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gold medal in faggotry

@jelreth / jelreth.tumblr.com

leaf "cav" cavanaugh, he/him / art tag is "cav's creatives" / 18 years old

Concept: cursed blade rehabilitation center. Destroying a sentient weapon is expensive and highly unethical, so adventurers bring them to the center where highly trained staff can care for them and eventually find them forever homes. It turns out most cursed weapons are products of trauma and are not strictly evil themselves. Some blades turn out to be fiercely protective companions. Others don't even want to be weapons at all, finding joy in simple work like blacksmithing or farming. Most blades just need to be loved.

A pack of bandits descend upon a seemingly undefended town. But the blacksmith's hammer, the farmer's scythe, the woodsman's axe, they have not forgotten what they once were, and they *will* defend the town that they have come to love.

This sweet girl has been with us for seven seasons. She was forged in the heart of a volcano and would be ideal for anyone with a preexisting fire affinity (she's a cuddler and is guaranteed to keep you warm in winter). She still loves burning, but it turns out you can only reduce the world to ash once. She would be perfectly suited for forest management that regularly requires controlled burns.

This weary old soul has grown tired of bloodshed and would much rather spend his days as an ominous decoration in a tavern or common room, a perfect fit for an adventurer looking to leave their dungeon crawling days behind. He likes peoplewatching with his single glowing eye, preferably from high, prominent locations with views of entrances and exits.

Dark king Grütmore’s edge of annihilation consumed 10,000 souls in the first era, and as it turns out, statistically a lot of those souls heard stories that never got written down. It works in a library now.

The throngler, however, is just irrevocably fucked up. We put it in a stone in a forest and hoped nobody ever finds it


Here's a fun story of malicious compliance to brighten your day:

Until recently, a few people in my office had these desk shades to combat the obnoxious fluorescent lights, which is very helpful for people (like me) with migraines or other light-sensitivity issues.

A few days ago, everyone who has them was told to take them down. Different people were given different reasons - It violates fire code (it doesn't) / It blocks line of sight (sort of?). Since this goes against the existing status quo, the union reps (my beloved) jumped on it. Someone jokingly suggested using umbrella hats instead, since hats are allowed in the dress code. Today, the union reps are passing out these ridiculous things in protest:

If the rules are absurd, the resistance should match.


op's tags are too important to leave off

Rough transcription of my reactions to this:

"WHAT THE FUoh it's art WAIT, THAT'S ART? HOLY SHIT THAT IS GOOD and the political themes are great"

...I reblogged this before but uh didn´t know it was art WOW


UPDATE: Luigi Mangione's attorneys have filed another 36 page motion to dismiss tampered evidence, planted, and forged evidence, and to dismiss charges

as without the tampered, planted and forged evidence there isn't enough evidence left to proceed with the trial.

NYPD really thought that the nation wouldn't notice if they planted items on Luigi Mangione, something he mentioned in his first arraignment in disbelief, or that they unpacked and re-packed his bags BEFORE evidence collection, lied about having DNA samples and finger prints to match him to despite both official files AND head of NYPD pointing out that they never had any DNA or fingerprints to work with, and outright made up details about his bag's contents they tried to then bring up as if factual in court.

Not to mention illegally detained and interrogated him under duress IE coerced him into providing unusable testimony, withheld his rights, and Jessica Tisch admitting in an interview she just randomly selected Luigi Mangione because he was the first attractive guy with thick eyebrows that got arrested anywhere in the nation. AND five officers involved are known for planting evidence and making false statements?

There is NO reason for the court to proceed with this case. They have absolutely nothing on Luigi Mangione except blurry CCTV footage that 1. contradicts itself and their statements 2. doesn't match his features, and 3. our best facial analysis software can't match to Luigi Mangione making that unusable in court as well.


chikorita gets clowned on a lot for its shit stats and a movepool i would be hard-pressed to describe as "extant" but designwise it's really evocative. it begs the kind of questions that make pokemon so magical: what IF a lima bean was a small dog. what IF instead of a head it had like. a weird nub. with an anime face on it. what if it could throw a fistful of razors across the room

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