Generic Data Center and Network Operations Workplan
Generic Data Center and Network Operations Workplan
Generic Data Center and Network Operations Workplan
Control# Change
Workpaper Template Added in fields from master workpaper template to incorporate IT Risk assessment
Entire Framework Added in control activity and procedure specific notes/considerations, including
identifying which controls and procedures are typically not relevant for lower risk
DCNO.05, DCNO.24 & DCNO.17 Added clarifying notes at top of each control related to relevance of the control.
DCNO.06 Removed "Privileged-level access to network / firewall devices is authorized and
appropriately restricted."
Control Performer(s), Title and Date Obtained Evaluation of Competence and Authority
Note: Consider the IT risk assessment for your Physical access to the data center is reviewed by management on a
engagement to determine the applicability of periodic basis to ascertain that access is granted only to authorized
this control. In many IT environments, the and appropriate individuals.
related risk arising from IT is remote and would
not require further testing of physical security DCNO.20
The network does not adequately prevent Access is authenticated through unique user IDs and passwords or
unauthorized users from gaining inappropriate other methods as a mechanism for validating that users are
access to information systems. authorized to gain access to the system. Password parameters meet
DCNO.05 company and/or professional policies and standards (e.g., password
Note: The nature and extent of network minimum length and complexity, expiration, account lockout).
controls that are relevant for the audit will vary
depending on the entities industry and
technology environment. Consider the IT risk
assessment for your engagement to determine Network is architected to segment web-facing applications from the
the controls that are necessary to address the DCNO.21
internal network, where ICFR relevant applications are accessed.
related risk arising from IT.
On a periodic basis, vulnerability scans of the network perimeter are
DCNO.22 performed by the Network management team who also investigate
potential vulnerabilities.
Control Activity DCNO.05
Access is authenticated through unique user IDs and passwords or other methods as a mechanism for
validating that users are authorized to gain access to the system. Password parameters meet company and/or
Description industry standards (e.g., password minimum length and complexity, expiration, account lockout).
Note: In most environments, authentication to the network is performed through Active Directory. If Active Directory is the network authentication
mechanism in use for the entity, refer to control AD.05 in the Windows / Active Directory workplan.
Inspect evidence to corroborate the design of the control, such as evidence that settings are enforced for an individual user or system-wide.
Design Factor 4: Level of Aggregation and Document considerations of the appropriateness of the levels of aggregation and/or predictability given the risk
Predictability addressed
Design Factor 5: Criteria for Investigation and Document considerations of the appropriateness of the criteria used for investigation (i.e., threshold) and the
Process for Follow-up process for follow-up
Evaluation of Design Conclusion
DCNO.05 Page 3 of 55
Basis for the conclusion on the risk
associated with the control
Test Approach
Dependency on Other Control(s) or Is the control dependent upon other controls or information?
Include a description of the IUC and identify the controls that address the accuracy and completeness of the
IUC, where the IUC is tested and the conclusions reached as a result of that testing. Consider source data,
parameters and report logic.
Information used as Audit Evidence Is the information used as audit evidence to test the control?
Include a description of the IPE and details regarding how it was generated (i.e., who provided the IPE and the
date it was generated). Describe procedures performed to address completeness and accuracy. Consider
source data, parameters and report logic.
Test Procedure Number Operating Effectiveness Test Procedure (Including implementation) Operating Effectiveness Testing Results (including Implementation)
1 Obtain evidence of authentication and security configurations to evaluate if they are configured consistent with
the control design. Consider the following attributes when performing testing:
• Password length;
• Password complexity (i.e., contain a combination of letters, numbers, or special characters);
• Passwords change interval (e.g., every 30-90 days);
• Password history is enabled to prevent re-use of passwords;
• Failed login lockout.
2 For any default accounts, test that the default password has been modified.
3 For any privileged-level shared, generic, service, and/or vendor accounts that may not follow the automated
password configuration, test the manual controls to enforce password settings (e.g. password vaulting, periodic
password change etc)
Interim Operating Effectiveness Conclusion
Roll-Forward (RF)Testing
RF Testing Approach
Test Procedure Number Roll-Forward Test Procedure Roll-Forward Testing Results
DCNO.05 Page 4 of 55
RF Test Procedure 1 Inquire with the process owners and/or control owners on the following:
- The status of deficiencies identified at interim, including new or modified controls to respond to the deficiencies
- Significant changes to control performers, existing processes, or IT systems supporting the control.
RF Test Procedure 2
RF IPE Procedures Identify and describe test procedures performed over IPE at RF.
RF Mitigating Procedures If applicable, perform mitigating procedures for any deviations/deficiencies identified during RF testing or for
open interim deficiencies.
Final Operating Effectiveness Conclusion
Evaluation of Deficiencies
Deficiencies noted:
Deficiency Description (if applicable)
DCNO.05 Page 5 of 55
Control Activity DCNO.10
Network / firewall changes are appropriately tested reviewed and approved before being moved implemented
Description into the production environment.
Inspect evidence to corroborate the design of the control, such as evidence of that a change applied during the period was tested and approved by management.
Design Factor 4: Level of Aggregation and Document considerations of the appropriateness of the levels of aggregation and/or predictability given the risk
Predictability addressed
Design Factor 5: Criteria for Investigation and Document considerations of the appropriateness of the criteria used for investigation (i.e., threshold) and the
Process for Follow-up process for follow-up
Evaluation of Design Conclusion
Dependency on Other Control(s) or Is the control dependent upon other controls or information?
Include a description of the IUC and identify the controls that address the accuracy and completeness of the
IUC, where the IUC is tested and the conclusions reached as a result of that testing. Consider source data,
parameters and report logic.
Information used as Audit Evidence Is the information used as audit evidence to test the control?
Include a description of the IPE and details regarding how it was generated (i.e., who provided the IPE and the
date it was generated). Describe procedures performed to address completeness and accuracy. Consider
source data, parameters and report logic.
DCNO.10 Page 6 of 55
Recommended Tools to obtain data N/A
Tools used to obtain data
Test Procedure Number Operating Effectiveness Test Procedure (Including implementation) Operating Effectiveness Testing Results (including Implementation)
1 Obtain a system generated list of changes for the audit period, determine appropriate sample size, and make a
selection of changes. For each of the selected changes, test for the following attributes:
• The change was reviewed and/or backout plans were created prior to implementation.
• The change was approved by management before being installed on the server.
Note: Please note that network changes typically follow the same change control process as operating system
changes. If that is the case at your client, you may be able to test network and operating system changes in one
sample as a common control. Please follow the common control guidance in the Internal Control Guide.
Roll-Forward (RF)Testing
RF Testing Approach
Test Procedure Number Roll-Forward Test Procedure Roll-Forward Testing Results
RF Test Procedure 1 Inquire with the process owners and/or control owners on the following:
- The status of deficiencies identified at interim, including new or modified controls to respond to the deficiencies
- Significant changes to control performers, existing processes, or IT systems supporting the control.
RF Test Procedure 2
RF IPE Procedures Identify and describe test procedures performed over IPE at RF.
RF Mitigating Procedures If applicable, perform mitigating procedures for any deviations/deficiencies identified during RF testing or for
open interim deficiencies.
Final Operating Effectiveness Conclusion
Evaluation of Deficiencies
Deficiencies noted:
Deficiency Description (if applicable)
DCNO.10 Page 7 of 55
Control Activity
Note: Consider if the the entity is using the application for scheduling relevant jobs when making a determination as to whether this control is
applicable. Furthermore, this control is not typically tested for lower risk environments (such as when there are a small number of financial relate
jobs, and the relevant interfaces are already addressed by direct controls).
Inspect evidence to corroborate the design of the control, such as reviewing a user who has access to the job scheduling software and determing the access
commensurate with job responsibilities.
Roll-Forward (RF)Testing
RF Testing Approach
Test Procedure Number
RF Test Procedure 1
RF Test Procedure 2
RF IPE Procedures
RF Mitigating Procedures
Evaluation of Deficiencies
Deficiencies noted:
Deficiency Description (if applicable)
Reference to evaluation of deficiencies over
internal control (e.g., form 2342(S))
Only authorized users have access to update the batch jobs (including interface jobs) in the job scheduling
is using the application for scheduling relevant jobs when making a determination as to whether this control is
control is not typically tested for lower risk environments (such as when there are a small number of financial related
s are already addressed by direct controls).
erstand the controls related to access to job scheduling. Specifically, consider obtaining an understanding of the following
he design of the control, such as reviewing a user who has access to the job scheduling software and determing the access is
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the purpose of the control and correlation to the IT risk
Control Owner(s) - Document considerations of the appropriateness of authority and competence of the process
owner(s) to perform the control, including consideration of segregation of duties (as applicable)
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the levels of aggregation and/or predictability given the risk
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the criteria used for investigation (i.e., threshold) and the
process for follow-up
Include a description of the IUC and identify the controls that address the accuracy and completeness of the
IUC, where the IUC is tested and the conclusions reached as a result of that testing. Consider source data,
parameters and report logic.
Include a description of the IPE and details regarding how it was generated (i.e., who provided the IPE and the
date it was generated). Describe procedures performed to address completeness and accuracy. Consider
source data, parameters and report logic.
Note: When testing generic accounts, identify the purpose of the account and determine if there is a business
need to require such access. If there is interactive access to the account, test if the account password is
appropriately restricted. For any users not already tested in attributes A-B, test the appropriateness of their
access. If the passwords are controlled through a password vault or other mechanism, test the applicable
controls to ensure account passwords are secured.
s Conclusion
Refer to the Summary worksheet for the evaluation of the competence and authority for individuals or groups
performing the control.
Operating Effectiveness Testing Results (including Implementation)
Note: Consider if the the entity is using the application for scheduling relevant jobs when making a determination as to whether this control is
applicable. Furthermore, this control is not typically tested for lower risk environments (such as when there are a small number of financial relate
jobs, and the relevant interfaces are already addressed by direct controls).
Inspect evidence to corroborate the design of the control, such as evidence of resolution of a recent job failure.
Roll-Forward (RF)Testing
RF Testing Approach
Test Procedure Number
RF Test Procedure 1
RF Test Procedure 2
RF IPE Procedures
RF Mitigating Procedures
erstand how critical systems, programs, and/or jobs are monitored, and processing errors are corrected to ensure successful
obtaining an understanding of the following attributes, as appropriate:
ce for job scheduling and monitoring;
es for failed jobs (including expectations for timeliness of resolution);
o demostrate resolution for failed jobs;
ools that are used;
a defined for investigation.
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the purpose of the control and correlation to the IT risk
Control Owner(s) - Document considerations of the appropriateness of authority and competence of the process
owner(s) to perform the control, including consideration of segregation of duties (as applicable)
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the levels of aggregation and/or predictability given the risk
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the criteria used for investigation (i.e., threshold) and the
process for follow-up
Include a description of the IUC and identify the controls that address the accuracy and completeness of the
IUC, where the IUC is tested and the conclusions reached as a result of that testing. Consider source data,
parameters and report logic.
Include a description of the IPE and details regarding how it was generated (i.e., who provided the IPE and the
date it was generated). Describe procedures performed to address completeness and accuracy. Consider
source data, parameters and report logic.
s Testing (This includes a test of implementation)
Obtain a system generated list of job statuses or failures. Based on the risk associated with the control and
frequency of changes, make a selection of job statuses or failures and test the following attributes:
Job Monitoring - Option 1: (This option applies when we make a sample of days and test the job status for those
• Job ran successfully without errors;
• In case of error, an alert was generated, appropriate personnel notified, and corrective action taken to resolve
the error.
Job Monitoring - Option 2: (This option applies when we make a sample of tickets/cases from a population of job
• Corrective action was taken to resolve the error in a timely manner
Job Monitoring - Automated Control: (This test attribute may or may not be applicable, depending upon the
client's technologies. Likely need to combine with another test attribute that pertains to resolution of the error.)
• The system automatically creates a ticket and alerts management when a job fails/abends
Based on the frequency and risk of management's job monitoring reviews, select a sample of reviews and
obtain evidence to test for the following attributes:
• The job monitoring information used in performance of the control was complete and accurate;
• The review was performed per the frequency required by management;
• The individuals performing the job monitoring control were appropriate based on their defined roles within the
• The review was performed completely and evidence existed that demonstrated appropriate follow-up actions
were taken.
s Conclusion
Refer to the Summary worksheet for the evaluation of the competence and authority for individuals or groups
performing the control.
Operating Effectiveness Testing Results (including Implementation)
Note: When multiple relevant applications are relevant to the audit, practitioners may apply a risk based approach to testing this control with
consideration of the related data within each application. For example, it may be appropriate to focus procedures on applications containing the
general ledger, assuming that relevant data from other source systems is transferred on a daily basis. Furthermore, this control is not typically
tested for lower risk applications.
Design Factor 4: Level of Aggregation and Document considerations of the appropriateness of the levels of aggregation and/or predictability given the risk
Predictability addressed
Design Factor 5: Criteria for Investigation and Document considerations of the appropriateness of the criteria used for investigation (i.e., threshold) and the
Process for Follow-up process for follow-up
Evaluation of Design Conclusion
Dependency on Other Control(s) or Is the control dependent upon other controls or information?
Include a description of the IUC and identify the controls that address the accuracy and completeness of the
IUC, where the IUC is tested and the conclusions reached as a result of that testing. Consider source data,
parameters and report logic.
DCNO.17 Page 22 of 55
Information used as Audit Evidence Is the information used as audit evidence to test the control?
Include a description of the IPE and details regarding how it was generated (i.e., who provided the IPE and the
date it was generated). Describe procedures performed to address completeness and accuracy. Consider
source data, parameters and report logic.
Test Procedure Number Operating Effectiveness Test Procedure (Including implementation) Operating Effectiveness Testing Results (including Implementation)
1 Obtain evidence of the automated backup schedule for each relevant database or location containing relevant
financial data. Inspect the the configuration to test that backups of financial data are scheduled to occur
according to policy.
Interim Operating Effectiveness Conclusion
Roll-Forward (RF)Testing
RF Testing Approach
Test Procedure Number Roll-Forward Test Procedure Roll-Forward Testing Results
RF Test Procedure 1 Inquire with the process owners and/or control owners on the following:
- The status of deficiencies identified at interim, including new or modified controls to respond to the deficiencies
- Significant changes to control performers, existing processes, or IT systems supporting the control.
RF Test Procedure 2
RF IPE Procedures Identify and describe test procedures performed over IPE at RF.
RF Mitigating Procedures If applicable, perform mitigating procedures for any deviations/deficiencies identified during RF testing or for
open interim deficiencies.
Final Operating Effectiveness Conclusion
Evaluation of Deficiencies
Deficiencies noted:
Deficiency Description (if applicable)
DCNO.17 Page 23 of 55
Control Activity DCNO.18
Backup processes are monitored for successful execution, and failures are escalated and corrected to ensure
Description data is usable and available for retrieval and restoration if needed.
Note: Teams may choose to test the preventive configured control over the job schedule (DCNO.17) instead of this detective control. Additionally, if
backup monitoring is performed in a common process with job scheduling, teams may choose to test backup monitoring simultaneously with job
monitoring as a common control. Note that backup controls are not typically tested for lower risk applications.
Design Factor 4: Level of Aggregation and Document considerations of the appropriateness of the levels of aggregation and/or predictability given the risk
Predictability addressed
Design Factor 5: Criteria for Investigation and Document considerations of the appropriateness of the criteria used for investigation (i.e., threshold) and the
Process for Follow-up process for follow-up
Evaluation of Design Conclusion
Dependency on Other Control(s) or Is the control dependent upon other controls or information?
Include a description of the IUC and identify the controls that address the accuracy and completeness of the
IUC, where the IUC is tested and the conclusions reached as a result of that testing. Consider source data,
parameters and report logic.
DCNO.18 Page 24 of 55
Information used as Audit Evidence Is the information used as audit evidence to test the control?
Include a description of the IPE and details regarding how it was generated (i.e., who provided the IPE and the
date it was generated). Describe procedures performed to address completeness and accuracy. Consider
source data, parameters and report logic.
Test Procedure Number Operating Effectiveness Test Procedure (Including implementation) Operating Effectiveness Testing Results (including Implementation)
1 Make a sample of management's backup monitoring reviews and obtain evidence to test the following attributes:
Backup Monitoring - Option 1: (This option applies when we make a sample of days and test the backup status
for those days)
• Backup ran successfully without errors;
• In case of error, an alert was generated, appropriate personnel notified, and corrective action taken to resolve
the error.
Backup Monitoring - Option 2: (This option applies when we make a sample of tickets/cases from a population
of backup errors/abends)
• Corrective action was taken to resolve the error.
Backup Monitoring - Automated Control: (This test attribute may or may not be applicable, depending upon the
client's technologies. Likely need to combine with another test attribute that pertains to resolution of the error)
• The system automatically creates a ticket and alerts management when a backup job fails/abends.
Roll-Forward (RF)Testing
RF Testing Approach
Test Procedure Number Roll-Forward Test Procedure Roll-Forward Testing Results
RF Test Procedure 1 Inquire with the process owners and/or control owners on the following:
- The status of deficiencies identified at interim, including new or modified controls to respond to the deficiencies
- Significant changes to control performers, existing processes, or IT systems supporting the control.
RF Test Procedure 2
RF IPE Procedures Identify and describe test procedures performed over IPE at RF.
DCNO.18 Page 25 of 55
RF Mitigating Procedures If applicable, perform mitigating procedures for any deviations/deficiencies identified during RF testing or for
open interim deficiencies.
Final Operating Effectiveness Conclusion
Evaluation of Deficiencies
Deficiencies noted:
Deficiency Description (if applicable)
DCNO.18 Page 26 of 55
Control Activity DCNO.19
Physical security mechanisms are in place to appropriately restrict access to data centers and computer rooms
Description to personnel who require access to perform their assigned duties.
Note: Consider the IT risk assessment for your engagement to determine the applicability of this control. In many IT environments, the related risk
arising from IT is remote and would not require the identification and testing of physical security controls.
Inspect evidence to corroborate the design of the control, such as evidence that the data center/computer room is restricted to appropriate personnel.
Design Factor 4: Level of Aggregation and Document considerations of the appropriateness of the levels of aggregation and/or predictability given the risk
Predictability addressed
Design Factor 5: Criteria for Investigation and Document considerations of the appropriateness of the criteria used for investigation (i.e., threshold) and the
Process for Follow-up process for follow-up
Evaluation of Design Conclusion
Dependency on Other Control(s) or Is the control dependent upon other controls or information?
Include a description of the IUC and identify the controls that address the accuracy and completeness of the
IUC, where the IUC is tested and the conclusions reached as a result of that testing. Consider source data,
parameters and report logic.
Information used as Audit Evidence Is the information used as audit evidence to test the control?
Include a description of the IPE and details regarding how it was generated (i.e., who provided the IPE and the
date it was generated). Describe procedures performed to address completeness and accuracy. Consider
source data, parameters and report logic.
DCNO.19 Page 27 of 55
Recommended Tools to obtain data N/A
Tools used to obtain data
Test Procedure Number Operating Effectiveness Test Procedure (Including implementation) Operating Effectiveness Testing Results (including Implementation)
1 Perform a physical walkthrough of the data center to observe the physical security mechanisms that are in place
to restrict access to the data center / computer room. During the walkthrough evaluate whether a physical
security device is in place and operating to restrict access to the data center (e.g., badge reader, pin pad,
biometric scanner, etc.).
Roll-Forward (RF)Testing
RF Testing Approach
Test Procedure Number Roll-Forward Test Procedure Roll-Forward Testing Results
RF Test Procedure 1 Inquire with the process owners and/or control owners on the following:
- The status of deficiencies identified at interim, including new or modified controls to respond to the deficiencies
- Significant changes to control performers, existing processes, or IT systems supporting the control.
RF Test Procedure 2
RF IPE Procedures Identify and describe test procedures performed over IPE at RF.
RF Mitigating Procedures If applicable, perform mitigating procedures for any deviations/deficiencies identified during RF testing or for
open interim deficiencies.
Final Operating Effectiveness Conclusion
Evaluation of Deficiencies
Deficiencies noted:
Deficiency Description (if applicable)
DCNO.19 Page 28 of 55
Control Activity DCNO.20
Physical access to the data center is reviewed by management on a periodic basis to ascertain that access is
Description granted only to authorized and appropriate individuals.
Note: Consider the IT risk assessment for your engagement to determine the applicability of this control. In many IT environments, the related risk
arising from IT is remote and would not require the identification and testing of physical security controls.
Design Factor 4: Level of Aggregation and Document considerations of the appropriateness of the levels of aggregation and/or predictability given the risk
Predictability addressed
Design Factor 5: Criteria for Investigation and Document considerations of the appropriateness of the criteria used for investigation (i.e., threshold) and the
Process for Follow-up process for follow-up
Evaluation of Design Conclusion
Dependency on Other Control(s) or Is the control dependent upon other controls or information?
Include a description of the IUC and identify the controls that address the accuracy and completeness of the
IUC, where the IUC is tested and the conclusions reached as a result of that testing. Consider source data,
parameters and report logic.
DCNO.20 Page 29 of 55
Information used as Audit Evidence Is the information used as audit evidence to test the control?
Include a description of the IPE and details regarding how it was generated (i.e., who provided the IPE and the
date it was generated). Describe procedures performed to address completeness and accuracy. Consider
source data, parameters and report logic.
Test Procedure Number Operating Effectiveness Test Procedure (Including implementation) Operating Effectiveness Testing Results (including Implementation)
1 Make a selection of the documentation reviewed by management and test the following attributes:
• Data center access review included a complete and accurate population of users;
• Review was properly documented and performed at the appropriate level of detail;
• Review was performed by appropriate management personnel;
• Data center access was appropriately modified in a timely manner for users flagged as exceptions during the
2 Obtain a list of users that have access to the data center. For each user identified, test the following attributes:
• Access privileges are authorized and appropriate for user’s assigned duties based on inquiries with the
management (indicate the individual validating access)
• Access privileges are authorized and appropriate for user’s assigned duties based on inspection of their job
function in the Information Systems organizational chart (include reference)
Roll-Forward (RF)Testing
RF Testing Approach
Test Procedure Number Roll-Forward Test Procedure Roll-Forward Testing Results
RF Test Procedure 1 Inquire with the process owners and/or control owners on the following:
- The status of deficiencies identified at interim, including new or modified controls to respond to the deficiencies
- Significant changes to control performers, existing processes, or IT systems supporting the control.
RF Test Procedure 2
RF IPE Procedures Identify and describe test procedures performed over IPE at RF.
RF Mitigating Procedures If applicable, perform mitigating procedures for any deviations/deficiencies identified during RF testing or for
open interim deficiencies.
Final Operating Effectiveness Conclusion
DCNO.20 Page 30 of 55
Evaluation of Deficiencies
Deficiencies noted:
Deficiency Description (if applicable)
DCNO.20 Page 31 of 55
Control Activity
Note: This control is not typically tested for lower risk environments where there are no web facing (or external facing) applications used to perfo
transactions with external parties through a public network.
Inspect evidence to corroborate the design of the control, such as a system diagram for the network and sample configurations showing firewalls are configu
to segment network traffic.
Roll-Forward (RF)Testing
RF Testing Approach
Test Procedure Number
RF Test Procedure 1
RF Test Procedure 2
RF IPE Procedures
RF Mitigating Procedures
Evaluation of Deficiencies
Deficiencies noted:
Deficiency Description (if applicable)
erstand the how the network is segmented. Specifically, obtain an understanding of the following:
and if web-facing applications are present related to ICFR.
orks are segmented;
ork of key firewalls to segment traffic;
e restricted from accessing the internal network to limit in-bound internet traffic.
he design of the control, such as a system diagram for the network and sample configurations showing firewalls are configured
Control Owner(s) - Document considerations of the appropriateness of authority and competence of the process
owner(s) to perform the control, including consideration of segregation of duties (as applicable)
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the levels of aggregation and/or predictability given the risk
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the criteria used for investigation (i.e., threshold) and the
process for follow-up
Include a description of the IUC and identify the controls that address the accuracy and completeness of the
IUC, where the IUC is tested and the conclusions reached as a result of that testing. Consider source data,
parameters and report logic.
Include a description of the IPE and details regarding how it was generated (i.e., who provided the IPE and the
date it was generated). Describe procedures performed to address completeness and accuracy. Consider
source data, parameters and report logic.
Identify if traffic for selected devices is based upon a least security principle. For a sample of network firewall
devices, obtain evidence of the firewall configurations to determine if appropriate rules are in place to prevent
unauthorized traffic from entering into the internal network from the Internet.
Additionally, inspect the rules to identify that a rule allowing any traffic over any port in or out of the firewall is
Note: In many environments the last rule in the configuration will be a default deny for any traffic on any port that
does not match a rule defined within the configuration.
s Conclusion
Refer to the Summary worksheet for the evaluation of the competence and authority for individuals or groups
performing the control.
Operating Effectiveness Testing Results (including Implementation)
Note: This control is not typically tested for lower risk environments where there are no web facing (or external facing) applications used to perfo
transactions with external parties through a public network.
Inspect evidence to corroborate the design of the control, such as evidence that a recent vulnerability scan of the network perimeter was performed.
Roll-Forward (RF)Testing
RF Testing Approach
Test Procedure Number
RF Test Procedure 1
RF Test Procedure 2
RF IPE Procedures
RF Mitigating Procedures
Evaluation of Deficiencies
Deficiencies noted:
Deficiency Description (if applicable)
erstand the controls related to vulnerability scanning. Specifically, consider obtaining an understanding of the following
ulnerability scanning, including personnel responsible and the frequency of the scanning process;
ork segments included within the scanning;
otential vulnerabilities and the method in which follow-up and resolution is documented;
uch as low, medium and high) and the method in which each is investigated;
he design of the control, such as evidence that a recent vulnerability scan of the network perimeter was performed.
Control Owner(s) - Document considerations of the appropriateness of authority and competence of the process
owner(s) to perform the control, including consideration of segregation of duties (as applicable)
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the levels of aggregation and/or predictability given the risk
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the criteria used for investigation (i.e., threshold) and the
process for follow-up
Include a description of the IUC and identify the controls that address the accuracy and completeness of the
IUC, where the IUC is tested and the conclusions reached as a result of that testing. Consider source data,
parameters and report logic.
Include a description of the IPE and details regarding how it was generated (i.e., who provided the IPE and the
date it was generated). Describe procedures performed to address completeness and accuracy. Consider
source data, parameters and report logic.
s Conclusion
Refer to the Summary worksheet for the evaluation of the competence and authority for individuals or groups
performing the control.
Operating Effectiveness Testing Results (including Implementation)
Note: This control is not typically tested for lower risk environments where there are no web facing (or external facing) applications used to perfo
transactions with external parties through a public network.
Inspect evidence to corroborate the design of the control, such as evidence that a recent alert from the intrustion detction system was resolved.
Evidence used to corroborate the design of the control
Design Factor 1: Appropriateness of the
Purpose of the Control and its Correlation to the
Roll-Forward (RF)Testing
RF Testing Approach
Test Procedure Number
RF Test Procedure 1
RF Test Procedure 2
RF IPE Procedures
RF Mitigating Procedures
Evaluation of Deficiencies
Deficiencies noted:
Deficiency Description (if applicable)
erstand the controls related to intrusion detection systems. Specifically, consider obtaining an understanding of the following
lert generation in the intrusion detection systems, including personnel responsible and the frequency of the alerting process
he design of the control, such as evidence that a recent alert from the intrustion detction system was resolved.
design of the control
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the purpose of the control and correlation to the IT risk
Control Owner(s) - Document considerations of the appropriateness of authority and competence of the process
owner(s) to perform the control, including consideration of segregation of duties (as applicable)
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the levels of aggregation and/or predictability given the risk
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the criteria used for investigation (i.e., threshold) and the
process for follow-up
Include a description of the IUC and identify the controls that address the accuracy and completeness of the
IUC, where the IUC is tested and the conclusions reached as a result of that testing. Consider source data,
parameters and report logic.
Include a description of the IPE and details regarding how it was generated (i.e., who provided the IPE and the
date it was generated). Describe procedures performed to address completeness and accuracy. Consider
source data, parameters and report logic.
s Conclusion
Refer to the Summary worksheet for the evaluation of the competence and authority for individuals or groups
performing the control.
Operating Effectiveness Testing Results (including Implementation)
Note: This control is not typically tested for lower risk environments where there are no web facing (or external facing) applications used to perfo
transactions with external parties through a public network via a VPN.
Inspect evidence to corroborate the design of the control, such as reviewing a user log into the VPN using two-factor authentication or configuration of the tw
factor authentication.
Roll-Forward (RF)Testing
RF Testing Approach
Test Procedure Number
RF Test Procedure 1
RF Test Procedure 2
RF IPE Procedures
RF Mitigating Procedures
Evaluation of Deficiencies
Deficiencies noted:
Deficiency Description (if applicable)
lly tested for lower risk environments where there are no web facing (or external facing) applications used to perform
ies through a public network via a VPN.
erstand the controls related to configuring encryption and two factor authentication for VPN access. Specifically, consider
e following attributes, as appropriate:
ations, including individuals responsible for configuring the VPN;
authentication is configured;
o a single source of authentication for users or whether VPN password authentication is controlled by the VPN server / device.
he design of the control, such as reviewing a user log into the VPN using two-factor authentication or configuration of the two-
Control Owner(s) - Document considerations of the appropriateness of authority and competence of the process
owner(s) to perform the control, including consideration of segregation of duties (as applicable)
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the levels of aggregation and/or predictability given the risk
Document considerations of the appropriateness of the criteria used for investigation (i.e., threshold) and the
process for follow-up
Include a description of the IUC and identify the controls that address the accuracy and completeness of the
IUC, where the IUC is tested and the conclusions reached as a result of that testing. Consider source data,
parameters and report logic.
Include a description of the IPE and details regarding how it was generated (i.e., who provided the IPE and the
date it was generated). Describe procedures performed to address completeness and accuracy. Consider
source data, parameters and report logic.
If password authentication is one of the factors, perform one of the following based upon the configuration:
a) If VPN authentication is tied to single sign-on, obtain evidence of the configuration of the VPN server / device
showing the source that authentication is tied and perform testing over the password parameters for that source.
b) Obtain the password parameters configured on the VPN server / device and test each parameter for the
following attributes:
• Password parameters are configured in accordance with the company policy
Note that two factor authentication requires two items from the following categories: what you know
(knowledge), what you have (ownership), and/or who you are (inherence).
s Conclusion
Refer to the Summary worksheet for the evaluation of the competence and authority for individuals or groups
performing the control.
Operating Effectiveness Testing Results (including Implementation)