available as floating output for evaluation in the machine/system control.

Technical documents 902003511-001 I
Version 07/17
Vibration switch
(agitation switch) Page 3-4

4. Sensitivity adjustment

The sensitivity setting mechanism of the vibration switch can be accessed once the cover is removed.
Under the cover only the terminals for the cable connection of the selector switch and the level setting
turn switch are visible. All other electronic components are cast in silicone. – The level setting turn switch
can be configured within the range of 5…100% of the specified vibration range.

P1 level detector P2 response delay


Removing the cover

1. The visible level setting turn switch (P1) has graduations ranging from 0 – 100 that correspond
to 0 – 100 % of the measurable vibration speed range.
This should be set to 100.

2. Set the level setting turn switch (A) to the machine type being used.
Position RS  Rotorshredder
Position RPM/RSM/RBG  Rotor impact mill or VSI rotor centrifugal crusher

3. Put the machine into operation in idle mode.

After completing the idle phase, after loading feed stock into the mill, solidly incorporating the
material beds in the rotor during rated service operation, the sensitivity of the vibration switch
must be configured as follows:

4. Turn back the level setting turn switch (P1) very slowly counterclockwise until the response
threshold is reached and the machine shuts down. The malfunction alert has lit up the button on
the power supply - this can be reset by pressing the lit reset button. If the malfunction alert is
outputted to a superordinate machine/system control as well the alert must also be reset there.

5. The response threshold can be increased slightly (approx. 3-5%) by turning the level setting turn
switch to the right in the clockwise direction.

Technical documents 902003511-001 I
Version 07/17
Vibration switch
(agitation switch) Page 4-4

6. The response threshold and signal delay can be set with the potentiometer (P2). This can also
be used to adjust the sensitivity. That is to say, larger objects that may cause brief periods of
vibration will not immediately cause the machine to shut down

7. Screwing the cover in place

8. Continue to monitor the machine during its operation sequence:

if the machine shuts down without any malfunction having occurred - according to the monitoring
machine - then the response threshold should be increased slightly by turning the level setting
turn switch to the right.

Sufficient time must be allowed to set the vibration switch.
Changes to the parameters should be made in small steps in order to ensure the
level of monitoring precision.

5. Attachments

BHS Doc. No. Description

902003129 Vibration switch manufacturer documentation
902003512 Vibration switch connection and cabling plan

CVS 100 LC S007 M3 & VM 12.1

Vibration switch & power supply unit with reset button

CVS 100 LC S007 M3
 Vibration velocity measurement

 Compact and robust cast design

 Simple horizontal installation

 1 adjustable limit switch with LED

 Current output 4 - 20 mA

Adjustable limit switch response delay

VM 12.1


The vibration switch CVS 100 LC (H) S007 M3 has been specially designed to monitor BHS
stone crushers.
The 24 VDC power supply for the vibration switch CVS 100 LC (H) S007 M3 comes
from the power supply unit VM 12.1 in the metal protector housing
and threshold monitoring is carried out by the limit value relay, both of which are connected
Once the specified threshold is reached, which is set on the CVS 100 LC (H) S007 M3, the limit
value relay is triggered.
The limit value relay is reset by pressing the button on the housing of the power supply unit VM 12.1.

To provide additional protection against moisture and vibrations, all of the electronics are potted
in the sensor head and the clamping bar is fixed in place.

The signalling and adjustment electronics are situated in the aluminium housing of vibration
switch CVS100LC (H) S007 M3 together with the measuring element. The housing is mounted
on the machine directly in the horizontal measurement direction.

A level detector that can be adjusted from 5 - 100% by means of P1 allows for potential-free
signalling using a relay. The response delay can be set to between 1 and 10 seconds by means
of P2.

© MEGGITT GmbH / Version 3 / 10.16 / E 1/4

Vibration switch & power supply unit with reset button
CVS 100 LC S007 M3 & VM 12.1


The signal of the vibration velocity sensor is fed through a bandpass filter (10-1000 Hz) and
amplified in an amplifier to the level required for the analysis.
A slide switch in the vibration switch is used to select the measurement range 0 - 50 mm/s or 0 -
100 mm/s in real terms. The DC output signal available after rectification is calibrated as the
effective value. This has an impact on the adjustable level detector whose response time can be
adjusted from 1 to 10 seconds. The changeover contact of the relay makes it possible to set up
signal circuits.


Measurement direction Horizontal

Amplifier circuit: AC voltage amplifier with filter and rectifier
Measurement ranges:
Vibration velocity: 50 or 100 [mm/s] (effective)
Frequency range: 10 Hz -1000 Hz
Output signal: 4 - +20 mA R Load  500 
proportional velocity, calibrated as effective value [mm/s]
Level switch: 1 piece, threshold adjustable from 5 - 100% of upper range
value (fail-safe function, relay energised in normal conditions)

Time delay: 1 to 10 seconds, adjustable

Relay contact load (changeover contact):
Max. switching voltage: 150 VDC / 125 VAC
Max. switching current: 1A
Max. continuous current limit: 1A

Max. switching power: 30 W / 60 VA

Unit data:
Voltage supply: 24 VDC +/-20 % approx. 30 mA
no galvanic isolation
Temperature range: -20 - +70 °C Operation
-30 - +70 °C Storage
Casing dimensions: 135x90mm (height x diameter)
Material: Aluminium Al Si 12/Cu
Mounting: M12, 15 mm deep, WS 27, tightening torque 10 Nm
Cable glands: 1 piece M20x1.5
Protection class: IP 55
Weight: Approx. 0.7 kg


VMD - CVS100 - LC - S007- M3 – X1 VMD – VM12.1

direction (X1)
Horizontal H

© MEGGITT GmbH / Version 3 / 10.16 / E 2/4

Vibration switch & power supply unit with reset button
CVS 100 LC S007 M3 & VM 12.1


1 +24 VDC
2 0 VDC
3 Relay K1 normally closed contact
4 Relay K1 common pin
5 Relay K1 normally open contact
6 Analogue output 4 - 20 mA

Vibration switch Power supply unit with reset button

Reset button

Cable materials items 1, 2 and 3 must be provided by the customer.

© MEGGITT GmbH / Version 3 / 10.16 / E 3/4

Vibration switch & power supply unit with reset button
CVS 100 LC S007 M3 & VM 12.1

Connection and cabling diagram

Vibration switch

Power supply unit with reset button 1 2 3 4 5 6

P1 level detector P2 response delay

level % time 1-10 sec.

0 - 50 mm/s RMS 0 - 100 mm/s RMS


We reserve the right to make changes without prior notification.

Sales offices Your representative Meggitt GmbH

You can find the complete list at Kaiserleistraße 51
www.meggitt.com 63067 Offenbach am Main
Deutschland / Germany

Tel.+49 (0) 69 9799050

Fax +49 (0) 69 97990526
E-Mail: info@meggitt.de.com

© MEGGITT GmbH / Version 3 / 10.16 / E 4/4

Technical Documents 902003512-001 C
Vibrations Switch Ausgabe 11/03
Wiring Plan
230 V AC / 24 V DC Seite 1-3

1. Wiring Plan

Supply Unit
with Reset
Vibrations Switch


Technical Documents 902003512-001 C
Vibrations Switch Ausgabe 11/03
Wiring Plan
230 V AC / 24 V DC Seite 2-3

2. Wiring Plan Power Supply Unit with Reset Button





Technical Documents 902003512-001 C
Vibrations Switch Ausgabe 11/03
Wiring Plan
230 V AC / 24 V DC Seite 3-3

3. Circiut Diagram Power Supply Unit with Reset Button

Kopfmaterial 902003549
Beschreibung GREASE PUMP 203, 24 V DC

Mark Item Code Classification Description Quantity QU

Pos. Artikelnummer Klassifikation Beschreibung Menge ME
0001 902002898 GREASE PUMP CIRCUIT BOARD 1.000 ST

@CIDEON BOM Publishing Control Center 1/1

Owner Manual
Technical Description

Pump Model 203

Subject to change without notice

Page 1 from 32

LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description

All rights reserved.

Any duplication of this Owner Manual, in its entirety or in part,
by whatever means is prohibited without the prior consent in
writing of Lincoln GmbH & CO. KG.
Subject to modifications without prior notification.

© 2002 by
Postfach 12 63
Subject to change without notice

D-69183 Walldorf

Phone: +49 (6227) 33-0

Fax: +49 (6227) 33-259

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LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Fields of Applications of the QUICKLUB Progressive Central Lubrication Pumps

Industry - Machines - Commercial Vehicles -

Pump Type
Building Machinery - Agricultural Machines


2) 2) 3) 1) 3)
Reservoir 2 l -2XN ,2XNFL , 2YN , 2XNBO , 2YNBO
1) 3)
4 l -4XNBO , 4YNBO
8 l - 8XNBO , 8YNBO3)
Filling from the top or bottom
Filling only from the bottom
Filling only from the top
4 l, 8 l with lockable reservoir lid (option)
Low-level control (option)for all reservoir sizes
available, on request

Control Without control unit for 12/24 VDC or 120, 230 VAC
Integrated control units (V10-V13) 4) for 12/24 VDC
Integrated control units (V10-V13) for 120, 230
Integrated control unit with metering device monitor-
ing (M 00 - 23)
External control units
- PSG 01 (Commercial vehicles)
- PSG 02 (Industry)

Control H

Control V10 - ADR

Control H - ADR4)
Subject to change without notice

See the respective model designation on the pump nameplate e.g. P203 - 2XN - 1K6 - 24 - 1A1.10 - V10

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LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description

Table of Contents

Page Page

Fields of applications of QUICKLUB progressive Setting for the lubricant output on an adjustable
central lubrication pumps ................................................ 3 pump element .................................................................... 15
Introduction ...................................................................... 5 Retrofit adjustment of max. lubricant output ................. 16
Safety instructions ........................................................... 6 Adjusting of small lubricant output................................ 17
Installation ....................................................................... 8 Pressure relief valve .......................................................... 17
Specifications for the installation of electric equippment ... 8 Return line connection ...................................................... 18
Pump installations – Areas of risk...................................... 9 Control unit ........................................................................ 18
Pump types ..................................................................... 10 Low-level control (optional) ............................................... 19
Identificatiom Code - Pump Models 203........................ 11 Low-level for grease ..................................................... 19
Description....................................................................... 12 Low-level for oil ............................................................ 20
Electric connections ......................................................... 12 Measures for contact protection .................................. 20
The QUICKLUB 203 central lubrication pump ................... 13 Maintenance, repair and tests........................................ 21
Low-level control (optional) ......................................... 13 Maintenance ..................................................................... 21
Mode of operation ........................................................... 14 Pump filling.................................................................. 21
Pump elements with fixed Lubricant output ...................... 14 Repair ........ ....................................................................... 21
Suction phase ............................................................. 14 Tests ................................................................................. 22
Delivery phase ............................................................ 14 Operational test/To trigger an additional
Check valve ................................................................. 15 lubrication.................................................................... 22
Arrangement of the pump elements............................. 15 To check the pressure relief valve............................... 22
Troubleshooting.............................................................. 23
Technical data ................................................................. 24
Torques ............................................................................ 24
Weights ............................................................................ 24
Connection diagram Pump without control unit................ 25
Dimensions ...................................................................... 26
Lubricants ....................................................................... 32

Further information can be found in the following manuals:

Technical Description for ‘‘Electronic Control Units” of the pump model 203
Technical Description Progressive Metering Devices for Grease and Oil, model SSV
Printed Circuit Board 236-13862-1 - Model V10-V13
Printed Circuit Board 236-13857-1 - Model H
Printed Circuit Board 236-13870-1 - Model M 00 - M 15
Printed Circuit Board 236-13870-1 - Models M 16 - M 23
Control unit 236-13860-2 Model PSG02
Installation Instructions
Parts Catalog Pump 103 and 203
Subject to change without notice

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LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description

Explanation of Symbols Used

The following description standards are used in this manual: Furthermore, you will find the following text symbols in this
Safety Instructions manual:
Structure of safety instructions:  Listing
 Pictogram - Subpoint
 Signal word  Procedural instruction
 Danger text
- Danger note
User's Responsibility
- How to avoid danger To ensure the safe operation of the unit, the user is responsi-
The following pictograms are used in this manual and are ble for the following:
combined with the corresponding signal words: 1. The pump / system shall be operated only for the in-
tended use (see next chapter "Safety Instructions") and
its design shall neither be modified nor transformed.
2. The pump / system shall be operated only if it is in a
proper functioning condition and if it is operated in accor-
dance with the maintenance requirements.
3. The operating personnel must be familiar with this Owner
1013A94 4273a00 6001a02 Manual and the safety instructions mentioned within and
- ATTENTION - ATTENTION - NOTE observe these carefully.
The correct installation and connection of tubes and hoses, if
not specified by Lincoln GmbH & Co. KG, is the user's re-
- WARNING - WARNING sponsibility. Lincoln GmbH & Co. KG will gladly assist you
The signal words give the seriousness of danger if the follow- with any questions pertaining to the installation.
ing text will be not observed:
Environmental Protection
ATTENTION refers to faults or damages on
machines. Waste (e.g. used oil, detergents, lubricants) must be dis-
CAUTION refers to bad damages and possi- posed of in accordance with relevant environmental regula-
ble injuries. tions.
WARNING refers to possible dangerous inju-
ries. Service
NOTE refers to improvements in handling
of systems. The personnel responsible for the handling of the pump /
IMPORTANT refers to considerable disadvan- system must be suitably qualified. If required, Lincoln GmbH
tages in handling of systems. & Co. KG offers you full service in the form of advice, on-site
installation assistance, training, etc. We will be pleased to
Example: inform you about our possibilities to support you purposefully.
In the event of inquiries pertaining to maintenance, repairs
and spare parts, we require model specific data to enable us
to clearly identify the components of your pump / system.
When making use of other than the origi- Therefore, always indicate the part, model and series number
nal spare parts, serious damage may of your pump / system.
affect your device.
Therefore, for the operation of your device
always use original spare parts made by
Lincoln GmbH & Co. KG.
Subject to change without notice

Page 5 from 32

LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Safety Instructions

Appropriate Use Operation, Maintenance and Repair

 Use the 203 pump only for dispensing lubricants in cen-  Repair should only be performed by authorized and in-
tralized lubrication systems.The pump is designed for in- structed personnel who are familiar with the regulations.
termittent operation.  Lincoln QUICKLUB central lubrication pumps must only be
operated with a fitted safety valve.
General Safety Instructions  Lincoln QUICKLUB central lubrication pumps must be
regularly refilled with clean lubricant.
 Lincoln-QUICKLUB - centralized lubrication systems
- are state of the art;
- can be assembled for safe operation.
High Voltage!
 Incorrect use may result in bearing damage caused by In the case of pumps which are filled
poor or over-lubrication. from the reservoir cover, switch off
 Unauthorized modifications or changes to an installed the power supply before filling in the
system are not admissible. Any modification must be 4273a00 lubricant..
subject to prior consultation with the manufacturer of the ATTENTION!
lubrication system.
Risk of bursting if the reservoir is
Regulations for Prevention of Accidents When filling the reservoir by means of
pumps with a large delivery volume
 Adhere to the regulations for prevention of accidents which
1013A94 do not exceed the max. filling mark.
are effective in the country where the system is to be used.

 Lincoln QUICKLUB centralized lubrication systems oper-

ate automatically. However, a regular check (about every
two weeks) should be made to ensure that lubricant is
actually reaching all the lubrication points.
 Defective printed circuit boards shall be suitably packed
and returned to the factory.
 Dispose of used or contaminated lubricants in accordance
with the legislation concerning the environment.
 The manufacturer of the centralized lubrication system will
not accept any liability
- for damages due to the use of greases which are not or
only conditionally pumpable in centralized lubrication
- for damage caused by insufficient lubricant and irregular
pump refilling;
- for damage caused by the use of contaminated lubri-
- for damage caused by an environmentally incompatible
disposal of used or contaminated lubricants.
Subject to change without notice

Page 6 from 32

LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Safety Instructions, continuation

 Any safety equipment already fitted to the vehicle or the 1. The ADR QUICKLUB central lubrication pump complies
machine: with the design regulations of annex B of the act governing
- should not be modified or made ineffective; the road haulage of hazardous materials valid for Europe
(ADR1)) and that valid for the Federal Republic of Ger-
- should only be removed for the purpose of fitting the 2)
many (GGVS )
2. Moreover, the pump and its electrical equipment comply
- must be replaced afterwards. with the regulations of annex B.2 (ADR / GGVS regula-
 Keep QUICKLUB centralized lubrication systems away tions for electrical equipment) according to Rn 220000 in
from sources of heat. Adhere to the operating temperature. conjunction with the transport units mentioned in Rn
 Use only original LINCOLN spare parts (see Parts Catalog)
or parts approved by LINCOLN. 3. The ADR central lubrication pump is in conformity with the
protection class IP 54.
 Adhere to:
- the installation instructions of the vehicle or machine CAUTION!
manufacturer as regards all drilling and welding proce-
dures. It is not allowed to use the pump in other
potentially explosive fields.
- the specified minimum distances between the bore holes
and the upper/lower rim of the frame or between two
bore holes.
 The manufacturer of the centralized lubrication system will 4. Install the ADR QUICKLUB 203 pump, the metering
not accept any liability for: devices, lines and tube fittings as well as the electrical
- damage caused by unauthorized modification of the connection parts in accordance with the Installation In-
system components; structions. Use only original LINCOLN parts.
- damage caused by the use of unapproved spare parts. 5. After completion of the proper installation and commis-
sioning, the installation of the system must be certi-
IMPORTANT fied by means of a stamp and signature of the spe-
cialized workshop or expert. For this purpose, use the
Only for use in commercial vehicles. form attached to the Operating Instructions (pump 203).
6. If the pump and the installation do not comply with the
construction regulations of ADR and GGVS, the type ap-
proval is no longer valid.
7. The Operating Instructions along with the certificate duly
filled in must be added to the vehicle papers. It is to be
submitted at the inspection in accordance with § 6, clause
Subject to change without notice

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LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description

Specifications for the installation of electric equipment for ADR-application in

comercial vehicles
- must be fixed by means of clamps or strips to prevent
them from rubbing, sagging or getting loose,
- must be protected from shocks, stone impact and heat,
- other than in a fixed installation, must be sufficiently
flexible in spite of their covering.
 The electric circuits can optionally be interrupted by single-
or double -pole disconnecting switches.
 In case of single-pole disconnecting switches, the negative
conductor must be able to be interrupted.
For avoidance of short-circuits, please note the following:
 current return lines must be insulated
 they must be connected to the vehicle frame (MASS 31)
Fig. 1 Measures of protection for electric lines
 below the driver’s cab.
1- Conductor insulation 3- Frame
2- Conductor 4- Coating  housings and connectors must be of protection class IP 54
 according to DIN 40050
 plastic tubes must be of polyamide, tube coverings must be
of polyurethane according to DIN VDE 0250 (only use
original Lincoln ADR tubes).

Mounting of the Pump – Areas of Risk

 According to paragraph 9.7.8 of the ADR directive, vehicles
with hazardous goods type FL are divided into zones, ac-
cording to the EX prescriptions, see Fig. 26.
 These are the correspondences:
- tank inside zone 0,
- fitting cabinet zone 1
- shut-off devices zone 1
- venting devices zone 1
 Zone 2 is located around zones 0 and 1.
 The installation of the centralized lubrication system is
allowed outside of zones 0, 1 and 2, only, whereby the
extension is not determined in the ADR directive.
Subject to change without notice

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LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Installation, continuation

Mounting of the Pump – Areas of Risk, continuation

Subject to change without notice


Fig. 2 Areas of risk on vehicles with hazardous goods

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LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Pump Types


Fig. 3 The different types of pump 203

Pumps 203 Control unit models 203
The 203 pumps differ from each other only in the design and The following control units can be used for the 203 pumps:
reservoir size as well as in the type of the electric connection (refer to the respective Technical Description)
(different plugs with or without electric cable).
Reservoir sizes: a) external control units
 2 l transparent plastic reservoir  PSG 01
 4 l transparent plastic reservoir  PSG 02 (Industry)
 8 l transparent plastic reservoir b) integrated control units
Electric connection  with adjustable pause and operating times, V10-V13
For the industrial applications, the pumps are only  with adjustable pause and operating times, V10-V131) for
equipped with plugs. alternate current 120, 230 VAC, separate owner manual
The pumps model 203 used in commercial vehicles are  with metering device monitoring (microprocessor control),
equipped with a 10 m electric cable. M 00 - M 23
c) integrated control unit (trailers)
All other data such as:  with fixed time of availability (6 hours) and adjustable
 motor voltage operating time, H

 version of the control unit 1)

Refer to the designation on the pump nameplate.
 remote control for triggering an additional lubrication Example: P203 -2XNBO - 1 K6 - 24 - 2A1.10 - V10
 cycle (2A1) Also refer to the designation code on page 6.
 design and number of pump elements
 design and number of safety valves
 filling type
 use of return line connections
 low - level control (option)
can be learnt from the pump type designation code.
Subject to change without notice

Page 10 from 32

LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Identification Code - Pump Models 203
Examples of model designations
NOTE P203 - 2 - X - N - 1 - K6 - 24 - 1A - 1. - 01 - V10
P203 - 4 - X - L - 1 - K7 - 24 - 2A - 1. - 10 - V12
6001a02 Any pumps combinations other the above
P203 - 2 - X - N - 1 - K6 - 12 - 1A - 8. - 00
standard pumps can be composed and or-
P203 - 2 - X - N - 1 - K6 - 24 - 2A - 1. - 11 - V10- ADR
dered in accordance with the valid model
P203 - 2 - Y - N - BO - 2 - K5 - 24 - 1A - 1. - 01
identification code.
P203 - 4 - X - L - BO - 1 - K6 - 24 - 2A - 4. - 12 - M00

Basic pump model for grease or oil

with 1-3 outlets and 12 VDC or 24 VDC motor

Reservoir design
2 = 2 l transparent plastic reservoir
4 = 4 l transparent plastic reservoir
8 = 8 l transparent plastic reservoir

X = Reservoire for grease

Y = Reservoire for oil

N = Standard design
L = Low - level control

without designation = Standard reservoire (2 Litre)

BO = Filling from top
FL = Flat-type reservoire (2 Litre)

Pump elements
1-3 = Number of the use elements

K 5 = Piston diameter = 5 mm
K 6 = Piston diameter = 6 mm
K 7 = Piston diameter = 7 mm
KR = Pump element, adjustable, piston-Ø = 7 mm
C7 = Piston diameter = 7 mm 3)

12 V DC oder 24 VDC (DC motor)
AC = 94 - 265 VAC (47 - 63 Hz) with 24 VDC direct current motor5)
(see documentation P203 with power supply unit for 94 - 265 VAC)

Number of electric connecting possibilities (on pump housing only)

- 1A = 1. connection for power supply, on the left
- 2A = 1A (on the left)
2. connection (2 A - on the right) for illuminated pushbutton
(external additional lubrication, not possible with variant AC) and/ or
external low-level control
(with or without control p.c.b. V10-V13, possible with variant AC)****
or second connection (2 A – on the right) for piston detector (for M00-M23 control
p.c.b.) also see table on page 10

Type of connection
- 1 = cube-type plug, acc. to DIN 43650, type of construction A 1)
- 4 = AMP - flanged plug (microprocessor M00 - M23)
- 8 = PG - cable gland
- 9 = AMP- plug, wire to wire
Connection outside the pump
- 00 = without socket-outlet, without cable
- 01 = with socket-outlet, without cable l5)
- 10 = with 10 m cable
- 11 = with 10 m ADR cable
- 12 = with 10 m cable, 4 - wire (microprocessor M00 - M07)
- 13 = with 10 m cable, 5 - wire (microprocessor M08 - M23)
Control p. c. b. s. 12V / 24 V
V10 -V13 -with adjustable pause and operating time
V10 -V13 - ADR with adjustable pause and operating time 2)
M 00 ...M 23* - with microprocessor control (various
adjustments - see combinations of the jumper - positions)
H - for trailer or semitrailers
H - ADR for trailers and semitrailers 2)
Subject to change without notice

No designation: Pump without control p. c. b.

Not in conjunction with Hirschmann plugs (type of connection 1)
For transport of hazard materials
C 7 = Designation of pump elements for supplying of paste for chisel (C = chisel), C 5 or C 6 on reques
Low-level control for oil; connection of the low-level control is not provided (only 1A; 2A only for illuminated push-button).
Pump with supply voltage 230 VAC only available with connection type 01, with or without control panel V 10 - V 13

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LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Subject to change without notice

Technical Description
Owner Manual
Page 12 from 32 Description: Electric connections for pump 203
LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259

for example P203-2XN-1K6-24-... . ..-V10

Printed circuit boards
Connecting plug, on the left Connecting plug, on the right
V10-V13, V20-V23, H
possible connections Power supply Illuminated push button External Lamp
Trigger additional
Activity/display Operating time Low-level control
without p. c. b. VDC 1A1.01/1A1.10 ----- ----- 2A1.01/2A1.10
without p. c. b. VAC 1A1.01 ----- ----- 2A1.01
with p. c. b. V...
1A1.01/1A1.10 2A1.01/2A1.10 2A1.01/2A1.10 2A1.01/2A1.10
for grease, VDC
with p. c. b. V...
1A1.01 -----1) -----1) 2A1.01
for grease, VAC
with p. c. b. V...
1A1.01/1A1.10 2A1.01/2A1.10 2A1.01/2A1.10 2A1.01/2A1.10
for oil, VDC
with p. c. b. V... separate plug on
1A1.01 -----1) -----1)
for oil, VAC lid of reservoir
with p. c. b. H
1A1.10 -----1) -----1) -----
for grease, VDC
Printed circuit boards Connecting plug,
Connecting plug, on the left
M00-M23 on the right

possible connections Power supply Illuminated push button Piston detector

Trigger additional Fault/low-level control/

Activity/display Operating time
lubrication readiness for service
with p. c. b. M00-M07 for
2A4/9.12 2A4/9.12 2A4/9.12 2A4/9.12 1 or 2 piston detector(s)
grease or oil, VDC
with p. c. b. M08-M23 for
2A4/9.13 2A4/9.13 2A4/9.13 2A4/9.13 1 or 2 piston detector(s)
grease or oil, VDC

- 1A1.01-cube-type plug, left without cable - 2A4.12-AMP-plug, 4-wires possible on the control p.c.b. only
- 1A1.10-cube-type plug, left with cable - 2A4.13-AMP-plug, 5-wires
- 2A1.01-cube-type, right without cable - 2A9.12-AMP-plug, wire to wire, 4-wires - 1A8.00-PG- cable gland without cable
- 2A1.10-cube-type, right with cable - 2A9.13-AMP-plug, wire to wire, 5-wires - 1A8.XX-PG- -cable gland with cable (option,OEM)
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Description, continuation

The QUICKLUB 203 central lubrication


 is a compact multiline pump consisting of the following

- Housing with integrated motor
- Reservoir with stirring paddle
- Printed circuit board
- Pump element
- Pressure relief valve
- Filling nipple
- Electrical connection parts

 can drive up to 3 pump elements

 operates according to lubrication cycles (pause and oper-
ating times)
 can be equipped with a low-level control
00002618b  can supply up to 300 lubrication points depending on the
Fig. 4 Pump components line lengths
1- Reservoir 5- Plug 2A1  is designed for the automatic lubrication of the connected
2- Pump element 6- Filling nipple, pump lubrication points
3- Safety valve 7- Printed circuit board
4- Filling nipple, system 8- Plug 1A1
 is designed for the delivery of greases up to NLGI 2 at
Emergency lubrication 9- Return line connection temperatures from - 25° C to 70° C or of mineral oils of at
possible least 40 mm²/s (cST)
 can be used at low temperatures down to - 40° C.
During the operating time the pump dispenses lubricant to the
connected lubrication points via one or several metering de-

Low-level control (optional)

 The pump model 203 can be equipped with a low-level

 The following versions are available:
- Low-level control in conjunction with printed circuit
- Low-level control in conjunction with printed circuit board
- Low-level control for pumps without printed circuit
 When the reservoir is empty, the signal lamp flashes, thus
indicating the low level. Refer to the chapter Low-level
control, page 19.
The designation indicates the version of the printed circuit
board. It is part of the pump type designation code mentioned on
Subject to change without notice

the nameplate of each pump. Example: P203 - 2XN - 1K6 - 24 -

1A1.10 - V10


Fig. 5 QUICKLUB central lubrication pump, 2 l reservoir

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LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Mode of Operation

Pump elements with fixed lubricant output

 The electric motor drives the eccentric 1 (Fig. 5, 6).
 During the operating time:
- piston 2 sucks in lubricant from the reservoir. Refer to Fig.
- piston 2 dispenses the lubricant to the connected lubri-
cation points via the metering device. Refer to Fig. 6.
 The following designs are available:
- Piston diameter, K5 ............................................. 5 mm
- Lubricant output................................approx. 2 cm³/min
- Piston diameter K6 (standard) ............................. 6 mm
- Lubricant output............................approx.. 2.8 cm³/min
Fig. 6 Pump element - Piston diameter, C7, K7....................................... 7 mm
1- Piston 2- Return spring
3- Check valve - Lubricant output ...............................approx. 4 cm³/min


Pump elements with piston diameter C 7

must be used for supplying of chisel paste.
The design and the mode of operation are
the same as those of the pump elements
with piston diameter K 7.


Fig. 7 The pump element sucks in lubricant

Subject to change without notice


Fig. 8 The pump element dispenses lubricant

1- Eccentric 2- Piston 3- Spring 4- Check valve

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LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Mode of Operation, continuation

Check valve
 The check valve:
- closes the pressure line during suction stroke
- prevents the lubricant from flowing back to the housing or
1 - Reservoir with stirring paddle
2 - Pump
3 - Check valve, spring-loaded
4 - Pressure relief valve
R - Return line
p - Pressure line


Fig. 9 Hydraulic diagram of the pump

Arrangement of the pump elements

 If several pump elements are to be installed, the installation

arrangement shown in Fig. 8 must be adhered to.
 If there is only one pump element , it can be installed in any
position. Standard position is no. 3.
 If there are two elements, install one in position 3 and the
other in position 1.


Fig. 10 Arrangement of the pump elements

Pump element with adjustable lubricant output

 The mode of operation (suction and supply phase) is the
same as that of the pump elements with an invariable lu-
bricant output.
 The lubricant outputs are adjustable from 0.04 to
0.18m3/stroke, or 0.7 to 3cm3/min.
 The pump elements are factory-adjusted to the maximum
lubricant output; the adjusting dimensions “S” should be
Subject to change without notice

29 ± 0.1 mm.


Fig. 11 Adjustable pumpelement

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Owner Manual
Technical Description
Mode of Operation, continuation


Fig. 12 Sectional view: adjustable element

1- adjusting sindle SW 16 3- pump element body 6- control piston
(with over flats) 4- gasket 7- delivery piston
2- counternut SW 24 5- pump cylinder S- dimension

Setting of adjustable pump elements

 Unsrew the coupling nut for fixing the safety valve.
 Loosen counter nut (2, Fig. 10) while holding in position
pump element body (3) by means of a seconf wrench.
 Change the position of the adjusting spindel (1) by means
of a wrench.
 The dimension “S” (see Fig. 10) for the desired lubricant
output can be ascertained by using the delivery diagram
shown in Fig. 11.

Retrofit adjustment of max. lubricant output


In order to ensure that the lubricant output

setting will be as excat as possible, first
the actual dimensions “S” of the max.
4179a99 lubricant output must be ascertained as
follows. The measured difference from
Fig. 13 Supply diagram
the nominal value 29 must be considered
A- Lubricant output cm /min for all other settings values (e.g. ± 0.1).
B- Lubricant output cm3/stroke
S- Dimension  Unsrew the adjusting spindle (1, Fig 10) from the pump
element body (3) until “S” is approx. 30 mm.
Subject to change without notice

 Srew counter nut (2) onto stop collar of the adjusting

spindle (1)
 Screw adjusting spindle (1) with counter nut (2) into pump
element body (3) until stop.
All indications of positions refer to Fig. 10.

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LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Mode of Operation, continuation

Adjusting of small lubricant outputs

 Before the pump element can be adjusted to a small lu- NOTE
bricant output, the dimension “S” for max lubrcant output
must be ascertained, and the difference from the nominal At maximum steeing “S” is 29 ±0.1 mm.
value 29 must be tranferred to any desired settings be-
tween 25.5 ... 28,.5.
 Dimension “S” must be adjusted to the desired value in
accordance with the delivery diagramm (Fig. 11).

Pressure Relief Valve


Each pump element must be secured with

a pressure limiting valve.

 The pressure relief valve

- limits the pressure build-up in the system
- opens at an overpressure of 250 or 350 bar depending
on the safety valve design.
 If lubricant is leaking at the pressure relief valve, this indi-
cates that the system is malfunctioning.

Fig. 14 Pressure relief valve NOTE

Between a malfunction (blockage) and

the following fault indication (lubricant
leakage; monitoring intermittent LED
display on the control p.c.b. M00-M15)
there may be a longer time delay

The duration of the delay depends on the

type and length of the lines, the type of
lubricant, the ambient temperature and
other influences.
 Despite existing fault monitoring devices a regular visual
and function control must be carried out on the lubrication

Pressure relief valve with grease return (optional)

 If the system is blocked, grease will leak from the pressure
relief valve. This grease quantity is returned to the reser-
Subject to change without notice


Fig. 15 Pressure relief valve with grease return

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Owner Manual
Technical Description
Mode of Operation, continuation

Pressure relief valve with grease return

 In the case of a blockage in the system, the grease pushes
out the red pin at the pressure relief valve, thus indicating
that there is a fault.


Fig. 16 Fault indication in the case of a blockage

Return Line Connection

 The lubricant quantities which cannot be dispensed by the
metering device must be returned to the pump via the re-
turn line connection (Fig. 15).


Fig. 17 Return line connection

Control Unit


The present Technical Description de-

scribes the ”Pump model 203 without
control unit”. Information concerning the
design and operation of the individual
control units can be found in the respec-
tive Technical Descriptions.

 If the pump is to be equipped with a control unit, it is pos-

Subject to change without notice

sible to use an integrated printed circuit board or an ex-

ternal control unit.


Fig. 18 Printed circuit board integrated in the housing

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LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Low-Level Control (optional)

Low-level control for grease

When the reservoir is filled
 The stirring paddle rotates clockwise during the operating
 Due to the rotating motion of the stirring paddle in the
lubricant the pivoting guiding plate with the round solenoid,
item 11), is pressed backwards. The solenoid moves toward
the center of rotation of the stirring paddle. The electro-
magnetic switch item 2 cannot be activated.
 Control cam item 31) guides the round solenoid with the
pivoting guiding plate automatically outwards, in the direc-
tion of the reservoir wall. After the lubricant has left the
control cam, it flows against the guiding plate, thus dis-
placing the solenoid again onto the center of rotation of the
stirring paddle.
All indications of positions refer to Fig. 17
When the reservoir is empty
Fig. 19 Switching parts of the low-level control
1- Guiding plate with round 2- Electromagnetic switch (at  During the rotating motion of the stirring paddle there is no
solenoid stirring paddle) backpressure from the lubricant. The guiding plate with the
3- Control cam round solenoid no longer moves towards the center of ro-
tation of the stirring paddle. After control cam 3 has been
overtravelled, the solenoid remains in the outer position
and overruns electromagnetic switch 2. The solenoid ac-
The above mentioned switching parts tivates the electroma- gnetic switch contact-free, thus
must not be used with fluid grease. In this triggering a low-level signal.

case, use a float magnetic switch, see  The flashing frequency in the case of printed circuit boards
below low-level control for oil. 236-13856-1 (F) and 236-13862-1 (V00-V03) and in the
case of pumps without control units depends on the motor
 The flashing frequency in the case of printed circuit board
The flashing signal starts only after the 236-13870-1 (only M 00 - M 15) is:
solenoid has activated the electromag- 0.5 second ”ON” - 0.5 second ”OFF”
netic switch 6 times contact-free. M16 - M 23
The external relay drops out and the LED is extinguished once
the operating time has expired. The pump stops operating and
no longer restarts automatically.
Magnetic switch
The electromagnetic switch is activated contact-free and
with-out wear by the magnetic field of the magnetic fitted to the
stirring paddle.


The life of the magnetic circuit breaker

strongly depends on the conditions under
which it is loaded. Since the data relative
to the maximum switching capacity refer
to strictly resistive loads, which cannot be
always guaranteed in practice, it is nec-
essary to take the corresponding contact
Subject to change without notice

protection measures in the case of devi-

ating loads.

Fig. 20 Connection diagram

Technical data:
Maximum switching capacity: 60 VA
Maximum switching voltage: 230 V
Current switched: 3 A

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LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Low-Level Control (optional), continuation

Low-level control for Oil

Float magnetic switch
The electromagnetic switch is activated contact-free and
with-out wear by the magnetic field of the solenoid fitted to the

The life of the magnetic circuit breaker

strongly depends on the conditions under
which it is loaded. Since the data relative
to the maximum switching capacity refer
to strictly resistive loads, which cannot be
always guaranteed in practice, it is nec-
essary to take the corresponding contact
protection measures in the case of devi-
Fig. 21 Connection diagram ating loads.

Technical data:
Maximum switching capacity: 60 VA
Maximum switching voltage: 230 V
Current switched: 3 A


Fig. 22 Contact protection measures

1- Electromagnetic switch
2- RC element
3- Diode
4- Load
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LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Maintenance, Repair and Tests

 The maintenance is essentially limited to refilling the res- NOTE
ervoir with clean lubricant in good time. However, check
regularly whether the lubricant is really dispensed to all the Whenever work is done on the centralized
lubrication points. lubrication system, particular attention
 Also check the main lines and lubricant feed lines for 6001a02
should be paid to absolute cleanliness.
damage and replace them, if necessary. Dirt in the system will cause problems.
 For cleaning the system use benzine or petroleum. Do not
use tri-, perchloroethylene or similar solvents.
Also do not use polar organic solvents such as alcohol,
methylacohol, acetone or similar

Pump Filling
2 l, 4 l, 8 l - reservoirs
Fill the reservoir up to the ”Max.” mark via the filling nipple, if
any, or via the upper filling opening.
It is possible to use greases up to penetration class NLGI 2 or
mineral oils of at least 40 mm²/s (cST).

The grease or oil must be free from im-

purities and must not be liable to change
its consistency in the course of time.


If the pump is filled via the upper filling

opening, switch off the power supply
before starting filling.
Fig. 23 Fill pump reservoir

Risk of bursting if the reservoir is


When filling the reservoir by means of

pumps with a large delivery volume do
not exceed the max. filling mark.


If the reservoir has been completely

emptied, the pump may require until 10
minutes before it operates with its full

 Use only original Lincoln spare parts for repair on the
Subject to change without notice

 The pump should be returned to the factory for warranty

work or major repairs.
 Defective printed circuit boards should be suitably packed
and returned to the factory.

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LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Maintenance, Repair and Tests, continuation

Replace pump element

 Remove the pressure relief valve from the pump element
 Unscrew the pump element. Take care that the piston, the
pull-back spring and the washer are not left lying in the
grease, otherwise the reservoir must be disassembled in
order to remove these pieces


Do not leave the piston, spring and

washer in the housing because they may
block the motor.

 Install a new pump element and a new sealing ring.


Pump element with adjustable lubricant

output is set to the same output as the old
pump element.


Fig. 24 Replacing the pump elememt

Operational Test / Triggering an Additional Lubrication
 To check the pump operation it is possible to perform an
additional test. Refer to the Technical Description of the
respective printed circuit board.
To Check the Safety Valve
1st option
 Connect the pressure gauge (0-600 bar; 0-8708 psi) to the
safety valve (Fig. 23).
 Trigger an additional lubrication cycle.

2nd option
 Connect the manual pump of the pressure and checking
set 604-36879-1 to the safety valve and check the opening
pressure by means of the manual pump.
 The safety valve should open at a pressure of 250 or 350
bar depending on its design.


Do not connect the pressure gauge di-

rectly to the pump element. High pressure
may exceed the above mentioned range,
causing the motor to stall. The motor is
designed in such a way that it can stall for
Subject to change without notice

about 30 minutes without being damaged.

1- Hose line, min.length 1m

2- T-piece
3- Pressure gauge
4- Relief cock
Fig. 25 To check the safety valve

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Owner Manual
Technical Description

The pump operation can be checked from the outside by observing whether the stirring paddle is rotating (e.g.
by triggering an additional lubrication).
For troubleshooting in the case of pumps with integrated control units, please refer to the respective Technical
Description of the printed circuit board.
Fault: The pump motor does not run

Cause : Remedy:
 Power supply interrupted  Check the power supply and fuses. If necessary rectify the
fault and/or replace the fuses.
 Check the line leading from the fuses to the pump plug.
 Electric motor defective  Check the power supply to the motor. If necessary, replace
the motor.

Fault: The pump does not deliver the lubricant

Cause : Remedy:
If a lubricant low-level is available, the low
level is indicated by the flashing light of the
signal lamp in the case of pumps without
6001a02 printed circuit board. The flashing fre-
quency depends on the speed of the motor.
 Reservoir empty  Fill up the reservoir with clean grease or oil. Allow pump to
run (trigger an additional lube cycle) until the lubricant is-
sues from all the lubrication points.
Depending on the ambient temperature
and/or sort of lubricant it may take 10 min-
utes of operation before the pump elements
6001a02 reach their full lubricant output.
 Air bubbles in the lubricant  Trigger an additional lubrication cycle. Loosen the outlet
fitting or the main line at the safety valve. The lubricant
must issue without air bubbles.
When push-in type fittings are used, the
high-pressure plastic hose which is under
pressure cannet be easily disconnected
6001a02 from the safety valve. For this purpose,
loosen the safety valve. For this purpose,
filling nipple on the safety valve in order to
relieve the high-pressure hose.
 Unsuitable lubricant has been used  Renew the lubricant. See the Lubricant List.
 Suction hole of the pump element clogged  Remove the pump element. Check the suction hole for
foreign particles. If there are any, remove them.
 Pump piston worn  Replace the pump element.
 Check valve in the pump element defective or clogged.  Replace the pump element.
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Owner Manual
Technical Description
Technical Data

Torsion torques
Admissible operating temperature ..............-25° C to 70° C
Number of outlets.......................................................1,2 or 3 Install pump .................................................................18 Nm
Reservoir capacity ................................................. 2 l, 4 l, 8 l Electric motor on housing ............................................12 Nm
Refilling .................via hydraulic lubrication fitting or from top Pump element in housing ............................................25 Nm
Lubricant ....................................greases up to NLGI grade 2 Closure plug in housing ...............................................12 Nm
& mineral oils of at least 40mm²/s (cST) at 40° C Return line connector in housing ..........................10 - 12 Nm
Class of protection ................. IP6K 9K acc. to DIN 40050 T9
NOTE Weights
The pump is designed for the above The weights below include the following ‘‘individual
mentioned temperature range. The lu- weights”:
bricants used must still be pumpable at - Pump kit with one pump element, safety valve, grease
6001a02 the temperatures mentioned above. In filling (0.75 kg, 1.5 kg)
case of doubt, consult the lubricant - Packing (cardboard box)
manufacturer. - Attaching parts
Motor: - Operating Instructions
DC gear motor (interference-suppressed)
- Operating voltage. ................................12VDC or 24VDC 2 l reservoir, standard design (0.75 kg)
- Max. current input - Pump 203 without connection cable .......................5.4 kg
12V .......................................................................... 6.5 A - Pump 203, version E 1............................................6.5 kg
24V ............................................................................. 3 A - Pump 203, version E 2............................................7.1 kg
Speed ............................................................ approx.17 rpm
Pump element with fixed lubricant output 4 l reservoir, standard design (1.5 kg)
Piston diameter, K5.......................................................5 mm
- Lubricant output................................... approx. 2 cm³/min - Pump 203 without connection cable .......................8.3 kg
Piston diameter, (standard) K6 .....................................6 mm - Pump 203, version E 1............................................9.3 kg
- Pump 203, version E 2............................................9.9 kg
- Lubricant output................................. approx. 2.8cm³/min
Piston diameter, K7, C7 ................................................7 mm
- Lubricant output................................... approx. 4 cm³/min 8 l reservoir, standard design (1.5 kg)
Max. operating pressure. ...........................................350 bar - Pump 203 without connection cable .......................8.6 kg
Connection thread......................................................... G 1/4 - Pump 203, version 1A1...........................................9.6 kg
- suitable for tube DIA................................................6 mm - Pump 203, version 2A1.........................................10.2 kg
suitable for chisel paste; contact the manufacturer of the lubrication
system In the case of pump versions deviating from those mentioned,
Pump element with adjustable lubricant output add the weights of the following components to the mentioned
KR ............................................... 0.04 to 0.18 cm³/stroke weights:
.......................................................... 0.7 to 3 cm³/min - Per pump element................................................ +0.2 kg
Connection thread.................................................... G 1/4 in. - Per safety valve ................................................... +0.1 kg
- suitable for tube DIA................................................6 mm - 10 m monitoring cable, 5-wire
- suitable for tube DIA................................................8 mm (microprocessor) E 4............................................ +1.1 kg
- 10 m monitoring cable, 4-wire
IMPORTANT (microprocessor) E 4............................................ +0.4 kg
The lubricant output listed refers to - Connection cable with piston detector ....................0.1 kg
grease of NLGI grade 2 measured at - Reservoir version ”Filling from top” (only 2 l) 3) ... +0.15 kg
20°C, backpressure 100 bar, nominal - 2 l flat-type reservoir ............................................ +0.5 kg
6001a02 voltage 12/24 V. Any differing pressures
or temperatures result in different lubri- 3)
cant outputs. Any system design must be NOTE
based on the above values.compte.
The 4l and 8l reservoirs have the standard
Safety valve design ”filling from top”.
SVETVT-350-G 1/4A-D6....................................624-28894-1 6001a02
SVETVT-350-G 1/4A-D8....................................624-28774-1
Subject to change without notice

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Owner Manual
Technical Description
Technical Data, continuation

Connection Diagram - Pump without Control Unit


Fig. 26 Schéma Connection diagram QUICKLUB 203 without control unit, Connection via cube-type-in connectors DIN 43650-A
A- Pump housing F- Low-level control
B- Connector 1 Switching capacity max. 60 W/VA
C- Line socket 1 with connection cable, 3-wire Switching voltage max. 230 VAC
D- Connector 2 1) Switched current max. 3 A
E- Line socket 2 1) M- Electric motor
Only with low-level control available

All the other connection diagrams can be found in the respective Technical Description ”Electronic Control
Units for Central Lubrication Pump Model 203”.

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Owner Manual
Technical Description
Technical Data, continuation

Dimensions - 2 l Reservoir
Subject to change without notice

Fig. 27 Dimensions - 2 l Reservoir

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Technical Description
Technical Data, continuation

Dimensions - 2 l Reservoir with Filling from Top

Subject to change without notice

Fig. 28 Dimensions - 2 l Reservoir with Filling from Top

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Technical Description
Technical Data, continuation

Dimensions - 2 l Flat-Type Reservoir

Subject to change without notice

Fig. 29 Dimensions - 2 l Flat-Type Reservoir

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Technical Description
Technical Data, continuation

Dimensions - 4 l Reservoir
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Fig. 30 Dimensions - 4 l Reservoir

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Technical Description
Technical Data, continuation

Dimensions - 8 l Reservoir
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Fig. 31 Dimensions - 8 l Reservoir

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Owner Manual
Technical Description
Technical Data, continuation

Attaching Boreholes of the 2 l, 4 l, 8 l Pump


Fig. 32 Attaching Boreholes of the 2 l, 4 l, 8 l Pump

Thighten pump models with 2 L- Flat, 4 L - and 8 L reservoir with three fastening screws ( see pt. 9,5).

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Owner Manual
Technical Description
The pump QUICKLUB 203 can dispense commercial greases
up to NLGI grade 2 or mineral oils of at least 40 mm²/s (cSt) IMPORTANT
at 40° C.
IMPORTANT The manufacturer of the centralized
lubrication system will not accept any
Absolute cleanliness is essential when liability for damages due to the use of
6001a02 greases which are not or only condition-
handling lubricants. Impurities will remain
suspended in the lubricant and cannot ally pumpable in centralized lubrication
6001a02 settle. This will result in damage to the systems, for damage caused by insuffi-
lubrication system and thus to the bear- cient lubricant and irregular pump refilling.
ings. In case of doubt ask the manufacturer of
the central lubrication system.
Lubricating greases for QUICKLUB systems
Manufacturer Designation Base soap Min. delivery temperature
AGIP F1 Grease 24 Ca
ARAL Graisse multi-usages ZS 1/2 Ca/Li -20° C
AUTOL Top 2000 Ca -10° C
AUTOL Top 8000 W Ca -20° C
BP Graisse lubrifiante Ca
BP C1 Graisse lubrifiante Ca -20° C
CASTROL CLS - Grease Li/Ca -20° C
ESSO Cazar K2 Ca
ESSO Graisse haute pression Ca
FUCHS FN 745 Ca -25° C

FUCHS Renocal FN3 Ca -20° C

FUCHS Renolit HLT 2 Li -25° C
KLÜBER Centoplex 2EP Li
MOBIL Mobilgrease 28 Li -30° C
epaissant(s) organiques
OPTIMOL Longtime PD 2 Li -20° C
SHELL Retinax C Ca
WESTFALEN Gresalit ZSA 2 Li -15° C

Bio-degradable greases
Manufacturer Designation Base soap Min. delivery temperature
Subject to change without notice

AUTOL Top Bio 2000 Ca -25° C

AVIA Biogrease 1 Li up to 0 ° C
DEA Dolon E 2 Li -15° C
FUCHS Plantogel S2 Li/Ca
KLÜBER Klüberbio M32-82 Ca -20° C

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Operating Instructions 2.6L-28006-A00

Instructions de service
Istruzioni per il Funzionamente

Steuerplatine für Pumpe 203

Printed-Circuit Board for Pump 203
Plaquette de circuits imprimés pour pompe 203
Scheda elettronica per pompa 203

236-13891-1 (V10 - V13)*

236-13891-2 (V20 - V23)*
Änderungen vorbehalten

* siehe Seite 4 „Anwendungen“

*See page 4 „Applications“ 10051327a

*Voir page 4 „Applications“

*Vedi pagina 4 „ Applicazioni“
Seite 1 von 15

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Owner Manual
Operating Instructions

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LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Operating Instructions


Printed-Circuit Board 236-13891-1 Models V10 - V13*

Printed-Circuit Board 236-13891-2 Models V20 - V23*

with Adjustable Pause and Operating Times

Applications for Commercial Vehicles or Industrial Applications

Table of Contents
Page Page

Repair .............................................................................. 8
Printed circuit board V10-V13 and V20-V23 ............. 3 Operational test/To trigger an additional lubrication .. 8
Applications ..................................................................... 3 Troubleshooting ............................................................. 9
Mode of operation ........................................................... 3 Technical data .............................................................. 10
Pause time ................................................................ 5 Connection diagram - Industrial applications ........... 11
Operating time .......................................................... 5 Connection diagram - Appplications for
Time storage when the power supply commercial vehicles .................................................... 12
is switched off ........................................................... 5 Connection diagram - Appplications for
Time setting ..................................................................... 6 commercial vehicles .................................................... 13
Combinations of the jumper positions ..................... 14

Further information can be found in the following manu-


Technical Description Pump Model 203

Technical Description Progressive Metering Devices for Grea-
se and Oil, model SSV
Technical Description for ”Electronic Control Units” of the 203
Printed Circuit Board 236-13857-1 - Model H
Printed Circuit Board 236-13870-1 - Models M 00 - M 15
Printed Circuit Board 236-13870-1 - Models M 16 - M 23
Timer 236-13860-2 Model PSG 02
Installation Instructions
Parts Catalog
Subject to change without notice

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LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Operating Instructions


Printed Circuit Board V10-V13 and V20-V23

The printed circuit boards can be used for the following

1.) Lubrication cycles only as a function of the machine wor-

king hours.

When the machine contact (external contact) is switched on

the centralized lubrication system is ready for operation.

Caution: On the PCB 236-13891-1 (V10-V13)* do not con-

nect the red core of the connecting cable to connection 1,
Fig. 1, 14, 16 (terminal 30) since terminal 30 is connected
internally with terminal 15.


Fig. 1 - Machine contact, printed circuit board 236-13891-1 (V10-V13)

Note: The PCB’s 236-13891-1 and 236-13891-2 differ only

as regards their connection of the terminals. In the case of
PCB 236-13891-2 the terminals 30 and 15 are not connec-


Fig. 2 - Machine contact, printed circuit board 236-13891-2 (V20-V23)

2.) Lubrication cycles only as a function of the running hours

of the commercial vehicle.

When the driving switch (terminal 15) is switched on, the cen-
tralized lubrication system is ready for operation

Note: In the case of PCB 236-13891-2 also connect the

battery voltage (terminal 30).


Fig. 3 - Driving switch

Subject to change without notice

This designation shows the version of the PCB installed in the pump. It forms part of the pump designation on the name-
plate on each pump.
In the case of P 203-...-.K.-.A. ...-V10 the PCB 236-13891-1 is installed, see connection diagrams 1, 14 and 16.
In the case of P 203 - ... - .K. - .A.. ..-V20 the PCB 236-13891-2 see connection diagram 2, 17.

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LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Operating Instructions


Mode of Operation
• The printed circuit board is integrated in the pump hou-


Fig. 4 - Printed circuit board installed in the housing

• The printed circuit board automatically controls the sequence

of the pause and operating times of the model 203 central
lubrication pump as a function of the vehicle or machine wor-
king hours tB (Fig. 5).
• The sequence of the pause and operating times is activated
when the machine contact or driving switch is switched on.


Fig. 5 - Printed circuit board 236-13891-1

• A lubrication cycle consists of one pause time and one ope-

rating time. Once the pause time has elapsed, the operating
time starts to run. This lubrication cycle is repeated perma-
nently after the machine or vehicle has been put into opera-
tion. Refer to Fig. 5.
• During the operating time the pump element dispenses the
lubricant to the lubrication points via progressive metering

Subject to change without notice

Fig.6 - Time sequence diagram

tB - Working hours T - Lubrication cycle

tP - Various pause times T1 -Stored pause times
T2 -Operating times

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LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Operating Instructions


The pause time The operating time

- determines the frequency of the lubrication cycles within a - depends on the system’s lubricant requirement ;
working cycle; - is adjustable;
- is started and stopped via the machine contact or driving - is finished when the machine contact or the driving switch is
switch; switched off.
- is adjustable. • The longer the operating time, the greater the lubricant re-
• When the machine contact or the driving switch is switched quirement and vice-versa.
off, the pause times which have already elapsed are stored • When the machine contact or the driving switch is switched
and added up (refer to T1, Fig. 6) until the time which has off, the operating times which have already elapsed are
been set on the blue rotary switch (Fig.8) is reached. stored and added up until the time which has been set on the
• The pause time setting may be different for each application. red rotary switch (Fig. 10) is reached. After this, the lubricati-
It must be adjusted in accordance with the respective lubri- on cycle starts again.
cation cycles. Also see ”To set the pause time”. • The operating time setting may be different for each applica-
tion. It must be adjusted in accordance with the respective
lubricant requirement. Also see ”To set the operating time”.

Time storage

• When switching off the ignition voltage and/or the opera-

ting voltage the times already expired are saved for an un-
limited duration.
• When the power supply is switched on again the printed cir-
cuit board continues to operate from the point where it had
been interrupted.
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LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Operating Instructions


Time Setting
* To set the pause or operating time, remove the cover on the
pump housing.

Note: To reset a jumper (Fig. 9), remove the printed circuit


Important: After having set the pause time or operating time,

screw the cover on the pump housing again


Fig. 7 - The cover to access the printed circuit board has been removed

To set the pause time

The pause time can be set to 15 different settings by means of

the blue rotary switch.

Time ranges: Minutes or hours


Fig. 8 - Rotary switch - Pause time

Switch position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

Minutes 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60

Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Note: When the switch is on ”0” a fault is shown at the right-

hand LED 3 fig. 12, see page 8.
At the same time the factory-set pause time is accepted.

Factory setting

Rotary switch on : ........................................................... 6 hours

or ................................................................................ 24 minutes
Subject to change without notice

• The time ranges can be modified by replugging the jumper

(Fig. 9) on the printed circuit board.

• Factory setting of the jumper: see chart page 14. The com-
20002452a bination number can be learnt from the pump type desi-
Fig. 9 - Preselection of the time range
gnation code mentioned on the nameplate of each pump.

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LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Operating Instructions


To set the operating time

• The operating time can be set to 15 different setting by me-

ans of the red rotary switch.

Time ranges: Seconds or minutes


Fig. 10 - Rotary switch - Operating time

Switch position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

Seconds 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120

Minutes 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Note: When the switch is on ”0” a fault is shown at the right-

hand LED 3 Fig. 12. At the same time the factory-set opera-
ting time is accepted.

Factory setting

Rotary switch on : ...................................................... 6 minutes

or ............................................................................... 24 seconds

• The time ranges can be modified by replugging the jumper

(Fig. 11) on the printed circuit board.

• Factory setting of the jumper: see chart page 14. The com-
bination numbers can be learnt from the pump type desi-
gnation code mentioned on the nameplate of each pump.


Fig. 11 - Preselection of the time range

Fault indication

Rotary switch set at „0“ Pushbutton 5 Fig. 12 continuously actuated (short circuit)
• When one of the rotary switches 2, 3 Fig. 12 is on the „0“ • If a short circuit occurs at the pushbutton or is present at
setting a fault is shown at the right-hand LED 3. the external illuminated pushbutton Fig.13 or at the con-
Subject to change without notice

• The fault is indicated by 4 flashes of the LED. necting parts a fault is shown at the red LED 3, fig. 12.
• The pump motor also runs according the flash frequency. If • The fault is indicated by 3 flashes of the LED when the
the warning is ignored the controller automatically adopts voltage supply is switched on.
the factory-set values for the operating or pause time • The motor of the pump also runs according to the flash

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LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Operating Instructions


The defective printed circuit boards should be suitably packed • If the printed circuit board must be replaced, a model
and returned to the factory. V 10 (V20) will always be delivered. See chart page 15.
• Before installing another printed circuit board, take care that
the setting of the jumper or that of the operating/pause time
is the same as on the old printed circuit board.

Operational Test / To Trigger an Additional

Lubrication Cycle
• To check the pump operation it is possible to perform an ope-
rational test.

Pumps model 203 installed on machines

* Switch on the machine contact.

Pumps model 203 installed on commercial vehicles

* Switch on the driving switch

For all pumps

• To check whether power is applied to the printed circuit
board, observe whether the LED 1 Fig. 12 is lit.
20002457b * Press pushbutton 5 on the printed circuit board (> 2 secon-
Fig. 12 - LED on the printed circuit board ds) until the right-hand LED 3 lights up.
1 - LED, left-hand 4 - Rotary switch, operating time
2 - Rotary switch, pause time 5 - Pushbutton for additional • A shorter pause time elapses, followed by a normal lubricati-
3 - LED, right-hand lubrication on cycle.

• Additional lubrication cycles can be triggered at any time.

Note: In the case of model 203 pump, version 2A1, with exter-
nal illuminated pushbutton, it is also possible to trigger an addi-
tional lubrication cycle via this pushbutton.
Subject to change without notice


Fig. 13 - To trigger an additional lubrication cycle, only pumps with illuminated


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LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Operating Instructions



Note: The pump operation can be checked from the outside by circuit board are lit or whehter the signal lamp of the illumi-
observing whether the stirring paddle is rotating (e.g. by trigge- nated pushbutton (if any) is lit.
ring an additional lubrication), whether the LED on the printed

• Fault: the pump motor does not run

• Cause: • Remedy:

• Voltage supply interrupted • Check the voltage supply to the pump. If necessary, elimina-
te the fault.

• Voltage supply to the printed-circuit interrupted • Check the line leading from the pump plug to the printed cir-
cuit board.
• If the voltage is applied, the left-hand LED is lit.

• Voltage supply interrupted betweeen the printed circuit board • Triggering an additional lubrication cycle
and the motor • If the voltage is applied, the right-hand LED is lit.

• Printed-circuit board defective • Replace the printed circuit board.

• Fault: Right-hand LED 3 Fig. 12 flashes

• Cause: • Remedy:

• One of the two rotary switches 2, 4 Fig. 12 is on „0“. • Set rotary switch to a number or a letter.
Signal: 4 flashes

• Short circuit at pushbutton 5 Fig. 12 or, if present, at the illu- • Check whether the short circuit is at he PCB or, if present,
minated push button or at their connecting parts at the illuminated pushbutton.
Signal: 3 flashes If necessary, exchange the PCB or the illuminated pushbut-

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LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Operating Instructions


Technical Data

Rated voltage ............................................................ 12/24V DC Time setting

Operating voltage
12V/ 24V .......................................................... 9V to 30V Pause time, depending on the jumper position:
Residual rippple in relation ............................................... 4; 8; 12; 24 to 60 minutes
with the operating voltage ................... ± 5% acc. to DIN 41755 ......................................................... 1, 2, 3...to 15 hours
Motor output ............................ Transistor 7A/short-circuit proof Operating time, depending on the jumper position
Reverse voltage protection: ............................................ 8; 16; 24;....to 120 seconds
The operating voltage inputs are protected against ................................................... 2, 4, 6,....to 30 minutes
polarity reversal Factory setting
Temperature range .................................. -25°C to 70°C Pause time .......................................................... 6 hours
Lamp current in the case of pump 2A1 ....................... max. 2 A or .................................................................... 24 minutes
Class of protection Operating time ................................................ 6 minutes
Printed circuit board installed in housing .................... IP 6K 9K or .................................................................. 24 seconds

In order to protect the printed circuit board against condensati-

on it has been covered with a protective varnish.

All the printed circuit boards comply with the EMC (Electroma-
gnetic compatibility) guidelines for road vehicles acc. to DIN
40839 T1, 3 and 4
and the EMC guideline 89 / 336 / EWG
Emitted interference acc. to ................. EN 55011 / 03.91 and
........................................................ EN 50081-1 / 01.92
Noise immunity acc. to ............................. EN 50082-2 / 03.95
The type 203 pumps with PCB V10 - V13 (V20 - V23) comply
with the Automotive EMC Directive 95/54/EEC and with the
EC approval mark e1
shown on the nameplate
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Owner Manual
Operating Instructions


Connection Diagram - Industrial Applications, Printed Circuit Board 236-13891-1 (V10-V13)


Fig. 14 - Connection diagram Quicklub 203 with adjustable pause time

Connection via Hirschmann type-in connectors DIN 43650-A

A- Printed circuit board 1A1 - Pump without illuminated pushbutton G- Cable connector 2*
B- Pump housing 2A1 - Pump with cable connection for H- Line socket 2 (grey)
C- Cable connector 1 illuminated pushbutton* for connection cable, 3-wire*
D- Line socket 1 (black) F - Machine contact I- Pushbutton for additional lubrication
for connection cable, 3-wire J - Signal lamp in the case of low-level
* on request control

Attention! If a pump model 103 CS...E2 is replaced by a pump model P203-...-...-2A1.10, the lamp connection of the
illuminated pushbutton must be changed from minus to plus.

- Low-level control*

31 - Earth N- Level control*

15 - Driving switch Z- Additional lubrication*

Subject to change without notice

M - Motor - Signal lamp*


Fig. 15 - Terminals of the printed circuit board

* equipment available on request

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LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Owner Manual
Operating Instructions


Combinations of the jumper positions - Survey

Pause time ranges Operating time ranges Jumper positi-

Possibilities of
P I ons
preselection 4 - 60 min 1 - 15 h 8 - 120 s 2 - 30 min See Fig. 8, 10

Combination no.

V 10, V 20
Standard X X

V 11, V 21 X X

V 12, V 22 X X

V 13, V 23 X X
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Owner Manual
Operating Instructions

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LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
600484337-001 - A

Technical Documentation 902026880

Edition 06/16
Page 1-1

Deployment Notes
Bearings - Thermally stable, synthetic-oil-based
lubricating grease
- NLGI class: 1-2
- Operating temperature range: - 35C ...
- Dropping point: > 240°C
- Designation according to DIN 51502:
- Designation according to ISO 6743:
- Recommendation: ADDINOL Hightemp XFT 2

Shaft seal - see Bearings

SIRIUS 3TK2810-0
Safety relay
Operating Instructions English
Read and understand these instructions before installing, Figures
operating, or maintaining the equipment. Fig. I Dimension diagram (dimensions in mm)
Fig. II Installation instructions
ÿ DANGER Fig. III Derating curve
Fig. IVa Connection example single-phase
Hazardous voltage.
Fig. IVb Connection example three-phase
Will cause death or serious injury.
Turn off and lock out all power supplying this device before Fig. V Connection example with frequency converter
working on this device. Note
The terminals X1 - X2 - X3 are not electrically isolated with respect to measuring cir-
CAUTION cuit L1 - L2 - L3. They therefore have to be driven with floating contacts.
Reliable functioning of the equipment is only ensured with
certified components. Terminal designation Signal description
A1 +/L
A2 –/L
The products described herein are designed to be components of a customized
machinery safety-oriented control system. A complete safety-oriented system may A3 24 V DC voltage supply signaling outputs
include safety sensors, evaluators, actuators and signaling components. It is the A4 Signaling outputs frame
responsibility of each company to conduct its own evalution of the effectiveness of the
safety system by trained individuals. SIEMENS AG, its subsidiaries and affiliates L1, L2, L3 Measuring inputs
(collectively "SIEMENS") are not in a position to evaluate all of the characteristics of a X1, X2, X3 Control terminals
given system or product or machine not designed by SIEMENS. 11, 12 Positively driven NC contacts enabling circuit
SIEMENS accepts no liability for any recommendation that may be implied or stated
herein. The warranty contained in the contract of sale by SIEMENS is the sole war- 23, 24; 33, 34; 43, 44 Positively driven NO contacts enabling circuit
ranty of SIEMENS. Any statements contained herein do not create new warranties or 51, 52, 54 Changeover contact signaling output
modify existing ones
64, 74 Signaling outputs
Safe standstill detection for three-phase and single-phase induction motors, e.g. for Function diagram
enabling protective doors on machine tools to be released or for activating holding

Design and operating principle

The safe 3TK2810-0 standstill monitor measures the voltage of the coasting motor
induced by residual magnetization at 3 terminals of the stator winding. If the induc-
tion voltage approaches 0, this means a motor standstill for the device and the out-
put relay is activated.
In order to be able to adapt the device to the various motors and applications the ËØ
voltage threshold Uan can be set, below which the 3TK2810-0 detects standstill. It is
also possible to set the duration for which Uan has to be exceeded to enable the ßïñßî
standstill to be finally detected and for the output circuit to be enabled (standstill time
ts ). Ó±¬±®
In addition, the device detects wire breaks between the measuring inputs L1 / L2 / -°»»¼ñ
L3. If a wire break is established the output relay goes into the safe position (as with ª±´¬¿¹» ʱ´¬¿¹»
a running motor). This state is stored and can be cleared by (short) jumpering of the ÔïñÔîñÔí ¬¸®»-¸±´¼ Ë¿²
terminals X2 - X3. X1 - X2: feedback circuit for connecting external contactors (NC
contacts). If the feedback circuit is not required the terminals X1 - X2 must be jump-
ered as otherwise an error message will be output. É·®» ¾®»¿µ
Device features
• SIL3 according to IEC 61 508, safety category 4 according to EN 954-1 îíóîì
• PLe according to EN ISO 13849-1 ííóíì
• Wire break detection in the measuring circuit ëïóëì
• Positively driven safety output contacts: 3 NO, 1 NC for 250 V AC ßíóêì
• 2 semiconductor signaling outputs
• 1 changeover contact signaling output ïïóïî
• Settable voltage threshold Uan
• Settable standstill time ts
• LEDs for motor standstill, wire break and operating voltage ¬Û ¬Û
• Suitable for use with frequency converters ßíóéì
ͬ¿²¼-¬·´´ ¬·³» ¬ Í
Practical information ¬Û ã îòòòîôë-
Ì»-¬ ¬·³» ¼«®·²¹ -©·¬½¸ó±² ËØ
During braking operation, a frequency converter generates an offset (DC component).
This can be detected and saved as a wire break by the standstill monitor. The same tE: Recognition time after wire break
process occurs during direct current injection braking.
The enabling circuits are only released when:
• braking is completed, i.e. the standstill monitor is no longer detecting a DC compo-
nent (-> motor is no longer running) and the control terminals X2 - X3 are bridged,
• or a manual reset is performed via these terminals.
When the 3TK2810 is used with a frequency converter, the terminals X2 – X3 should
be bridged, or a manual reset must be performed before restarting.

Order No.: 3ZX1012-0TK28-7BA1 3

Device LEDs Output data

green-red LED "DEVICE": lights up green during operation

Number of contacts 3 NO, 1 NC
lights up red in the event of internal device
faults Contact type Relay, positively driven
Rated output voltage 250 V AC
yellow-green LED "OUT": lights up yellow when EMF > Uan
lights up green upon expiry of ts Thermal current Ith 5 A (up to 40°C)
green continuous light upon enabling of the
output contacts Total I 2 see derating curve (Fig. III)
Square-law summation current = I 21 + I 22 + I 23
red LED "SF": lights up upon faults in the measuring and I 1, I 2, I3 - current in the contact paths
feedback circuit and when the auxiliary volt-
age U H is too low (see flashing code) Max. permissible current up to 40°C 5 2 + 5 2 + 52 = 75 A2
over 3 rows of contacts = 5 A
Max. permissible current at 60°C over 2 2 + 2 2 + 22 = 12 A2
LED flashing codes of the red LED "SF" in priority sequence 3 rows of contacts = 2 A
Switching capacity
˲¼»®ª±´¬¿¹» to 15 AC
¿¬ Ë Ø
NO 3 A / 230 V AC IEC/EN 60 947-5-1
É·®» ¾®»¿µñ±ºº-»¬
¿¬ Ôî NC 2 A / 230 V AC IEC/EN 60 947-5-1

É·®» ¾®»¿µñ±ºº-»¬ to 13 DC 2 A / 24 V DC IEC/EN 60 947-5-1

¿¬ Ôí Recommended fusing of the safety
contacts 5 A quick-response
Û®®±® ·² º»»¼¾¿½µ
½·®½«·¬ ÈïóÈî Maximum number of switching opera- 1200 / h
Í·³«´¬¿²»·¬§ Contact service life
»®®±® -·¹²¿´ at 230 V AC/ 5 A cos 0,5 2 x 105 operating cycles
Mechanical service life 50 x 106 operating cycles
Technical data
Semiconductor signaling outputs 100 mA 24 V DC, plus-switching, electri-
Input data (L1 - L2 - L3) cally iisolated; supply via A3 / A4; "64" for
enabling, "74" for faults
Changeover signaling contacts 3 A 250 V AC (in working position for ena-
Measuring/motor voltage max. 690 V AC bling) (51/54)
Input resistances approx. 400 k
General data
Response threshold Uan approx. 20 mV ... 400 mV, settable
Standstill time ts 0.2 ... 6 s settable
Rated operating mode Continuous duty
Temperature range
Aux. voltage U H (A1 - A2) 230 V AC, 400 V AC and 24 V DC
Operation -25 ... +60°C
Recommended fusing 2A Storage -40 ... +75°C
Voltage range Creepages and clearances
AC 0.8 ... 1.1 UN
Rated impulse voltage / degree of con-
DC 0.9 ... 1.2 UN
tamination IEC 60 664-1
Rated consumption approx.. 5 VA, 3 W
Terminals L1 / L2 / L3 between each 6 kV / 2
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz other
Contacts 11/12, 23/24, 33/34, 43/44 to
the rest 6 kV / 2
PFH 1.49 x 10-9 1/h
Contacts 11/12, 23/24, 33/34, 43/44 to
SFF 95.5 % each other 4 kV / 2
T1 175,200 h Signaling contacts to the rest 4 kV / 2
Semiconductor outputs A3 / 64 / 74 /
A4 to the rest 4 kV / 2
Aux. voltage A1 / A2 to the rest
at AC auxiliary voltage 6 kV / 2
at DC auxiliary voltage 4 kV / 2
Control terminals X1 / X2 / X3 no electrical isolation to L1 / L2 / L3
Degree of protection
Enclosure IP 40 IEC/EN 60 529
Terminals IP 20 IEC/EN 60 529
Vibration strength Amplitude 0.35 mm
Frequency 10 ... IEC/EN 60 068-2-6
55 Hz
Quick mounting Standard mounting IEC/EN 60 715
Net weight approx. 500 g

4 Order No.: 3ZX1012-0TK28-7BA1

I 45
7,2 7,2 b

a 94 —
b 65 —
c 82,6 84,4
d 105,9 107,7



3TK2810-0.A01 3TK2810-0.A02

0,8 ... 1,2 Nm
c ‰
5 ... 6 mm / PZ2 7 ... 10,3 lbf· in
ïð 1 x 0,5 ... 4,0 mm²
2 x 0,25 ... 1,5 mm²
a 2 x 0,5 ... 2,5 mm²
ïð 2 x 0,5 ... 1,5 mm²
2 x 0,25 ... 1,5 mm²
1 x 0,5 ... 2,5 mm²
ï ïð
DIN ISO 2380-1A 0,5 x 3 ‰ 2 x 0,25 ... 1,5 mm²

AWG 2 x 20 to 14 2 x 24 to 16


A, B, C, D:
2 C
A B Codificado

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3ZX1012-0TK28-7BA1 13
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Mit Brücke zwischen X2-X3 zur automatischen Quittierung der

ßï ßì Èï Èî Èí ßí ëï ïï îí íí ìí
With jumper between X2-X3 for automatic acknowledgement of
the wire break detection
Avec pont entre X2-X3 pour un acquittement automatique de la
Ô±¹·½ FR
détection de rupture de conducteur
Con puente entre X2-X3 para la confirmación automática de la
detección de rotura de hilo
ßî Ôï Ôî Ôí êì éì ëî ëì ïî îì íì ìì Ôï Ôî Ôí Con ponticello tra X2-X3 per la tacitazione automatica del ricono-
scimento di rottura di conduttore
Com ponte entre X2-X3 para a confirmação automática da identi-
ficação de quebra de fio


Technical Assistance: Telephone: +49 (0) 911-895-5900 (8°° - 17°° CET) Fax: +49 (0) 911-895-5907
E-mail: technical-assistance@siemens.com
Internet: www.siemens.de/lowvoltage/technical-assistance
Technical Support: Telephone: +49 (0) 180 50 50 222

Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Zum späteren Gebrauch aufbewahren. Bestell-Nr./Order No.: 3ZX1012-0TK28-7BA1
Subject to change without prior notice. Store for use at a later date.
© Siemens AG 2007
Prosafe Trapped Key Interlock Switches BHS-902009066
Solenoid Release Units

Standards EN292-1&2, EN1954-1, IEC/EN60204-1,
EN1088, IEC/EN60947-5-1, ISO13849-
1, ISO12100-1&2, ISO14119, GS-ET-19,
Category Cat. 1 per EN 954-1 (ISO 13849-1)
Suitable for Cat. 2, 3, and 4 systems
Approvals BG, cULus and CE marked for all
applicable directives
Solenoid Voltage 24V DC, 110V AC, 230V AC, 110V DC
Solenoid Power
DC Types 6.5W continuous
AC Types 6VA continuous
Electrical Characteristics See rotary power switches
Mounting Any position
Max Shear Force to Key 15.1kN (3398lbs)
Max Torque to Key 14Nm (124lb•in)
The solenoid release unit is used for electrical isolation of machinery Trapped Key Components 316L Stainless Steel
to enable safe access. It consists of a rotary power switch (RPS) and Face Plate 316L Stainless Steel
Optional Box ABS Plastic
a solenoid. The trapped key can be removed once an external signal
Cable 0.75sq. mm2 (18AWG) 2-wire PVC
is given to its internal solenoid locking mechanism. An indicator jacket QD
light on the SRU indicates when trapped key can be removed; that is, Operating Temperature 0°C to +40°C (+32°F to +104°F)
when power is applied to the solenoid. The solenoid signal only Humidity 95% RH
needs to be present when key removal is necessary. The solenoid is Environmental
rated for 100% duty cycle. Power to the solenoid can be removed With Optional Plastic IP65 (NEMA 13)
after the trapped key is removed. Electrical Life >100,000
Mechanical Life 100,000
Removing the trapped key causes the isolating power switch to
change state; the normally open contacts open and the normally
closed contacts (if applicable) will close.

The trapped key can then be used in the next sequence of the

• Direct drive operation—positively opens contacts
• Integral solenoid monitoring
• Key trapped until release signal is applied
• IP 65 enclosure or panel mounted versions
• LED or NEON “key free” indication
• 316L stainless steel construction
• 24V DC, 110V AC/DC or 230V AC solenoid options
• Weatherproof stainless steel dust cap as standard
• UL and CSA approval on switches
• Single or multiple key units available (contact factory)
• Replaceable code barrel assembly

The Prosafe Advantage

Stainless steel

Prosafe Trapped Key Interlock Switches
Solenoid Release Units

Product Selection
Solenoid Voltage Contacts Current Catalogue Number
2 N.O. & 2 N.C. 440T-MSRUE11➊
24V DC 440T-MSRUE10➊
4 N.O.
32A 440T-MSRUE12➊
2 N.O. & 2 N.C. 440T-MSRUE22➊
110V AC 440T-MSRUE20➊
4 N.O.
32A 440T-MSRUE23➊
2 N.O. & 2 N.C. 440T-MSRUE33➊
230V AC 440T-MSRUE30➊
4 N.O.
32A 440T-MSRUE34➊
2 N.O. & 2 N.C. 440T-MSRUE44➊
110V DC 4 N.O. 20A 440T-MSRUE40➊
3 N.O. & 3 N.C. 440T-MSRUE46➊
➊ Substitute the desired primary code for this symbol (key not included). See page 5-6 for code selection.

Description Additional Information Catalogue Number
Replacement Key 440T-AKEYE10⊗
Replacement Code Barrel See page 5-33 440T-ASCBE14➊
Replacement Dust Cap 440T-ASFC10⊗
For use with 20A units 440T-AIPB10
Optional IP65 Plastic Enclosure
For use with 32A units 440T-AIPB22
➊ Substitute the desired primary code for this symbol (key not included). See page 5-6 for code selection.
⊗ Substitute the desired code for this symbol. See page 5-6 for code selection.

Approximate Dimensions—mm (inches) Typical Wiring Diagram

Dimensions are not intended to be used for installation purposes.
Solenoid Status 6 Holes 4.5 MC MC Gnd

Monitor Switch. 120 (4.72) (0.18) Dia 90 (3.54)

Terminal Block Contacts Break 82 (3.23)
When Solenoid Status
Retracted. 70
Indicator (2.76) R4 (0.16)
160 (6.30)

132 (5.20)

150 (5.91)


70 Panel
(2.76) Cutout
Trapped Key
(not included)
90 (3.54) 100 (3.93)
Optional Enclosure

110 (4.33) Optional 300 (11.81)

230 (9.06)

If there is any malfunction or damage to the unit or key, replace Wenn Sie irgendwelche Manipulationen oder Beschädigungen an der Si un mauvais fonctionnement est detecte sur l'appareil ou la cle, R
where necessary. No attempt to repair should be made. The unit or Verriegelung oder den Schlüsseln feststellen können, tauschen Sie remplacer l'element necessaire. Aucun delai pour reparer n'est DISPOSITIF DE LIBERATION DE CLE PAR ELECTRO-AIMANT - SRUE
key should be replaced before the system is reinstated. diese aus. Reparaturen an der Verriegelung sind ausschliesslich vom accepte. L'appareil ou la cle doivent etre remplaces avant la remise Beschreibung
(a) Description Description
Hersteller durchzuführen. Die beschädigte Verriegelung sollte ersetzt en service du systeme. The key release unit is used for electrical isolation of machinery to enable safe access. It Der Schlüsselauslöser wird für die elektrische Trennung von Maschinen benutzt, um Ce dispositif est utilisé pour l'isolement électrique d'une machine afin de permettre un
werden, bevor Sie die Anlage wieder in Betrieb nehmen. only allows the trapped key to be removed once a signal is given to it's internal locking betriebssicheren Zugang zu gewährleisten. Der arretierte Schlüssel kann nur accès en toute sécurité. La clé piégée ne peut être retirée qu'après l'envoi d'un signal à
mechanism and power has been turned off. The previously trapped key can then be herausgezogen werden, wenn ein Signal zum eingebauten Verriegelungswerk son mécanisme interne de verrouillage et coupure de l'alimentation. La clé
withdrawn and used in the next sequence of operation. gesendet wird und der Strom ausgeschaltet worden ist. Der vorher arretierte Schlüssel précédemment piégée peut alors être retirée et utilisée pour la prochaine séquence.
kann dann herausgezogen und für die nächste Betriebsfolge benutzt werden.

(b) Installation Instructions Einbauanleitung Notice d'installation

Installation must be in accordance with the following steps and must be Die Installation muß unter Einhaltung der nachstehend beschriebenen L’installation doit être effectuée par du personnel qualifié qui respectera les
carried out by suitably competent personnel. Schritte, und durch geeignetes, fachlich qualifiertes Personal erfolgen. étapes suivantes.
This device is intended to be part of the safety related control system. Before Diese Vorrichtung ist als Teil des sicherheitsrelevanten Kontrollsystems Ce système est conçu pour être implanté dans la partie sécurité du système
installation, a risk assessment should be performed to determine whether the beabsichtigt. Vor der Installation sollte eine Risikobewertung zur Festlegung de commande. Avant l’installation, il faut effectuer une appréciation des
specifications of this device are suitable for all foreseeable operational and dessen erfolgen, ob die Spezifikationen dieser Vorrichtung für alle risques pour vérifier que les caractéristiques de cet appareil sont appropriées
environmental characteristics of the machine to which it is to be fitted. vorhersehbaren betrieblichen und umweltbezogenen Eigenschaften der aux critères d’utilisation et d’environnement de la machine.
At regular intervals during the life of the unit check whether these Maschine geeignet sind, an der sie installiert werden soll. Pendant toute la vie de la machine, en respectant des périodes de
characteristics foreseen remain valid and inspect this device for evidence Zu regelmäßigen Abständen während der Lebensdauer der Baugruppe vérification régulières, assurez-vous que l’appareil conserve ses
of accelerated wear, material degradation or tampering. If necessary the ist zu überprüfen, ob die vorgesehenen Eigenschaften weiterhin gültig performances, inspectez le montage du dispositif pour déceler des traces
device should be replaced. The manufacturer cannot accept responsibility sind, und ob Anzeichen von vorzeitigem Verschleiß, Materialermüdung éventuelles d’usure, de dégradation ou de fraudes. Si nécessaire,
for a failure of this device if the procedures given in this sheet are not oder unbefugten Eingriffen erkennbar sind. Falls erforderlich, sollte remplacez l’appareil. Le fabricant n'accepte pas la responsabilité pour
implemented or if it is used outside the recommended specifications in die Vorrichtung ausgetauscht werden. Der Hersteller kann keinerlei des pannes éventuelles de cet appareil si les procédures décrites dans la
this sheet. Verantwortung für ein Versagen dieser Vorrichtung übernehmen, wenn présente notice n’ont pas été respectées ou si l’appareil est utilisé en
Adherence to the recommended maintenance instructions forms part of die in diesem Datenblatt gegebenen Verfahrensweisen nicht dehors des recommandations dans la présente.
the warranty. implementiert wurden, oder wenn sie außerhalb der auf diesem Le respect des instructions relatives à l’entretien recommandé font
Schriftblatt empfohlenen Spezifikationen verwendet wird. partie intégrante de la garantie.
Die Einhaltung der empfohlenen Wartungsvorschriften formt Teil der


Every Week Wöchentlich Toutes les semaines
Check the correct operation of the switching circuit and tightness of Prüfen, dass der Schaltkreis korrekt funktioniert und die Befestigungen Vérifier le bon fonctionnement du circuit de commutation et le serrage
fixings. Also check for signs of abuse or tampering. Inspect the unit for abgesichert sind. Auch wegen Missbrauch bzw. Manipulation prüfen. des fixations. Chercher également les signes d'effraction ou de
damage. Inspect the unit and replace if damage is apparent. Nachsehen, ob die Einheit beschädigt ist. Wenn offensichtlich beschädigt, bidouillage. Vérifier l'état de l'unité. Inspecter l'unité et la remplacer
At least every 6 months die Einheit auswechseln. lorsqu'elle semble endommagée.
Isolate all power! Inspect the unit and key for damage. Check for any sign of Mind. Alle 6 Monate Au moins une fois tous les 6 mois
wear or contact oxidisation etc. Replace if apparent. Clean out any Den Strom ausschalten! Nachsehen, ob die Einheit oder der Schlüssel Couper l'alimentation ! Vérifier l'état de l'unité et de la clé. Chercher les
accumulation of fine dirt etc. Lubricate code barrel assembly with light oil or beschädigt sind. Wegen Verschleiß oder oxidierter Kontakte usw. prüfen. signes d'usure, d'oxydation, etc. Remplacer le cas échéant. Nettoyer toutes
spray. Assessment of operating environment may require unit to be lubricated Wenn defekt, auswechseln. Feinen Staub usw. abwischen. Schlosszylinder mit les accumulations de crasse, etc. Lubrifier le barillet codé avec une huile filante
more frequenlty. Reinstate the power & check for correct operation. dünnflüssigem Öl oder Sprühmittel schmieren. Bedingt vom Umfeld muss die ou en bombe. Suivant l'environnement, il peut s'avérer nécessaire de
Einheit vielleicht häufiger geschmiert werden. Den Strom anschalten und die procéder à une lubrification plus fréquente. Rétablir l'alimentation et vérifier le
korrekte Funktion prüfen. fonctionnement.

d’application A
CLÉ VERROUILLÉE - MACHINE SOUS TENSION Machine is running - Electrical supply is (l) - Electrical supply
(d) PART BODY ACCESS A ON - All access doors are locked. (k) FULL BODY ACCESS ON - Access door
(g) Maschine läuft - Stromversorgung EIN - (f) ACCESS KEYS TRAPPED.
Alle Zugangstüren sind verriegelt / La machine ELECTRICAL
est en marche - La machine est sous tension - (h) SUPPLY ELECTRICAL
Toutes les portes d’accès sont verrouillées LOCKED OFF B
GESPERRT / ALIMENTATION ELECTRIQUE A (m) Machine is now stopped - A A

BLOQUEE HORS CIRCUIT Electrical supply is isolated -

ELEKTRISCHE TRENNUNG ARRETIERT / CLÉS With door open Key A is trapped -
D’ACCES LIBRES - CLÉ DE COUPURE DE Machine is now stopped - Electrical supply Key B is taken into guarded area to
B B (j) ensure the door cannot be locked by
L’ALIMENTATION ELECTRIQUE VERROUILLÉE is isolated - Access doors can now be opened
ACCESS KEYS FREE. - When Doors are open, keys are trapped. a third party.
(j) Maschine steht jetzt still - Die Stromversorgung ist (i)
getrennt - Zugangstüren können jetzt geöffnet ELECTRICAL ISOLATION KEY TRAPPED.
werden - Bei geöffneter Tür werden die
Schlüssel arretiert. / La machine est maintenant
arrêtée - L’alimentation électrique est coupée - On 1 (a) MOUNTING / MONTAGE / MONTAGE
peut ouvrir les portes d’accès - Lorsque les portes
sont ouvertes, les clés sont verrouillées (b) Mounting Plate 6 HOLES Ø4,5
(l) Maschine läuft - Stromversorgung EIN -
Zugangstür verschlossen. / La machine est en 82 CUTOUT
marche - La machine est sous tension - Toutes les
portes d’accès sont verrouillées
(m) Maschine steht jetz still - Die Stromversorgung ist

70,0 CRS
getrennt - Die Tür kann jetzt geöffnet werden - R4 MAX
Bei geöffneter Tür wird Schlüssel A arretiert KEY(S)
- Schlüssel B wird in einem bewachten ILLUM EE WHEN


Bereich aufbewahrt, um sicherzustellen, daß

die Tür nicht durch eine dritte Person KEY TR
verschlossen werden kann. / La machine est A CO
maintenant arrêtée - L’alimentation électrique est

70,0 CRS
coupée - On peut ouvrir la porte - Lorsque la porte
est ouverte, la clé A est bloquée - La clé B est
placée dans une zone surveillée afin d’assurer que
la porte ne puisse pas être verrouillée par des tiers

R 1
(b) Montageplatte / Plaque de montage (c) Code Barrel Assembly
(c) Montage des Code-Zylinders M4 (x2) /
Drg No: 7200134 / Issue No: 1 Barillet codé
Change No: 17162
Deutch / Français 2 (a) Adjust Position of Flip Cap if Required 5 5 (a) OPERATION / BEDIENUNG / UTILISATION

2 (b) Codezylinder / Barillet codé

2.5 mm (d) UNITS SHOULD BE (c) Schlüssel ‘C’ gedreht und frei, Strom AUS
(a) Falls erforderlich, Position der / Clé ‘C’ tournée et libre: alimentation
(b) Loosen grub screw INSTALLED WITH FLIP CAP KEY(S)
Schutzklappe justieren / Ajustez la coupée FR

position du chapeau basculant, si nécessaire in cap HINGE UPPERMOST INATED

(d) Schlüssel ‘C’ arretiert, Strom EIN / ILLUM EE WHEN

(b) Gewindestift in der Klappe lösen / Clé ‘C’ verrouillée: appareil sous tension
Desserrez la vis sans tête dans le chapeau LS W
(c) Klappe rotieren, und Gewindestift
festziehen / Tournez le chapeau et serrez (c) Rotate cap and
la vis sans tête tighten grubscrew
(c) Key 'C' Rotated and Free, Power Off. (d) Key 'C' Trapped, Power On.
(c) Schalter für Magnetsicherheitsmonitor /
(c) Signaleingang / Entrée de signal
(d) Schalter für Magnetsicherheitsmonitor /
+ - 21 22 23 24 + - 21 22 23 24 Commutateurs de contrôle de sécurité de (b) TERMINAL BLOCK
l’électro-aimant MONITOR SWITCHES
Commutateurs de contrôle de sécurité de Signal Input Solenoid Solenoid Signal Input Solenoid Solenoid KEY FREE

(c) Safety Safety (c) Safety Safety (d) SOLENOIDSTROM-VERSORGUNG KEY TRAPPED

Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor KONTINUIERLICH DC TYP 6,5 W (d)
(e) 1-2,3-4,5-6,8-8 - SICHERHEITSKREIS

PAR SOLENOIDE - Type c.c. : 11 W
SECURITE 1 (20 Amp) 2 (20 Amp) 1 (20 Amp) 2 (20 Amp) D.C. TYPES 11 WATTS KEY IS FREE


Type c.a. : 17 VA A.C. TYPES 17 VA
3 (20 Amp) 4 (20 Amp) 3 (20 Amp) 4 (20 Amp) (e) TRENNSCHALTEREINHEIT / SECTIONNEUR
5-6, 7-8 - HILFSKREIS / 5-6, 7-8 - 5 (20 Amp) 6 (20 Amp) 5 (20 Amp) 6 (20 Amp)
7 (20 Amp) 8 (20 Amp) 7 (20 Amp) 8 (20 Amp) / BOITIER ABS (SI INSTALLE)
(e) 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 Safety Circuit ETAT SOLENOIDE
(f) 1-2, 3-4 Safety Circuit, 5-6, 7-8 Aux.

(f) TRAPPED KEY 50.0


+ - 21 22 23 24 + - 21 22 23 24
Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid
(f) T e c h n ic al S p e c i f ic a ti o n s T e c h n is c h e D a te n S p éc i f i c a t i o n s t e c h n i q u e s
Signal Input Signal Input
(c) Safety Safety (c) Safety Safety Conforming to standards EN 292, EN 1088, EN 60947-5-1, Erfüllt die Normen EN 292, EN 1088, EN 60947-5-1, Conformité aux normes EN 292, EN 1088, EN 60947-5-1,
Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor GS-ET -19 GS-ET -19 GS-ET -19
(d) (d) (d) (d) Isolators standards IEC 60947, IEC 60204, UL 508, Trennschalternormen IEC 60947, IEC 60204, UL 508, Normes sectionneurs IEC 60947, IEC 60204, UL 508,
CSA 22.2, No 14 CSA 22.2, Nr. 14 CSA 22.2, No 14
1 (20 Amp) 2 (20 Amp) Approvals BG Zulassungen BG Homologations BG
Isolator contact options, 2 N/C Safety (20A) + 2 N/O (20A) Optionen Trennschalterkontakte 2 N/C, Schutz (20A) + 2 N/O (20A) Option contacts sectionneur, 2 N/C sécurité (20 A) + 2 N/O (20 A)
1 (32 Amp) 2 (32 Amp) 3 (20 Amp) 4 (20 Amp) Isolator on 4 N/C Safety (20A) Trennschalter an 4 N/C, Schutz (20A) sectionneur ON 4 N/C sécurité (20 A)
3 (32 Amp) 4 (32 Amp) 5 (20 Amp) 6 (20 Amp) 3 N/C Safety (20A) + 3 N/O (20A) 3 N/C, Schutz (20A) + 3 N/O (20A) 3 N/C sécurité (20 A) + 3 N/O (20 A)
4 N/C Safety (32A) 4 N/C, Schutz 4 N/C sécurité (32 A)
5 (32 Amp) 6 (32 Amp) 7 (20 Amp) 8 (20 Amp) Solenoid monitor switches 1 N/O, 1 N/C (5A) Schalter für Magnetmonitor 1 N/O, 1 N/C, (5A) Contact surveillance solénoïde 1 N/O, 1 N/C (5 A)
7 (32 Amp) 8 (32 Amp) 9 (20 Amp) 10 (20 Amp) Solenoid options 24Vdc (11W), 110Vac and 230Vac (17 VA) Solenoidoptionen 24V DC (11W), 110V AC und 230 V AC (17V A) Options solénoïdes 24 V cc (11 W), 110 V ca et 230 V ca (17 VA)
Mechanical operations 100,000 (Typical) Mechanische Takte 100.000 (typisch) Cycles mécaniques 100,000 (typique)
11 (20 Amp) 12 (20 Amp) Code barrel Tested to 100,000 operations Codezylinder Bis zu 100.000 Takte geprüft Barillet codé 100 000 cycles d'après les tests
(e) 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 Safety Circuit Max. shear force to key 15.1kN Max. Scherkraft auf Schlüssel 15.1kN Force de cisaillement maxi. de la clé 15.1kN
(f) 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 Safety Circuit, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 Aux.
Max. torque to key 14Nm Max. Drehmoment auf Schlüssel 14Nm Couple maxi. de la clé 14Nm
Climatic resistance Damp heat, constant, to DIN IEC Temperaturresistenz Feuchte Hitze, konstant, nach DIN IEC Résistance aux conditions climatiques Chaleur humide constante, norme DIN
600068-2-3 600068-2-3 IEC 600068-2-3. Chaleur humide
2-30 2-30 600068-2-30
These form part of the safety integrity of the device Diese bilden Teil der Sicherheitsintegrität des Gerätes. Font partie intégrante de la sécurité intrinsèque du Ambient temp. -10°C to + 40°C Betriebstemperatur -10°C bis + 40°C Température ambiante -10°C à + 40°C
and must be wired into the appropriate safety control Sie müssen in dem entsprechenden dispositif et doivent être connectés sur le circuit de Isolator specifications 20A 32A Trennschalterdaten 20A 32A Spécifications sectionneur 20A 32A
circuit, not allowing the safety circuit to reset while Sicherheitssteuerkreis verdrahtet werden, damit der contrôle de sécurité approprié afin de ne pas permettre Operational voltage (Ue) 690 690A Betriebsspannung (Ue) 690A 690A Tension (Ue) 690 690A
the solenoid is energised. Sicherheitskreis nicht zurücksetzen kann, während der la réinitialisation de ce dernier alors que l’électro- Uninterupted current lu/lth/lthe 25A 32A Dauerstrom lu/lth/lthe 25A 32A Intensité continue lu/lth/lthe 25A 32A
Magnet angeschaltet ist. aimant est excité. Short-circuit rating - max fuse 25A 32A Kurzschlussfestigkeit - max. Sicherung 25A 32A Intensité courant du court-circuit
4 Operational current le Betriebsstrom le - fusible maxi. 25A 32A
4 (a) CIRCUIT EXAMPLE / BEISPIEL EINES KREISES / EXEMPLE DE CIRCUIT AC-21A 25A 32A AC-21A 25A 32A Intensité opérationnelle Ie
(c) Rückstellung / Initialisation L1 (c)
(d) Zweikanal-Notaus, manuelle Reset AC-22A 220-500V 25A 32A AC-22A 220-500V 25A 32A AC-21A 25A 32A
Rückstellung, überwachter Ausgang/ Solenoid safety monitored contacts in system reset circuit / 660-690V 20A 32A 660-690V 20A 32A AC-22A 220-500V 25A 32A
A.d'urgence bi-canal, initialisation Kontakte für Magnetsicherheitsmonitor im Rücksetzkreissystem / L1 L2 L3 UL/CSA general use UL/CSA, Allgemeinverwendung 660-690V 20A 32A
manuelle, sortie contrôlée A1 S11 S52 S12 13 23 33 41
600Vac 25A 30A 600Vac 25A 30A UL/CSA utilisation générale
(e) DUALER KANAL, MANUELLES Contacts de contrôle de sécurité de l’électro-aimant dans un
RÜCKSETZEN, ÜBERWACHTER AUSGANG Operational power at 50-60Hz, 3 phase Strom bei 50-60 Hz, Drehstrom 600Vca 25A 30A
circuit de réinitialisation de système K1
/ 7. DOUBLE CANAL, RÉINITIALISATION MSR127RP AC-23A 220-240V 4kW 5.5kW AC-23A 220-240V 4kW 5.5kW Puissance opérationnelle à 50-60 Hz
MANUELLE, SORTIE CONTRÔLÉE 380-690V 7.5kW 11kW 380-690V 7.5kW 11kW triphasé
(e) Solenoid Safety S21 S22 S34 A2 14 24 34 42 AC-3 220-240V 3kW 4kW AC-3 220-240V 3kW 4kW AC-23A 220-240V 4kW 5.5kW
Monitoring Contact 380-690V 5.5kW 7.5kW 380-690V 5.5kW 7.5kW 380-690V 7.5kW 11kW
K1 K2 UL/CSA 100-120Vac 1.5HP 2HP UL/CSA 100-120Vac 1.5PS 2PS AC-3 220-240V 3kW 4kW
N 208-240Vac 3HP 5HP 208-240Vac 3PS 5PS 380-690V 5.5kW 7.5kW
440-600Vac 5HP 10HP 440-600Vac 5PS 10PS UL/CSA 100-120Vac 1.5p.c. 2p.c.
(d) Dual Channel , Manual Reset, 208-240Vac 3p.c. 5p.c.
Monitored Output 440-600Vac 5p.c. 10p.c.
Prosafe Trapped Key Interlock Switches BHS-902009069
Access/Chain Interlocks

Standards EN292-1&2, EN1088, ISO12100-1&2,
ISO14119, AS4024.1
Category Cat. 1 per EN 954-1 (ISO 13849-1)
Suitable for Cat. 2, 3, or 4 systems
Approvals BG, CE marked for all applicable
directives, and C-Tick not required
Misalignment +/-10mm (0.39in)
Single Dual Max. Shear Force to Key 15.1kN (3398lbs)
Max. Torque to Key 14Nm (124lb•in)
Operating Temperature -40°C to +200°C (-40°F to +392°F)
Humidity 95% RH
Material 316L stainless steel
SAL and SCL 2 or 4 x M5 Counterbored from Top or
2 or 4 x M5 from Underside with Nuts
Description DAL and DCL 4 or 6 x M5 Counterbored from Top or
4 or 6 x M5 from Underside with Nuts
The access interlocks are designed to allow access to hazardous areas Weight
when an appropriate key is inserted into the interlock. These access SAL and SCL 0.8kg (1.8lbs)
interlocks are manufactured in 316L stainless steel to provide DAL and DCL 1.35kg (3lbs)
rugged, industrial grade method of helping prevent access through Mechanical Life 100,000
gates. They are actuated by either a lever or a rod which is connected
to chain.

One advantage of the access interlocks is that there is no need to run

power wires to the gate. Power is disconnected by a trapped key
rotary switch on a control panel and the key is then hand-carried to
the gate by the operator.

The Single key Access interlock (SAL) and Single-key Chain lock
(SCL) are designed to be used to access hazardous areas where
partial body exposure is required. If two keys are needed for partial
body access, select the dual-key access interlock (DAL) or dual-key
chain lock (DCL) with both keys trapped.

When whole body access is needed, the DAL or DCL, with one key
trapped and one key free should be used. The secondary key serves
the function of a personnel key. The DAL and DCL allow the
operator to carry the personnel key into the hazardous area. When
the operator returns from the hazardous area and returns the
personnel key to the DAL or DCL, the locking sequence can be
reversed and the process restarted.

• 316L Stainless steel construction
• Single and dual key units
• Direct drive operation
• Fitted with tamper resistant screws
• Stainless steel dust cap as standard
• Replaceable code barrel assembly

The Prosafe Advantage

Stainless steel

Prosafe Trapped Key Interlock Switches
Access/Chain Interlocks

Product Selection
Operation Actuator Key Condition Catalogue Number
Lever Key trapped to release lever 440T-MSALE10➊
Single Key
Chain Key trapped to release chain 440T-MSCLE10➊
Primary key trapped, secondary key free to release lever 440T-MDALE10➊➋
Both keys trapped to release lever 440T-MDALE11➊➊
Dual Key
Primary key trapped, secondary key free to release chain 440T-MDCLE10➊➋
Both keys trapped to release chain 440T-MDCLE11➊➊
➊ Substitute the desired primary code for this symbol (key not included). See page 5-6 for code selection.
➋ Substitute the desired secondary code for this symbol (key included). See page 5-6 for code selection.

Description Page Number Catalogue Number
Replacement Key 440T-AKEYE10⊗
Replacement Code Barrel 5-33 440T-ASCBE14➊
Replacement Dust Cap 440T-ASFC10⊗
Replacement Spare Block Catch — 440T-ACAD10
Replacement Spare Chain Catch — 440T-ACHA10
➊ Substitute the desired primary code for this symbol (key not included). See page 5-6 for code selection.
⊗ Substitute the desired code for this symbol. See page 5-6 for code selection.

Approximate Dimensions
Dimensions are not intended to be used for installation purposes.
Single Key Access Interlock Dual Key Access Interlock
28.5 (1.22) & 30
25.4 (1.0) 6 x M5 (1.18) Pitches
28.5 (1.22) & 30 25.4
4 x M5 12.7 (0.5) (1.18) Pitches (1.0)
3.5 (0.13) 12.7 (0.5)
3.5 3.5
44.5 (1.75)

Max (0.13) (0.13)



44.5 (1.75)


(1.90) Max 48.5



35.3 (1.90)
Chain Min 10 (0.39)
Assembly Max 13.5 (0.53) 10
305 (12.0) 98 (3.86) 30.5 (1.20) (0.39) 57.7 (2.27)
Long Chain
98 (3.86)

(1.20) 57.7 (2.27) Code Barrel
Screws M4 x 10
Code Barrel Screws Torx Head
100 (3.94)
M4 x 10 Torx Head
100 (3.94)

25.4 27.4
12 (0.47) (1.0) (1.07)
25.4 27.4
12 (0.47) (1.0) (1.07)
Catch Assembly 60
(2.36) Catch Assembly
Max 119 (4.65) Max

Start STOP
Main Switch
message to control button „Machine OFF“
Emergency stop
„material input OFF“,
machine OFF“
Approval key no
no end
transfer system
error RESET Message to control „material
emergency common Step 1 input OFF“
stop alarm machine motor OFF


Hour counter no
yes clockwise
Rotor idle
Hour counter
Hour counter counter
Counter left>right clockwise
NO / rotation left YES / rotation right Rotor idle

Motor speed or rotor Step 2
Step 1
circumferential speed or motor - material outlet OFF
Material - input frequency converter
outlet ON

Step 2
Button „Shredder ON“
Start machine
Grease Step 3
pump ON - grease pump OFF
Step 3
no - turn on potential-free contact
- turn on grease pump

switch Step 4
RESET Main switch OFF
yes Error
yes alarm
empty signal
1. turn off machine motor grease pump
2. message to control „material yes
inlet OFF“ Frequency 1. turn off machine motor Machine shut down
no inverter 2. message to control „material
RESET inlet OFF“
common No Error
Vibration Vibration common
alarm Step 4 Inverter
Motor start via frequency

Machine temperature 1. turn off machine motor
ON Motor 2. message to control „material
no inlet OFF“
Nominal no RESET
rotation speed common
Ampere meter

Delay 10s

Material Step 5
inlet ON Message to control „material
inlet ON“
Respect protective
Step 6 (external) Verfahrenschema kompl. note ISO 16016
Control of material input at Schutzvermerk ISO
16016 beachten
90% nominal current of
crusing motor Elektrische Steuerung Project

B 99999 999 99
Automatic mode activ 600383634 000 A
Biogrinder RBG
Name Datum
610029361tdk000_a RBG - 1
600383149-001 - C

Technical Documents 902024620

Circumferential speed in variation of motor Edition 08/17
page 1-1

1. Machine data
Machine type RBG 08
Power frequency 50 Hz
Rated speed 1.470 1/min

V-belt pulley
Rotor 315 mm
Motor 250 mm
2. Frequency – Circumferential speed

frequency n-motor n-rotor V(circumference)

[Hz] [1/min] [1/min] [m/s]
35 1.029 817 39,0
36 1.058 840 40,2
37 1.088 863 41,3
38 1.117 887 42,4
39 1.147 910 43,5
40 1.176 933 44,6
41 1.205 957 45,7
42 1.235 980 46,8
43 1.264 1.003 48,0
44 1.294 1.027 49,1
45 1.323 1.050 50,2
46 1.352 1.073 51,3
47 1.382 1.097 52,4
48 1.411 1.120 53,5
49 1.441 1.143 54,7
50 1.470 1.167 55,8
51 1.499 1.190 56,9
52 1.529 1.213 58,0
53 1.558 1.237 59,1
54 1.588 1.260 60,2
55 1.617 1.283 61,3
56 1.646 1.307 62,5
57 1.676 1.330 63,6
58 1.705 1.353 64,7
59 1.735 1.377 65,8
60 1.764 1.400 66,9
Note: The machine may only be operated within the specified frequency range

Edition: 08/2015 900359300-00E G

Information for User

1. Instruction to Owner and Operators ........................... 2

Operating Instructions
2. Guarantee and Liability ................................................ 3
3. Copyright ....................................................................... 4

Machines and Plants

BHS-Sonthofen GmbH  An der Eisenschmelze 47  D-87527 Sonthofen

Spare Parts: Phone +49 8321 6099 144 - 146  Fax +49 8321 6099 120
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
Information for User - 900359300-00E G

1. Instruction to Owner and Operators

► Employ only

 instructed
 trained
 reliable

personnel for operation, maintenance and repair.

► The operating instructions belong into the hands of the

operating and maintenance personnel. The instructions
contain important information the knowledge of which is
indispensable for the operating and maintenance
personnel to prevent maloperation, errors and portentous

► Ask the operating and maintenance personnel to confirm that they will apply
and observe the operating, maintenance and safety instructions.

► Use the machine/plant only for the proper use specified by the

Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
Information for User - 900359300-00E G

2. Guarantee and Liability

► As a matter of principle, our "General Terms and Conditions for Sale and
Delivery" shall apply, which have been sent to you on conclusion of the
contract, at the latest.

► Claims for guarantee and liability for damage to people and property are
excluded when they can be attributed to the following causes:

 Operation of the machine/plant with defective safety devices or removed

safety and protective devices.

 Improper intermediate storage, erection, starting, and operation of the


 Professionally improper operation and maintenance of the machine/plant.

 Improper use of the machine/plant.

 Faulty feeding and discharge conditions.

 Unauthorized structural changes on the machine/plant.

 Unauthorized change of the driving conditions (power and speed).

 Poor surveillance of the parts which are subject to wear.

 Cases of disaster through influences of foreign bodies and force majeure.

 Professionally improper repair under your own responsibility.

 Use of spare parts which are not of BHS original.

Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
Information for User - 900359300-00E G

3. Copyright

► The copyright in the Operating Instructions remains with the manufacturer of

the machine/plant.

► These operating instructions are destined for operating, maintenance,

monitoring, and repair personnel.

► The instructions include specifications and technical documentation which

must not be reproduced, distributed, used for purposes of competition or
handed over to any third party, neither completely nor partially, without

► Infringements may be prosecuted.

Edition: 08/15 900359400-006 T

General Safety Instructions

1. Basic Safety Requirements ............................................ 3

Operating Instructions
1.1 Scope of application ................................................................. 3
1.1.1 Notes concerning ATEX Directive ..................................................... 3
1.2 Notes regarding personnel ....................................................... 3
2. Warning Notes and Warning Signs ............................... 4
2.1 Markings in the Operating Instructions ..................................... 4
2.2 Markings on BHS machines and equipment ............................ 4
2.2.1 Prohibitory signs ............................................................................... 4
2.2.2 Warning signs ................................................................................... 4
2.2.3 Signs giving orders ........................................................................... 5
3. Use of the Machine/Plant ............................................... 6
3.1 Proper Use ............................................................................... 6
3.2 Improper Use ........................................................................... 6
3.3 Dangers and Troubles.............................................................. 6
4. Organizational Measures ............................................... 7
4.1 Operating Instructions .............................................................. 7
4.2 Supplements to the Operating Instructions .............................. 7
4.3 Working in Compliance with Safety Regulations ...................... 8
4.4 Unauthorized Modifications ...................................................... 8
5. Personnel Requirements ................................................ 9
5.1 Selection and Qualification....................................................... 9
5.2 Responsibility for operation .................................................... 10
5.3 Responsibility for assembly .................................................... 10
6. Safety Equipment on the Machine/Plant..................... 11
6.1 Safety Measures for Machine/Plant Motors ........................... 11
6.2 Main Switch ............................................................................ 11
6.3 Repair Switch ......................................................................... 11
6.4 Emergency-Off Switch ........................................................... 11
6.5 Protection of Access or Maintenance Hatches ....................... 12
6.6 Safety Devices ....................................................................... 12
6.7 Working and Maintenance Platforms, Catwalks ..................... 12
7. Requirements for Machine/Plant Operation ............... 13
7.1 Safety Instructions ................................................................. 13
7.2 Safety Measures .................................................................... 13
8. Requirements for Working at the Machine/Plant ....... 14

Machines and Plants

BHS-Sonthofen GmbH An der Eisenschmelze 46  87527 Sonthofen

Edition: 08/15 900359400-006 T

General Safety Instructions

8.1 Safety Instructions ................................................................. 14

Operating Instructions
8.2 Safety Measures .................................................................... 14
9. Particular Dangers ........................................................ 16
9.1 Electric Power Supply ............................................................ 16
9.2 Repair .................................................................................... 16
9.3 Process Materials ................................................................... 17
9.4 High-pressure water, steam, hydraulics ................................. 17
9.5 Thermal Hazards .................................................................... 18
9.6 Hazards as result of disregarding safety instructions ............. 18
9.6.1 Unauthorised Reconstruction and Spare Part Manufacturing............18
10. Mobile Machines/Plants ............................................... 19

Machines and Plants

BHS-Sonthofen GmbH An der Eisenschmelze 46  87527 Sonthofen

Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

1. Basic Safety Requirements

1.1 Scope of application

These safety requirements generally apply for intended and specified use of
machines by BHS. Descriptions and instructions apply to the standard designs.
Special designs not covered in this chapter are subject to the general
information of this installation and assembly instructions as well as all and any
additionally supplied documentation.

1.1.1 Notes concerning ATEX Directive

The operating manual contains additional chapters concerning the Directive

which shall be observed if the machine was ordered in accordance to ATEX.
This is stated in the specifications.

1.2 Notes regarding personnel

- Persons who are responsible for the

 operation
 maintenance
 repair
 assembly

of the machine/plant have to

- read and observe the safety instructions carefully

- use safety equipment

- execute safety-technical requirements.

- know and observe the customer documentation.

- Not only the general safety information of this chapter but also
respective specific safety information of the other chapters of this
operating manual shall be observed.

- The technical documentation cannot cover all details of possible

arrangement, equipment and production methods.

- For this reason it is recommended to contact a specialist of BHS

customer service for planning, installation, commissioning and

3 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

2. Warning Notes and Warning Signs

2.1 Markings in the Operating Instructions

► In these operating instructions all regulations, rules, and instructions

concerning safety have been marked by warning signs and in addition by
headings such as “NOTE!”, “ATTENTION!”, or “DANGER!”.

► this heading refers to operating and maintenance instructions which must
absolutely be followed and observed.

► indicates operating and maintenance procedures which must be strictly
adhered to in order to prevent damage to and destruction of the
machine/plant and other property.

► indicates operating and maintenance procedures which must be strictly
adhered to in order to protect life and limb of persons.

2.2 Markings on BHS machines and equipment

2.2.1 Prohibitory signs

► No access for unauthorized persons!

2.2.2 Warning signs

► Keep away from loading area!



Unauthorized Persons

Keep out

Authorized personnel

4 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

► Falling hazard!

► Risk of getting pinched!

► Slippery surface!

► Warning of hand injuries!

► Warning of suspended loads!

2.2.3 Signs giving orders

► Wear safety harness!

► Wear hearing protectors!

► Wear protective helmet!

5 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

3. Use of the Machine/Plant

3.1 Proper Use

► The machine/plant may be used for its intended purpose only! The proper
use of the machine/plant has been clearly stated in

 the group “Machine description”

 the Technical Specification.
 the Order Acknowledgement

Any other use, or any use beyond those specifications, is regarded as improper
use. The manufacturer will not be liable for any damage involved. The risk will
be solely with the operator.

The proper use also includes adhering to the operating instructions, and the
inspection and maintenance instructions.

► The machine/plant shall be used in technically perfect condition only; be

always aware of safety and danger!

3.2 Improper Use

► It is dangerous and not allowed to use the machine/plant improperly and not
to specification.

► The machine/plant will not be reliable if it is not serviced to the maintenance

instructions, or if it is not serviced at all.

► The machine/plant must not be operated by unauthorized personnel!

3.3 Dangers and Troubles

► The machine/plant has been manufactured according to the state of the art
and the recognized safety regulations. Nevertheless, its use may cause
danger for life and limb of its operator or other persons, or can cause
damage to the machine/plant and other property.

► Malfunctions in the machine/plant which may affect the safety must be

eliminated immediately!

6 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

4. Organizational Measures

4.1 Operating Instructions

► One copy of the operating instructions must always be kept ready on hand
at the site.

The personnel working at the machine/plant must

know the operating instructions in particular the chapters concerning


During work it will be too late.

This applies especially to personnel working only occasionally at the

machine/plant, e.g. for maintenance and repair work.

4.2 Supplements to the Operating Instructions

► Observe the generally valid safety regulations and provisions of the

competent trade association, and other obligatory regulations for accident
prevention and environmental protection.

► Such responsibilities can also concern e.g. the handling of dangerous

materials or the availability and use of protective equipment, as well as road
traffic regulations

► Observe the regulations concerning special company conditions, including

responsibilities for supervision and notification, e.g. with regard to
organization of work, working sequences, and personnel employed.

► Make sure that the dates for possible recurrent safety checks of the
machine/plant components by experts of technical surveillance association,
trade association, or other authorities will be observed.

7 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

4.3 Working in Compliance with Safety Regulations

► The machine/plant must always be operated in its proper condition and for
its proper use as specified.

► Mind all safety and danger indications at the machine/plant and keep them
all in legible condition! For example:

 warning and instruction signs

 rotational direction arrow on the motor
 type label

► If necessary or specified by regulations, your personnel must wear personal

safety clothing, or use protective equipment, during maintenance and repair

► The personnel must not wear loose and long hair, loose clothing, or jewelry
(including rings). There will be danger of injury by being pulled in or getting

► When carrying out maintenance work, an adequate tooling equipment is

absolutely necessary!

4.4 Unauthorized Modifications

► Should the operational behavior change power down the machine and
installation and report fault to the responsible office/person!

► Any modifications, attachments and conversions on the machine/plant

which may affect the safety and function must not be made!

► Any changes of program (software) for programmable control functions on

the machine/plant are permitted only after approval by the manufacturer!

8 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

5. Personnel Requirements

5.1 Selection and Qualification

► Work on/with the machine/plant must be made by reliable personnel only.

Mind the legal minimum age! Make sure that only instructed personnel will
work at the machine/plant.

► Employ only trained and instructed personnel and clearly define the
responsibilities of the personnel for operation, set-up and shut-down,
maintenance, and repair!

► Authorities, responsibilities, and the supervision of the personnel need to be

precisely determined by the operator. In case the personnel does not have
the necessary knowledge, they need to be instructed and trained. This can
be done if necessary on behalf of the operator of the machine by the

► Furthermore the operator must make sure that the contents of the operating
manual are fully understood by the personnel.

► Personnel just being trained, instructed or generally educated may work at

the machine/plant only under the constant supervision of an experienced

► We recommend that the support and services offered by BHS technicians

be called upon for planning, assembly, commissioning, and service tasks.

The instructions of this operating manual are not training materials and
cannot replace training and professional experience required for these
If required qualification (completed professional education as engineering
fitter-machinist in accordance to German standards and several years of
professional experience) cannot be met, it is recommended to entrust the
manufacturer of the machine with the required duties.

► Maintenance and repair work on electrical, mechanical, hydraulic and
pneumatic equipment at the machine/plant shall be carried out only by a
qualified expert having special knowledge and experience in the respective
field and working in accordance with the existing regulations.

9 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

5.2 Responsibility for operation

► Define the responsibility of the machine/plant foreman, also with regard to
road traffic regulations, and enable him to refuse the instructions of any third
person if those instructions are contradictory to safety.

5.3 Responsibility for assembly

► If the assembly of the machine/plant is not included in the BHS scope of
supply, the BHS specialist will be responsible only for supervising the
assembly sequence. He is not responsible for observing the respective
statutory provisions, training, instruction and watching the assembly
personnel. Assembly shall be organized by the respective company.

10 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

6. Safety Equipment on the Machine/Plant

6.1 Safety Measures for Machine/Plant Motors

► As electric safety measures motor fuse protections, protective motor

switches, possibly posistor temperature probes, and fault current circuit
breakers are to be provided.

6.2 Main Switch

► It must be possible to shut off the supply of electric energy to the

machine/plant by means of a lockable main switch in the control cabinet.

6.3 Repair Switch

► For each machine/plant there must be an all-pole, lockable switch-off unit,

in its immediate neighbourhood or on the machine/plant itself; the switch
positions “Ein” (ON) and “Aus” (OFF) must be clearly visible.

► Starting the machine/plant from any other point must be possible only when
switch position “Ein” (ON) is in permissive position.

6.4 Emergency-Off Switch

► For each machine/plant there must be a noticeable red emergency-off

switch in its immediate vicinity or on the machine/plant itself, by which in
case of danger the machine/plant drive and the material supply to the
machine/plant can be switched off.

11 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

6.5 Protection of Access or Maintenance Hatches

► The access or maintenance hatches must be protected by one of the

following means:

 Electric safety limit switch and electromagnetic locking unit

 Combined switch for limit and locking connection
 Mechanical safety locks

- The safety limit switches must be connected to the control in a way that
the machine/plant cannot be started if the access or maintenance hatches
are open.
The locking unit must be connected to the control in a way that, when the
machine/plant has been switched off, the access or maintenance hatches
can be opened only after the moving parts have come to complete
The time to be set on the time lag relay of the locking unit should at least
correspond to the coasting period of the moving parts.

- The keys for the safety locks must be kept under lock and key by the
person responsible for the machine/plant.

6.6 Safety Devices

► For V-belt drives, couplings and working cylinders, safety devices are
provided that are constructed according to the prevailing regulations for the
prevention of accidents.

6.7 Working and Maintenance Platforms, Catwalks

► If these are necessary for operation reasons, then they must be designed in
a way that they meet the requirements to be expected. They must be of
adequate size.

► When there is risk of falling, safety devices must be provided in accordance

with the prevailing regulations for the prevention of accidents.

12 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

7. Requirements for Machine/Plant Operation

7.1 Safety Instructions

► Observe the instructions and measures specified in the Operating

Instructions, they apply to automatic as well as hand operation!

► Prior to switching on and starting the machine/plant make sure that nobody
will be endangered by the starting of the machine/plant!

► Any method of operation that may affect safety must be avoided!

► Mind the control indications during the starting and stopping operations!

► Do not switch off or remove any extraction or ventilation equipment when

machine/plant is running!

7.2 Safety Measures

► Set selector switch to Automatic or Manual Operation!

► Take measures to ensure that machine/plant will be operated in safe and

proper condition only! Operate the machine/plant only if all safety and
protection equipment, e.g. detachable protection devices, emergency-off
devices, sound insulations, extraction systems are existing and operative!

► In case of malfunctions, stop and secure the machine/plant immediately!

Have all malfunctions rectified as soon as possible!

► At least once per shift check machine/plant for any defect or failure that can
be detected from outside! Report any deviations (also in operating
performance) immediately to the responsible office/person! If necessary,
stop and secure the machine/plant immediately!

13 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

8. Requirements for Working at the


8.1 Safety Instructions

► The instructions and measures specified in the Operating Instructions for

maintenance, inspection, and operation must be observed and adhered to!

► The adjusting, maintenance, inspection, and repair actions (including

replacement of wearing and machine parts) specified in the Operating
Instructions must be observed and carried out in compliance with the safety

► Inform the operating personnel prior to commencing any repair and

maintenance work, and appoint a supervisor!

► For all work on the machine/plant concerning operation, change of control

functions, conversion of the machine/plant and its safety equipment, as well
as inspection, maintenance, and repair, the instructions regarding safety,
starting and stopping operations, and proper repair must be observed and
adhered to!

► Any fuel and process materials, as well as replaced parts must be discarded
in a safe and environmentally harmless way.

8.2 Safety Measures

► Protect a wide area - when applicable - around the repair location!

► When the machine/plant has been completely switched off for inspection,
maintenance or repair work, it must be secured against unexpected

 Lock the main switch (also repair switch) and take key along.
 Attach warning sign at the main switch.

► Clean the machine/plant prior to commencing maintenance and repair work!

Prior to cleaning, e.g. with water or steam jet (low pressure) or other
cleaning agents, cover or - if necessary - tape up all openings or devices,
into which water / steam / cleaning agent must not penetrate for reasons of
safety or proper function.

 Electric motors, switches, valves, and switch cabinets are particularly


 Only dry cleaning for all dosing and feeding devices for dry

 Do not use aggressive cleaning agents!

 Electric devices and installations without the necessary protection

must not be treated with water or steam jet.

14 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

► After the machine/plant has been cleaned, remove again all coverings and
tape seals completely!

► After having cleaned air and oil lines, check them for leakage, loose
connections, abraded spots, and damage!
Any defects detected must be repaired immediately!

► If the dismantling of safety devices is required during maintenance and

repair work, those safety devices must be installed again after the
completion of the work and their proper function be tested!

► Machine parts and large assemblies must be carefully fixed to the lifting
devices and secured during replacement so that they will be no source of
danger. Suitable and technically faultless lifting devices as well as load
carrying means with adequate capacity must be used only.

Do not stay or work under suspended parts!

► Experienced persons only must be engaged for the slinging of loads or the
guiding-in of crane drivers! The guider must be within sight of the crane
driver or be in speech contact with him.

► In case of assembly or repair work above body height use the intended or
other safe ladders or work platforms.

► Do not use machine parts as climbing aids!

► Keep all handles, steps, railings, landings, platforms, and ladders free from
dirt, snow and ice!

► When working at greater heights use guard rails!

► Bolt connections loosened during maintenance and repair work must be

tightened again after completion of the work, taking into consideration any
specified tightening torques (see technical documentation)!

15 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

9. Particular Dangers

9.1 Electric Power Supply

► Work on electrical installations or equipment must be carried out only by an
electrician or by instructed personnel under the supervision of an electrician
in accordance with the rules of the electrical engineering industry!

► The electrical equipment of the machine/plant must be inspected and

checked regularly. Any defects such as loose cable connections or scorched
cables must be analysed and repaired immediately!

9.2 Repair

► Repair work on machine/plant to be carried out only after explicit approval!

► Work on electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanic equipment must be
executed only by persons who have special technical knowledge in the
respective field and observe the prevailing rules!

► Prior to commencing repair, depressurize any system, sections and pipes

for compressed oil or air which must be opened. For example, spurting oil
may cause injuries or fire! Adequate feed/intake/uptake and disposal of
substances must be ensured

► Prior to commencing welding and flame-cutting work, clean the working

place of all dust and grease, and remove all flammable material around it.
Make sure that adequate ventilation is provided; there may be fire or
explosion hazard!

► During electric welding disconnect or remove the electronic insert cards to

avoid possible damages by welding current. Also ensure very good bonding
around the welding point (remove dirt and paint).

► During electric welding on the machine/plant, which has to be done in moist

areas, there is danger of electric shock!

 Make sure that the welder's place is properly isolated, otherwise

welding work must not be carried out under those circumstances!

► When working in confined spaces observe any prevailing national


16 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

9.3 Process Materials

► In the course of feeding suspension and/or possible required washing liquids

emissions of product vapors may occur which in general should be
vacuumed off by an in-plant air conditioning system. When using CIP
liquids (acids, bases) for cleaning the required security precautions are
obligatory (e.g. PSE).
► If your machine is equipped with parts made of plastic then it is not
considered fire proof.
► The location type for installation (e.g. EX zone) is specified and stated on
the machine plate. All materials in operation (e.g.filtrate and washing
substances) are also determined in the specification.
Observe respectively applicable fire prevention measures.
► When handling oil, fats and other chemical substances mind the applicable
safety regulations for the respective product.
► Be careful when handling hot process materials; risk of burning or scalding!

9.4 High-pressure water, steam, hydraulics

► The applicable safety regulations must be observed for hose lines and
connections, particularly with regard to the durability, checking and changing
of hose lines. It is imperative to adhere to the checking and changing

► At control system level it is necessary to make sure that no hazards

whatsoever are capable of occurring as a result of unintentional start-up.

► Before starting any work on the system, always make sure that the
electrical power is switched off and can't be switched on again!

► Accumulators must be completely depressurised before removing valves

and pipe runs.

► Valve and equipment fastening screws must only be re-tightened in a non-

pressurised state.

► Screw unions must only be re-tightened in a non-pressurised state.

► Pre-filling an accumulator on the gas side must only be done using the
prescribed medium.

► Leaks from the unit, pipe runs and user may cause significant damage to
the environment

17 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

9.5 Thermal Hazards

Thermal hazards exist in case of contact with hot machine parts or surfaces
such as housing or piping. This may result in burns of the skin for contact with
surfaces exceeding 50°C temperature.
The operating temperature of your machine can be found in the technical

9.6 Hazards as result of disregarding safety instructions

Disregarding safety instructions may result in danger to life and pose a hazard
to equipment or environment. Disregarding safety instructions can result in
loss of liability claims. As concrete examples disregarding safety instructions
result in following risks:
 Failure of important/relevant machine functions
 Failure of specified maintenance and service procedures/processes
 Hazard to health and life by electrical, mechanical and chemical influences
 Environmental hazard as result of discharge of hazardous substances

9.6.1 Unauthorised Reconstruction and Spare Part Manufacturing

► The operator assumes responsibility for safety when he reconstructs or
changes the machine/plant unauthorised.
The warranty given by BHS-Sonthofen GmbH is cancelled in such a

► Original spare parts and accessories authorised by the manufacturer serve

safeness. Using other parts can cancel the manufacturer's liability for
resulting consequences.

18 - 19
Operating Instructions
Machines and Plants
General Safety Instructions - 900359400-006 T

10. Mobile Machines/Plants

► The following refers to machines/plants that frequently change sites.

► Use only lifting devices and load carrying means with adequate capacity
and experienced guiders for the process of loading.

► Sling, lift with lifting devices and load the machine/plant only in accordance
with the Operating Instructions, Group: Delivery and Intermediate Storage.

► Only use suitable vehicles with sufficient capacity for transport!

► The load must be reliably protected with the recommended or delivered

devices against lengthwise and crosswise slipping; the suitable sling points
must be used!

► Use warning signs in case of surpassing the loading gauge!

► Before recommissioning carefully mount those parts or part groups which

had to be dismantled for reasons of transport!

► For recommissioning proceed only in accordance with the operating


19 - 19
Edition: 06/16 600484329-001 A

Assembly and Electrical Connection

1. General Instructions ....................................................... 2

Operating Instructions
2. Assembly Instructions .................................................... 3
2.1 Mechanical Work ...................................................................... 3
3. Electrical Connection ..................................................... 5
3.1 General Regulations ................................................................. 5
3.2 Electrical Switching Sequence.................................................. 5
3.3 Emergency Stop Switch ........................................................... 6
3.4 Drive......................................................................................... 6
3.5 Drive Motor............................................................................... 6
3.6 Central Grease Lubrication....................................................... 7
3.7 Vibration switch ........................................................................ 7


BHS-Sonthofen GmbH  An der Eisenschmelze 47  87527 Sonthofen, Germany

Replacement parts: Phone +49 (0)8321 / 60 99 144 – 60 99 146  Fax +49 (0)8321 / 60 99 220
Operating Instructions
Biogrinder RBG
Assembly and Electrical Connection – 600484329-001 A

1. General Instructions

► For safety instructions and safety requirements, see

 Section: Operator information

 Section: General safety instructions

► The assembly has a decisive influence on the optimal operation of the


► Our recommendation of using the technical staff of the machine
manufacturer for the assembly process is based on many years of
This is not only useful for warranty reasons, but also for the purposes of
technical advice and inspection:

 To detect transport damage

 To review the instructions for testing and inspection during
 Instructions for the operation of the machine

► If the machine has been in storage for a lengthy period before

commissioning, please refer to the section on: Delivery and intermediate

Operating Instructions
Biogrinder RBG
Assembly and Electrical Connection – 600484329-001 A

2. Assembly Instructions

2.1 Mechanical Work

► For technical documentation, see installation drawing

 Dimensions of connections
 Machine weight
 Static and dynamic load information

► Open loading. Attach the machine using the eyelets provided. The
suspension gear must be at an angle of at least 60° to the horizontal plane!

► Excessive torsion must be avoided when suspending the machine/plant, as

this might cause damage due to deformation.

► Installation of Biogrinder

 On a flat, even surface!

 With an adequately sized steel or concrete foundation


Welding Work

 Always attach the earth cable in the immediate vicinity of

the component being worked on.
 The welding current must never flow through roller

Operating Instructions
Biogrinder RBG
Assembly and Electrical Connection – 600484329-001 A
► Care must be taken during installation and retrofitting work that appropriate
access for the following maintenance and repair procedures is ensured:

 Folding open of covers

 Replacement of wearing parts
 Installation or removal of rotors
 Maintenance work on the drive
 Regular inspection and maintenance

► It is recommended to use appropriate lifting tools for repair work on the

machine (e.g., rotor installation or removal).

Operating Instructions
Biogrinder RBG
Assembly and Electrical Connection – 600484329-001 A

3. Electrical Connection

3.1 General Regulations

► Permitted connection values Adhere to the operating/control voltages and

frequencies of the motors, valves, end switches and locking switches to
prevent damage and functional faults!

► Your local power supply company's regulations must be followed.

► Regulations EN 57100 (VDE 0100), EN 60204 (VDE 0113)

3.2 Electrical Switching Sequence

► It is recommended to integrate the procedures described below into a


► Switch on the machine

 Switch on material removal device

 Switch on central grease lubrication
 Switch on the machine drive
 Wait until nominal rotor speed has been reached
 Switch on material feeding devices

► Stopping the Machine

 Switch off material feeding devices

 Wait until shredding process is complete
 Switch off the machine drive
 Wait (set the timer) until the stopping time of the rotor (approx. 2
minutes) has ended
 Switch off central grease lubrication
 Switch off material removal devices only once they are clear.

Operating Instructions
Biogrinder RBG
Assembly and Electrical Connection – 600484329-001 A

3.3 Emergency Stop Switch

► In dangerous situations, the drive motor must immediately be switched off at
the signal-red emergency stop switch.

► To be attached:

 on the machine or
 in its immediate proximity

3.4 Drive

 Biogrinder
Rotor’s rotating direction is reversible

► In order to ensure even wearing of the working tools (hammer, stripper,
rails) and thus the most consistent material throughput possible, as well as
the longest possible service life of the working tools, the rotating direction of
the rotor must be changed regularly.

3.5 Drive Motor

► It must be considered during installation of the drive motor that the machine
remains switched on 100% of the time during continuous operation.

► Contactors, fuses and cable cross-sections must be designed to VDE 0100,

Part 430.

► Full motor protection by using thermistors with PTC temperature sensors

► We recommend installing an ammeter for the mill motor in the control panel.

► For motor data, see Technical Documentation

► Compare data on the motor name plate with the power mains data

► Star-delta connection

► Set time relay for switching from star to delta.

Check and correct switching time upon commissioning.
Switch to delta upon reaching 85-90% of the motor speed
(approx. 50-60 seconds)

► Monitoring of start-up process when switched to star

Operating Instructions
Biogrinder RBG
Assembly and Electrical Connection – 600484329-001 A

3.6 Central Grease Lubrication

► Observe operating instructions for central grease lubrication

See Technical Documentation

► In terms of control, ensure that central grease lubrication:

 starts before or immediately when the machine drive motor starts and
 is active during the entire machine operation

3.7 Vibration switch

► Switches off the drive motor of the machine if impermissibly high
imbalances occur.
► This must be ensured via control technology.

► The vibration switch is located on a console in the upper range of the

machine housing .

► The evaluation and fault message are carried out in a separate steel plate-
enclosed power supply unit with a reset button

► The power supply unit with a reset button should be installed in the
immediate vicinity of the machine in a vibration-free location.

► For vibration switch data, see Technical Documentation

Material removal 902024567
Version 06/15

Page 1-2

1. Incorporation of the following system components

1.1 The following components (4) typical on the RBG

a) Screw
b) Pump
c) Conveyor belt
d) …

1.2 Installation recommendation

a) A flexible seal/transition (3) must be inserted between the outlet of the biographer (2) and the
subsequent system component (4).
b) Structural "inclines" must be avoided on the transition between the biogrinder outlet (2) and
the discharge mechanism (4). An increased risk of material adhesion exists on surfaces which
are not vertical and thus the formation of material blockage in the transition area.
c) The material should be removed in the directions shown.

2. Airflow

The fast moving rotor causes an airflow, from the inlet to the outlet, to form within the machine. This airflow
supports the material transport through the crusher. We must therefore ensure that the air on the subsequent
system component (4) (primarily in the case of air-tight systems such as screws and pumps) is positively
directed through an "air return" back into the feed hopper / material reservoir. This is best achieved using a
piping system (min. ⌀ 150 mm).

Material removal 902024567
Version 06/15

Page 2-2

Non-compliance with correct air return poses the risk of reduced throughput and the
possibility of blockage (material build-up) in the machine's crushing chamber.


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