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1. (n.) A small, pointed piece of wood, used in fastening boards together, in attaching the soles of boots or shoes, etc.; as, a shoe peg.

2. (n.) A wooden pin, or nail, on which to hang things, as coats, etc. Hence, colloquially and figuratively: A support; a reason; a pretext; as, a peg to hang a claim upon.

3. (n.) One of the pins of a musical instrument, on which the strings are strained.

4. (n.) One of the pins used for marking points on a cribbage board.

5. (n.) A step; a degree; esp. in the slang phrase To take one down peg.

6. (v. t.) To put pegs into; to fasten the parts of with pegs; as, to peg shoes; to confine with pegs; to restrict or limit closely.

7. (v. t.) To score with a peg, as points in the game; as, she pegged twelve points.

8. (v. i.) To work diligently, as one who pegs shoes; -- usually with on, at, or away; as, to peg away at a task.

amble amount anchor articulate baby tooth barge batten batten down beverage bicuspid bilge bind blain bleb blister blob bolt boss bow bowl bowl along bridle bubble buckle bucktooth bulb bulge bulla bump bumper bunch bundle bung burl butt button cahot caliber canine carry on cast catapult chain change of pace change-up check valve chine chuck chug on chunk clasp cleat clip clump cock compass condyle convex cork crown curve cuspid cut cutter dart dash deciduous tooth degree dent denticle denticulation dentil dentition dig distinguish dogtooth dovetail dowel downcurve draft drag drain dram drench drink drop drudge ear enchain entrammel extent eyetooth fag fang fastball fasten faucet fetter fire flange flap fling flip flounce foot footslog fore tooth fork forward pass gagtooth gall gang tooth gargle gnarl gold tooth grade grind grinder grub gulp guzzle gyve halt hammer hammer away hamper handcuff handle hasp have heave height hill hinge hippety-hop hitch hobble hog-tie hook hop hopple hump hunch hurl hurtle identify incisor incurve interval jam jerk jigger jog jog on joggle joint jolt jump keep at it keep busy keep doggedly at keep driving keep going keep moving keep on knob knot know know again knuckleball knur knurl lance lap lash latch lateral lateral pass launch leap leash leg let fly level libation lid limp lip lob lock loop lumber lump lunge lurch make fast make out manacle mark measure milk tooth mince miter moil molar mole moor mortise mountain nail nevus nip notch nuance nub nubbin nubble outcurve pace paddle pale palisade papilloma pas pass peg away peg down pelt period permanent tooth piaffe piaffer picket pile pin pin down pinion pitch pitchfork pivot tooth place plane plateau plod plod along plug plug along plug at plug away point portion potation potion pound away


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