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源自中古英語 skulke, skulken,源自北日耳曼語支,对比丹麥語 skulke (逃避,偷懒)瑞典語 skolka (偷懒)





skulk (複數 skulks)

  1. 狐狸[1]
    • 1973, Thomas Pynchon, 章號 1, 出自 Gravity’s Rainbow[2], Penguin, 出版於 2000,頁號s 59–60:
      A skulk of foxes, a cowardice of curs are tonight’s traffic whispering in the yards and lanes.
    • 2007, Millard Kaufman, 章號 19, 出自 Bowl of Cherries[3], San Francisco: McSweeney’s Books,頁號 128:
      A skulk of fox padded daintily over a stream-slashed meadow, and a herd of deer like iron ornaments stood stock still in their winter pelage.
  2. (比喻義) 一群狐狸一样狡猾阴险的人
    • 1972, R. M. Koster, 章號 43, 出自 The Prince,[4], New York: Morrow,頁號 320:
      [] a skulk of priests flapped out of the Church of San Geronimo, and women kneeling at novena put away their beads []
    • 1982, Richard Girling, “1160: Chivalry”, 出自 The Forest on the Hill[5], New York: Viking,頁號 69:
      The law was served by a skulk of informers, who traded their whispers to the royal foresters and woodwards, who gilded their tales for the verderers and regarders, who presented the guilty to the forest Justices.
    • 2000, John Banville, Eclipse[6], New York: Knopf, 出版於 2001, Part 5, p. 190:
      [] they went on, down the road, staggering, and shouldering each other, like a skulk of Jacobean villains.
    • 2004, Micah L. Sifry, Nancy Watzman, 章號 24, 出自 Is That a Politician in Your Pocket?[7], Hoboken, NJ: Wiley,頁號s 200–201:
      Ten days after the attacks, a skulk of insurance executives met with President Bush and Commerce Secretary Donald Evans to press for the creation of a multibillion-dollar government safety net to limit their exposure to future terrorist incidents.
  3. 动词的名词化形式
    1. 鬼鬼祟祟
      • 1857, Jacob S. C. Abbott, History of King Philip, Sovereign Chief of the Wampanoags[8], New York: Harper, Chapter , p. 369:
        A part of their company, who had been sent out on a skulk, had not returned, and great anxiety was felt lest they had fallen into an ambush and been captured.
      • 1902, Frederic Remington, 章號 18, 出自 John Ermine of the Yellowstone[9], New York: Macmillan,頁號 246:
        There was only the danger that his horse might lame himself in the night; but then he could go back in the hills and make a skulk on foot.
      • 1922, Henry Williamson, “The Opening of the Flower”, 出自 Dandelion Days[10], London: W. Collins,頁號 120:
        Willie knew that the time was propitious for a skulk across Hall, thence into the class-room of Mr. Beach.
      • 2012, Katherine Boo, Behind the Beautiful Forevers[11], New York: Random House, Prologue, p. xix:
        That gave him three or four more hours of darkness in which to plan an escape more sensible than a skulk to the hut next door.
    2. 潜行
    3. 逃避规避 责任等
      • 1859, George Little, 章號 3, 出自 The American Cruiser’s Own Book[14], Philadelphia: J.B. Smith,頁號 36:
        [They took] good care [] to swing their hammocks as far abaft as possible, for the twofold purpose of having a skulk in their watch below at night, and to keep clear of the sprays, which usually pour down the gratings []
      • 1867, James Greenwood, 章號 15, 出自 Humphrey Dyot[15], 卷 1, London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston,頁號 224:
        “This nonsense won’t do for me, you know; if you want a skulk, you had better pack off back to the house.”
      • 1879, anonymous author, 章號 7, 出自 Convict Life; or, Revelations Concerning Convicts and Convict Prisons[16], London: Wyman & Sons:
        Bidwell is not the only one who feigns paralysis; many poison their flesh by inserting in it copper-wire or worsted; others swallow ground glass, eat poisonous insects, swallow soap and soda, or slightly maim and disable themselves. Anything by which they can secure a skulk, and escape from what Mr. Carlyle has wisely called the “sacredness of work.”
  4. (棄用主要用於航海軍事) 逃避责任
    • 1832, Frederick Marryat, 章號 16, 出自 Newton Forster; or, The Merchant Service[17], 卷 1, London: James Cochrane,頁號 238:
      “I shall do my duty, Mr. Jackson,” replied Newton, “and fear no consequences.”
      “Indeed! you saw how I settled a skulk just now;—beware of his fate!”
    • 1847, Herman Melville, 章號 4, 出自 Omoo[18], New York: Harper,頁號 32:
      Toward evening there was something to be done on deck, and the carpenter who belonged to the watch was missing. “Where’s that skulk, Chips?” shouted Jermin down the forecastle scuttle.
    • 1872, Sallie F. Chapin, 章號 7, 出自 Fitz-Hugh St. Clair, the South Carolina Rebel Boy[19], Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger,頁號 75:
      If you should ever need help, my son, let this be your rule—‘never ask it from the man who deserted his country in her hour of need.’ The soldier’s child will find no mercy from a skulk, depend on it.
    • 1906, Henry E. Shepherd, Life of Robert Edward Lee[20], New York: Neale, Part 3, p. 62:
      An exempt, a skulk, or one upon whom rested the faintest suspicion of evading duty or shrinking in the critical hour of impending battle, was the special object of his wrath.



skulk (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 skulks,現在分詞 skulking,一般過去時及過去分詞 skulked)

  1. 躲藏潜伏
  2. 潜行鬼鬼祟祟地走
  3. 逃避规避 责任等





  1. Thomas Wright, Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English, London: Henry G. Bohn, 1857, Volume 2, p. 833: “SCULK, [] A company of foxes.”[1]