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◄ Stopcock ►

1. (n.) A bib, faucet, or short pipe, fitted with a turning stopper or plug for permitting or restraining the flow of a liquid or gas; a cock or valve for checking or regulating the flow of water, gas, etc., through or from a pipe, etc.

2. (n.) The turning plug, stopper, or spigot of a faucet.

Bantam anemograph anemometer anemometrograph anemoscope anthill backslide ball cock ball valve baloney bank banty barn-door fowl barnyard fowl biddy bilge billy billy goat boar bosh boss broiler brooder broody hen bubbly-jock buck bull bullock bung bunghole bunkum capital capon chanticleer charge check valve chick chickabiddy chicken chicky chief chieftain cockerel cork crap detonate discharge dog domestic fowl dominant drain cock drake draw cock drift drop duck duckling dune dunghill fowl eject embankment entire entire horse fall astern fall behind faucet fell fire fire off fowl fryer game fowl gander gate get behind get up steam go backwards go behind gobbler goose gosling guff guinea cock guinea fowl guinea hen gun gun for hart haycock haymow hayrick haystack he-goat head headman heap hen hen turkey hierarch hill hit hokum honcho hydrant jerk back lapse leader let fly let off lid load lose ground main major mass master molehill mound mountain mow needle valve number one outstanding partlet peacock peg pelt pepper petcock pick off pile pin pistol plug pontificate pot potshoot potshot poulard poult poultry predominant preeminent prime principal pull back pullet pyramid ram recede recidivate regress relapse retrocede retroflex retrograde retrogress return revert rick riddle roaster rooster rot ruck sea cock set setting hen shock shoot shoot at shoot down slip back snipe snowdrift spigot spike spile spill spring chicken stack stag stallion steam up steer stewing chicken stop stopcock stopgap stopper stopple stot strike stud studhorse swagger swank swell take a potshot tap tom tom turkey tomcat top cow top horse torpedo tup turkey turkey gobbler turkey-cock valve valvula valvule vane warm up weather vane weathercock wether wind wind cone wind indicator wind sock wind up wind vane wind-speed indicator


Stop-and-go Light
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