Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
I.C. Engines
Heat engines are otherwise called Thermal Engines. It is a machine which converts heat energy in to
useful mechanical work. Heat engines develop more than 80% the energy generated in the world.
Heat engines can be broadly classified into two categories
(i) External combustion engine: An engine in which combustion of fuel takes place outside the engine
cylinder is called external combustion engine. These engines are generally called EC engines.
Ex: Steam engines, steam turbines, closed cycle gas turbine etc.
(ii) Internal combustion engine: An engine in which combustion of fuel takes place inside the engine
cylinder is called internal combustion engine. These engines are generally called IC engines.
Ex: Petrol engine, diesel engine, gas engine etc.
The following are the most important ways of classification of I.C. engines:
(i) According to the type of fuel used
(a) Petrol engines: In this type of engines, the fuel used is petrol.
(b) Diesel engines: In this type of engines, the fuel used is diesel.
(c) Gas engines: In this type of engines, the gaseous fuels like natural gas, biogas, are used.
(d) Bi-fuel engines: These engines use a mixture of two fuels.
(a) Vertical engine: In this type of engines, the cylinder is arranged in a vertical position
(b) Horizontal engine: In this type of engines, cylinder is arranged in horizontal position.
(c) Inline engine: In this type of engines, cylinders are arranged in line
(d) Radial engine: In this type of engines, cylinders are arranged along the circumference of a
(e) V-engine: In this type of engines, combination of two inline engines equally set an angle.
(vii) According to the method of cooling
(a) Air cooled engine: In this type of engines, the heated cylinder walls are cooled by
continuous flow of air
(b) Water cooled engine: In this type of engines, water is used for cooling the heated cylinder
1. Cylinder: It is the cylindrical vessel in which the fuel is burnt and the power is developed. It is
considered as heart of the engine. The primary functions of cylinder is
1. To contain the working fluid under pressure and
2. To guide the piston while reciprocating inside the cylinder.
2. Cylinder head: The top end of the cylinder is closed by a removable cylinder head. The cylinder
head consists of two valves 'inlet valve' and 'exhaust valve'.
3. Piston Rings: The rings which are placed in the grooves cut towards top of the piston are called
Piston Rings. There are two set of rings inserted into the groves. They are compression rings and
oil rings.
Compression rings: The compression rings press hard with the cylinder walls forming a tight
seal between the piston and the cylinder. This prevents escaping of the high pressure gases into
the crankcase.
Oil rings: The function of oil rings is to extract the lubricating oil from the cylinder walls and
send it back to oil sump through the holes provided on the piston.
4. Connecting rod: The connecting rod is a link that connects the piston and the crankshaft. Its
function is to convert the reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary motion of the crankshaft.
5. Crank: The crank is a lever with one of its end connected to the connecting rod by a pin joint with
other end connected rigidly to the crankshaft. The other end of the crank is connected to the
crankshaft. The power required for any useful purpose is taken from the crankshaft.
6. Crank case: It encloses the crankshaft and serves as a sump for the lubricating oil.
7. Valves: The valves are control devices that allow the air/fuel to enter into the cylinder and also to
'Inlet valve is the one through which fresh charge (air and fuel or air) enters into the
'Exhaust valve through which the burnt gases are discharged out of the cylinder.
These valves are actuated by means of cams.
9. Cams: It is an element designed to control the movement of both the inlet and exhaust valves.
10. Flywheel: It is a heavy mass of rotating wheel mounted on the crankshaft and is used as an energy
storing device. The flywheel stores energy received during the power stroke and supplies the same
during other strokes.
2.Top dead center (TDC): The extreme position of the piston near to the cylinder head is called 'top
dead center' or 'TDC'.
3.Bottom dead center (BDC): The extreme position of the piston nearer to the crankshaft is called
'bottom dead center' or 'BDC'.
4. Stroke: It is the linear distance travelled by the piston from the TDC to BDC or BDC to TDC.
5. Clearance volume (Vc): It is the volume of cylinder above the top of the piston, when the piston is at the
6. Swept volume or Stroke volume (Vs): It is the volume swept by the piston as it moves from BOC to
TDC or TOC to BDC.
7. Compression ratio: (RC): The ratio of the total cylinder volume to the clearance volume is called
Compression ratio.
Total cylinder volume = Stroke volume (V s) + Clearance volume (V e)
R = Vs+VC
8. Piston Speed: The average speed of the piston is called ‘piston speed’.
Piston speed = 2.L.N where L = Stroke length in m
N = Speed of engine in RPM.
In 4-stroke engines, piston performs four different strokes to complete all the operations of the working
cycle. The four different strokes performed are,
1. Suction stroke
2. Compression stroke
3. Power stroke (Expansion stroke or Working stroke)
4. Exhaust stroke
Each stroke is completed when the crankshaft rotates by 180°. Hence in a 4-stroke engines, four
different strokes are completed through 720° of the crankshaft rotation or 2 revolutions of the
crankshaft based on the type of fuel used.
Note: In 4 Stroke engines, opening and closing of valves during different strokes with respect to piston
position and the rotation of crank is given in the table below.
Position of the
Stroke piston Inlet valve Exhaust valve Crank rotation
Initial Final
Suction TOC BOC Open Close 00 - 1800
Compression BDC TDC Close Close 1800 - 3600
Power TOC BDC Close Close 3600 - 5400
Exhaust BDC TDC Close Open 5400 -7200
The working principle of a 4-Stroke Petrol engine is based on theoretical Otto cycle. Hence it is also
known as Otto cycle engine.
A 4 - Stroke petrol engine performs four different strokes to complete one cycle. The working of
each stroke is shown in the figure.3 and its details are discussed below.
At the beginning of the stroke, piston is in TDC and during the stroke, the piston moves from TDC to BDC.
The inlet valve opens and the exhaust valve will be closed. As the piston moves downwards, suction is
created in the cylinder as a result, fresh air-petrol mixture (charge) is drawn into the cylinder through the
inlet valve. As the piston reaches BDC, the suction stroke completes and inlet valve closes. The suction
stroke is represented by the line AB on P- V diagram as shown in the figure.4.
The expansion of gases is adiabatic in nature and this is shown by the curve DE on P- V diagram. As the
piston reaches the BDC, the exhaust valve opens. A part of the burnt gases escape through the exhaust valve
out of the cylinder due to their own expansion.
(d) Exhaust stroke:
At the beginning of the stroke piston is in BDC and during the stroke the piston moves from BDC to
TDC. The inlet valve is closed and exhaust valve is opened. As the piston moves upward, it forces the
remaining burnt gases out of the cylinder to the atmosphere through the exhaust valve. This is shown by
the line EB and SA on P- V diagram. When the piston reaches the TDC, the exhaust valve closes and
this completes the cycle.
In the next cycle the piston which is at TDC moves to BDC thereby allowing fresh charge to enter the
cylinder and the process continues. The working principle of a 4-stroke diesel engine is based on
theoretical diesel cycle. Hence it is also called diesel cycle engine.
A 4-stroke diesel engine performs four different strokes to complete one cycle of operation. The 4
different strokes are
1. Suction Stroke
2. Compression Stroke
3. Power Stroke (Expansion Stroke or Working Stroke)
4. Exhaust Stroke
The details regarding the working of each stroke is shown in the figure.5. The theoretical diesel
cycle is shown on P- V diagram in the figure 6.
The details regarding the working of each stroke are discussed below.
At the beginning of the stroke piston is in BDC and during the stroke piston moves from BDC to TDC.
Both inlet and the exhaust valves are closed. As the piston moves upwards, air in the cylinder is
compressed to a high pressure and temperature. The compression process is adiabatic in nature and is
shown by the curve BC in P-V diagram. At the end of the stroke, the fuel (diesel) is sprayed into the
cylinder by fuel injector. As the fuel comes in contact with the hot compressed air, it gets ignited and
undergoes combustion at constant pressure. This process is shown by the line CD on PV diagram. At the
point D fuel supply is cutoff. The compression ratio ranges from 16:1 to 20:1.
In the next cycle the piston which is at the TDC moves to BDC thereby allowing fresh air to enter into
the cylinder and the process continues.
In a 2-stroke engine, ports are present in the cylinder in place of valves. The ports are the openings in the
cylinder opened and closed by the movement of piston within the cylinder. There are three ports, namely
1. Inlet port: Through which admitting of charge into the crankcase takes place.
1. Transfer port: Through which the charge is transferred from the crankcase to the cylinder.
2. Exhaust port: Through which the burnt gases are discharged out of the cylinder.
In a 2 - stroke engine, piston performs two different strokes or crankshaft completes one revolution to
complete all the operations of the working cycle.
In these engines there are no suction and exhaust strokes, instead they are performed while the
compression and power strokes are in progress. Based on the type of fuel used, 2-stroke engines are
classified as
Note: The table below shows an opening and closing of the different ports with respect to the
position of the piston within the cylinder.
At the beginning of this stroke, the piston is in the TDC as shown in the figure (a). At this
position, inlet port is opened and hence fresh air petrol mixture enters into the crank case. At this
position, compressed air-petrol mixture present in the cylinder in the previous cycle is ignited by
the spark generated by the spark plug. The combustion of fuel releases hot gases which increases
the pressure in the cylinder. The high pressure gases exert a pressure on the piston and hence the
piston moves from TDC to BDC. Thus piston performs power stroke. The power impulse is
transmitted from the piston to the crankshaft through the connecting rod. This causes the
crankshaft to rotate at high speeds. Thus work is obtained in this stroke.
As the piston moves downwards, it uncovers the exhaust port and hence burnt gases escape
out of the cylinder as shown in the figure (b). As piston moves downwards further, opens the
transfer port and the charge in the crank case is compressed by the underside of the piston as
shown in figure. (b). The compressed charge from the crankcase rushes into the cylinder through
the transfer port as shown in fig. (c). The charge entering the cylinder drives away the remaining
exhaust gases through the exhaust port.
The process of removing the exhaust gases with the help of fresh charge is known as
scavenging. The piston is provided with a projection at its top known as 'deflector'. The purpose
of providing a deflector is to deflect the fresh charge coming through the transfer port to move
towards the top end of the cylinder. By doing this, the fresh charge will be able to drive the entire
burnt gases out of the cylinder.
At the beginning of the stroke, piston is in BDC and it covers the inlet port as shown in the figure
(c) and stops the flow of fresh charge into the crankcase. During the stroke, piston
ascends and move towards TDC. As the piston moves upwards, it closes the transfer port, there
by stopping the flow of fresh charge into the cylinder as shown in figure (d).
Further upward movement of the piston closes the exhaust port and actual compression of the
charge begins. In the mean time, the inlet port is opened and the upward movement of piston
creates suction in the crankcase. Fresh charge enters into the crankcase through the inlet port as
shown in figure (a). The compression of the charge in the cylinder continues till the piston
reaches the TDC. This completes the cycle.
1. Draws a mixture of petrol and air during suction stroke Draws only air during suction stroke.
The carburetor is employed to mix air and petrol in the The injector is employed to inject the fuel at the end of
required proportion and to supply it to the engine during compression stroke.
suction stroke.
3. Compression ratio ranges from 7: 1 to 12:1 Compression ratio ranges from 18:1 to 22:1
The combustion of fuel takes place approximately at The combustion of fuel takes place approximately at
constant volume. constant pressure.
9. These are high speed engines These are low speed engines.
11. The running cost is high because of The running cost is low because of
12. Lighter and cheaper because of low Heavier and costlier because of high
2-Stroke Engine 4-Stroke Engine
Requires two separate strokes to complete one cycle of Requires four separate strokes to complete one cycle of
operation operation
Power is developed for every revolutions of the
2. Power is developed in every revolution of the crankshaft
The inlet, transfer and exhaust ports are opened and The inlet and exhaust are opened and closed by the
closed by the movement of piston itself. valves.
Turing moment is not uniform and hence requires a Turing moment is uniform and hence Requires lighter
heavier flywheel. flywheel.
The charge is first admitted into the crankcase and then The charge is directly admitted in to the engine cylinder
transferred to the engine cylinder. during the suction stroke.
For the same power developed the engine is heavy and F or the same power developed the Engine is light and
bulky. compact.
8. Requires greater lubricant and coolant. Requires lesser lubricant and coolant.
Initial cost is less. Initial cost is more.