Module 5 Lighting Calculations
Module 5 Lighting Calculations
Module 5 Lighting Calculations
Lighting Calculations
Determining Average Illuminance Average Illuminance Equation The Lumen Method Determining the Illuminance at a Point-Direct Component (Point-byPoint Method) Computer-Aided Lighting Calculations
Ewp = average maintained illuminance on the work plane (TOTAL) = total system lamp lumen output CU = coefficient of utilization LLF = light loss factor Awp = area of the work plane
The efficiency of the luminaire The luminaire distribution The geometry of the space The reflectances of the room surface
Each luminaire has its own CU table specific to that luminaires light distribution and efficiency. CU values are listed in tables for different room geometries and room surface reflectances.
Module 5 Lighting Calculations Philippine Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Where, hRC = Room cavity height L = Length of the room W = Width of the room
Module 5 Lighting Calculations Philippine Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Floor cavity ratio is the space between the workplane and the floor computed using the equation below in relation to room cavity ratio:
CU Determination
Using Example 1 above, the following steps should be followed in calculating the coefficient of utilization. Step 1. Determine the room cavity ratio using the equation below
Room cavity height (hRC) = Luminaire height Workplane height Assuming a workplane height of 0.76m (typical desk height)
hRC = 2. 59 m 0.76m
= 1.83m
Module 5 Lighting Calculations Philippine Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project (PELMATP)
CU Determination
In this example, the luminaires are recessed in the ceiling so the luminaire height is the as the ceiling height. Computing the room cavity ratio, we have:
CU Determination
Step 2. Since the Lumen Method considers what occurs only within the room cavity, the ceiling and floor cavities are replaced with their effective reflectances. To find the effective reflectance of a floor or ceiling cavity, find the floor cavity ratio and ceiling cavity ratio using the equations below
CU Determination
Step 3. Find the effective cavity reflectances using cavity surface reflectances. The surface that is opposite the opening to the cavity is called the base cavity. The base reflectance, the wall reflectances, and the cavity ratio determine the effective cavity reflectance. Using the IESNA Lighting Handbook, look for the cavity reflectances and cavity ratios.
For the ceiling cavity, the base reflectance is the actual ceiling surface reflectance while the floor cavity, the base reflectance is the actual floor surface reflectance.
CU Determination
CU Determination
Step 4. Once all room cavity reflectances and the room cavity ratio are known, the CU value can be determined by selecting the appropriate value from the luminaires CU table. Continuing with Example 1, the following assumptions are made after consulting the IES Lighting Handbook Table on Effective Reflectances:
Effective Ceiling Cavity Reflectance, CC = 0.70 Wall Reflectance, W = 0.50 Effective Floor Cavity Reflectance, FC = 0.20 RCR = 5 (calculated in Step 1)
CU Determination
CU = 0.50, which means that 50% of the lumens given off by the lamps reach the workplane and the other 50% are absorbed by the luminaire or the room surfaces and never reach the workplane.
Total Light Loss Factor (LLF) is the product of the individual light loss factors, recoverable and non-recoverable
Area of Workplane
Is the area of the entire workplane, which is typically the same as the floor area Illuminance will be greatest near the center of the room and slightly less toward the walls for a given uniform layout of luminaires
Ballast Factor
Ballast used for a specific application is usually different from the ballast used to determine the rated lumen output for a lamp Ballast factor corrects this difference to maintain the arc within the lamp Ballast factor is the ratio of the lamp lumens generated on commercial ballasts to those generated on the test quality ballasts . The ballast factor for good quality fluorescent ballast is nominally is 0.95while electronic ballasts can have ballast factors ranging from 0.70 to 1.28
Module 5 Lighting Calculations Philippine Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Recoverable Factors Lamp Lumen Depreciation (LDD) Lamp Burnout Factor (LBO) Luminaire Dirt Depreciation Factor (LDD) 0.90 1.00 0.94 0.96
Calculated Illuminance
At this point it is possible to calculate the illuminance on the workplane:
Ewp = average maintained illuminance on the work plane (TOTAL) = total system lamp lumen output CU = coefficient of utilization LLF = light loss factor Awp = area of the work plane
Module 5 Lighting Calculations Philippine Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Calculated Illuminance
Substituting all the computed values in Example 1and using the equation for average illuminance on the workplane, we have: EWP = 17,400 lm x 0.50 x 0.75 3.05m x 4.57m = 468 lm/m2 or 486 lux (Maintained) The average initial illuminance on the workplane can be determined by substituting only the non-recoverable light loss factors for the total light loss factor. EWP = 17,400 lm x 0.50 x 0.0.93 3.05m x 4.57m = 581 lm/m2 or 581 lux (Initial)
Module 5 Lighting Calculations Philippine Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Calculated Illuminance
An average maintained illuminance of 468 lumens per square meter will strike the area covered by the workplane in a completely empty space Some points on the workplane will have an illuminance higher than 468 while others will have an illuminance lower than this value During first time that this system will be turned on, wherein the lamps are new and the surfaces are clean, the average initial illuminance will be greater than the maintained value, which is computed as 582 lumens per square meter (lux)
Module 5 Lighting Calculations Philippine Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Calculated Illuminance
By rearranging the Lumen Method equation, it is possible to find the number of luminaires required to meet a specific average illuminance level:
(lumens/lamp) x (lamps/luminaire) x (no. of luminaires) x CU x LLFTOTAL EWP =
AWP x EWP No. of = luminaires (lumens/lamp) x (lamps/luminaires) x CU x LLFTOTAL
Calculated Illuminance
Example 2. Find the number of luminaires needed in a room given the following: Room dimensions: 9.15m by 9.15m by 3.5m Target Illuminance: 300 lux average maintained Working Plane Height: 0.76m Luminaire: Recessed round Lamp: 70 watt metal halide, 5600 lumen initial output Reflectances (): Ceiling cavity 0.70 Walls 0.30
Floor Cavity
Assume LLFTOTAL = 0.75
Module 5 Lighting Calculations
Calculated Illuminance
Step 1. Calculate RCR Using the equation for RCR, we get 3 as the answer. Step 2. Determine Cavity ratios for ceiling and floor Step 3. Obtain Effective Ceiling Cavity Reflectance (CC) using Tables in CU determination for metal halide lamps Step 4. Obtain Effective Floor Cavity Reflectance (FC) using Tables in CU determination for metal halide lamps Step 5. Obtain Coefficient of Utilization (CU) from Manufacturers Data The CU based on calculated value of RCR and the given reflectances, we get 0.55 as the answer.
Calculated Illuminance
Using the equation below, and substituting all the known values:
Number of luminaires =
lumens/lamp x lamps/luminaires x CU x LLFTOTAL Number of luminaires = 9.15m by 9.15m by 3.5m x 300 lux
Spacing Criteria
Spacing Criteria is the maximum ratio of spacing to mounting height of the luminaire above the workplane that provides reasonable uniformity of illumination within the space Spacing ratios for specific luminaires are given in the data sheets published by each manufacturer. This number, usually between 0.5 to 1.5, when multiplied with the mounting height, gives the maximum distance that the luminaires maybe separated and provide uniform illuminance on the workplane
Module 5 Lighting Calculations Philippine Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Spacing Criteria
For luminaires using essentially point sources of light, such as incandescent or HID lamps, the number of luminaires per row should be in proportion to the width-to-length ratio of the room
Spacing Criteria
For fluorescent luminaires, it is necessary to first establish the maximum number that can be installed in one row. the maximum number is calculated by subtracting at least 0.3 meter from the room length and then dividing by the length of the luminaire.
Spacing Criteria
The exact spacing between rows is calculated by dividing the room width by the number of rows
Spacing between luminaires in each row is calculated by dividing the room length by the number of luminaires per row. spacing between the outer luminaires and the adjacent wall is one-half of the luminaire spacing If desks or other work areas are to be located alongside the walls, then the wall-to-luminaires spacing should be reduced to one-third of the luminaire spacing
Spacing Criteria
Factors to consider
Luminous intensity Distance Orientation of the surface
Luminous Intensity
Luminous Flux in a certain direction, radiated per unit of solid angle
Unit : Candela Symbol : I
I = Luminous flux
Solid Angle
Module 5 Lighting Calculations
Luminous Intensity
Rotational symmetrical
Light distribution same in all planes Usually Circular or Bowl shaped luminaire
Luminous Intensity
Planar symmetrical
Luminous Intensity
Distance between a surface and the source affects the illuminance (luminous flux per unit of area) striking that surface Surface of a given area that is closer to the source captures a larger portion of the flux in the cone than a surface of the same given area that is further away Considering the luminous intensity as the luminous flux (lumens) leaving a source in a cone traveling in a specific direction, as the area increases the iluminance decreases while the luminous flux remains the same Inverse Square Law states that the cross-sectional area of the cone increases with the square of the distance from the source. Therefore, the illuminance on this surface varies inversely with the square of the distance from the source
Light Source D i s t a n c e
E = I/ d2
Solid Angle
w I
Plan e
Inverse Square Law
E = I/ d2 Where: E = Illuminance on the surface I = Luminous intensity of the source in the direction of the surface
is the angle between the light ray coming from the source to the point, and a line that is perpendicular (normal) to the plane or surface on which the illuminance is being measured or calculated
E = I / d2 cos
Philippine Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project (PELMATP)
The luminous intensity (I) is determined using the photometric data for the specific luminaire used and the angular relationship between the luminaire aiming direction and the direction from the luminaire to the calculation point.
2 E1 E2
= 15
= 25
= 2200 cd
= 2000 cd
The luminaire is now aimed at the vertical surface so is no longer measured from straight down, and and are no longer equal. Illuminance is calculated using the same equation as the prior examples.
Module 5 Lighting Calculations Philippine Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Sample Calculations
The calculations presented using various tables and figures are only meant to give the user of this module a general overview of the design of lighting system, showing individual steps from the selection of the recommended luminance level, to the design of lighting layout.
Sample Calculations
Sample Calculation 1: The room to be lighted is as follows:
Sample Calculations
Reflectance factors : Ceiling 80%, walls 50%, and floor 30% Luminaire type : Type 2, IES Lighting Handbook Table ; 300 mm wide with two lamps Lamps : 430 mA, 40 W, 1200 mm, warm white, rapid start tubular fluorescent lamps Atmosphere : Clean Interval between cleaning : 12 months
Sample Calculations
Sample Calculations
Sample Calculations
Step 2: Draw a cross section of the room and determine cavity heights. Note there is no ceiling cavity.
Sample Calculations
Step 3: Calculate the cavity ratios using Equations and indicate dimensions.
Sample Calculations
Step 4: Determine the effective floor cavity reflectance (pFC) from IES Lighting Handbook Table. Note that the effective ceiling cavity reflectance is the same as the actual ceiling reflectance.
Sample Calculations
Step 5: Determine the coefficient of utilization: It is necessary to interpolate for RCR = 1.75
Sample Calculations
30% 28% (interpolate) 20% 1.070 (from above) 1.056 1.00
- Multiply by factor 0.9 as per note on IES Lighting Handbook Table for luminaire 2, 300 mm wide using two lamps.
Sample Calculations
Step 6: Calculate the light loss factor (LLF): - Ballast factor = 0.95 - LLD from IES Lighting Handbook Table is 84% (use 0.84) - From IES Lighting Handbook Table, luminaire 2 is category V. - LDD is 0.88 - RSDD: the light output is all down (direct distribution) the luminaire is direct. From the graph in IES Lighting Handbook Table , for a clean atmosphere at 12 months, the percent expected dirt depreciation is 12%(use10%) and RSDD is 0.98.
LLF = 0.95 x 0.84 x 0.88 x 0.98 = 0.69 (two figure accuracy is acceptable)
Sample Calculations
Sample Calculations
Step 7: Calculate the total initial lamp lumens (TILL) using the equation below:
Sample Calculations
Step 8: Calculate the required number of luminaires using equation below. From IES Lighting Handbook Table, the initial lumens are 3175 and there are two lamps per luminaire.
Sample Calculations
Step 9: Select a practical layout for the luminaire: - Assume continuous rows are required
- Calculate the maximum number per row lengthwise in the room as in figure below for 1200-mm long luminaires.
Sample Calculations
Sample Calculations
Step 10: Calculate the luminaire spacing using the figure below: Sw = 10/5 = 2.0 m
Sample Calculations
Sample Calculations
Step 11: Check the maximum spacing allowed between rows: - From the IES Lighting Handbook Table, for luminaire 2, SC is 1.4 for crosswise spacing. - Maximum spacing = 1.4 x hRC = 1.4 x 2.0 = 2.8 m - 2.0 m is within the limits
Sample Calculations
Step 12: Draw plan of the room and indicate the locations of luminaires
Sample Calculations
Step 13: Calculate the actual minimum maintained lighting level:
Sample Calculations
Step 14: Calculate the unit power density (UPD); From the IES Lighting Handbook table, the power input to the ballast for each luminaire (two 430 mA, 1200 mm lamps) is 95 watts.
Sample Calculations
The unit power density (UPD) of 35.85 W/m2 (3.33 watts per square foot) is high. Before the advent of the energy shortage, this value was accepted as normal. Todays practices, however dictate that the lighting load be kept as low as possible by using energy-saving lamps and ballast.
In this example, the designer should start over with F32T8 or F36T8 lamps operated with electronic ballasts and go through the calculations again to reduce the UPD.
Sample Calculations
Sample Calculation 2. Illustrations in calculating illumination levels
(Lux) on certain lighting layout configurations: Illumination of a conference room with OSRAM DULUX CARR EL/D 2 x 24 W, with two DULUX L 24 W compact fluorescent lamps.
Room dimensions:
L = 15.00 m (length) W = 8.00 m (width)
Sample Calculations
Required quality of light:
Conference room: Light color ww or nw, Ra group 2A
E = 300 lux
Selected lamp:
2 DULUX L 24 W,
Light color LUMILUX Warm (LF 31/830), Ra group 1B,
Sample Calculations
Lighting design data is available in EULUMDAT format for most OSRAM luminaires. EULUMDAT data can be read by a wide range of programs for lighting design, including DIALUX (Version 2.0 and higher), RELUX, SPECTRAL n LUMAGIC and RADEMACHER BELWIN. The table below shows the room utilization factor for numerous combinations of room factors and reflectances (always assuming ideal dispersion). The illuminance E required in a room of area L x W is achieved with n luminaires that have an efficiency LB and with lamps with a luminous flux .
Module 5 Lighting Calculations Philippine Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Sample Calculations
Sample Calculations
Luminaire efficiency and light distribution:
Light distribution A40.2 hLB = 0.58
Ceiling = 0.8
Wall = 0.5
Work surface = 0.3
Sample Calculations
24 luminaires ( is rounded up) Recommended arrangement: 3 rows of 8 luminaries
Sample Calculations
Sample Calculations
Sample Calculation 3. Given are the following :
Width = 15 m Length = 100 m Ceiling height = 3.5 m Desired Illumination = 400 lux Type of Luminaire = 200mf Downlight w/ 26W TC-D Lamp
Sample Calculations
General Information: Project Identification: Shopping Mall Average maintained Illuminance: 400 lux or 400 lux /1lux x 10.76fc = 37.17 fc Lamp data: 26W TC-D (compact fluorescent lamp)
Sample Calculations
Selection of Coefficient of Utilization: Step 1: Fill in all information in sketch
L (Length) = 100 m
W (width) = 15 m
h (height) = 3.5 m
Sample Calculations
Step 2: Determine Cavity Ratio If from manufacturers data, CU table are given based on Room Cavity Ratio
Sample Calculations
If from manufacturer's data, CU table are given based on Room Index
Sample Calculations
Step 3: Obtain effective cavity reflectance:
Ceiling : cc = 70%
Wall : w = 50%
Floor : fc = 20%
Sample Calculations
Step 4: Obtain Coefficient of Utilization from manufacturer's data: Based on Fig. 9-28 of IESNA Handbook @ RCR 1.34 @ 70/50/20 reflectance
Sample Calculations
by interpolation CU @ 1.34:
RCR = 0.64
Sample Calculations
Step 5: Compute for the Light Loss Factor (LLF) LLF = Ballast factor x LLD x LDD x RSDD Ballast Factor = 0.95 LLD (as per Figure 6.3 of IESNA Handbook) = Lumen maintenance (LLD) of compact fluorescent lamp double Biax (TC-D) is LLD =
LDD under luminaire maintenance category I @ very clean room using Table 6-2 where maintenance frequency is every 12 months LDD = 0.96
Since luminaire is Direct downlight (as per Figure 6.4 of ELI handbook) % Room Surface Dirt Depreciation (RSDDF) is = 12%
Module 5 Lighting Calculations Philippine Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Sample Calculations
Sample Calculations
Step 6: Compute for Initial Lamp Lumens (TILL) using equation below:
Sample Calculations
Step 7: Calculate the required no. of luminaries using equation below. From table lamp manufacturers data, the initial lamp lumens of 26W TC-D lamp = 1,800 lumens
Sample Calculations
Step 8: Select a practical lay out for the luminaire. Spacing Criterion, SC = spacing distance/mounting height As per Figure 9-28 of IESNA Handbook, for 8" open reflector using 2-26 CFL, SC = 1.5 Spacing distance = 1.5 x 3.5 m = 5.25 m
For this distance, 343 luminaires required to achieve 400 lux illumination cannot be placed for the given area.
Sample Calculations
Step 9: Calculate Luminaire Spacing
Sample Calculations
Total length at each row = 6 x 2.17 m = 13 m Space at end rows = 15-13/2 = 1 m Number of luminaires/column = 343/7 = 49 luminaires/column Longitudinal spacing = 100-2(1)/48 = 2.04 m Total length at each column = 48 x 2.04 m = 98 m Space at end rows = 100m-98m/2 = 1 m Total luminaires = 7 x 49 = 343 luminaires
Sample Calculations
Step 10: Draw plan of the room and indicate the locations of luminaries:
Sample Calculations
Step 11: Calculate the actual minimum maintained lighting level:
Sample Calculations
Step 12: Calculate the power density (UPD) or connected load. From manufacturers data, the power consumption of 2 x 26W TC-D lamp using conventional ballast = 90watts, in using electronic ballast = 70 watts
Sample Calculations
Sample Calculation 4. Given the following data: Width = 15 m Length = 100 m Ceiling height = 3.5 m Desired Illumination = 400 lux
Sample Calculations
Sample Calculations
Compute for the Light Loss Factor (LLF)
LLF = Ballast factor x LLD x LDD x RSDD Ballast factor = 0.95 LLD of metal halide lamp = 0.85 LDD = 0.96 RSDDF = 0.976 LLF = 0.95 x 0.85 x 0.96 x 0.976
LLF = 0.76
Sample Calculations
Compute for the the total initial lamp lumens (TILL)
Sample Calculations
Compute for the number of luminaires
Sample Calculations
Compute for the number of luminaires/row Spacing Criterion = 1.2, does not apply since total of 179 luminaires cannot be placed on the given area. Assuming spacing criterion = 0.9 Spacing distance between luminaries = MH x SC Spacing (Longitudinal) = 3.5 m x 0.9 = 3.15 Number of luminaires/column = 100/3.15 = 31 luminaires Total length of column = 31 x 3.15 = 97.65 m Space at end of column = (100-97.65)/2 = 1.175 m Total luminaires at each row = 179/31 = 5.7 ~ 6 luminaires
Module 5 Lighting Calculations Philippine Efficient Lighting Market Transformation Project (PELMATP)
Sample Calculations
Transverse spacing = 15m - 2(1.175m)/5 = 2.53 m Total length of each row = 5 x 2.53m = 12.65 m
Sample Calculations
Draw plan of the room and indicate the locations of luminaries.
Sample Calculations
Calculate the actual maintained lighting level.
Sample Calculations
Calculate the unit power density (connected load), from lamp manufacturers data, the power input of 70W metal halide lamp
= 81.5 Watts.
OSRAM Philippines
DiaLux Light@work
FUMACO Incorporated
RELUX 1 (Version 2.4 and 3.0) DiaLux
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