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Chap-3 IC Engines

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Part A Duration (hrs)

1. Energy and steam 7
2. Turbines 7
3. Internal combustion engines 6
4. Refrigeration and air conditioning 6

Part B
5. Lathe and drilling machine 7
6. Milling and grinding machine 7
7. Joining processes, lubrication and bearings 6
8. Power transmission 6

Scheme of examination:
One question to be set from each chapter. Students have to answer any FIVE full
questions out of EIGHT questions, choosing at least 2 questions from part A and 2
questions from part B.

Department of Mechanical Engg


 Introduction
 Internal combustion engine
 External combustion engine
 Classification of internal combustion engines
 Parts of internal combustion engine
 Working of four stroke petrol engine
 Working of four stroke diesel engine
 Two stroke petrol engine.
 Two stroke diesel engine

Department of Mechanical Engg


Any machine, which converts heat energy in to useful mechanical energy, is

known as an engine.

The machines may be a gas turbine, steam turbine, I c engine

All the engines comes under two classifications, they are

i) Internal combustion engine

ii) External combustion engine

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Internal combustion engine:

If the combustion of fuel takes in a cylinder and the heat is converted in to
mechanical energy, is known as internal combustion engine,
Ex Engines of moped, scooter, bikes, cars, bus, trucks etc;

External combustion engine:

If the combustion of fuel takes place in a combustion chamber and the heat
energy is taken to a machine through pipe line there the heat energy is
converted in to mechanical energy is known as external combustion
Ex, gas turbine and steam engine

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Internal combustion engines are classified according to

1) According to thermodynamic cycle

i) Otto cycle ii) Diesel cycle iii) Dual combustion cycle

2) According to number of strokes

i) Two stroke ii) Four stroke

3) According to number of cylinders

i) Single cylinder engine
ii) Multi cylinder engine

4) According to method of ignition

i) Spark ignition (petrol)
ii) Compression ignition (diesel)

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5) According to type of fuel used
i) Petrol ii) Diesel iii) Gas iv) Bio fuel

6) According to position of cylinder

i) Horizontal engine
ii) Vertical engine (car, bus, truck engines)
iii) Vee engine
v) Opposed cylinder engine

7) According to method of cooling

i) Air cooling ii) Water cooling iii) Liquid cooling

8) According to speed of engine

i) Slow speed engine ii) Medium speed engine iii) High speed
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 Cylinder,

 Head,

 piston,

 piston rings connecting rod and

 crankshaft.

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Parts of internal combustion engine
 Cylinder
 The cylinder is designed to with stand high

gas pressure. The temperature in the

combustion chamber (cylinder block) will
reach up to 28000 C.
 The cylinder has to be cooled properly

either by air cooling or water cooling.

 In case of air cooled engines fins are

provided around the cylinder block

(Scooter and bikes)
 In water cooled engines water jackets are

provided for the circulation of water to

carry away the heat around the cylinder
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Parts of internal combustion engine

 The head is fitted on the top of the cylinder


 The head is built with two ports, one port,

which allows the charge in to the cylinder
block, is known as inlet port and the second
port that allows the exhaust gases to leave
the cylinder block is known as exhaust port.

 In case of petrol engine spark plug is fitted in

the head, in diesel engines fuel injector is
fitted to inject the diesel into the cylinder

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Parts of internal combustion engine
 The piston is a cylindrical plug, which converts heat
energy into mechanical energy.
 Piston rings
 To maintain sufficient lubricating oil on cylinder
 It is used to maintain a pressure tight seal
between the moving piston and the cylinder wall.
 It conducts heat away from the piston head and
prevent oil from entering the combustion
 Functions of piston are
 i) The piston will act as a seal
 ii) To provide the passage for heat flow from
piston to cylinder block through rings.
 iii) It transmits the force of explosion to the
crankshaft through connecting rod
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Parts of internal combustion engine
Connecting rod:

 The small end of the connecting rod is

connected to the piston and the big end of the
connecting rod is connecting to the crankshaft.

 The connecting rod converts the reciprocating

motion of piston in to rotary motion of

 The connecting rod is made of I-beam cross

section to provide maximum rigidity with
minimum weight.

Department of Mechanical Engg

Parts of internal combustion engine

 The big end of the connecting rod is connected

to the crankshaft.

 The power transmission starts from the


 The crankshaft is rigidly fixed in the crankcase.

 The other end of the crankshaft is connected to a


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Parts of internal combustion engine
 Crankcase is fitted at the bottom of the cylinder

 Two-stroke engine crankcase is properly sealed

and made airtight.

 Four stroke engine crankcase will serve as a

reservoir, filled with sufficient quantity of
lubricating oil.

 This oil lubricates the main bearings of

crankshaft, big end bearings of connecting rod,
lubricates the cylinder liner, piston and piston

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IC Engine Technology:
 Bore: The inside diameter of the engine
cylinder is termed as Bore.

 Stroke: It is the linear distance, measured

parallel to the axis of the cylinder, between
extreme upper and lower positions of the

 Top Dead Centre (TDC):

 TDC in vertical engine is the extreme position
of the piston on the top of the cylinder (head

 The cylinder volume is at a minimum.

 In case of horizontal engine this position is

known as inner dead center (IDC).

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IC Engine Technology:
 Bottom Dead Centre (BDC):
 BDC in vertical engine is the extreme position

of the piston on the bottom of the cylinder.

 The cylinder volume will be maximum.
 In case of horizontal engine, this position is
known as outer dead center (ODC).

 Compression ratio:
 It is the ratio of the volume when the piston is at

BDC to the volume when the piston at TDC.

 Compression ratio = Maximum cylinder
volume / minimum cylinder volume. R = V/Vc
Cylinder volume.

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IC Engine Technology:

 Piston Area (A) It is the cross sectional

area of the cylinder.
 Displacement Volume/Swept volume
(Vs): Volume covered by the piston
between TDC & BDC. It is also called as
stroke volume. Vs = A  L
 Clearance volume (Vc): Volume on the
combustion side of the piston at TDC
 Cylinder volume (V): V = Vs+Vc

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4 Stroke petrol engine
• Cylinder
• Mechanically operated valves
• Inlet valves
• Exhaust valves
• Spark plug
• Connecting rod
• Crank
• Crank shaft

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4 Strokes are

 Suction stroke
Works on the principle of Otto cycle
 Compression stroke

 Power stroke

 Exhaust stroke

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Suction stroke
 The inlet valve (I) opens and air fuel mixture (charge) is sucked into the cylinder.
 The piston moves downwards from top dead center (TDC) till it reaches bottom dead
center (BDC).
 During suction stroke exhaust valve (E) is closed.
 Due to the suction created by the downward motion of the piston, inside of the cylinder
pressure becomes slightly less than atmosphere. Due to the pressure deferential, fresh
charge will enter into the cylinder.

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Compression stroke
 During compression stroke both inlet and exhaust valves are closed.
 In this stroke the piston travels from BDC to TDC.
 When the piston starts moving from BDC to TDC the mixture is
compressed, and the pressure increases in the cylinder.
 The line BC represents the compression stroke.

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Compression stroke

 Before the end of the compression stroke, the spark occurs, this spark
ignites the petrol and air mix.
 The combustion of mixture releases hot gases, which will increase pressure
at constant volume.

The line CD represents increase in the pressure at constant volume.

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Power stroke:

 During power stroke (expansion stroke) both inlet valve and exhaust valve
are in closed position.
 The high-pressure gases produced due to combustion, will exert pressure
on the top face of the piston, the piston moves rapidly in the down ward
direction performs power stroke.

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Exhaust stroke:

 At the beginning of exhaust stroke, the exhaust valve opens, and the
upward movement of the piston pushes the exhaust gases out the cylinder.
 At the end of the exhaust stroke the exhaust valve closes.

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position Compressio
stroke n

Ignition Expansion

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Working of 4 Stroke petrol engine

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Department of Mechanical Engg
The parts of four-stroke diesel engine
 Cylinder,
 Piston, Works on the principle of diesel cycle
 Head,
 Crankcase,
 Connecting rod,
 Crankshaft,
 Fuel injector,
 Inlet and exhaust

Department of Mechanical Engg

Four strokes are

 The piston performs four strokes to complete one cycle. The four different
strokes are
 i) Suction stroke
 ii) Compression stroke
 iii) Power or Expansion stroke

iv) Exhaust stroke.

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Department of Mechanical Engg
2 Stroke petrol engine

 Structure
 Cylinder
 Transfer port
 Inlet port
 Exhaust port
 Spark plug
 Connecting rod
 Crank
 Crank shaft
 Crank case

Department of Mechanical Engg

2 Stroke petrol engine
 One cycle is completed in 2 strokes of the piston (in one revolution of the
 It has only ports at the cylinder walls and has no valves.

 {Suction + compression }---- 1st stroke

 {power + exhaust } ----- 2nd stroke

 The exhaust gases are removed from the cylinder with the help of fresh
compressed charge. This process of removing exhaust gases is called

Department of Mechanical Engg

2 Stroke petrol engine

 To prevent the loss of incoming charge
and helps, for exhausting hot gases
1. Inlet Port: Through this inlet port only,
Fresh charge from the carburetor is
taken into the cylinder.
2. Transfer port: Through this Transfer
port only, fresh charge from the bottom
of the piston is supplied to the cylinder.
3. Exhaust port: The Hot exhaust gases are
pushed out from the combustion
chamber. The cycle beginning at the
point when the piston reaches TDC at
the end of the compression stroke.

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2 Stroke petrol engine

 Intake. The fuel/air mixture is first drawn

into the crankcase by the vacuum created
during the upward stroke of the piston.

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 During the downward stroke the
fuel mixture is compressed in the

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 Compression. The piston then rises,
driven by flywheel momentum, and
compresses the fuel mixture. (At the
same time, another intake stroke is
happening beneath the piston).

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 Power. At the top of the
stroke the spark plug ignites
the fuel mixture. The burning
fuel expands, driving the
piston downward, to complete
the cycle.

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 Transfer/Exhaust. Toward the end of
the stroke, the piston exposes the
intake port, allowing the compressed
fuel/air mixture in the crankcase to
escape around the piston into the main

 This expels the exhaust gasses out the

exhaust port, usually located on the
opposite side of the cylinder.

 Unfortunately, some of the fresh fuel

mixture is usually expelled as well.

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Comparison of 4 stroke & 2 stroke engine

Sl.No. 4 Stroke Engine 2 Stroke Engine

1 The cycle completes in 4 strokes of The cycle completes in 2
the piston (or) in 2 revolution of strokes of the piston (or)
the crankshaft in 1 revolution of the
2 Develops one power stroke in every Develops one power stroke in
2 revolution of the crankshaft one revolution of the
3 Due to more no. of strokes turning Due to lesser no.of strokes,
moment is less uniform and turning moment is more
heavier flywheel is needed uniform and lighter
flywheel is needed

Department of Mechanical Engg

Comparison of 4 stroke & 2 stroke engine
Sl.No. 4 Stroke Engine 2 Stroke Engine
4 Power produced for same size of the Power produced for the same
engine is small due to one power size of the engine is more
stroke in 2 revolutions. due to one power stroke
in 1 revolution.
5 Engine is heavy & bulky Engine is light & compact

6 Lesser cooling & lubrication Greater cooling and

requirement as one power stroke lubrication requirement
is produced in 2 revolution of the as one power stroke is
crankshaft produced in 1 revolution
of the crankshaft
7 Engine contains complicated valves Engine contains simple ports
and value mechanism

Department of Mechanical Engg

Comparison between Petrol & Diesel Engine
Sl.No Details Petrol Engine Diesel Engine

1 Fuel Ignition By spark plug (SI By hot compressed air

Engine) (CI engine)
2 Charge during Air & fuel mixture are Air alone is admitted and
suction stroke admitted fuel is injected
3 Compression Low (6 to 8) High (16 to 20)
4 Fuel admission Through carburetor Through fuel injector

5 Cycle of Otto Cycle Diesel Cycle

6 Weight Light Heavy

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 Specific fuel consumption (SFC):
 Is defined as the amount of fuel consumed by an engine to produce unit power
 It is expressed in kg/MJ or kg/kW-hr.

 Indicated power (IP):

 It is the power produced inside the cylinder and calculated by finding the actual
mean effective pressure.
 Mean effective pressure is found as
 Pm= (s*a)/ l
 Where s -- spring value of the spring used in the indicator
 l – base width of the indicator diagram
 a – area of the actual indicator diagram

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Indicated power of a 4 stroke engine
 Indicated power of a 4 stroke engine
 Pm= mean effective pressure
 L = length of stroke
 A = area of cross section of the cylinder
 N = rpm of the crank shaft
 n = number of cycles per min

Work produced by Mean force acting Piston displacement

piston per stroke / = on piston X
in one stroke
Per cycle
= pm A X L

= pm A L
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Work produced by pm A L
piston per stroke / Per cycle

Work produced by Work produced by X Number of cycles

piston per min = piston per stroke / Per cycle

= pm A L x n = pm A L n

In 4 stroke I c engine one cycle will be completed in two revolutions of the crank Shaft.

Therefore the number of cycles per min will be equal to half the number of revolutions per min

I.e.., n = N/2 Work produced by

piston per min = pm A L N/2 Nm/min

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Work produced by
Indicated power =
piston per sec = (p m A L N)/(2*60) Nm/sec

Indicated power = (pm A L N)/(2*60) joules/ sec or Watt

Indicated power of 2 stroke engine

In 2 stroke engine one cycle will be covered in every revolution of the crank shaft

Therefore number of cycles per minute will be equal to number of revolutions per min

Indicated power = (pm A L n)/(60) joules/ sec or Watt

Department of Mechanical Engg

Brake power

 Certain fraction of indicated power produced inside the cylinder will be

lost due to friction of the moving parts.
 Power at crank shaft is measured by applying brake and therefore called
brake power

Net power available = indicated power – power lost due to friction

at crank shaft

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Brake power

 Let
 W = net load acting on the brake drum (in kg)
 R = radius of the brake drum (in mt)
 N = rpm of crank shaft
 T = torque applied due to net load W on brake drum
= W * R (in kg-m)
= W * g * R ( in N-m)

Brake power = ( 2 π N T) / 60 ( in Watt)

Department of Mechanical Engg

Mechanical efficiency

 it is the efficiency of the moving parts of the mechanism transmitting the

indicated power to the crank shaft.
 It is defined as the ratio of the brake power and the indicated power.

 ηm = Brake power * 100

Indicated power

 ηm = (Indicated power – Friction power) * 100

Indicated power

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Thermal efficiency

 It is the efficiency of conversion of the heat energy produced by the

combustion of the fuel into the power output of the engine.

 ηth = power output * 100

heat energy supplied by the fuel

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The power output to be used in the above equation may be brake power or
indicated power

Brake thermal efficiency ηB th = Brake power * 100

heat energy supplied by the fuel

= ___BP * 100
CV * m

Indicated thermal efficiency η I th = Indicated power * 100

heat energy supplied by the fuel

= ___IP * 100
CV * m
 Where CV = calorific value of the fuel
m = mass of the fuel supplied.

Department of Mechanical Engg

Problem 1

A single cylinder two stroke cycle IC engine has a piston diameter 110 mm
and stroke length 150 mm. The mean effective pressure is 6 bar. If the
crank shaft speed is 1500 rpm, calculate the indicated power of the engine.

Data given: D = 95 mm
L =100 mm Pm= 6 bar N=2000 rpm n = N (since 2

Solution: IP = Pm LAN / 60

IP = 6 x105 x 0.1 x 3.14 x 0.0952 x 2000 / 60 x 4

IP = 14.16 KW
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Problem 2

 The following readings were taken on a 4 stroke IC engine

 Diameter of brake drum = 1m
 Diameter of the rope = 10mm
 Load suspended on the brake drum = 120 kg
 Spring balance reading = 12kg
 Crank shaft speed = 1000 rpm
 Determine the brake power of the engine
 Solution: effective radius = R = radius of brake drum + radius of the rope
 Net load on the brake drum = W =
 Torque applied = T = W x R
 Brake power = 2πNT/60

Department of Mechanical Engg

Problem 3

 A 4 cylinder 4 stroke engine running at 1500 rpm develops and indicator

power of 20 kw. The mean effective pressure is 5 bar . Find the diameter of
the cylinder and the stroke of the piston when the ratio of diameter to
stroke is 0.8.
 Solution

 IP developed per cylinder

 IP = Pm LAN / 60
 D=?
 L=?

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Problem 4
 The following observations were obtained
during a trial on a 4 stroke diesel engine.

 Cylinder dia = 30 cm Find

1. Brake power
 Stroke of the piston = 50 cm
2. Indicated power
 Crank shaft speed = 300 rpm 3. Friction power
 Brake load = 70 kg 4. Mechanical efficiency
 Brake drum dia = 1.5 m 5. Brake thermal efficiency
 Mean effective pressure = 5.5 bar 6. Indicated thermal efficiency
 Diesel oil consumption = 0.1 m3/ min
 Specific gravity of the diesel = 0.78
 C.v. of diesel = 43900 kj/kg

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 Solution:

 1. Brake power
 Torque = w * R =
 BP = 2πNT / 60 =
 2. Indicated power = IP = PmALN / 60
 3. Friction power = IP – BP
 4. ηm= BP/IP
 5. ηB-th =BP/ cv x m
 6. ηI –th = IP / cv x m

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