Interview Questions With Sample Answers: STAR Answer Technique
Interview Questions With Sample Answers: STAR Answer Technique
Interview Questions With Sample Answers: STAR Answer Technique
Here are a few common interview questions and examples of answers you might use when
discussing your experience and knowledge related to network administration.
1. How has your previous network administration position prepared you for this
This question allows you to explain your previous work experience as a network administrator.
For entry-level candidates or those with other professional experience, you can explain what you
have done to prepare for this job. Otherwise, you can describe the major factors you learned from
your previous network administration job that led you to apply for this position.Example: "I
gained extensive experience in both workgroups and domains at my previous job. Getting an
understanding of both of these types of network administration has prepared me for any type of
network administration, and I understand both the server-to-client setup as well as the individual
system level."
Your answer to this question shows how you overcame an obstacle on the job. Select one or a
few challenges you have faced in your previous network administrator positions, and use the
STAR answer technique to explain the situation you experienced, the task you needed to do, the
action you took and the result that occurred.Example: "There was a time when an outside source
was attempting to phish our network. I was working with the security team inside our network
administration department, and some of our staff were managing different protocols than the rest
of us. I brought the team together and explained the correct protocol to use, and we managed the
security of our network properly."
There are a variety of certifications you can receive in network administration, including
CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Security+, CompTIA A+, Cisco CCNA, Cisco CCNP,
Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate and Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert. Having one or
more of these certifications can help show the interviewer your experience and expertise in a
variety of network administration duties.In your answer, consider listing the certifications you do
have and explain how you use them on the job. If you lack certification, you can explain the
training you have received or the experience you have in the network administration field in
addition to expressing your interest in pursuing certification in the future.Example: "I have a
Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate certification and plan to obtain the Microsoft Certified
Solutions Expert certification. My previous jobs have provided training that has prepared me for
these certification examinations as well as the tasks that I've completed in network
administration."Related: Benefits of Microsoft Certification Training
This question tests your extensive knowledge about security protocols in the network
administration and network security fields. If you are pursuing a job in security within a network
administration department, understanding what an intrusion detection system is can show the
interviewer that you understand more about security administration. You can also explain a
situation in which you worked with this system to further demonstrate your familiarity.Example:
"An intrusion detection system, or IDS, is similar to an anti-virus program. A network IDS will
look for anomalies in a network and will display a security report when anomalies are found."
Knowing the answer to this question is essential for the interviewer to believe you understand the
position you are applying for. Aside from your general knowledge, your response can provide
insight into how much you know about the difference between switches and hubs.Example:
"Switches and hubs look roughly the same on the outside and are used to create a network. The
most noticeable difference is the way each handles connections. A hub will broadcast all data to
every port, whereas a switch creates connections dynamically. Switches raise less concern for
security and reliability."
Your answer to this question helps the interviewer understand your knowledge about network
access and the variety of authentication techniques that can be used. The most important part of
your answer might include the need for two-factor authentication for increased security.Example:
"I believe two-factor authentication is needed for any network access. A network could use a
variety of authentication factors, including passwords, PINs, security questions, tokens, email
authentication and biometric scans. Increased security networks can use three-factor
authentication when needed."
An interviewer might ask this question to allow you to explain your previous work experience in
the network administration field. Use this question to craft an answer that shows what tools and
approaches you enjoy and what you might utilize in your potential position.Example: "I enjoy
network monitoring and infrastructure management and have used many different tools that help
manage both of these and more. I've used Idera for most network administration tasks, but Lab
Tech is my favorite because of the dashboard customization features.
A group of computers linked together for sharing resources is called a computer network. The
primary resource shared on the network is the internet. In this advanced technology world, there
are none who have never utilized the internet. So, it makes sense to learn computer networking
and start your career in the networking domain.
Sometimes, it could be a little scary about what topics to cover to ace the networking job
interviews in one go. We have collected the best network administration interview questions to
simplify your interview preparation. To fuel your practice, go through these easy-to-read top
network security interview questions and answers in 2024.
We have categorized Network Administrator Interview Questions into different levels they are:
For Freshers
For Experienced
Advanced Level
1. Explain FTP?
2. Explain SSH?
3. Describe Mesh Topology?
4. What is Appletalk?
6. What is IPX?
9. Explain Sneakernet?
A Network is defined as a set of devices linked to each other using a physical media link. In
other words, a network is an interlinked group of similar things like computers, devices, people,
etc. The below diagram represents a network:
2. What is HTTP?
HyperText Transfer Protocol or HTTP is the primary protocol for glossy web content. Most
webpages utilize this protocol for transmitting their web content and enabling the display and
navigation of the links or “hypertext.” While HTTP can use various carrier protocols from
system to system, the primary protocol and port utilized is TCP port 80.
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3. Explain FTP?
File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is one of the main inherent protocols that must be retired. FTP is
mainly designed as large file transfers, which can resume downloads if disrupted. We can access
the FTP server through two different techniques: standard login and anonymous access. Both are
the same; besides, anonymous access does not need the active user login, while the standard
login does. FTP utilizes TCP ports 21 and 20. The following image gives you a detailed
explanation of File Transport Protocol:
4. What is HTTPS?
Secure HTTP or HTTPS is used for designing identity verification. HTTPS utilizes SSL
certificates to verify whether the server you are connecting to is the one it says. While HTTPS
has an encryption capability, it is generally considered insufficient; moreover, encryption
methods are required whenever possible. HTTPS traffic goes on TCP port 433.
Physical Layer
Data-Link Layer
Network Layer
Transport Layer
Session Layer
Presentation Layer
Application Layer
7. Explain SSH?
Secure Shell or SSH is well-known to Linux users but has the main deal that can be used. SSH is
designed to create a secure tunnel between the devices, whether switches, systems, toasters,
thermostats, etc. SSH also has the unique ability to tunnel other programs using it, the same as
the VPN concept, so even programs or insecure programs running on unsecured connections can
be utilized in a secure state if appropriately configured. SSH runs on TCP port 22.
8. Explain UDP?
UDP is a connectionless protocol. UDP messages include packets that are transmitted one by
one. It also verifies the integrity at arrival time. It is not connection-oriented; thus, the program
can send a lot of packets to other packets.
9. What is TCP?
TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. It reads the data as a stream of bytes and sends the
message to fragment boundaries. TCP messages go through the internet from one system to
another. TCP rearranges data packets in a particular order. It does error checking and makes
error recovery. It also utilizes handshake protocols like ACK, SYN, and SYN-ACK.
The mesh topology has a distinct topology in which each network system connects to another
system. It builds a point-to-point(P2P) connection between all the network devices. It provides a
high level of redundancy, so even if a single network cable fails, data still have a substitute path
for reaching its destination. Following are the different kinds of mesh topology:
Almost every device is connected similarly to a complete topology in this topology. The only
contrast is that few devices are linked with two or three.
Full Mesh topology:
Every device or node is directly linked with each other in this topology.
Related Article: "Linux Operating System Introduction"
The IP address is the numerical label allocated devices to devices linked to the computer network
that utilizes the IP for communication. IP addresses serve as identifiers for the particular machine
on the web. Classful addressing is the network addressing the internet’s architecture from 1981
till Classless Inter-Domain routing was released in 1993. This addressing method classifies the
IP address into five separate classes. Classes A, B, and C provide the address for the networks of
three unique network sizes. Class D is utilized for multicast, and Class E is detached exclusively
for experimental purposes.
ICMP is Internet Control Message Protocol. Like UDP and TCP, it is the element of the IP suite
and utilizes IP port number 1. Most users will identify names using tools like traceroute and ping
since this is the protocol that these services run, among other things. The primary use of ICMP is
to tell the systems when they try to connect remotely if the other end is available.
A firewall is a network security device that filters and monitors the outgoing and incoming
traffic per the enterprise’s previously used security policies. A firewall is a barrier that settles
between the private internal network and the public internet. The firewall's primary purpose is to
allow non-threatening traffic in and maintain dangerous traffic out. The following diagram gives
a graphical representation of Firewall:
14. What is Appletalk?
AppleTalk is the networking protocol used in Apple Macintosh computers and networking
devices to interact with each other that was released in 1984. In 2009, with the introduction of
macOS, the Appletalk protocol was replaced by TCP/IP.
A Proxy Server is the system or the router that offers the gateway between the users and internet.
It is the server, known as an “intermediary,” because it goes between web pages and end-users,
they visit online. When the computer links to the internet, it utilizes the IP address. So, it enables
us to stop cyber attackers from entering into a private network. The below diagram tells you how
a proxy server works:
The Network Layer handles switching, routing, and transmitting the data from one point to
another; this layer is also accountable for packet sequencing and handling.
A subnet mask is the 32 bits address used to distinguish between the network and host addresses
in the IP address. It identifies which part of the IP address is the network address and host
address. They are not displayed in the data packets traversing the internet. They maintain the
destination IP address, which the router will match with the subnet. We have two kinds of Subnet
masks, they are:
Default Subnet mask: It is the number of the bits which is reticent y address class. We
can accommodate a single network subnet in a relative class through this default subnet
Custom Subnet Mask: The administrator can specify a Custom Subnet Mask for
An IDS(Intrusion Detection System) is a system that monitors the network traffic for suspicious
activity and issues an alert when such action is found. It is the software application that scans the
network or the system for policy breaching and harmful activities. Intrusion Detection System
has two approaches: 1) Network Intrusion Detection System and 2) Host Intrusion Detection
Domain Name System is the Phonebook of the Internet. Humans access information online using
domain names like and Web browsers communicate using internet
protocol addresses. DNS converts domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load internet
resources. Every device connected to the internet has a separate IP address that other machines
use for finding the services.
Internetwork Package Exchange(IPX) is the networking protocol that performs affairs and
activities of the end-to-end process of managed and secured data. Initially, IPX was used by the
Novell NetWare operating system, and later Windows adopted it. Since they displaced NetWare
LANs, they are extensively used on the networks deploying the Microsoft Windows LANs.
A workgroup is a group of systems with rules and local user logins linked to that specific system.
A domain is a collection of systems with a centralized authentication server that tells them the
rules. While the workgroups work efficiently in small numbers, once you send the relatively low
threshold, it becomes more challenging to handle permissions and share efficiently.
The Tracert diagnostic utility determines the route to the destination by transmitting Internet
Control Message Protocol(ICMP) echo packets to the destination. In these packets, TRACERT
utilizes varying IP Time-To-Live(TTL) values.
HTTP refers to the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol utilized by almost all websites for transmitting
data, enabling us to use hyperlinks. The HTTP protocol utilizes TCP port 80, while HTTPS is the
secure version of HTTP. HTTPS enables us to verify the identity and low-level encryption
through TCP port 443.
The maximum length of UTP cable allowed is 90 to 100 meters for one segment collection. is the loopback IP Address. If you ping this IP address and finish successfully, it
indicates that your hardware is fine. While troubleshooting the network connection issues, we
use it for testing the Network Interface Card for functionality.
30. What is IPCONFIG?
IPCONFIG is a command used to determine the TCP/IP settings. DNS, Subnet Mask, Default
Gateway, and DJCP configuration. It can also be used for changing the Local DHCP settings; for
example, ipconfig/renew and /release…
Rather than visiting every client computer to configure the static IP address, the network
administration applies the dynamic host configuration protocol for creating the pool of the IP
addresses known as the scope that we can dynamically allocate to the clients.
Timing: What time will the data be transmitted, and how rapidly will it be shared?
Sneakernet is the initial version of networking where the data is physically transported through
removable media like tapes and disks.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, or the IEEE, is an organization consisting
of engineers who handle and issue the standards for electronic and electrical devices. It contains
networking devices, cablings, networking interfaces, and connectors.
36. What are the different technologies used in establishing WAN links?
A large amount of network contains hardware. Problems in these areas can vary from broken
NICs, malfunctioning hard drives, and hardware startups. Invalid hardware configuration is also
one of those problems we can look into.
IP addresses are displayed in the form of a series of four decimal members that are separated by
dots or periods. Another term for this organization is the decimal-dotted format. One example is
CSMA/CA, or Collision Avoidance, will first broadcast the intent to send before the data
transmission.CSMA/CD, or Collision Detect, retransmits the data frames whenever a collision
An Anti-virus should be installed on all the workstations and servers to ensure security. That’s
why individual users can use any workstation. You can utilize their removable flash drives or
hard drives.
41. When we move NIC cards from one PC to another, does the MAC address
get transferred as well?
Yes, because MAC addresses are hard-wired into NIC circuitry, not PC. It also indicates that the
PC can have a different MAC address when another one displaces the NIC card.
43. Can two PCs be connected for file sharing without using a router or hub?
Yes, you can connect two PCs using a single cable. A crossover cable can be utilized in this
situation. In this setup, the data transmitter will pin one cable linked to the data receive pin of
another cable, and conversely.
A straight-through cable connects the computers to the router, hub, or switch. A crossover table
connects two similar devices, like PC to PC or Hub to Hub.
45. What are the maximum networks and hosts in Class A, B, and C networks?
Class A has 126 possible networks and 16,777 214 hosts. For Class B, there are 16,384 possible
networks and 65,534 hosts. For Class C, there are 2,097,152 possible networks and 254 hosts.
Before going to an interview, study different protocols and terms about network administration,
which will help you display to the interviewer that you have the knowledge required for that
position. For an efficient answer, you can tell your real-time experience in which you carried out
these tasks successfully.
The Network Administrator's role is to ensure the steady operation of computer networks. It
contains developing, planning, configuring, installing, optimizing, and supporting all the network
software, hardware, and communication connections.
Following are some of the essential skills required for a Network Administrator:
Analytical skills
No, networking is not a hard career. Organizations across different industries need computer
networking professionals to build, secure and troubleshoot their computer systems. Although
computer networking is challenging, you only need good training and real-time experience.
8. What are the three essential skills of an administrator?
Along with the frequently asked questions, a network administration interview will also include
networking basics like networking protocols, topologies, networking devices, etc.
Be comfortable while giving answers. If you make a blunder, don’t allow it to affect the
remaining interview. You will be able to answer the remaining questions, and the interviewer
will forgive a single mistake. When something goes wrong, move on and concentrate on the rest
of the interview.
Demonstrating your passion for networking and experience working with protocols and
topologies, you can tell why you are the right candidate for that position.
The technical interview process may take a number of weeks and include multiple rounds. After
the preliminary round, you may meet with managers and HRs in the coming weeks or days. So,
you should be ready for a lengthy interview.
Employers say that students are concerned about the technical interview and have not thought
through answers to general questions like “why are you interested in this job” or “Tell me about
yourself.” So, prepare to answer the general interview questions along with the technical
The networking field offers you different roles like Network Engineer, System Engineer,
Network Architect, Support Engineer, and Network Administrator. Among all the job roles,
businesses of all scales need skilled network administrators to keep their systems working
smoothly. So, job security is guaranteed for those who want to become network administrators.
But, proper interview preparation and cracking job interview is the key to achieving the job. For
that reason, we have brought these 45 most frequently asked Network Administrator interview
questions that include all the core concepts of network administration and will help you assess
your knowledge. I hope these top Network Security interview questions and answers for 2023
are sufficient to ace the job interviews; if you have any queries, let us know by commenting in
the below section.