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1. (v. t.) To turn completely, or with repeated turns; especially, to turn about something fixed; to cause to form convolutions about anything; to coil; to twine; to twist; to wreathe; as, to wind thread on a spool or into a ball.

2. (v. t.) To entwist; to enfold; to encircle.

3. (v. t.) To have complete control over; to turn and bend at one's pleasure; to vary or alter or will; to regulate; to govern.

4. (v. t.) To introduce by insinuation; to insinuate.

5. (v. t.) To cover or surround with something coiled about; as, to wind a rope with twine.

6. (v. i.) To turn completely or repeatedly; to become coiled about anything; to assume a convolved or spiral form; as, vines wind round a pole.

7. (v. i.) To have a circular course or direction; to crook; to bend; to meander; as, to wind in and out among trees.

8. (v. i.) To go to the one side or the other; to move this way and that; to double on one's course; as, a hare pursued turns and winds.

9. (n.) The act of winding or turning; a turn; a bend; a twist; a winding.

10. (n.) Air naturally in motion with any degree of velocity; a current of air.

11. (n.) Air artificially put in motion by any force or action; as, the wind of a cannon ball; the wind of a bellows.

12. (n.) Breath modulated by the respiratory and vocal organs, or by an instrument.

13. (n.) Power of respiration; breath.

14. (n.) Air or gas generated in the stomach or bowels; flatulence; as, to be troubled with wind.

15. (n.) Air impregnated with an odor or scent.

16. (n.) A direction from which the wind may blow; a point of the compass; especially, one of the cardinal points, which are often called the four winds.

17. (n.) A disease of sheep, in which the intestines are distended with air, or rather affected with a violent inflammation. It occurs immediately after shearing.

18. (n.) Mere breath or talk; empty effort; idle words.

19. (n.) The dotterel.

20. (v. t.) To expose to the wind; to winnow; to ventilate.

21. (v. t.) To perceive or follow by the scent; to scent; to nose; as, the hounds winded the game.

22. (v. t.) To drive hard, or force to violent exertion, as a horse, so as to render scant of wind; to put out of breath.

23. (v. t.) To rest, as a horse, in order to allow the breath to be recovered; to breathe.

24. (v. t.) To blow; to sound by blowing; esp., to sound with prolonged and mutually involved notes.

Aqua-Lung Vayu Zephyr Zephyrus about ship aerate aerophone air air out air-condition air-cool airify allure antelope arch arrow artificial respiration aspiration asthmatic wheeze back and fill bagpipe bait the hook baloney bay bear away bear off bear to starboard beat beat about beep belch bell bend bend back bilge birdlime blah blah-blah blare blast blat blow blow a horn blow the horn blue darter blue streak bop bosh bow box off bray break breath breath of air breathing bring about bring round broken wind bugle bull bullshit bunk bunkum burn out burp cannonball cant cant round carillon cast cast about catch catch out change course change the heading charge circle circulate circumrotate circumvolute clarion clue cock coil come about contort corkscrew cough courser crank crap crinkle crook cross-ventilate cue curl curve dart debilitate decoy decurve deflect distort divagate do in do up dome doodle double a point double reed double-tongue drift eagle electricity embouchure embow encircle enclose enervate enlace enmesh ensnare ensnarl entangle entoil entrap entwine envelop enweb err eructation excurse exhalation exhaust expiration express train exsufflation fag fag out fan fart fatigue fetch about fife flag flapdoodle flash flatulence flatulency flatuosity flatus flex flute frazzle freshen gas gasp gazelle get up steam gin gird girdle go about go adrift go around go astray go round greased lightning greyhound guff gulp gup gybe gyrate gyre hack harass hare heave round hiccup hogwash hokum honk hooey hook hook in horn hot air hump hunch incurvate incurve indication inflect inhalation inhalator inkling inspiration insufflation intimation intort inveigle iron lung jade jet plane jibe jibe all standing key knock out knock up light lightning lime lip load loop lure malarkey meander mercury mesh miss stays misshape moonshine mouth-to-mouth resuscitation mouthpiece naught net nil nix noose notion overfatigue overstrain overtire overweary oxygen mask oxygen tent oxygenate oxygenize pant peal pererrate piffle pipe pirouette pivot ply poop poop out poppycock prime prostrate puff


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