AWS 2022 Batch Neha Chaudhary-1
AWS 2022 Batch Neha Chaudhary-1
AWS 2022 Batch Neha Chaudhary-1
Online Round
Two Technical Rounds
1st Technical-OS/LINUX/Coding/Troubleshooting
2nd Technical-Networking & Troubleshooting
Managerial Round
The First Round of the process is the online round which consists of 4 subparts.
1st subpart – Real Time Implementation of Work Environment where graphs regarding server details and other information
is provided and the candidate is given a work flow based on which the candidate must take further decisions on how to
troubleshoot the assigned problem , questions regarding priority assignment and Troubleshooting are the major part of this
2nd Subpart – 20 MCQ’s on Networking Concepts like HTML,TCP/IP and other basic concepts.
3rd Subpart – Adding Information regarding subjects and software's that the candidate is comfortable using with a scale
rating the depth of knowledge in the respective field.(Be honest about the subjects that you select and the scale at which you
rate yourself during this process)
4rth Subpart- Behavioural Questions assessing your problem solving and pressure handling skills based on your
personality (Answer according to amazon’s 16 principle )
No negative marking for any section , the first round is also the most important where most
candidates applying are filtered for the further interviews.(Out of 850+ applicants only 132 where
selected for further rounds and 40(14 ECE and 26 CSE )students where selected for the role)
Technical Round –I (OS)
Suggestion – Make sure you know examples regarding to the protocols you talk about and understand their functioning as questions are based on real time examples and
aren’t direct (tweaked according to a situation)
Other Important Topics for Round-II
Difference between router, switch.
What is a Broadcast Domain?
DNS – detailed explanation. TCP/UDP and why?
Sub netting
Flow/error control
Broadcast domain and collision domain.
Managerial Round
Suggestion – Take your time to come up with a solution in accordance with the question
asked and don’t rush to answer (try talking about situations that are a part of your personal
experience so that you are comfortable talking about it and try talking about your
extracurricular examples than talking about your projects to leave a lasting impression)
IMPORTANT Points for Managerial
A tricky round where your sense of judgement ,communication and how you handle
pressure is tested.
Questions can get personal but don’t fail to answer with confidence as no answer is either
right or wrong but it reflects who you are as a person.
HR manager will be very experienced, so try not to bluff in any part of your answer and be
Don’t be in a hurry to answer the questions. Get involved, understand the scenario you are
being put in, take a deep breathe and prefer a discussions over single line answers.
Make sure to convey that you really want this job and you have worked for it.
Don’t LIE on your resume as most questions during the Managerial Roun d will be from
Points to Remember