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@wip / wip.tumblr.com

ask box is open every Monday from 6AM to 6PM EST

Will you be doing our Year in review 2024 this year? Or have you stopped it completely because you didn’t do it last year?


Thanks for getting in touch here, and we hope you've been enjoying Year in Review 2024!

Unfortunately, while we had a really fun time building Your Year in Review in 2022, it's true that it was a fair amount of work, and we struggled to make it a feature we could repeat again. It didn’t make the cut of projects to work on in 2023, sadly, and it didn’t make the cut to work on this year either, as you may have seen by now. As things stand, it’s not on our roadmap to do again.

That said, there is a lot of love for this feature on staff, too, and we would love to make it happen—so never say never!


Hi! Are there going to be more episodes of Big Week On Tumblr? They say it will be back soon in the last episode, but it’s been a while.


Answer: Hi. @mirasmirages!

May we first say that this is very sweet, and we are glad to know folks listened in!

Unfortunately, there are no plans to produce new episodes of the Big Week on Tumblr podcast at this time. While it is not out of the realm of possibility, our producer has moved on to something new.

Never say never, though. Should this answer change, you’ll be the first to know.


Boops are the best ever, I love them so thank you so much! Kudos to everyone who worked on it, esp. the paw animations are delightful

& not to sound cold and calculating, but I'm guessing since they increase engagement quite a bit, even if just for a short while - have you thought having random old-aprils-fools-events repeated once or twice throughout the year? Both for people who weren't there to experience them, and to bring a burst of joy on more occasions than like, 1st April, 5th November (...and 15th March, etc)


Answer: Hi there, @agapi-kalyptei!

At this time the answer is similar to the many of you folks asking, nay, pleading, to bring back the Boops. It will have to be no for now, but we also have to thank you heartily for all of your enthusiasm. 

Things can change of course. Should this be the case, you'll either see it through @changes or here at @wip!


Can we keep the boops?


Answer: Hi there, @azure-prince! Boop.

Was it really two weeks ago today that Boopageddon was unleashed upon the dashboard?

At this time the answer will have to be no, but we also have to thank you heartily for all of your enthusiasm. That is not all we can say, of course: we will add a little never say never to keep you all on your toes.

Thanks also to @tulpafcker@flust3rdyke@alexdoestheart, and more. Boops to you all.


Hello 👋 I have been enjoying Tumblr’s year in review. I was wondering if we will be seeing the personal year in review like last year? Thank you!


Answer: Hey there @dilfdaredevil!

We appreciate you writing in about this, and we admit to feeling a little torn on this one, as so many folks love this feature. We love it as much as you do, in fact. It’s become a real Tumblr tradition!

But as much as we love to do these wrap-ups each year, we are sorry to say we just didn’t have the resources to dedicate to it this time around.

As for next year, who knows. We will have to wait and see—but fingers crossed, of course.


just how many official tumblr blogs are there? i just recently found out that this one and changes exists which seems less than ideal


Great question! We have, we hope, a great answer for you. First up is a comprehensive list of all of current active staff blogs.

You can find ’em by simply searching each name, + @, in the search bar. (i.e., @action)

@action: Highlighting Tumblr’s long-standing social justice priorities of racial justice, mental health, equality, and beyond.

@art Exploring and featuring original artists on Tumblr.

@artistalley: Supporting local artists on Tumblr by buying directly from their storefronts.

@artistpicks: Monthly curated experience by artists and creators on Tumblr.

@best-of-reblogs: A curated collection of some of the best reblog threads on Tumblr.

@bigweekon: Tumblr’s beloved podcast highlighting recent trends, memes, and more.

@blackexcellence: A showcase of things all Black, all excellent, past and present—literature, fashion, music, historical spotlights, and beyond.

@books: Exclusive interviews and curated content from authors, publishers, and book fans.

@changes: Your go-to for new Tumblr launches, bug fixes, and updates on platform.

@creatrsA network that connects artists, makers, and builders with brands.

@emporium: The Official Blog of the Tumblr Shop™, run by Brick Whartley back from the Island.

@entertainment: Exclusive content and features from across TV, film, and streaming.

@engineering: Behind-the-scenes work on how Tumblr engineers build Tumblr.

@fandomHome of Fandometrics, Tumblr’s weekly ranking of entertainment properties.

@fashionRunways to streetwear and every style in between.

@featured: Featuring exclusive content from Tumblr’s many good, good blogs.

@gaming: Exclusive and curated content across mainstream and indie games.

@getloudr An in-kind ad donation program dedicated to amplifying marginalized voices.

@happytuesdayA blog dedicated to all our Tumblr Tuesdays, posts featuring users based on a weekly theme.

@humans: A blog we use so we can reply in the notes of various posts.

@kpop: Exclusive content and a curated experience of K-Pop on Tumblr.

@labs: A way for engineers at Tumblr to experiment in public.

@music: Exclusive content and features on all your favorite musical artists.

@postitforwardSupporting the community with resources for mental health, self-care, and wellness.

@prideplusYour home for all things LGBTQIA+ on Tumblr.

@radar: Sharing four pieces of original posts from Tumblr artists per day, hand-curated by our team from across the globe.

@staffThe ultimate source for big news, platform updates, and everything that makes Tumblr, Tumblr.

@support: News, tips, and nerdy details from Tumblr Support.

@tee: A blog from your friendly neighborhood Tumblr user, Tee.

@todayontumblr: Daily curated content around trending topics on Tumblr.

@wip: Dedicated to feedback and questions from Tumblr users to Tumblr staff.

There’s more. For our global audiences, you can find all the localized Staff blogs. They’re linked here!

We also have a carousel in the feed somewhere called “Official Blogs,” but it might be that we need to make that more obvious or provide a dedicated feed or page somewhere.

Leave that last point with us, but we hope that helps! Thanks for your question, and have a good day.

(And a tip of the hat to you, @lizzieonka! Consider them tagged)


—Caragh, Cates, and Cyle


With Twitter rebranding and dropping the bird logo y'all have the opportunity to be absolutely hilarious by changing the icon to a bird temporarily so please consider this suggestion.

Also whats going on with the emoji reacts idea?? I've been really excited to see it someday but it's been a while since I last heard anything about it. Is that still in the works or has it been scrapped?


We have a lot of thoughts here. It’d be funny, for sure, but we suspect it’d also be a little too on the nose. It must also be said that it really does sadden us to see what’s going on with the folks over at Twitter/X. And the moral of the story, if we do not say so ourselves, is how important it is to support your favorite online communities, whatever platform this might be.

As for emoji reactions, we’re still toying around with it! We will be back with updates at some stage, whether here or at @changes. Keep an eye out!




I've heard there used to be a brief guide to Tumblr for new users that would come up when someone made an account, and it pointed them at some starting blogs to follow based on the interests they selected. Any plans to re-implement something like that?


Answer: Hello there @toasthaste.

So, if you sign up for Tumblr today, you will see recommended blogs to follow while you sign up. Last year, we also ran an experiment where we showed a post from @welcomebot to new users with some starting tips, but unfortunately, that didn’t end up helping much. We are still experimenting though! And there’s more to come, so we will keep you posted on this one.

Might we also recommend you visit Hellsite High? It is full of handy tips, though we must add: we haven’t updated it in at least a year, so we might have to audit some things on the blog or you will have to forgive us the occasional discrepancy—since it might cause confusion to new users.


—Jon and Cyle


can you elaborate more on the point from the product strategy about supporting creators, showing their posts to more people and increasing engagement? i think most users are under the impression that the only way to make a social media algorithm is exactly like tiktok's, which only rewards the most popular creators, accounts that post extremely often, etc. are you actually looking to boost less popular accounts and increase engagement, or just proliferate the same sort of algorithm all over the website?


Answer: Hello, @barbieharrington!

We are looking to give a limited amount of extra exposure of new posts to a wider audience. Right now, if you’re new to Tumblr and create a post, there’s a high chance it will never be seen by someone else. And thus, as a new creator on Tumblr, it can be difficult to find an audience. 

We’d like to make it slightly easier by giving these creator’s posts a little extra exposure, in the hope that those posts find their way to people that will love them—and perhaps even reblog and follow. This can help encourage creators to continue posting great content for all of us to enjoy. Existing creators with a large number of followers don’t have this problem, as all of their posts are likely going to be seen by many people already.

In addition, we are also exploring features and tools to help creators, and we are excited to tell you more about this as and when we can.

Thanks for your question—this is an important point to address, and we’re grateful you asked.


—Eli and Marina


you guys are so hard to get feedback to its genuinely infuriating. nothing I've ever given feedback on has ever gotten anything more than an automated acknowledgment email. why bother asking? you never listen to users anyway


Answer: Hello there, @mxkoifish!

Let us start by saying that, given the sheer volume, it is not possible for us to respond to all feedback we receive. As much as we might like to, and indeed as much as we try. A human reads each piece of feedback you submit to us, which we can assure you really does count for something—and is a waste of no one’s time.

Moreover, there are some questions which, due to the sheer scale and complexity of running a website such as this, we cannot answer publicly. This is something to bear in mind: if we do not answer your question, remember there may well be a very good reason why. As much as we might like to.

In any case, we are always trying to get better at responding to the community’s feedback—this blog is one such example of us trying to find more ways of reaching back out to people based on feedback we receive each week. We’re also trying to find other ways to open up easier venues for feedback, like maybe a community forum. We’ll see where that takes us!

We hope this answers your frustrations in some way—but do know we are trying our best with what we have. Thanks for your question, and have a good day.


—Jon and Cyle


Hi! I've noticed in the last few days a new marketing stragegy with our emails. Not that I dislike the notifications but I'd love to chose the frequency and what i'm notified about from tumblr instead of hubspot (that only shows two options: marketing and one-to-one). Best regards :-)


Answer: Hey there, @desfraisespartout!

We are glad to hear you liked the email. Music to our ears, in fact.

So, in short, you’re part of a test group! We are constantly exploring ways to get the very finest, the crème de la crème Tumblr content in front of people. Unfortunately, however, there are no more detailed email controls at the present time. That said, we try our best to not send emails to uninterested users. So we also automatically remove disinterested users from sends, no one wants to be bombarded with emails they don’t read!


—Matthew (Tumblr Marketing)


a lot of questions sent here seem to get replied to with "we'd love to do this, but we have higher priorities right now/other stuff we're working on so we can't take on more." and that's cool. but i was wondering if you're able to tell us some of the stuff that's in the works? or are you not allowed to tell us that for some reason? thanks for all your hard work.


Answer: Hello, @unit00!

A very good question, nay, an important question, and one we are very glad to answer.

There are a couple of parts here. First, it is correct that we can’t talk about everything before we start experimenting with it and launching it. These big projects take months to build, and we’re a small team for the size of the ship we are running and what we build and maintain each day. We do try to tease things in the Upcoming section of the @changes blog when we feel comfortable doing so.

It’s also fair to say that we always post something about our bigger things that come out via @staff, like this and this and this, for example. Those are big projects, and all took time, effort, and resources to build. There are also twice-weekly posts on @changes about the other medium-sized and smaller things that we’re building and fixing. Even that is a small slice of how the platform shifts every day! There’s a lot happening every day across Tumblr in terms of us fixing bugs and pushing code. Tumblr is bigger than you think! 

Finally, as for WIP itself, it’s equally fair to say that we receive a lot of feedback and suggestions of ideas that we love the sound of—or indeed ideas that we have had ourselves!—but are unable to start working on because of other projects. Like the rest of our platform, we at WIP do everything we can to answer as many, and as wider range, of your questions each week. This, too, takes a lot of time and work, but don’t get us wrong—it’s work we love to do and work that’s good for the wider health of our platform.

We hope this helps—and keep the feedback coming! Have a great day.


—Cyle & Caroline (Tumblr Engineering)


Why doesn't Cyle know who's Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran????

What is Cyle's music taste, I'm very curious


Answer: Hello @cradiot28, excellent question.

Have you heard of Aphex Twin? Look ’em up. Expand your palette. You’re welcome.


—Cyle (Tumblr Engineering)


Bonus Answers:

hello from your local kpop fangirl 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️

—Caroline (Tumblr Engineering)


My music taste can be encapsulated as follows:

I hiked some mountains one recent weekend. When I got back, I ran a hot bath, lit some candles, poured a glass of white wine, and listened to music. Including, for example, this music. The wine was lovely, as was the candle. The music was watery, and the water was musical. It’s safe to say I have never quite known such intense relaxation, and I doubt I ever will again.

Alternatively, my music taste can be pretty much boiled down to these Earth-shattering four minutes and 30 seconds.

—Jon (Tumblr Marketing)


For any of y'all staff members who've been on/working for Tumblr for a while: what have been some of your all time favorite memes?


Why, we thought you’d never ask…


look at you, making me choose between my favorite children :< but i suppose i could highlight a few. just for you.

  • this one‘s for a show that i don’t even watch, but i feel it in my soul
  • i love the x as text posts format
  • these friendly crabs (actually the inspiration for our april fool’s day crabs!)
  • this absolute banger

—Caroline (Tumbly Engineering)


Something I’ve found really funny recently is counterfeit posts. It’s unique to Tumblr, a beautiful result of people taking the formatting options to the extreme conclusion of imitating the Tumblr interface itself.

As for all-time, though… my favorite meme format has gotta be YouTube Poops. I especially love when Hotel Mario voice clips are included. Toys Gone Wild and Civil Defivil stand out as ones that use them expertly. Warning for adult language for both!

—April (Tumblr Engineering)


Picking a favorite meme is like picking your favorite color of the sky. I’m at a loss—I am fundamentally incapable of narrowing it down to just one. Picking just one winner would make all the others lose the game, which I’d feel terrible about. Every time a fresh new meme comes around, I get so distracted by it that I turn my head and forget the previous one. I am awfully fond of this meme, though.

—Cates (Tumblr Marketing)


I take every opportunity to use Spiders Georg, that’s definitely my all-time favorite. I’m also loving the Breaking Bad resurgence on Tumblr, especially these very specific videos editing Breaking Bad into Mario games.

—Elena (Tumblr Design)


Hands-down it’s Hide The Pain Harold, not only because he’s just so often relatable but also because he’s a real and delightful person.

—James (Tumblr Community Support)


Where to begin? Whatever I answer, I will remember something else later this week and regret what's written here. However, the best I can do for now is as follows:

Not a meme exactly, but I do enjoy the anti-TikTok videos you see of people being filmed, while filming TikToks. The instant they realize they are being recorded is just delicious every time. The Grand Theft Auto, Here we go again... is very funny, and echoes in my internal monologue several times each week.

Also really enjoy the Luke Skywalker, end of Return of the Jedi, Me taking one last look at the party before i leave early and announced

—Jon (Tumblr Marketing)


—Your good friends at WIP.


hey there!

this is important 👀 what is your favorite taylor swift song???


Answer: A very fine aftermorrow to you, @baileysimone.

Nay, I shan’t believe it. ‘Twas just weeks yonder when I mentioned in this previous WIP that it was thought that Ed Sheeran, the subject of said question, was a close acquaintance of Tay-Tay, aka. Taylor Swift. And here: she materializes in another captivating chapter of the WIP story.

As a result, we have a multi-part answer for you to this latest, imperative question you raise with us: The Taylor Swift Question. We’ve been expecting you.


Jon (Tumblr Marketing): It is funny you should pose such a question as the music of Taylor Swift has, in its strange ways, been a constant presence threaded through the tapestry of my adolescence. We are of similar age (only Tay-Tay is a few years my senior), and her path is one that, in some unexpected twists, mirrors my own. For example, I was in a history class with none other than Harry Styles’ cousin during college. Only he and I, sadly, did not share such a passionate liaison; let alone did I pen a global hit based on the events of the affair!

One song, however, seared into the rear-view mirror of my youth is Red (2012), from the album of the same name. At the time of the record’s release, I was but a mere shop assistant at a (now defunct, “lol”!) British department store. I was tasked with working in the children’s wear department; it was not a position I handled with much skill or confidence. When I wasn’t being mercilessly picked on by one senior member of staff named Ernie, botching almost every transaction handed expectedly to me by customers, waiting to go home and be disappointed by Halo 4, or doing my hair in the mirrors, I was strolling the luminous white halls and listening to the music reverberating through the store speakers. 

One day, one such composition began with a captivating, shimmering guitar line; it was tinged with the moreish melancholy that only the most intoxicating dalliances in love and lust can induce. Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street, Tay-Tay began, faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly…; I stood mesmerized, no longer fixated by my own reflection but by the yearning in her voice. But loving him was red, Tay-Tay sang, re-e-e-ed, re-e-e-ed, RE-E-E-ED, RE-E-E-ED. And there I, too, stood crimson*.

*The problem with working at department stores, as many others may attest, is that the same music plays over, and over, and over, within the same day. It is then repeated day, after day, after day. In short, Red (2012) Taylor-Swiftly became a nuisance. 

Secondly, I made previous reference to one Mr. Styles. As such, my second choice is Trouble (2012), from the same record, thought to be inspired by the affair between his esteemed person and Tay-Tay. For all its artistic merit and complexity in composition, the song quickly became infamous for one startling remix; a remix which was not only a striking and compelling take on the original work, but all the more remarkable when one considers it was produced by a goat. As sproglets, my friends and I of, nay, little more than 18 years of age, would attend balls and night dances at which we too would intoxicate ourselves with liquor and harbor hopes of romantic affairs by the moonlight. Trouble (Goat Remix) was one such number played at these affairs. On arrival of the chorus, one and all would scream with goat-inspired delight in tribute to a most talented ruminant mammal. 

Thirdly, and finally, my simplest choice. Shake It Off (2014), was the soundtrack to many a night’s entertainments during my first years at university; nights in which strobe lights would flash, the floors were sticky with alcohol and enthusiasm, and couples would vanish into the bathrooms for discreet merriment. Night after night, Ms. Swift, unseen, would chant of play play play play play…hate hate hate hate hate…shake shake shake shake shake it off…, and we would all dance like those long inflatable dancey men one encounters at used car dealerships; it was an altogether wonderful time. And as I grew older and more distant from Ms Swift, I, too, nonetheless learned of the music in my mind assuring me that it’s gonna be alright.


L (Tumblr Engineering):

Blank Space: doesn’t have a story, I just like it.

Welcome To New York: this song brought me to Tumblr. Here’s how (#long post):

I was living in Mexico City with my husband, my toddler, and my dog. My daughter started watching movies, and at the time, her favorite was “The Secret Life of Pets,” and for a 2-year-old, it means watching the same movie over and over and over and over. The movie starts with “Welcome To New York,” while Max rides a bike with Katie through central park. To avoid my kid from watching too much TV, we started playing the soundtrack in the living room… so more “Welcome To New York” was subconsciously whispering that “its been waiting for you.” At some point, we planned “the last holidays before our daughter turned 2” to NYC. This was when I visited Tumblr’s office when it was still part of Verizon Media Group, where the unicorn lived, along with a giant pizza slide and weird signs, Guy Fieri’s posters… You could just breathe the team culture, and I wanted to be part of it. Fast-forward 2 years later, I finally decided it was time to apply to a8c and join Tumblr Staff, and here I am.

Shake It Off: no long story here. We just put our ballet skirts at home and dance this. And yes, this includes my son, he wears a ballet skirt too, and he loves it. And yes, I “let” him wear one. As someone who grew up among 4 boys, I hated being left out or not “allowed” to play some game or with some toys because it was “boys only.” I don’t believe in “boys only” or “girls only.”


Julia (Tumblr Engineering): I love ME! (feat. Brendon Urie) 👌


Cyle (Tumblr Engineering): Who’s Taylor Shift



—Your good friends at WIP.


In November 14,2022 should Tumblr and Instagram combined together called “Instatum” ?


Answer: Hello there, @dragonfire810.

Now that is an idea. However, we are concerned Instatum sounds a little too close to off-the-counter medication you might take for indigestion. That said, we’ll make a note of it in the unlikely event Instagram and ourselves decide to merge. It’s certainly better than Tinstablr, or Umblgram.

In the meantime, why not tell your friends on Instagram, and your friend’s friends, that Tumblr is open and more than happy to have them? C’mon in—we have shoelaces.


—Jon (Tumblr Marketing)

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