Unit 1: Biodiversity
Unit 1: Biodiversity
Unit 1: Biodiversity
in Grade 8, you learned about the concept of species, the classification of organisms using the
hierarchical taxonomic system, and the advantage of high biodiversity in maintaining the stability
of an ecosystem.
In Grade 9, you will explain the importance of biodiversity, find out how changes in the
environment may affect species extinction and relate species extinction to the failure of
populations of organisms to adapt to abrupt changes in the environment
Biodiversity is a word that describes the
variety and richness of life on Earth. It
includes all the living things, from plants and
animals to bacteria and fungi, that exist in
different habitats and ecosystems.
Several different populations may be found in a community. A population of one kind may
affect a population of another land within the community
Diversity of Index
A diversity index is a way to measure how many different types
of entities (such as species) are present in a dataset (such as a
community), and how evenly they are distributed. There are
different ways to calculate a diversity index, depending on what
aspects of diversity are of interest.
When a species' population becomes so low that cry a
few remain the species is considered endangered and
will possibly become extinct
Several different populations may be found in a community. A population of one kind may
The Philippines, like many other regions, faces challenges related to biodiversity loss
and the threat of extinction for several species. Some animals in the Philippines that are
close to extinction include:
• Philippine Eagle- One of the largest and rarest eagles in the world, the Philippine
Eagle is critically endangered due to habitat loss and hunting.
• Philippine Tarsier -This small primate is threatened by habitat destruction and the
pet trade, leading to a decline in its population.
• Philippine Crocodile- This crocodile species is critically endangered primarily due to
A population is defined as a group of individuals of the same species living and
habitat loss, hunting, and accidental capture in fishing gear.
interbreeding within a given area. Members of a population often rely on the same resources,
are subject to similar environmental constraints, and depend on the availability of other
members to persist over time.
Several different populations may be found in a community. A population of one kind may
Imagine your day – from turning on a light to using your computer. Each of these
activities involves using natural resources, things from the environment that make
our lives work. But, are we being smart about it? Will these resources last?
Sometimes, changes we make to the environment happen accidentally. Think about
building houses or farms – it means clearing land, which affects plants and
animals. And it can lead to pollution and other problems. , it's important to learn
about the environmental issues around us, both local and global. Understanding
these issues helps us make better choices, so we can use our resources wisely and
make sure they'll be around for a long time. But for now, we would need to discuss
the issues.
One of the country's environmental problems is the rapid rate at which trees
are cut down. Did you encounter the same problem in your community? In
the Philippines, the major causes of deforestation are:
• Housing Projects
• Illegal logging
• Typhoons
• Forest fires
As a consequence of cutting down tress, the
following effects could take places
• soil erosion
• floods
• decrease in wildlife resources that will eventually
lead to extinction
Wildlife Depletion
As human population gets bigger, huge space is needed for
shelter, for growing crops, and for industries.
Deforestation is one of the major causes of the
disappearances of wildlife species.
Wildlife Depletion
What happens to animal populations that are driven away
from their natural habitat?