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Adult learning is a formal and informal system of education for
older and nature person. It is carried out on a part time basis, and it
is entirely voluntary. It involves a conscious effort towards
developing the individual capabilities of adults by public or private
Structured learning that typically takes place in an education or training institution, usually
with a set curriculum and carries credentials,
Learning that is organized by educational institutions but non credential. Non-formal
learning opportunities may be provided in the workplace and through the activities of civil
society organizations and groups
Informal education

Learning that goes on all the time, resulting from daily life activities related to work,
family, community or leisure (e.g., community baking class)

Adult education is instructional and related support services for adults who are
not enrolled in secondary school; who lack the educational foundation
expected of a high school graduate; and whose inability to speak, read, and/or
write the English language effectively impairs their ability to function on the

• Malcolm Shepherd Knowles (1913-1997)

Was an American educator well known
for the use of the term Andragogy as
synonymous to the adult education.
According to Malcolm Knowles,
andragogy is the art and science of
adult learning, thus andragogy refers
to any form of adult learning.
- The term andragogy can be supposedly
equivalent to the term pedagogy. Andragogy in Greek means
a man-leading in comparison to pedagogy.


 INVOLVED ADULT LEARNERS: -Adults need to be involved in the planning and evaluation of
their instruction. 

 ADULT LEARNERS EXPERIENCE: - Experience (including mistakes) provides the basis for
the learning activities.

 PROBLEM-CENTERED: -Adult learning is problem-centered rather than content oriented.

 RELEVANCE & IMPACT TO LEARNERS' LIVES-Adults are most interested in learning

subjects that have immediate relevance and impact to their job or personal life.
Need of Adult Learning: -
• To enlarge the cultural span of the individuals. For healthy recreation and relaxation.
Properly planned program of social education will provide.
• Political consciousness and civil participation.
• Social efficiency and cooperation.
• Economic betterment and self-sufficient.
• For promotion purposes.
• For skill development.
• Make our economy grow and develop
• Ensure that their children develop a love of learning and take full advantage of

• Actively participate in their own communities and civil society Support and
respect people with different cultural beliefs and abilities
• Respect and protect the environment for future generations
• Nurture creativity and imagination
• Live healthy and fulfilled lives
• Personal development
• Professional development
• Confidence booster
Scope of Adult learning in Nursing
Changing social trends: -As the trend is changing at a faster pace it helps to keep an
individual updated with the new technology.
Population mobility: -It helps the migrating population to adapt themselves with the new
Changing roles of hospital: -The hospitals are not only concerned with the providing
medical treatment they are also engaged in other activities like research. This helps the
individual to take-up new challenges and roles.
Health statistics: -Adult learning helps in updating an individual's knowledge regarding
various health related aspects, e.g., mortality, morbidity, crude birth rate, specific rates, and
other rates and ratios.
Adult education in India
Adult Education aims at extending educational options to those adults, who
have lost the opportunity and have crossed the age of formal education, but
now feel a need for learning of any type, including literacy, basic education
equivalency, skill development (Vocational Education) and Continuing
the objective of promoting adult education, a series of program were
introduced since the First Five Year Plan, the most prominent being the
National Literacy Mission (NLM), launched in 1988 to impart functional
literacy to non-literates in the age group of 15-35 years in a time bound
manner. By the end of the 10th Plan period, NLM had made 127.45 million
persons literate
A centrally sponsored scheme ‘Saakshar Bharat’ was
implemented during 2009-10 to 2017-18 to raise literacy rate to
80%, reduce gender gap to 10% and minimize regional and social
disparities, with focus on Women, SCs, STs, Minorities and other
disadvantaged groups. All those districts that had female literacy
rate below 50% as per census 2001 including Left Wing
Extremism affected districts, irrespective of their literacy level,
were covered under the scheme.
During the implementation of Saakshar Bharat scheme, against
the overall target of making 7 crore adult non-literates as literates,
around 7.64 crore learners, having passed the biannual Basic
Literacy Assessment Tests conducted by National Institute of
Open Schooling (NIOS) between August, 2010 to March, 2018,
were certified as literates.
Adult Education and National Education Policy-2020

National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 was launched on 29.07.2020. It has

recommended that “Strong and innovative government initiatives for adult
education - in particular, to facilitate community involvement and the smooth
and beneficial integration of technology will be affected as soon as possible to
expedite this all-important aim of achieving 100% literacy.
NEP-2020 has components of Adult Education
• foundational literacy and numeracy.
• critical life skills (including financial literacy, digital literacy, commercial
skills, health care and awareness, child care and education, and family
• vocational skills development (with a view towards obtaining local
• basic education (including preparatory, middle, and secondary stage
• continuing education (including engaging holistic adult education courses
in arts, sciences, technology, culture, sports, and recreation, as well as
other topics of interest or use to local learners, such as more advanced
material on critical life skills).
New India Literacy Program (NILP)

• Government-approved a new scheme “New India Literacy Programme”

for the period FYs 2022-2027 to cover all the aspects of Adult Education
to align with National Education Policy 2020. Further, as a progressive
step, the government has also decided to use the term
• “Education For All” in place of “Adult Education.” This is because the
terminology “Adult Education” is not incorporating appropriately all non-
literates of 15 years and above age group.

• critical life skills (financial literacy, digital literacy, commercial skills,

health care and awareness, childcare and education, and family welfare)
• vocational skills (with a view towards obtaining local employment); 
• basic education (including preparatory, middle, and secondary stage
• continuing education (including engaging holistic adult education
courses in arts, sciences, etc and recreation, as well as other topics of
interest or use to local learners).
• Personal growth and development: individual self-actualization and wish to promote
individual growth. 
• Social improvement: gaining new knowledge and skills to improve your personal or
career situation.
• Organizational effectiveness: This happens when an employer or another type of
organization (e.g., community group, charity, etc.)
sponsors learning activities so that members, employees, volunteers, etc. can reach
organizational goals.
• Intellectual Development: - It is about how individuals organize their minds, ideas, and
thoughts to make sense of the world they live in.
•  Social transformation: -Education transforms both societies and people in a particular
direction by shaping and reshaping their patterns of thoughts, means of problem solving
and ways of life.

• Needs assessment.
• Safety in the environment and process.
• Sound relationship between teacher and learner and among learners. Sequence of content
and reinforcement.
• Praxis, which mean action with reflection or learning by doing.
• Respect for learner as decision-maker.
• Involve cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects of learning.
• Immediacy of learning.
• Clear roles and role development.
• Teamwork and use of small groups.
• Engagement of learner in what they are learning.
• Accountability how do they know.
Characteristics of Adult learning
• Adults are autonomous and self-directed: - They need to be free to direct themselves,
their teachers must actively involve adult participants in learning process and serve as
facilitators for them.
• Adults are goal oriented: As the adult wants to attain, sense of appreciate adult learning.
• Adults have accumulated a foundation of life experiences and knowledge that may include
work- related activities family responsibilities and previous education. 
• Adults are relevancy oriented: So, they must see a reason for learning something, every
individual have their own personal and professional objectives and they only try to
increase their learning horizons in these particular objectives by directing them towards
these objectives.

• Adults are practical, focusing on the aspects of a lesson must be useful to them in
their work: They may not be interested in knowledge for its own sake. Instructions must
tell participants explicitly how the lesson will be useful to them on job.
• Adults needs to be shown respect: Adults are people with years of experience and a
wealth, have established values, believes and opinion. Hence, they need to be respected.
• Adults tend to have a problem centered orientation to learning: Emphasize how
learning can be applied in a practical setting. Use case studies, problem, solving groups
and participatory activities to enhance learning.
• Self-direction: Adult have a deep need to be self-directed and motivated to have
effective learning.

 Too many people think that because they have attained a certain age, they are too old to
be educated. This is not true; as long as you are alive, there is still a lot that you can
achieve. Studying might be tough, but many adult education programs take that into
 Getting a higher education is never a bad idea. The latter years still count for something.

 By the content or complexity of an adult education program, you can tell if it is

something you can do or not. However, if you are the type who really wanted to do that
course, you would not let it make any difference to you if it were complex or not.

 Sometimes your lack of a diploma can hold you back

professionally, at that time adult learning is very
 Adult learning helps in updating the knowledge.
It helps in improving professional growth and also in
It helps in maintaining the interest during the work period.
  Factors /Elements that Influence the adult learning

 Preparing the learners: If the learners are well prepared for the adult learning, then it will be easy in
conducting the adult learning. 
 Climate setting: The environment and the physical set-up should be appropriate, so that it can be done
 Mutual setting: Sometimes for particular learning topics help of other department is also needed. So in
that case it should be managed properly. For example, if the learning program is decided to taught on
projector and by use of other machines, instruments then there should be in the collaboration of the
 Identification of learning needs: As the aim of adult learning is to improve the knowledge in that field
in which learner is no efficient but need to be efficient, and learning program is provided on any other
topic which is of no use in one's profession. Then that learning is not fulfilling the objectives of adult
 Formation of learning objectives: Before the adult learning there should be
setting of the objectives so that effectiveness can be maintained
 Learning plan design: Learning plan of teaching makes the teaching program
fruitful and decreases the chance of time wastage.
 Learning plan execution: For every making learning plan execution is must,
because it shows that learning plan is appropriate or not. So that after implementing
the plan there should be no hindrance in learning and teaching process. 
 Evaluation: Evaluation is done in for checking the effectiveness of the teaching-
learning program. So, if it is not performed properly, then it is difficult to assess the
extent of learning by learners.

Adult learning and education as a tool to contain pandemics: The

COVID-19 experience
Henrique Lopes and Veronica McKay Published online 2020 Jun
In combating pandemics, more can be gained by changing citizens’ behaviours than
by relying solely on the medical route. In the current COVID-19 pandemic, the
struggle to contain the outbreak and push back new infection figures will ultimately
be won by training citizens how to avoid creating secondary transmission chains. The
COVID-19 pandemic highlights the relationship between individual behaviour and
group risk. Mass training of all social strata of a country’s entire population is
therefore critical in mitigating the pandemic. The authors of this article argue that
adult learning and education (ALE) can play a pivotal role particularly in countries
where average literacy levels are low, as these are usually the same countries in which
healthcare systems are more fragile.
This article explains why ALE, especially the promotion of health literacy as part
of ALE (which is itself part of lifelong learning), is necessary to enable individuals
to make informed health-related decisions. Research has shown that low- or non-
literate individuals are less responsive to health education, less likely to use disease
prevention services, and less likely to successfully
manage chronic disease than literate citizens. The authors refer to the evaluation of
the health literacy aspect of a large-scale adult literacy campaign launched in South
Africa in 2008 which has yielded measurable outcomes and proved that the
intervention had enabled adults to better understand health messages. They stress
the importance of populations having at least a basic level of literacy and numeracy
skills to enable them to receive and act on vital information during a pandemic or
disaster. They argue that ALE should in fact be understood as an inherent element
of every national emergency strategy, both in terms of prior preparation for
possible future emergencies (such as pandemics, earthquakes, tornados, flooding,
bushfires etc.), and in terms of reaction to a given emergency such as the current
COVID-19 pandemic.
• Unless the adults realize the importance of
education the would never understand the
need to educate the children .education is
one of the stepping stone for building a
strong nation .hance there is a need for
promoting adult education on a large scale in
the country as a whole

• Today we have discussed about adult education

definition, principal of adult, Adult learning
theory-Andragogy of Malcolm Knowles, purpose
and adult education in india and there factor.
1. Bhaskar Nima and Bhaskara raj Elakkuvana. Textbook of nursing education.
EMMESS medical publishers, 1" edition.2013. page no- 323-26.
2. KP Neerja, Textbook of Nursing Education New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2003
3. Jaspreet kaur sodhi.comprehensive textbook.jaypee brothers,new delhi:1st
edition .
4. https://elearninginfographics.com/adult-learning-theory-andragogy-infographic/

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